• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,757 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

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Tarnished Silver, Broken Tiara

Diamond Tiara slowly trudged down the hall of the palace, painful rage burning inside of her. Princess Celestia had given her an apartment in the castle and had ordered her servants to retrieve some necessities from her home in Ponyville so that she could live there until the matter with the media was settled. However that was not on Diamond Tiara's mind at the moment. What consumed her thoughts was the foal. Sweetie Belle's foal.

She was here somewhere.

It was common knowledge that Princess Celestia had taken that runt in and was housing her while her mother rotted away in a nuthouse when she should have been rotting away in the ground next to her evil sister. In fact, both Sweetie Belle and her foal should have suffered that fate. That would be justice.

Still, there was the slight issue that Diamond Tiara faced in that she didn't know where the foal was. The palace was quite vast and she could be anywhere. Princess Celestia had her in the dungeons as far as she knew. Diamond Tiara mused that that would be slightly fitting, but that Celestia likely had her in a cushy room with servants to wait on her all day. Meanwhile her baby was...was in the ground.

Diamond Tiara felt tears well up inside her eyes once again and it took the burning rage to felt towards Sweetie Belle and her foal to keep them at bay.

In truth she didn't know what she would actually do when she found Sweetie Belle's child. She knew she wouldn't kill her, but the idea was... tantalizing. She could make Sweetie Belle suffer just as much, if not more, than she was already suffering. Maybe she could even smuggle the body out of the castle if she was careful enough. Yes, maybe she could do that and mail locks of Blossom's mane to Sweetie Belle so she would know what had happened. Diamond Tiara giggled madly to herself. She would give up Barnyard Bargains to see her reaction to that.

Diamond Tiara's fantasies were interrupted when she heard a voice call out from behind her. "Diamond Tiara?"

Diamond Tiara wheeled around and saw Silver Spoon walking up to her. She glared at her former friend before turning her back to her. "I don't have anything to say to you."

Silver Spoon ran up next to Diamond Tiara. "B-But I--"

"I said I don't want to talk to you!" screeched the pink mare, wheeling around to glare at Silver Spoon. "Why would I ever want to talk to you again after you accused me of murdering our children?!"

Silver Spoon wilted under Diamond Tiara's rage and she took an uneasy step back. "I didn't--"

"Didn't what, didn't mean it?" spat Diamond Tiara. "Don't lie to me, you meant every word! You made it sound like I told Sweetie Belle to kill my foal!"

Silver Spoon's mouth flopped up and down like a fish as she tried to find any words that would allow her to contradict Diamond Tiara's rage, but none came. Finally she took a deep breath and looked down the hallway. "What are you going to do to her?"

"I don't know," Diamond Tiara growled. "I wouldn't want to be her, though." Diamond Tiara shook her head angrily and began walking down the hall again. Silver Spoon rushed to her side and briefly considered blocking Diamond Tiara's path before she did something she regretted. Diamond Tiara shot her a glare. "Well, why are you still here?"

"Because I don't want you to do anything you're going to regret."

Diamond Tiara scoffed. "I wouldn't regret hurting her foal."

"Diamond Tiara listen to yourself!" said Silver Spoon incredulously. "You've never wanted to hurt anypony in your life; not like that! What would you do if Golden Necklace saw you doing that?!"

"I'd hold Blossom down and ask Golden Necklace to help Mommy with something," said Diamond Tiara simply.

Silver Spoon gasped and actually moved in front of Diamond Tiara. "How could you say something like that?!"

"Spoon, get the buck out of my way."

Silver Spoon shook her head. "Now listen, DT! You're hurting a lot, I am too! It isn't fair that Sweetie Belle's foal is still alive and ours aren't but I still don't want to hurt her! Blossom is innocent, she didn't ask for all of this to happen!"

"Silver Spoon if you do not get out of my way in the next three seconds I will make sure you spend the rest of your life wishing that you had."

Silver Spoon raised a hoof to take a step backwards but bravely stood her ground. "I'm not going to let you hurt that child. We're insulting the memory of both of our foals if you do! They wouldn't want their mommies to turn into something like that!"

Diamond Tiara's jaw clenched and she took a menacing step forward. "One."

"Don't do this, we're old friends!"

Another step forward. "Two."

"If you try to hurt her I'll...I'll fight you I swear to Celestia I will!"


Diamond Tiara's final warning was cut off as the faintest sound entered her ears. She swiveled them in the direction of the noise and slowly turned her head to see if she couldn't locate the source. It sounded like... laughter. Yes, that was it, laughter. And it was coming from behind that door about a dozen paces away. She turned around and slowly began trotting towards the door, straining to hear what was behind it. Silver Spoon uneasily trotted behind her while being sure to keep her distance.

When she reached the door, Diamond Tiara reached a hoof towards the doorknob. With one swift motion she pulled the door open revealing what was inside.

The foal was inside. The foal was inside with Sweetie Belle. They were together and they were laughing together and they seemed so... happy. Sweetie Belle was missing her horn, but she was with her child and for her that was all that mattered; all was right with the world when her child was near. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked on at the joyful scene in shock for a moment before Silver Spoon collapsed on the ground with a loud wail of sorrow. Sweetie Belle and Blossom both looked towards the door. Sweetie Belle gasped and pulled Blossom into her forelegs and backed up towards the far wall.

Diamond Tiara studied the scene for a while, secretly relishing in the fear that her mere presence elicited in the two ponies. She slowly stepped inside and pointed at Blossom. "The foal. Give her to me. Now."

Sweetie Belle hit the back wall and held out a hoof as if to block Diamond Tiara's advance. "Stay away from us," she begged. "Go away!"

"Shut up you little bitch and give me the bucking foal before I take her myself."

Blossom whimpered and buried her head in her mother's chest. Sweetie Belle kept trying to back away. "Get out of here! Leave my child alone!"

Diamond Tiara let out a humorless cackle. "I don't think so," she giggled. "I'm going to leave you alone, but I'm going to tear that bastard foal from your forelegs and do you know what I'm going to do?"

Sweetie Belle whimpered and began backing into the corner. "Go away!"

"First I'm going to take her away from you, then I'm going to hold her head steady so she's looking directly into your eyes."

Sweetie Belle began sobbing as she hit the corner. "Help!" she called out weakly.

"Then I'm going to take my right foreleg and hook it under your daughter's chin and then I'm going to pull it back as hard as I can, snapping her neck like a twig."

"Somepony please help us!" Sweetie Belle called a little louder.

"I'm going to snap her neck and because she's looking at you you're going to see the light leave her eyes and you'll have that memory to cherish for the rest of your pathetic existence. You'll spend the rest of your days replaying the exact moment you saw your daughter die in front of you day after day after day."

"HELP!" Sweetie Belle screamed.

Diamond Tiara cackled and continued moving forward. "I'm going to throw her corpse right at your hooves. I don't care what you do with it after that." Her twisted smile immediately shifted to rage. "NOW GIVE ME THAT FOAL!"

Before Diamond Tiara could take another step forwards Blossom tore herself out of her mother's grasp and encased the table in the room with her magical glow. She levitated it in front of her creating a barrier between her and the murderous mare. Undeterred, Diamond Tiara snarled and bucked the table as hard as she could. Her earth pony strength and blood lust combined with Blossom's relatively weak grip on such a heavy object meant that the table went flying towards the wall. Blossom ducked to avoid it and Diamond Tiara seized her opportunity and reached for the foal.

Her advances were cut off when a pair of white hind legs collided with her forehead. The force of the blow from Sweetie Belle sent her flying backwards into the opposite wall. Sweetie Belle stepped in front of her daughter and took a step towards Diamond Tiara, all semblance of sanity and calm long since gone at the thought of her child in danger.

"Get away from her you bitch!"

Diamond Tiara shook her head to clear the grogginess that had come from her collision with the wall and slowly tried to stand up, but Sweetie Belle lunged forward and tackled her before she could and began wailing on her. "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY FOAL!!!" she screamed.

Diamond Tiara screamed herself as Sweetie belle continued to rain punches down on her once again tormentor while her daughter cried in the corner. Age and maternal rage had increased the power behind Sweetie Belle's attacks and Diamond Tiara would have likely found herself joining her foal in death it a trio of royal guards hadn't tackled Sweetie Belle, pinning her to the ground and securing her with hoofcuffs.

Blossom squealed as the guards started to drag Sweetie Belle of the room. She ran forward and wrapped her forelegs around her mother's waist. "Don't take my mommy away!" she wailed.

Before the guards could do anything, the chaos was cut off by a powerful voice booming through the halls. "STOP!!!!"

Instantly everypony froze where they were as Shining Armor himself walked down the hall flanked by six more soldiers and a sobbing Silver Spoon. The captain of the guard halted in front of the entrance to the room and glared at everypony inside. "What is going on here?" he growled.

There was a pause for a moment before Diamond Tiara let out a wail and threw herself at Shining Armor's hooves. "Oh thank goodness you're here!" she cried. "That mare is crazy! She tried to kill me!"

Shining Armor turned his angry gaze to Diamond Tiara. "What do you mean?"

"I was walking down the hall and she must have heard me talking to my friend Silver Spoon! She jumped me and stated hitting me; she tried to kill me!"

"That's not true!" Sweetie Belle retorted. "You came in here and you tried to kill my daughter!"

"I would never!" cried Diamond Tiara.

"Then how did you get in here and why is the table overturned against the opposite wall?" said Shining Armor quietly.

Diamond Tiara sniffled and looked up at Shining Armor. "Huh?"

"Sweetie Belle jumped you and took the time to drag you in here even though she knew that killing you would end with her execution which would mean that she could never see Blossom again, is that what you're saying? Even with that, how did the table get overturned and what are those dents in it?"

Blossom moved her head away from her mother's chest to speak up. "She told Mommy that she wanted to break my neck," she whimpered. "I lifted the table and put it between us so that she couldn’t get to us so she kicked it into the wall. She tried to grab me but Mommy kicked her and started hitting her when she tried to get back up to hurt me."

Diamond Tiara looked up at Shining Armor and vigorously shook her head. "N-No that isn't what happened at all! Why would I hurt that foal?"

Shining Armor was silent as he shifted his gaze between Blossom, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara. Finally he took a deep breath and spoke. "The reason I was called here is because Silver Spoon found me and started talking incoherently to me. I wasn't able to understand much, but I did hear the words 'Blossom', 'Sweetie Belle', 'Diamond Tiara', and 'trying to murder'."

Diamond Tiara let out a sigh of relief. "See, she saw it too! She--"

Shining Armor cut Diamond Tiara off with a wave of his hoof. "But considering that of the two of you only you had the motive and when I take into account how the placement and condition of the table lines up perfectly with Blossoms story, the only one that can account for it, I'm going to say that you are the one who committed the crime of attempted murder."

Diamond Tiara whimpered and scooted backwards a few inches. "N-No! I would never do that! Tell him, Silver Spoon, tell him that you saw Sweetie Belle attack me!"

Silver Spoon's sobs echoed throughout the halls but she managed to speak through them. "W-Why didn't you j-just leave Sweetie B-Belle and her innocent foal alone? W-Why did you have to go l-looking for them?" she sobbed.

Diamond Tiara froze in total shock. She was unable to fully comprehend Silver Spoon's words until she saw Shining Armor take a pair of hoofcuffs off of the belt of one of his subordinates. "Diamond Tiara you are under arrest for the crime of attempted murder of the unicorn foal Joyous Blossom." Diamond Tiara squealed as the hoofcuffs were placed on her forelegs and she tried to back up further but she was stopped by the guards who had released Sweetie Belle by this point. They fired up their horns and encased Diamond Tiara in a powerful shield spell and lifted her into the air.

Diamond Tiara screamed in horror and began desperately pounding on the shield. "I WASN'T GONNA HURT HER!" she wailed. "I WASN'T, I SWEAR!"

"Take her to the dungeons," said Shining Armor. "The princesses will likely want to deal with this themselves. Also if somepony could escort Ms. Spoon to her room I would appreciate that." Two guards saluted and prodded Silver Spoon until she was on her hooves and began walking her to her room. Diamond Tiara was taken away in the opposite direction, still kicking and screaming. Eventually the cries of both of them faded away leaving only Shining Armor, Blossom, and Sweetie Belle in the room.

Shining Armor sighed and removed Sweetie Belle's hoofcuffs. "I'm sorry, I should have posted guards by the door when the two of them came into the castle."

Sweetie Belle sniffled and wiped her eyes with her foreleg. "S'okay," she whispered. "You couldn't have known that they were gonna do that."

Shining Armor nodded. "Yeah. I guess not." Shining Armor took a deep breath and gave the hoofcuffs to one of the guards who was waiting outside the room. "I'm going to suggest that the princesses tack on another day to your visit. It's the least I can do after all of this."

Sweetie Belle's eyes began filling with tears once more, but this time they were tears of joy. She gave Shining Armor a watery smile. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you."

Blossom adjusted herself in her mother's forelegs until she could see Shining Armor. "What's gonna happen to Miss Tiara?" she asked.

Shining Armor's jaw tightened and he glanced down the hall that Diamond Tiara had been taken down. "Our laws are very clear about attempted murder. Committing such a crime warrants life in prison. However considering her mental state brought on by everything that's happened she might get a reduced sentence. Not much of one but still." Shining Armor sighed and ran a hoof through his mane. "I'm going to have you two moved to a more comfortable room and I'm going to post guards at the door. I know it's less private for the two of you but..."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "We understand." She leaned her head down and nuzzled Blossom before glancing back up at Shining Armor. "Why was she even at the castle anyway?"

Shining Armor shifted uncomfortably and glanced over at one of the guards outside the room who shook his head. Shining Armor sighed and nodded. "Trust me, you don't want to know."

Author's Note:

Uh yeah... I know I don't like using swear words in my stories unless it's in the literal sense (like when Golden Necklace called Blossom a bastard foal) but I couldn't really think of a better way to show just how far off the deep end Diamond Tiara has gone.