• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,343 Views, 12 Comments

Topsy-Turvy - Strono Starr

What happens when you wake up to find that you're a pony? Only... Everyone else is Human?

  • ...

I dislike sweaters

"Are you sure you want to go with that one?" Twilight asked after reading my reply, "It seems a little weird..."

"Let me see." Rainbow walked over and took the paper from Twilight and read it over. She looked to me "Really?" I nodded my head happily.

"Well okay, 'Strono,' if that's what you want." Twilight said with what I could have sworn was a hint of sarcasm. I felt a bit weird using that name, but it somehow felt natural. Like... Eating a lemon. Ya, that’s it. anyways... Rainbow glanced at her watch and let out a gasp.

"D'oh shoot!" She exclaimed loudly, turning to Twilight "I completely forgot that I was supposed to tell you that Applejack wants everyone to meet at Sweet Apple Acres for a picnic in the orchard."

"And she just assumed that we didn't have any plans beforehand?" Twilight asked, crossing her arms.

"Oh, like what?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

"Like studying our friend, Strono, here."

"Why don't you want to go?"

"It's not that I don't want to go..." Twilight grabbed her forearm, "I just think that Applejack could have given us a little bit of a warning beforehand. I also really want to check out those wings of Strono's" (oh really? Meow.)

"Well, bring him along!" Rainbow said laughingly. "Don't you think Aj, or better yet, Fluttershy, would like to see the writing, flying, orange, horse?"

"Ya! That sounds like a great idea." Spike added enthusiastically.

"I guess, but how will we get him through town?" Twilight said, non to happily.

"Twi," Rainbow said while rolling her eyes "do you seriously not notice some of the things that go on in this town? No one is going to notice a winged horse."

"I guess it'll be okay then. We'll just need to make sure we bring everything he might need." Twilight finally gave in "Spike, make a list..."


After a short wait, I trotted out of the front door carefree, while the girls and Spike (who was carrying everything,) followed closely behind. Well, I wasn't entirely carefree... Twilight made me wear this sweater thing so that my wings were hidden. It was really itchy. Well, enough of my whining.... The walk went pretty much without a hit. Except for an incident where I had to give in to the whims of a little girl who wanted to "ride the pony."

We finally arrived at the farm and Twilight let me take off that accursed sweater of eternal itchiness. From there, Rainbow led us through the huge apple orchard. The apples were not yet ripe, so they looked like over-sized grapes growing on the sides of the trees. I like it. Well, by the time we had found our way to the area where the picnic was to be had, it looked like everyone was already there.

“Now Strono,” Twilight addressed me while we were still a ways away, “I’m going to need you to hide as best as you can while I tell the others about you.”

“Why’s that?” Spike asked

“Well, you know how Fluttershy is around animals. Especially ones she has never seen before? I just don’t want her heart to give out from the excitement is all.” Twilight sighed “Just... wait here for a bit, okay?” I nodded my head and stood at what was probably the closest I could get to a salute, what with the whole "no hands" thing and all.

“All right then,” Twilight said as she rolled her eyes, “we’ll only be a second.” And with that, Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike left little old me alone in the apple orchard. I’m alone! Oh, the mischief I can cause! I shall pull the prank to end all pranks! I shall put to shame any prank, practical joke, parlor trick, or some other fourth thing that anyone has ever pulled off before! This will be a joke for the history books! This will cause confusion, hilarity, and tears! I shall pull the ultimate prank! And. It. Is-

“Okay, you can come out now!” Twilight yelled over to me from the picnic. Well, maybe next time. I wonder where that thought even came from? I’m not even that big of a prankster... weird. I shook the weird thought out of my head as I walked over to them. But, before I could get close enough to really get a good look at any of them, I was tackled by an itchy mass of fabric and hugs. Great, I thought, another sweater.

“Oh my gosh!” an excited voice yelled out. I couldn't see who it was because I was currently buried in her hair and was also too busy being suffocated to really even notice, if I even had a chance to see. “He’s just ADORABLE! Where did you find him?!” The voice rambled on in a hard to follow continuum of syllables. I’m willing to bet that this is Pinkie Pie...

“Fluttershy! Let go of him! He’ll suffocate!” I heard Rainbow’s voice emanating from the picnic. Wait, FLUTTERSHY?! Well, look at her, being all out of character and making a scene.

“Oh! Sorry!” She returned to her normal volume as she released me from her grip and allowed me to breath for once. “Are you okay? I hope I didn’t hurt you... You’re just so cute... that I just lost it for a minute...” ARGH! The emotional pain! The turmoil inside of me from not being able to accept her apology, to even making her sad in the first place was unbearable. maybe I can make it up to her... maybe...

I couldn't even think the thought because, once again, I was tackled by another giggly someone.

“Hehe! This is so cool!” The person who I was almost positively sure was Pinkie Pie yelled excitedly (If it’s Rarity, I’m gonna blow a gasket), “A real Pegasus! I bet he can do all sorts of tricks and he can zoom around really fast!” She let go of me and looked at me expectantly. After I didn't do anything, Pinkie made a bird with her hands and told me to “Fly around a bit. Pretty please?”

“Ya!” Rainbow added, “I haven’t seen you fly yet, bud.”

“Well, can’t he at least meet the rest of us first?” A distinctive voice with an equally distinctive southern accent called out.

“Yes,” Another, more sophisticated, voice called “I would like to meet the little fellow as well”

“Er... Fine.” Pinkie pouted and walked back to the picnic blanket and sat down. That was close... I don’t think I could have flown, even if I’d had the knowledge of how to... I dislike heights. With that thought, I walked over to where the girls were sitting and I plopped down between Aj and Twilight.

“Well, would ya look at that,” Applejack said, while leaning in to get a better look at my wings. “A real winged horse. Didn't think they really existed.”

“I agree,” Rarity said from across the blanket, “I thought that they were only a myth from the time of the ancients.” My ears perked up when I heard this. Ancients? Do tell... I turned around and nudged Twilight.

“Hm? What is it?” She asked. I nudged her again and made a motion with my hooves like I was holding paper, “Oh, you want to tell us something.” She magicked the pen and paper over to me.

“what’re you doing Twi?” Aj asked her curiously.

“He writes.” Was the calm answer.

“That’s preposterous, Darling.” Rarity said, stiffening a giggle “Animals aren’t smart enough to write.” You know, I’m beginning to detect that there is a subtle theme of Racism going on here...

“What about Angel bunny?” Fluttershy added, almost inaudibly, “He can read.”

“Hm? Oh,” Rarity put her finger to her chin in thought, “Why, that’s just the exception that proves the rule.”

“That doesn't make a lick of sense.” Applejack said, crossing her arms.

“Besides, he’s already done.” Twilight said as I handed her my note. (She looked at me a bit iffy as she took the paper from my mouth.) She read it over for a few seconds. “He wants to know more about the ancients...”

“Oh, well, sure.” Rainbow crossed her arms, “It’s not true anyways...”

“But, he’s here. Winged horses were talked about in the legends.” Twilight put the paper down.

“But the legends are so ridiculous.” Rarity commented, “A society ran by horses? I’m sorry, but with the exception of our friend here, there is no way horses of all things could have developed a society.”

“Still...” Twilight must've been going into deep thought mode, because she had a far away.

“Oh dear...” Pinkie stood up and brushed her skirt, “I know that look...” She walked up to Twilight and snapped her fingers in her face. “Hey! Earth to Twilight!”

“Huh? What? Oh... sorry... heh...” Twilight laughed uneasily, “I was just thinking.”

“Speaking of thinking,” Applejack interjected, “I think our friend here might need somewhere to stay. I don’t think a Library is the best place for him.”

“I could...” Fluttershy tried to offer, but was cut off.

“Well, where were you thinking?” Twilight asked, completely ignoring Fluttershy.

“I bet he’d like it if...” Fluttershy tried again.

“OH! OH! PICK ME!” Pinkie Pie raised her hand and hopped up and down excitedly.

“What do you think, Ms.Pie?” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Why not let him stay with Fluttershy?” Pinkie stood proudly as she gave her suggestion.

“Not a bad Idea.” Aj said approvingly “Good work.”

“I’m glad I thought of it.” Pinkie smiled widely. The girls continued to discuss arrangements while I was left to sit in the corner, wondering how and why the conversation had shifted so quickly. This place is weird...

Author's Note:

It may seem like I got lazy with the way their conversation suddenly shifted towards the end. But don't worry, it is intended. All will be revealed later.