• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,752 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

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A New Apple in the Barrel

An hour later the wagon pulled by Big Macintosh and Applejack came to a halt in front of the humble house that was the prime living space of the Apple family. The two elder Apples unhitched themselves from the cart and Applejack walked to the back of the cart and opened the door revealing Apple Seed and Blossom chatting excitedly with each other while Apple Bloom looked on in maternal pride at how her daughter was making Blossom feel so welcome.

When the back door opened, the two Apples and Blossom looked over at Applejack who beckoned them out of the cart. Apple Bloom took Blossom's luggage in her mouth and swung it onto her back while the two foals gleefully hopped out of the cart. An hour's ride would have seemed like a millennium to the duo were it not for each other's company.

Applejack pointed towards the door. "Now Apple Seed, why don't y'all just go and show Blossom to her room. Yer momma and Ah 'n Uncle Mac'll just be a second."

Apple Seed nodded vigorously. "Okay, Aunt Applejack, Ah'll get her to her new room!" She turned her head towards the white unicorn and beckoned her towards the house. "Come on, it's this way!" she cried. Blossom giggled at her excitement and the two quickly began running towards the Apple abode.

The three older ponies smiled as they watched them go, but all three smiles fell in rapid succession once the door to the house swung shut. Apple Bloom shifted the luggage on her back and Big Mac closed the back door to the carriage. Applejack merely looked towards the door, deep in thought. Neither was quite willing to start the conversation they had been putting off for weeks.

Finally it was Big Macintosh of all ponies that broke the silence. "Alright, just come out and say it: we're worried 'bout her."

Applejack snorted. "Ah didn't think we needed to say that, big bro," she replied. "Ah'm more worried 'bout what you two are worried 'bout."

Apple Bloom cocked her head. "Now why would you need to be worried 'bout a silly thing like that?" she asked. "We've all heard the whispers and we all saw the papers, but Ah don't think that Blossom did anythin',"

Applejack slowly nodded and turned back to her brother. "And you?" she asked.

Big Mac slowly shook his head. "Nope, Ah don't think she did either."

"We're kinda wonderin' why you're worried 'bout that, sis," said Apple Bloom. "Do you think she's done anythin'?"

Applejack scoffed and shook her head. "No Ah don't," she replied. "And honestly Ah wasn't so much worried about whether or not you two thought she did as much as how we're gonna handle ponies who think she did. We all know that most of the town don't think she did, but there are a few who talk about it sometimes."

"It ain't their concern," said Apple Bloom simply. "Blossom is our problem, not theirs. They shouldn't judge when they don't have alla the facts. You just be sore to remember that mosta the town adores that filly and don't want to see her hurt any more than she already is. Why, from what Ah understand most of 'em are gonna be there for Blossom's surprise 'Welcome Back to Ponyville' party that Pinkie's puttin' together.

Applejack gave a small smirk. "Oh yeah, that's next week innit?" she chuckled. "Ah dunno, Ah guess with the nature of everythin' that's been happenin' to her Ah was just worried that things might be difficult for her here 's all."

"Life is difficult," said Big Mac evenly.

Apple Bloom nodded. "It'd be worse if she stayed at the castle," she reminded her older sister. "She'll be happy here and there won't be any reason to worry. You saw how happy she was with Apple Seed."

"Oh, speakin' of her we'd better go check on the two of them," said Applejack. "Now that Blossom's got her cutie mark Apple Seed'll be tryin' to get her to help her get hers and knows what'll happen then!"

Apple Bloom chuckled and began walking towards the house again. "Ah know what ya mean," she said. "Why, she's messier than Ah was when Ah was trying to get mah cutie mark!'

The elder Apple siblings had to hold back snorts of laughter at that as they exchanged an 'uh-huh, suuuureee' expression with each other that Apple Bloom didn't notice. Big Macintosh ran ahead of his sisters and opened the door for the two of them, allowing them to walk inside before entering the house himself.

The three ponies walked upstairs towards Blossom's new room to deposit their luggage and to make sure that all was in order before they got dinner going for the five of them. Applejack was the closest to the door so she nuzzled it open revealing...

Two Blossoms.

The three ponies stared silently at the two Blossoms for a moment before Apple Bloom broke out into a wide smile. "Ya know, the effect would probably work better if one of you Blossom's wasn't an earth pony half the size 'a the other."

The two Blossom's groaned in defeat and the unicorn Blossom fired up her horn. The illusion on the other Blossom slowly melted away revealing a giggling Apple Seed. "We were hopin' that ya'd hafta take a minute to guess which one was which, momma!"

Apple Bloom smirked and walked into the room to deposit the suitcase on the bed on the far end. "Well Ah'll admit that it did look mighty convincin' for a minute there," she chuckled. "It's no wonder changin' the looks of things is yer special talent, Blossom!"

Blossom giggled and before anypony could stop her, she levitated Applejack's Stetson off of her head and in a flash changed into the spitting image of a seven year old unicorn Applejack. "Aw shucks, sis, Ah appreciate you sayin' that!" she said in her best, but rather poor, imitation of Applejack's southern drawl.

Applejack chuckled and took her Stetson back from Blossom. The unicorn filly smiled up at the orange mare and was surprised to note that there was something a little forced about her smile. Applejack seemed to take a little too much care in putting the hat back on her head and adjusting it until it was just right on her head. The farm pony looked down at Blossom and widened her forced smile. "Uh, Blossom, if you could change back to the way you normally look that'd be great. You look impressive and all, but... yeah," she finished lamely.

Blossom uneasily nodded and ignited her horn. The Applejack disguise wore off, revealing the white filly underneath. "It's just an illusion," she mumbled. "I didn't actually turn into you."

Applejack chuckled and a hint of genuineness reached her smile. "Naw it ain't that, sugar cube," she reassured her. "It's just..." Applejack let out a humorless chuckle and shook her head. "It ain't nothin' so don't you worry your pretty little head about it."

Blossom's ears flattened and she turned her gaze to the floor. "Is it because I touched your hat, Miss Applejack?" she said quietly.

"Sugar cube Ah told you that you ain't got to worry about it," said Applejack gently, putting a hoof on Blossom's shoulder. "It's just that the hat was my pa's so I'm careful with it."

Blossom nodded and her ears perked up slightly. "I get it," she said.

"We can get you one if you like hats like that," said Apple Bloom.

Apple Seed's eyes widened and a grin split her face. "Yeah! Mah ma got me one!" With that the filly ran out the door towards her room, only to return a few seconds later with a filly sized red tinted Stetson perched on her head. "See, just like ma's!" she said gleefully.

Blossom looked up at Apple Seed and a small smile crossed her face. "It looks nice," she said. "It looks really good on you."

Apple Seed nodded happily. "Now that yer an Apple, you gotta have one too!"

Blossom opened her mouth to respond but she was cut off when Apple Seed's eyes widened and she let out a dramatic gasp. "Yer an Apple now," she said breathlessly. She looked up at her mother and pointed at Blossom. "She's livin' with us so she's an Apple now, right?"

The adults chuckled while Blossom blushed and gave an an embarrassed grin. Apple Bloom put a hoof on her daughter's shoulder to calm her down. "Well Ah think that's up ta Blossom, Apple Seed," she replied.

Blossom quietly cleared her throat. "Um... I'd like that," she whispered, loud enough for those present to hear. "I'd like to be an Apple if I'm living here."

Applejack smiled warmly down at the timid filly, all traces of falseness and awkwardness gone. "Shoot, sugar cube, you were family before ya even got here."

Before Blossom could respond, Apple Seed squealed in delight and gave Blossom one of her signature flying tackle hugs, sending them both tumbling to the floor. "Yay! Yer an Apple now, we're sisters now!" she squeed.

Blossom chuckled weakly and tried to pry herself from the vice-like grip of her new honorary sister but the Apple Seed held on tight. Blossom settled for sitting upright and adjusting herself so she could breathe. Noting this, Apple Bloom called out to her daughter. "Now Apple Seed, don't be crushin' her ribs none. We don't want to hurt her."

Immediately Apple Seed's forelegs retracted and the hyperactive filly was standing next to Blossom while the latter took a few relieved breaths. She loved Apple Seed, but her hugs could be more than a little enthusiastic; particularly the 'flying tackle' part. Apple Seed for her part only gave Blossom a second or two of recovery time before launching into another tirade. "So if yer gonna be an Apple now can Ah call ya Apple Blossom?" she asked excitedly. "Ah mean, yer name is Blossom and yer an Apple so it works, don't it?"

Before Blossom could respond, Apple Bloom looked down at her daughter with a hint of sternness. "Now Apple Seed, don't be puttin' too much on her at once. Blossom is a fine name and if that's what she wants to be called then--"

"Uh, actually I like that," Blossom said quietly. "She's right, it does kinda work doesn't it? It's nice."

Apple Seed immediately squealed in delight and gave Blossom another tackle hug. "That means yer mah big sister Apple Blossom! Ah've always wanted a big sister like my ma has and now Ah've got one!"

All of the adults chuckled as Apple Seed affectionately nuzzled Blossom. Blossom awkwardly pulled her forelegs out of Apple Seed's grip and wrapped her new little sister in a hug of her own. She hadn't even been here fifteen minutes yet and already she knew one simple fact.

Life was going to be good.