• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,343 Views, 12 Comments

Topsy-Turvy - Strono Starr

What happens when you wake up to find that you're a pony? Only... Everyone else is Human?

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What Sorcery is This?!

Ow... my head. That must have been some party last night. I feel as though something ripped me out of my body and put me in again. Well, I suppose that it is time to wake up now.
I groggily opened my eyes and took a look at my surroundings. It really must have been crazy at that party, because I was in a park, and I had no idea where to go to get home. As a matter of fact, this doesn't look like any part of town that I have ever seen. And it's not that big of a town. Maybe I'm in some sort of tourist attraction? That would explain all of the technicolor cottages and overly fluffy looking clouds.

As I tried to stand up I was, instead met with a loss of balance and hit the floor with my head.

"Ow. That didn't feel too good." I muttered to myself as I lifted a hoof to my head and- Wait. HOOF?! I sprang up in a panic, only to face-plant on the floor again. I tried sitting back against a wall for support as I examined my new found...eh... transformation. I took a good while to try and find a logical solution as to why this occurred so I could deal with it calmly... and when that didn't work, I promptly flipped out.

During the whole ordeal of my panic I fell over many, many, many.... many... I think you get the idea. I also muttered a great deal of words that I don't feel fit to repeat.

Once I got over the initial shock, I tried standing up again. Only more slowly. Once I had gotten the hang of that, I tried walking. And after several more face-plants, I had gotten the hang of it. After the satisfaction of learning how to walk subsided, I managed to put two and two together and I realized where I must be. Sweet son of a blueberry muffin... I must be in Equestria! Excitedly, I looked around... Only to find that there was no pony around. In fact, it looked to be early in the morning.

Well, that's no problem. I'll just go find some pony I know... Twilight maybe. She seems like the early bird type... or at least she'd probably be up all night studying... something or another.
As I continued down the street, I began to take notice that all the doors were rather large compared to me. Great, I must be short. Oh well, I dealt with it as a human, I can deal with it as a pony. But... these doors are absolutely HUGE! The nobs are a good three inches over my head. Maybe the ponies had to stand on their hind legs to open it... That seems rather tedious. But who am I to judge their ways?

The sun was slowly crawling it's way up into the sky, so I figured that every pony would start waking up and heading out into the day. Maybe I can ask one of them where to find the library, because I have no idea where I'm going. I'm just hoping that finding a giant tree in the middle of town would be easy. Apparently that's not the case.
Suddenly, I heard some chatter coming from behind a door.

"Ya ya, mom. I'll make sure to let miss Cheerily have the note. See ya." and then a girl, maybe eight or nine opened the door with a backpack in tow and started off down the street. My heart did a flip. That girl was no pony. but a full on human. A person. A homosapien. Granted her hair was a weird color, but still! That makes no sense! If there are humans here, then why in hay's name am I a pony?! Okay... Okay... Let's not panic... maybe she's the only one? maybe I was just hallucinating! ya... that makes sense. I mean, I must be insane, right? Right? RIGHT?! Okay... Calming down... I took in a deep breath and started walking down the street, only a little more stealthily...

CRASH! oops, I seem to have knocked over a trashcan. I quickly looked both ways, looking for a place to hide, when a man with bright red hair that had a streak of orange came out of the house yelling something along the lines of "Stupid dog!" and threw one of his shoes at me. I, having not yet learned to run, was forced to walk quickly away from the man as he cursed and began picking up his garbage. First contact with a civilization outside of my world, check.
I spent the greater part of the day dodging from shadow to shadow trying to avoid the gaze of the people in town. Although, I was able to learn that despite their new appearances, they seem to have kept their names from the show. At least now I was sure I was in Equestria.

I looked around a corner and I couldn't believe my eyes. There, maybe a block away was Twilight's library! It was amazing! I couldn't believe it! The single largest tree house that I had ever seen! I would have ran straight to it, if I... you know... knew how to run...So, instead, I had ducked and weaved under carts and things, completely ignoring the confused expressions coming from the people that I had passed. Once I had reached the door, I reached out to the brass knocker that hang from the upper half... But, to my dismay, I was too short, and I didn't want to risk standing on my back legs to reach it.
I can do this. I just have to use my head...