• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,343 Views, 12 Comments

Topsy-Turvy - Strono Starr

What happens when you wake up to find that you're a pony? Only... Everyone else is Human?

  • ...

People Plan my Life

'Too fast! Too fast!' I thought to myself as I went in for a landing. And, as you probably guessed, I was falling too fast. At least the dirt looks soft, because this is probably going to hurt. Oh no! The door is opening and someone is walking out. I hope whoever it is is forgiving. Oh look, it's Rainbow. Well, it's good to dream.

"Are you out here- what the he-" she couldn't finish her thought because by this time, there was the loud sound of horse on face as we collided at what may very well have been the speed of stupid.

"Rainbow, are ya okay?" Applejack -probably having heard the noise- ran outside, "what the hay happened here?" She asked, barely suppressing a giggle.

"Ugh...I got hit by flying meat head, that's what." Rainbow said irritably, as she stood up and cracked her back, "what was that for?!" She turned to me and glared. I looked up at her and smiled innocently.

"Cute. I guess you are literally a pain now, huh?" Rainbow sighed.

"Well if yer done sayin' hi, we've got people waiting for us." Applejack said, interrupting Rainbow's disapproval of my actions, "That is, unless you plan to crash some more, maybe you can get some tips. Rainbow has a talent for it." And with that, she walked into the building.

"Jerk," Rainbow sighed and turned to me, "don't get me wrong, she's a great friend, but she has an uncanny talent for pushing my buttons." That's nice... But what did AJ mean by Rainbow having a talent for crashing?...

"C'mon, horse, let's head inside. I bet Fluttershy is exploding with worry right now.” She held the door open for me and I trotted into the building happily. I’m getting better at this four legs thing.

“Hey there buddy.” Twilight waved to me then turned to Rainbow, “So, I heard you two had a bit of an ‘Incident’ out there.”

“Ya ya, no need to laugh. It was bad timing is all.” Rainbow flustered as everyone laughed, except Fluttershy.

“I guess he just likes you.” Rarity said before taking a sip of whatever it was that was in her glass.

“Like a love tackle.” Applejack added. I don’t see what the big deal was. Was it that Rainbow usually poked fun, and everyone was just taking advantage of the shift of power or what? I feel so left out. No one ever shares anything with the horse.

"I guess he puts the crash in Rainbow Crash." Spike laughed. Says the dude wearing the pink apron and passing out cupcakes.

"Aw, be quiet." Rainbow huffed and took her seat between Applejack and Rarity. I count seven chairs. I guess that horses don't need chairs. I walked over and sat down next to Rainbow Dash and AJ.

"Aw, he really does like you," AJ laughed and ruffled my mane. Rainbow responded by with a rude gesture. That's right, she stuck her tongue out at AJ.

"How mature." Rarity rolled her eyes, "really Rainbow, you ruin that pretty face of yours by making such faces."

"Yes, mommy." Rainbow said in a sing-songy, kindergartner's voice.

"Now, girls." Twilight had to intervene, "Let's not fight."

"We're not fighting," Rainbow smiled innocently. Trying to play the cute card, eh? This town isn't big enough for the two of us.

"Uh huh... So, what were you doing?" Twilight asked skeptically.

"We were..." Rainbow tried in vain to find the wording.

"We were just having a verbal spar." Rarity interjected, winking and elbowing Rainbow.

"Exactly. Thank you, Rarity." Rainbow laughed.

"Right." Twilight rolled her eyes, "So, Fluttershy, did you have any trouble with Strono?"

"Well, we had a rocky start, but other than that it went very well." Fluttershy, having perked up after the conversation shifted to animals, replied.

"Whaddya mean by 'rocky start?'" Applejack asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Fluttershy began unsurely, "he and Angel got into a scuffle."

"Did Angel get hurt?" Rarity asked with obvious concern.

"No, not at all."

"What do you mean?.."

"I... Had to bail Strono out actually." Fluttershy gave me an apologetic look.

"What now?!" Rainbow choked on her drink laughing, "He got his butt handed to him by sweet little Angel?" Everyone at the table started laughing at me. When people laugh at your expense is one thing, but having one of those said people wearing a pink apron... Ouch.

“What, did he beat you with his cotton ball tail?!” Rainbow said through the bursts of laughter, “Or, or did he bite you like an overgrown carrot?” Well, I can kiss my ego goodbye. Until next time, Ego. I guess it’s okay, Ego’s not a good kisser anyways.

“All joking aside,” Twilight, once again, saved the day, “Who’s going to watch him all day?”

“I can still do it,” Fluttershy volunteered, “It’s really no problem.”

“Well, you've already got things to do, and I don’t want him to be a burden.” Twilight explained, “Besides, I don’t think that a house is the best place for a horse.” What? So, a dog gets to be in a house, but when the pony comes in he gets the big red “No” stamp? Typical.

“Well.. I guess you’re right.” Fluttershy gave in, “So, who will take him next then?”

“Ah can take him,” Applejack stated matter-of-factly, “We have a barn and everything.” Sleep in a barn? What do they think I am?! Some sort of...of... Anima- oh, ya... Well, It’s still rude.

“What if I want to take him?” Rainbow asked in her usual tone.

“And keep him where?” Applejack rolled her eyes, “Under your bed?”

“I can let him have a cloud,” Rainbow responded, almost indignantly, “Let us not forget that I don’t live on the ground.” Pfffft!... Oh, I don’t have a drink. Everyone looked at me with a confused expression from my sudden outburst. I should have had a drink for that. WAITER!

“Anyways...” Applejack started awkwardly, “Are you sure he won’t fly off?” Me?! Fly away? Never. How could they think that low of me? Oh ya... Animal. I bet it would scare the tar off of them if I did fly away though. It’d be funn- There I go again! Stop it, brain!

“If he wanted to leave, he would have done it ten minutes ago,” Rainbow pointed out, “Besides, I’m sure he’d like sleeping on a cloud, as opposed to a stall.” Very true. One question though, how does she not live on the ground?! So many questions. So little people with answers.

“Fine... Tell ya what,” Applejack took on a more business like tone of voice, “We can take turns. You get him tonight, and we’ll switch off. Sound good?” I am beginning to feel like an object.

“Deal.” Rainbow nodded with approval then turned to the rest of the humans, “Does anyone else want in on this?”

“Me!” Fluttershy blurted out, but then covered up her mouth in embarrassment, “I.. I mean, if it’s okay...”

“Can I get him, too?” Twilight asked, “I would like another chance to study him.” They seem to have forgotten one key factor in all of this... I have feelings too.

“Ooo! Ooo!” Pinkie raised her hand and started jumping up and down. Whoa, I forgot she was here. She was so quiet... “Can I get him too? He can sleep with Gummy!”

“I’d like to see him sometime too,” Rarity said, “I would like the challenge of making him something to wear that he would actually like.”

“Okay, So, that’s everyone.” Applejack noted, “We’ll all take turns then.”

“Right,” Twilight nodded, “That is, until we get word to Canterlot. The princess’s will probably want to see him too.” Well, It’s good to know that everyone seems intent on planning my life for me without my consent on the subject. It’s childhood all over again. Only this time, I seem to be becoming more of a pet than anything else. I’ll just have to give them a “reminder” that I’m not just a pet. Let’s plan a prank, Strono. Who said that?