• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,344 Views, 12 Comments

Topsy-Turvy - Strono Starr

What happens when you wake up to find that you're a pony? Only... Everyone else is Human?

  • ...

Here's Twilight!

Hi! Twilight here. No doubt Strono is up to something immature with Rainbow, so he has asked me to give you my point of view during the time in question. So, get comfortable and and happy reading...
At around noon, the girls and I left sugarcube corner to go for a walk. It's always good to get a little exercise after a meal. Anyways, during the walk, Rarity and I struck up a conversation.

"So Twilight," she began, "What do you think about our new horse friend?"

"Oh, I'm really excited about it." I said, "I can't wait until it is my turn to get him so that I can study him!"

"Oh? How do plan to go about studying him?"

"What do you... No! I'm not going to dissect him or anything! I was just... Going to ask him questions and maybe do some blood tests..." I smiled sheepishly as I said this. That definitely was not my intent at all. Besides, it wouldn't be much of a story if I did.

"Okay then. We haven't really gotten to know him though, have we?”

“What do you mean, Rarity?”

“Well, it seems to me that we have been treating him like a pet, when he isn’t just some animal.” Rarity said casually. But the remark, however, triggered a sort of enlightenment in me.

“You’re right!” I said, half to myself, “He isn’t an animal... He’s... He’s an intelligent, sentient being that could possibly be from a completely foreign extra solar planet! And since he can survive here without much problem that would mean that the gravitational pull and general mass of his home is...” I looked up from my rambling. I had been talking rather quiet, and slowly getting louder and faster. I must have looked like a crazy person.

“I completely agree.” Pinkie Pie stated, giggled, and then turned around and started skipping down the road again.

“What in the...” AppleJack began, confusedly expressing what we were all thinking, “Well... That’s Pinkie fer ya."

"Anyways..." Rarity tried to regain her train of thought, "Back to Strono..."

"What 'bout 'im?" Applejack chimed into our conversation.

"Well, it's just that the whole idea of him is weird." Rarity said

"Such as........"

"Well, for one thing, did you ever wonder how he learned our language? It isn't just something one picks up." Rarity pointed out, "And another thing, have you seen his eyes?"

"They're brown. what about them?" AJ said in the slightly annoyed slightly interested way that only she can muster up.

"True, but did you notice how they'll be a happy and cheerful chocolate color one moment, and then the next they will go dull for a while before returning to their original color and he would shake his head softly with a small smile on his face?" Rarity explained, "It's like he was momentarily possessed and he pushed it out of his head."

"That makes no sense," I informed her, "What could have possessed him? A ghost? Don't be silly."

"What?!" Pinkie Pie stopped dead in her tracks and turned back to face us abruptly, "Are we going to have to go through this process again?!"

"What proce-"

"The one where we have to explain how the world works to you, like we had to do with Zecora and sorcery!"

"Pinkie, what she did was just chemistry and a little bit of botany and-"

"I don't want to hear it. Ghosts exist, Twilight."

"But science has never proven that a ghost can exist."

"Has science disproved it?"

"Well...no... but that's not the point."

"Well, whatever the point is, I still say that ghosts exist." Pinkie turned back around and continued skipping down the road. There is no reasoning with her when she gets like this, I thought, it’s best if I just leave her be.

“Well... Even if it isn’t a ghost or a spirit,” Rarity continued, “It is still strange. Maybe you can find out why this is happening when you get your turn, Twilight.”

“I’ll look into it.” I said.

“Please do: it’s worrying me.”

“HEY!” A voice called from above. We all looked up and saw Rainbow flying towards us, waving her arms frantically, “Come quick! Something happened to Strono and I’m not sure he’s alright!”

“We’d better hurry.” AppleJack said as she began sprinting after Rainbow Dash, who had begun showing us the way. We all took off as quick as we could, except for Pinkie Pie who maintained her skipping pace with a knowing expression on her face. What’s that about? Nevermind Pinkie, Strono is in trouble!

“This way!” Rainbow called. Up ahead on the road, Strono laid on his side, surrounded by various gag supplies.
Applejack ran forward, but tripped on something, and a sound like various pulleys and gears going off filled the air. Suddenly, a small cloud zipped past us and hit a target that had sprung up over where Strono lay. The target fell, releasing a rope, which zipped into a nearby bush where a sound not unlike a dental drill sounded. Suddenly, two large pies shot out of the bush. I covered my face, ready for the hit, when suddenly, the pie tins hit the ground and skidded a ways before stopping. One pie was inches from AppleJack’s head, while the other one was a good five feet away.

“Ya missed!” AJ called as she stood up and began walking forward, “You’d need to get up pretty early to fool Ol’ AppleJac-” She was cut off from her sentence as she tripped over another cord and face planted into the first pie.

“Real mature, you two,” I said as I started walking towards them, “That was actually pretty smart, but I’m not fooled so easily.” I stepped over the last chord as well as the pie and continued walking towards them.

“Aw man, I guess she’s too smart for us.” Rainbow put her hands in the air in surrender, as Strono proceeded to sit on his haunches and do the same. I was about to continue telling them off, when all of the sudden, a third pie shot out from the bush, hit me in the face, and I fell backwards into the pie that I had previously stepped over.
Someone -or some horse- is going to pay for this... I think you know who...

Author's Note:

And then there was eight. The other night, my mind went on overdrive and I woke up with about a bazillion different ideas for stories. So now I got this notebook filled to the brim with random ideas and such. Aren't brains just the wackiest things?

Comments ( 2 )

Author hasn't signed on in almost two years, so I think it's safe to say the story's dead. Fun while it lasted though.

7089374 Make that Two years, ~Three weeks so it does look a bit dead, unless they have an account on another fanfiction site and have done some more chapters over there.

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