• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,757 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

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Fears of a Princess

Princess Celestia looked out her balcony, watching the latest train from Canterlot depart to Ponyville. Blossom was on that train, riding away from the direct gaze of her and her sister. She could not go to Blossom's room every day to check on her to see how she was doing. Now she would have to get that information from a second-hoof source. Blossom's fate was almost entirely up to her at this point.

Celestia watched as the now tiny train snaked over a hill, disappearing from her sight completely. She sighed and shook her head. She really was unsure of why she was so worried. Blossom had only attacked with a harmless spell when she was afraid for her life; when she really felt things were getting out of her control and she panicked. However, Celestia mused, if Blossom truly wanted to hurt her or Storm Shaker, she could have fired something more damaging than a color changing spell. She could have used her skill at levitation to attack her with a physical object, but she refrained. Celestia was unsure of whether or not that was was a conscious choice or if she merely cast the first spell that popped into her head; the one she was best at.

Princess Celestia exhaled and turned away from the balcony. She decided to see if Luna was awake or if she had dragged herself off to bed. She honestly wished the latter as Luna had been awake far too long already. Being an alicorn she did not physically need to sleep, but both princesses certainly enjoyed it. It was a good respite from the daily, or nightly, grind they endured ruling a nation.

She exited her room and began trotting down the hallway to the throne room. If Luna was indeed awake it was likely she would be there, waiting for her sister to return so they could discuss what to do about Blossom next. In truth there was little they could do if they wanted her to have something resembling the normal life that Celestia felt she deserved. Celestia was honestly going to suggest that they only involve themselves in Blossom's life in the context of the reports the sisters would receive from Dr. Working Mind. They had interfered with that filly's life far too much.

Celestia reached the door to the throne room and was surprised to find that there were no guards in front of the door. Normally there were at least two guards standing at attention; either her own solar guards or Luna's bat ponies. If Luna was inside the throne room she had sent the guards away. Celestia ignited her horn and encased the door to the throne room in her magical glow. The door swung open revealing a completely empty throne room with one exception.

A sobbing Princess Luna sat in the middle of the throne room.

Celestia gasped and ran over to her sister. She briefly used her magic to shut and lock the throne room door before rushing over to the distraught night goddess and wrapping a wing around her shoulders. Luna flinched away at the sudden warmth of her sister, but once she realized who it was she leaned into the embrace. Princess Celestia put one of her forelegs over Luna's shoulders. "Shh," she soothed. "It's okay."

Luna vigorously shook her head. "N-No, it is not okay, Tia!" she insisted. She took a few uneven breaths and continued sobbing.

Celestia cocked her head and tightened her embrace. "Luna, what is wrong? Why are you crying? Is there something I can do to help?"

Luna sniffled and wiped her eyes with a foreleg. "Tia, thou cannot help Us unless you can change the past; erase out past mistakes."

Celestia blinked in bewilderment. "W-What do you mean, Luna?" she questioned.

Luna's sobs nearly began anew but she took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly to keep back the tears. "We... no... I, Tia, I, I am feeling guilty about my past mistakes, particularly those regarding..." Luna whimpered and fluttered her wings "Rarity."

Celestia let out a sad sigh and shook her head. "Luna I..."

"No, Tia, no!" she said sharply. "Thou cannot erase our mistakes with a mere word! Tis my fault that nine of our subjects are dead!"

Celestia shook her head. "No, Luna, Rarity's actions were her own. You cannot be blamed for what she did."

Luna snarled and pushed her sister away. She stood up and wheeled to face her sister, her wings flared out aggressively. "IS A RABID DOG TO BE BLAMED FOR ITS ACTIONS OR IS THE ONE WHO ALLOWED IT TO BE KEPT OFF OF A LEASH INSTEAD OF PUTTING IT DOWN AT FAULT?!" she screeched. "I KNEW that Rarity was a serial killer and I instead put my faith in trinkets that did not allow me to access the kind of power that would have allowed me to help her!"

Celestia rose to her hooves and raised one in an attempt to placate her sister. "Luna you only..." Celestia paused as her brain drew a blank. Her mouth opened as if willing comforting words to come forth but none came.

Luna's face contorted into an expression of pure rage. "Say it, Tia, admit that everything that has happened since I found out is my fault!" Luna began shedding angry tears and she actually whimpered in frustration. "Had I merely informed you and o-ordered her execution then nine of our subjects would be safe at home! She killed a mother and her child after I had found out!" Luna let out another pained sob and collapsed onto her haunches. Her voice dropped to a low whisper and she bowed her head. "It keeps us up in the morning, sister," she whispered. "It pains us, Tia." Luna widened her eyes and took a step forward. "We see their faces and know I could have saved them if I hadn't been so misguided!"

Celestia merely continued to stare silently at her sister. No words of comfort came but she felt that she had to say something. "Luna, you didn't know that...that she would continue on with what she was doing. Particularly if she expressed regret and a willingness to--"

"Spare me your empty words, Tia!" Luna snarled. "I made another mistake that I can never take back that cost the lives of our subjects!" Luna put her head in her hooves. "And I just wanted to avoid making the same mistake with her niece." Luna sighed and shook her head. "I know that I...I was probably too hard on her but if she committed murder and is capable of it again and I had the opportunity to stop it; to redeem myself for once in my wretched life." Luna opened her eyes and stared up at her sister. "Wouldn't you?"

Celestia gingerly took three steps forward and reached a hoof out to touch her sister's foreleg. "Lulu..."

The corners of Luna's mouth turned up and she managed a small chuckle. "Thou have not called us that since we were but fillies," she whispered.

Celestia gave a smile of her own and took another step forwards. "To err is to be equine and we are not perfect, not nearly as perfect as our little ponies believe us to be. When ruling a nation, sometimes mistakes are made that cost us lives."

"Not so obvious as our mistakes," Luna mumbled bitterly. "Twas not difficult to see the correct choice and still we did not take it." Luna closed her eyes and a singular tear feel from them and splashed onto the floor below. "Now ponies are dead and it is my fault."

Celestia shook her head and put her hoof under Luna's chin and raised it so she made eye contact with her. "No, Lulu, Rarity's actions were her own. Your intentions were good. We both know how painful execution is and I know you wanted to avoid that, particularly with a pony that had helped you in your darkest hour. I do not blame you for that."

Luna pushed her sister's hoof away and stood back up. She turned away and slowly trotted over to a window and stared out it as if searching for something. "Good intentions do not bring cadavers back from the grave, nor do they prevent their deaths in the first place." Luna sighed. "We are frightened, Tia, We are frightened that Blossom will follow in her aunt's hoofsteps."

Celestia stood up and walked up next to her sister. "She will not," said the sun goddess simply. "I do not know what the future holds for that filly, but she will not see the end of her life on the execution table."

Luna tightened her jaw and continued staring out the window. "And if she does?"

"Luna that will not happen."

Luna rounded on her sister with an angry glare. "You know as well as I that ponies in our positions must consider possible outcomes to events, however unlikely! Blossom becoming a killer may be unlikely to you, but it is still a possibility and I would like to know what would come of that!"

"Luna I do not know!" Celestia snapped. "I do not want to consider that option, I do not wish further misery and death upon that family, I do not want to believe that Blossom will become a killer especially when the evidence points to the fact that she will not become one!"

Luna sighed and shifted her gaze back out the window. "I hope you are right, Tia, I really do," she whispered. "And We know that We may be acting unfair to the foal to the point of cruelty and I wish to avoid that." Luna shook her head. "I also do not want to know that we could have stopped more murders if we just kept her here under our watch."

"I know, Luna," Celestia muttered. "I know. But we cannot control her life and she is innocent until proven guilty. I am sorry but there is nothing we can do unless Working Mind says that there is a danger or she does something."

Luna glanced over at her sister and a grim look crossed her face. "By then I fear it will be too late."