• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,344 Views, 12 Comments

Topsy-Turvy - Strono Starr

What happens when you wake up to find that you're a pony? Only... Everyone else is Human?

  • ...

Rainbow's Cool Mode of Transportation and a Brief Talk With a Turtle

My master plan is all made out! I smiled happily as Rainbow and I walked down the road to wherever it was that she was taking me. She had said something about "flying up to her home once she could find a runway," whatever that meant. Eventually, we found a long strip of road that seemed to lead out a forest.

"Ah, this will work nicely," Rainbow said, with a gleeful smirk. She reached toward her fanny pack and unzipped it, taking out what looked like two miniature clouds that had a strap made of cloud. she took the clouds and strapped them onto the bottom of her shoes. Rainbow floated up about an inch which forced her to have to try and regain her balance. I sat there, jaw dropped as I tried to comprehend what was happening before my eyes.

"What?" she asked after seeing the look I was giving her, "Oh, I get it. A horse can fly, but when a person straps on her clouds and gets ready for take off, all sense leaves the room. Seems a little racist on your part, Strono." And, after leaving me with that passive aggressive insult, she turned to face the road and began moving forward the same way one might use roller skates. eventually she got enough speed built up and, started gaining altitude. once she got high enough, she straightened out her body and started flying superman style. This place just got about twenty percent cooler (I do not regret this joke.)

"You coming or what?" she called as she hovered in the air above me. I realised that I had been standing here like an idiot during her take off, and shook my head to clear it of the shock and spread my own wings and took to the air. Once I was in the air, Rainbow dashed off at breakneck speed in the direction of where I'm guessing her house was. I flapped my wings as fast as they could go, and I was barely able to keep up with her. she, having noticed my inability to keep up, slowed down to an easier to maintain pace.

"You're not as fast as I thought you'd be," she said with a trace of a pout, "I figured you would be a good racing buddy... oh well." she sighed, "You're still a flying horse, so you're still cool in your own way, I guess." Oh, you. We continued flying until we arrived at a small group of clouds. 'why did we stop?' I wondered to myself. Rainbow Dash answered my question by pulling a thin looking cloud out of the way, revealing what was actually a decent looking living room. How she got a couch up here, and not have it fall through the floor is beyond me, but who am I to complain?

"Home sweet cloud," Rainbow said, tossing off her skates, which flew over and hung themselves on a rack. Neat. "Well, what now?" Rainbow asked almost to herself. She glanced at her watch, which had randomly started blinking.
"Tell ya what," Rainbow suddenly turned to me, causing me to jump, "I need to go and clear the skies, just got a call, and you can hang here with my good buddy, Tank."

'Like an Abram?' I wondered, rather stupidly, to myself. Rainbow put her fore and middle fingers into her mouth and gave a whistle, "Tank! I have someone for you to meet!" she called. "He'll be a minute..." Rainbow said, but I didn't hear that part. I was a tad too busy being collapsed on the floor in agony. Is this how dogs feel when you use a dog whistle?! My ears rang because of the pitch of the sound. The sound was amplified by the fact that my ears are larger so I can pick up even more of the sound.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow knelt next to me, "What happened?" I slowly got up off of the ground, ears still ringing, and looked at her accusingly. She was about to say something else, when a turtle flew into the room and interrupted her by bumping into her head. Who else can fly in this place? The fish? Wait...

"Hey there, Tank." Rainbow rubbed her knuckle on his head, as if to mess his hair, had he had any, "This is Strono, he's going to hang here while I go and take care of a few cloud patrol things. I shouldn't be too long." Rainbow strapped on her cloud skate deals again and walked to the door, paused, turned towards us, gave us a two fingered wave and jumped out into the sky. Dump the turtle on me and fly away... I see how it is.

"Hello there." Tank said sluggishly, "It's nice to meet you." he slowly extended a...er... foot to me and i touched my hoof to it. "Rainbow has talked a bit about you," he continued, "wouldn't stop talking about how fun it was going to be to have a race with someone other than the other weather patrol members."

"Explains why she sounded disappointed when she found out I wasn't a fast flier." I sighed. I felt a little bad that she had expected me to be some ultrasonic flier and I turned out to be a slug. A devilishly handsome slug, but a slug nonetheless.

"Well, that's a shame. But at least she gets to-" He got interrupted by Rainbow opening the door loudly as she walked in with an annoyed huff.

"Can't believe those lazy jerks! One cloud! They couldn't just hover out there and kick it themselves. Instead it's 'Hey! look at that one cloud that's like ten feet from the HQ! Better call Rainbow on the emergency channel.'" She sighed as she threw her shoes back to their spot.

“Sorry about that. But at least I wasn't gone too long. So, what were you two doing while I was out?” She inquired. Is it just me, or is asking someone a question that they cannot respond to rude? I feel it is, so your opinion is irrelevant anyways, dear reader. Oh, speaking of irrelevant, I do believe I had a master plan all nice and formulated. I’ll need some stuff to make it happen, and I think I know who will be perfectly willing to help me. With this in mind, I ran towards a desk and grabbed a pen and paper and began writing something out.

“What are you up to?” Rainbow asked in an asking fashion. I held up the paper in my mouth for her to see. (Did you know that paper does not taste as pleasant as dogs make it look?) As she looked over my note, I watched as her expression changed from one of bored curiosity, to one of confusion, to one of speculation, then to one of devilish mischief. I think I found a partner.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long! My life kind of exploded. But, I have finished gluing it together, so things should move at a much less exploded pace.