• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,344 Views, 12 Comments

Topsy-Turvy - Strono Starr

What happens when you wake up to find that you're a pony? Only... Everyone else is Human?

  • ...

Of Wings and Sunhats

"Wakey wakey!" A voice called me, "we have to go and meet everyone at Sugarcube Corner!” Five more minutes, mom...

“Come on! We really can’t be late. I mean... if you don’t want to, you don’t have to I guess...” I heard a sigh, and then I heard a thoughtful hum. “Well, if someone wants to miss breakfast...” WAH! I’m up, I’m up! I sprang to my feet. (Hooves, whatever. I’m not perfect you know.)

“You’re just too cute.” Fluttershy giggled, “c'mon, we need to get to town. The others are expecting us.” I call foul! Illegal use of false promises...

“Let’s just get your sweater on,” Fluttershy held up the mentioned atrocity, “Then we can head out.” I shook my head furiously. I was NOT getting back into that... that... that Thing!

“Well, If you have a better idea, I’m all ears.” Fluttershy put her hands on her hips and tsked, “You know you can’t let anyone see your wings. We wouldn't want this blowing out of proportion. So, why not just put the sweater on?” She was slowly advancing on me, as I backed towards the corner. Finally, she cornered me. “Okay, just stay still, and then we can be on our way...” No, not again... In desperation, I jumped up and, without thinking, towards Fluttershy. Oh no! I don’t want to hit her... It will look like I attacked her, and then I would lose everyone’s trust! As I was freaking out, I had one of those slow motion adrenaline moments, and then I felt an itching sensation in my back as my wings unfolded and I got just enough extra lift to glide only inches above Fluttershy’s head. Wow! I’m flying! This feels great! It’s so... so.. Natural. I love it!... If only I knew how to land properly, because I hit the ground with a thud and I went sprawling across the floor for about six feet, leaving me dazed and leaving Fluttershy confused as to what just happened. Neither Fluttershy nor I moved for a good thirty seconds as I was dazed, and Fluttershy was trying to get over the shock, as well as put two and two together about what had just happened.

"You... Flew" she seemed to be having trouble wrapping her mind around the prospect, "I was beginning to think that you were flightless, like a chicken or something." Suddenly, she perked up, "I have an idea! Since you don't like that sweater, maybe you can fly above so no one will see you." That is a good idea... One problem though, I have no idea how I just did that. Maybe I got the gist of it from that little glide. Although, it has to be a better option than wearing that evil mass of itchiness. I nodded my head in agreement.

"That's great," she seemed excited, "okay... Um, how are you going to see me from up there, though?... Oh! I know!" She ran over to the closet and began digging through the contents. "Ah ha!" She pulled out a large sun hat and blew off the dust "I haven't worn this thing since my modeling days," she shivered a little "but that's a story for another time, we need to get going." She opened the door and motioned me to go through. Once outside, she closed the door and turned to face me.

"See you in a bit." And then she started walking. Okay, let's see... How to fly... Can't be that hard, I mean planes do it all the time. And they're made of metal. Okay, enough stalling... I uncurled my wings and bent down, like a cat that's ready to pounce would, and jumped off of the little cliff thing by the door. I'm doing it! I'm flying! Of course, that's what I would have said, had I actually flown, and not gone splat in the mud pit. I was pulling myself out of the mud, when I heard some laughter coming from a nearby tree.

"Eh, you okay there buddy," a red bird chirped as he flew out of the tree and landed on my nose, "you took quite a spill there. You didn't really flap the right way. Haven't you ever flown before?"

"No..." I admitted, and the bird lost his balance out of shock and almost fell before flapping his wings a bit to regain his balance.

"We'll, do you need some help then?" He looked around to see if any other birds were listening then whispered something softly, "unless... You're flightless..." He said it like he could have been thrown in jail for even mentioning the word.

"I am not flightless. I flew just a little bit ago, I just don't know how I did it is all..."

"Oh, in that case, just try and flap your wings more in sync. You did good otherwise."

"Is that all?"

"In a nutshell." He shrugged (if birds can shrug,) and flew to the fence to watch. I climbed back up to the ledge and tried again. I started by flapping my wings before I jumped, evidently that's important, and I gave a little hop. I hovered for a bit and with a little extra effort I gained altitude.

"Good! Bigger flaps!" The bird encouraged as he flew next to me, "never I thought I would be teaching a horse to fly..." He chirruped under his breath. Eventually, I got up to the cloud and started kind of hover by the cloud.

"Now what?" I asked, unsure of myself.

"Just go." He gave me a push and I was sent on my, gracefully tumbling through the air like a broken Frisbee after a rabid dog chewed on it. After regaining my balance, I scanned the ground below for Fluttershy. Finally, I saw the pink sun hat and followed. It's really peaceful up here. Apart from the occasional bird or bug, I was pretty much alone up here... I bet that I could cause a good deal of mischief up here. Dive bomb a cat, scare the tar out of some random person with a fly by... Maybe even do that thing that... No, let’s leave the birds to that... Again with that thought. why do I keep getting these things? I keep wanting to prank people, I’m not even that good of a prankster... Any who, it would appear that I am here now, as my friend in the hat just walked into a building. Let’s go check in.

Author's Note:

This one sets up some plot points, so it's not the most spectacular chapter.