• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,757 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

  • ...

I Wanna Know You

Princess Celestia pulled the covers further over her body in an attempt to maximize the warmth they brought. That day had been a taxing one for her, she must remember to ask Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to prank the nobles, when was she going to get around to that, and she was eager to fall asleep. Her sister had everything well in hoof, she was sure of it.

Without warning the door to her room burst open. Celestia bolted out of bed and saw her sister running towards her with a wild look in her eyes. "Tia, a crisis has occurred!"

Celestia's eyes widened. "What? What is it?!"

"Diamond Tiara has escaped from the custody of the institution she was staying at!"

Celestia gasped and quickly slipped on her regalia. She rushed out the door with her sister. "When was this?"

"That's the worst part, Tia," said Luna grimly. "According to the doctors who discovered her escape it appears she has been gone for several hours."

Princess Celestia groaned. "How could that have happened?" she whispered to herself.

"Our biggest concern right now is where she could be headed," said Luna. "We fear that she had a purpose to her escape beyond merely getting out."

Princess Celestia nodded. "I agree, sister," she said. "The question is where..." The answer hit her like a ton of bricks. "Ponyville," she whispered. She turned to her sister. "She's going after Blossom!"

* * * *

Blossom's eyes widened as she registered the words that her step-mother had just said and she took a step back. Tears began welling in her eyes. "W...What?" she whimpered.

Rolling Thunder stepped in front of Blossom and flared his wings out. "No, you don't get to say that to her!" he growled.

Lilly glared at him. "Oh you're one to talk," she snarled. "Who's her mother, huh? When were you going to tell me about her?!"

"I didn't know about her until an hour ago myself!" Rolling Thunder insisted. "If I had I would have told you!"

The first tears began falling from Blossom's eyes. This was a mistake, she knew that now. She should have stayed back on the farm with the Apples or maybe even moved into Carousel Boutique. She was foolish to try to enter her father's life. She flattened her ears and took a step back. "I guess I should go then," she said quietly.

Rolling Thunder turned around and put a hoof on her shoulder. "No, you don't need to go. My wife here is just... surprised is all."

Lilly snorted. "Understatement of the century."

Rolling Thunder shot her a glare but continued on. "You don't need to go. I want you here."

The corners of Blossom's mouth tugged up and her ears perked again. Lilly sighed angrily and shook her head. "I guess it isn't your fault if you just wanted to find your father." She turned her glare back to her husband. "But I didn't know said father slept with a lot of mares when he was younger."

Rolling Thunder's ears dropped and he smiled uneasily. "Yes, well, I didn't really."

Lilly rolled her eyes. "What is your mother's name?" she asked Blossom.

"My mom is Sweetie Belle."

Lilly's eyes widened and she took an uneasy step backwards. She raised a hoof and pointed it at the white unicorn. "S-Sweetie Belle? As in 'murdered two foals' Sweetie Belle?" Blossom uneasily nodded and Lilly collapsed on her haunches with a sharp exhale. She shook her head in shock before regaining her senses and looking up at her husband. "You mounted The Ponyville Butcher's sister and knocked her up?"

Rolling Thunder flattened his ears even more and looked guiltily at the floor. "Well you see, it was..."

Lilly let out an angry groan and got to her hooves. "You are sleeping on the couch tonight, buster!"

With that, she turned around and walked up the stairs, entering a room on the top floor and slamming the door behind her. Rolling Thunder flinched when he heard the slam and turned uneasily back to his daughter. "S-Sorry about her," he muttered. "I didn't quite expect her to take it like that."

Blossom weakly nodded. "It's okay," she said quietly. "I guess I didn't really think about if you might have a family when I came to look for you. If I had known I wouldn't have even bothered."

"No you shouldn't have had to worry about that," Rolling Thunder insisted. "You never knew... me, so you wanted to find out about who I was when you could. I probably would have done the same thing if I didn't know my father when I was growing up.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Blossom. "But I didn't want to make your wife mad at you."

Rolling Thunder held up a hoof to stem any more words. "If she is it isn't your fault," he insisted. I guess she's just nervous and all since... well you can understand, can't you? She's just found out she has a step-daughter."

Blossom sighed and slowly nodded. "I can see where she's coming from and all, and I was trying to prepare myself for that reaction from you. Once you didn't react like that I guess I let my guard down."

Rolling Thunder cocked his head. "You expected that reaction from me?"

Blossom shrugged. "I didn't know what to expect," she admitted. "I mean, I had no idea who you were and what kind of stallion you might be. Then I come along and say that I'm your daughter? I think even a lot of rational, kind stallions would have a bunch of different reactions to that."

Rolling Thunder nodded. "Blossom, the truth is that I always suspected that I might be your father ever since I heard about what happened with you and your mother in the woods that day. I had heard how old you were and I did the math and braced myself for the possibility."

Blossom frowned and cocked her head. "So why didn't you try to come find me?"

"A lot of reasons," he admitted. "I wasn't quite so sure that your mother wanted anything to do with me, I wasn't sure that you did either and, the biggest one, I wasn't sure that I was your dad." Rolling Thunder chuckled. "I suppose that the mane would be a giveaway, but I didn't really follow what happened to you and your mom."

"Why didn't you if you thought that I might be your daughter?"

Rolling Thunder beckoned them back to the dining room and motioned her over to a chair before continuing on. "Well, I followed your aunt's story pretty closely," he began. "First serial killer in hundreds of years? That kind of thing was interesting to me when I was a younger stallion. I've probably read everything to do with your aunt. I even have the books that Analytical Brain wrote. When your mother came along and... well she was a the bar and I was drunk..."

Blossom held up a hoof. "I get the idea. I know the details."

Rolling Thunder chuckled nervously and continued on. "Yes, well, that happened. But it wasn't too long after that that I kind felt really bad about what I had done. Your mom was worth more than just some conquest for me and I almost wanted to track her down to apologize and see... well, if we couldn't actually take it somewhere." Rolling Thunder bowed his head sadly. "I was just about to buy a train ticket to Ponyville before I panicked. I stayed in Baltimare and I remained ever since."

Blossom smiled sadly and placed a hoof on her father's shoulder. "I don't blame you, dad. I'm not angry."

Rolling Thunder glanced up at Blossom and chuckled weakly. "It's odd, hearing you call me 'dad'."

Blossom retracted her hoof. "Well I don’t have to if you don't want me to."

Rolling Thunder waved away her objections. "No, no, I like it. It's just odd hearing somepony who isn't Comet call me 'dad' is all."

The two of them smiled at each other and Blossom was about to open her mouth to speak but she saw her dad's smile slowly fade. Her smile faded in turn just as she heard a set of hoofsteps behind her. She turned around and saw Lilly walking towards the two of them. To Blossom's surprise she looked rather... guilty almost.

She walked between the duo and nervously cleared her throat. "I...I would like to apologize for the way that I acted to you, Blossom," she said quietly. "It was wrong of me to just tell you to get out after I found out that you're my step-daughter."

"It's okay," said Blossom.

Lilly shook her head. "No, it isn't really okay. I guess you just... startled me is all. I know that doesn't excuse my actions and I accept responsibility for them, but I was surprised. My mind went a bunch of different places. Plus finding out who your mom is well... I also could have been a little more tactful about that."

"A little?" said Rolling Thunder irritatedly.

Lilly closed her eyes and sighed. "You know what I mean," she grumbled. "I'm trying to apologize here."

"And I don't want you to lose sleep over it," said Blossom with a wave of her hoof. "Yeah, it hurt to hear you say that, but if you're sorry then I want that to be the end of it."

Lilly gave Blossom a weak smile. "Thanks, Blossom. I know we got off on the wrong hoof, but I'd rather we move past that."

Rolling Thunder managed a smile himself. "Now that that's all settled, what do we do now?" He turned to Blossom. "I assume it would be too fast to invite you to live here."

Blossom nodded. "Yeah, I have my own house in Ponyville. Plus I'm at that age where it's time for me to move out anyway."

Rolling Thunder nodded. "Yes I suppose you're right. Still, you're here now so stay a little while. I don't know about you, but I'd like to get to know you and I know that Comet is going to be overjoyed when she finds out that you're her sister."

Blossom's smile widened and she looked over at Lilly who smiled back at her. Still, she noted something a little forced in her smile but decided to ignore it in the hopes that it wouldn't come up again. She looked back over at her father. "I'd like that a lot.

"Excellent!" said Rolling Thunder happily. "I think the first order of business is for you to go meet your sister."

Blossom's unease instantly faded away and she nodded vigorously. Rolling Thunder beckoned her onwards with one of his wings and she followed her father towards the stairway. He led her upstairs and pointed over towards a room at the end of the hallway that was decorated with a large Wonderbolts poster with Scootaloo striking an epic pose. "Comet's in that room there. I know she's eager to talk to you so you just go on ahead. I'll get your room ready."

Blossom smiled and thanked her father. She trotted over to the door and knocked on it and heard a squeal of delight from behind it. The door quickly opened revealing a beaming Comet behind it. "Blossom, you're here!" The excited filly eagerly grabbed Blossom's hoof and pulled her inside.

Blossom gave an impressed whistle when she saw the inside of the room. Blossom hadn't been kidding: she had a massive amount of Wonderbolts stuff in her room. "Comet this is an amazing amount of Wonderbolts stuff. It's more than I have."

Comet giggled. "No way, I'm sure you have more than I do, what with your aunts being Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash! I mean, how cool is that?!"

Blossom grinned at her sister. "Yeah, well they don't give me a lot of stuff but they gave me a big poster signed by the whole team."

Blossom began to consider that it might be a good idea to stop telling Comet about her connections with the Wonderbolts as the filly looked like she would have an awe induced heart-attack if she kept going. Her eyes seemed to take up her entire face after this latest revelation. "You...you have what?" she whispered.

Blossom blushed and flattened her ears. "It's not too big of a deal I just--"

"Not a big deal?" Comet shook her head as if she couldn't comprehend what Blossom had just said. "N-No that's a big deal! I would kill for something like that!"

Blossom frowned. "Don't say stuff like that, Comet, it's not polite."

Comet nodded dumbly. "Okay I won't say that but I would love to have something like that!" The filly rushed over to a desk she had in her room and took a large box off of it. She returned to Blossom and opened it at her hooves and began taking out scraps of paper. Blossom examined them and saw that they had signatures on all of them. "I have Scootaloo, Rapid Fire, Rainbow Dash... no, three Rainbow Dashes, Fly By, Lightning Dust..." She looked up at Blossom. "But I don't have one poster signed by the whole team!"

Blossom chuckled to herself and sat on her haunches in front of Comet. She fired up her horn and placed all of the scraps of paper inside of the box and pushed it to the side. Comet looked up at her with a frown. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I have something very important to talk to you about," said Blossom. "You know how your dad said that I'm related to him?" Comet nodded uneasily. "Well I'm his daughter, just like you are. That makes us sisters."

Comet's jaw nearly hit the floor and she sat in front of Blossom in total shock for an entire minute, hardly blinking. Blossom frowned at her. It seemed as if she had broken her brain or something. "Comet are you--"

Her words were cut off when Comet began shouting. "DADDY, DADDY, DADDY!"

Blossom flinched back and flattened her ears to block out some of the noise. She considered telling Comet to quiet down before she shattered her eardrums but thankfully Rolling Thunder burst into the room in seconds. "What? What's wrong, Comet?"

Comet snapped a hoof up at Blossom. "Blossom just told me that she's my sister! Is she my sister, daddy?"

Rolling Thunder stared at his daughter in total silence for a few seconds before he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed to himself. "Yes, Comet. Blossom is your sister."

The effect was instantaneous. Upon hearing the confirmation from her father Comet wrapped Blossom up in a tackle hug that reminded the mare of the kind that Apple Seed used to give when she was a filly and still gave on occasion. "I have a sister!" Comet cried happily. "I have a big sister!"

"Yes, I'm your big sister," said Blossom. "Uh, Comet, can you let me go? You're kinda crushing my forelegs here."

Comet released Blossom from the hug and instead chose to begin bouncing around her, happily yelling out that she had a big sister. It took Blossom and Rolling Thunder five minutes to calm her down to the point where she wasn't jumping around anymore. By that point she seemed to want to give Blossom another tackle hug but Blossom quickly stood up and took a few steps back to prevent this.

Eventually Comet calmed down enough that she was merely asking Blossom a series of rapid questions like she had at dinner, which Blossom had to make an effort to keep up with. Rolling Thunder had left to finish preparing Blossom's room when he saw that his daughters were fine.

Soon enough the night fell over the city of Baltimare. Blossom and Comet were in the process of playing 'Wonderbolts' with Blossom controlling the Scootaloo figurine with her magic and Comet balancing the Rainbow Dash one on her hooves. Together the two flew around and got into all sorts of adventures with each other. Comet even had Rainbow Dash do a Sonic Rainboom no less than five times over the course of the evening. The real Rainbow Dash was still the only one who had managed to pull it off, though Scootaloo was trying, according to her mother.

Finally Rolling Thunder came in with Lilly trailing behind him. "Hey you two," he said warmly. Blossom and Comet both greeted him with smiles. Rolling Thunder turned to Comet. "It's eight-thirty, Comet. It's time for the little Wonderbolt cadet to hit the hay for the night."

"Awwww daaad!" Comet whined. "Can't I stay up just a little while longer with Blossom?"

Rolling Thunder shook his head. "Sorry, kiddo. You need your sleep. Blossom will be here tomorrow and you can play Wonderbolts then."

Comet flattened her ears with a sigh. "Okay, dad," she muttered.

Rolling Thunder turned his attention to Blossom. "If you want to check out your room, it's down the hall, third door on the right. The bathroom is right next to it. I'll be in after I tuck Comet in."

Blossom smiled and got to her hooves. After wishing Comet a good night she trotted over to her room. When she entered, she saw that her saddlebag had been placed in the corner of the room, something that she appreciated. The room itself was simple. The white walls and the plain blue bedspread made it clear that this was a guest room but it looked comfortable enough.

She used her magic to pull back the comforter so she could get into bed but before she could she heard the door open behind her. She turned to see her dad walk into the room. She greeted him with a large grin. "Hi, dad."

"Hey, Blossom," said Rolling Thunder. "Is the room okay?"

Blossom nodded happily. "Oh yes, it's quite nice. Thank you very much."

Rolling Thunder waved a hoof. "Oh it's no trouble at all, Blossom. You're my daughter and it's my duty as your father to make sure that you are comfortable in my home. I want to get to know you as much as you want to get to know me starting tomorrow. What say you to a tour of Baltimare?"

"I'd love that," said Blossom. "If you stop by to see me sometime I'll give you a tour of Ponyville."

""Sounds good to me."

Blossom was just about to respond when she was struck with a rather impressive yawn. It seemed that she needed that three hour nap on the train after all and expending all of that magic didn't help matters either. Plus Comet took a lot of energy to be around when she got going. "Well, I think I need to go to bed," said Blossom sleepily. "I'd better do it now if we've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."

"It sounds like a plan." Rolling Thunder walked over to Blossom and wrapped her in a hug. "As much of a surprise as it was, I'm glad I met you today."

"I'm glad I met you too, dad," whispered Blossom. "I know we're gonna be happy, getting to know each other."

Rolling Thunder released Blossom from the hug and allowed Blossom to get into bed. When she had, Rolling Thunder pulled the comforter over her and tucked her in. He leaned in and kissed her on the head. "Goodnight, Blossom. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, dad."

With one last smile Rolling Thunder left the room, shutting the door behind him. Blossom let out a contented sigh and nestled further into the sheets.

Things were going pretty well.

For all of about thirty more seconds.

"How long is she staying, Thunder?"

Blossom's eyes snapped open as she heard Lilly's voice from the other side of the wall. The master bedroom must have been the one right next to hers and as such she could hear everything.

"As long as she want to, Lilly," she heard her father reply. "She's my daughter and I want to get to know her. Wouldn't you? Heck, don't you?"

"Oh, the child you had with another mare? How do you think that makes me feel?"

Rolling Thunder sighed. "Look, I can't blame you for being surprised; I was pretty surprised today too. But don't you want to at least give her a chance? She's a wonderful mare!"

Hearing her father defend her like that made Blossom smile. Even though he'd known her for less than four hours he already wanted to accept her into the family. It felt... nice.

However, Lilly didn't seem to agree. "Yeah, I'm sure she seems that way," she growled. "But Thunder, I know you've heard the rumors too."

Rolling Thunder groaned. "Lilly, I don't want to talk about that."

"Thunder if there weren't any rumors and we knew for a fact that Sweetie Belle was the guilty one then I'd be more open to this because she'd just be a mare who had something terrible happen to her and she's reaching out to you. But... we might have a foal murderer sleeping in the next room!"

Blossom sharply inhaled. Had she just said...?

"No, she didn't do anything like that! She's exactly what you just said: a mare who had something bad happen to her so she's reaching out to the only family she has left. I will not tolerate the notion that she did anything wrong."

"But if she did do something then I'm not sure I want her around Comet. If she's capable of murdering foals--"

"No, you saw how they interacted!" Rolling Thunder retorted. "They formed an instant bond, she would never hurt Comet!"

"But how can you know that?" Lilly countered.

"Because her mother was arrested and incarcerated and there have been exactly zero incidents since then!"

"But she's been under the eye of the Royal Sisters since then," said Lilly. "They only just removed their gaze!" Lilly sighed. "Look, the issue here is murder. That's way more severe than anything else. What's more is you know who her aunt was. Even if her mother is the killer that kind of implies that it runs in the family, right?"

That was it. Blossom had heard enough. This was a mistake, that much was clear.

Blossom hopped out of bed and put her saddlebag on her back. Hopefully she could catch a train back to Ponyville soon. She would write her father apologizing for leaving so suddenly and inviting him and Comet to stay with her in Ponyville. Obviously Lilly wouldn't come with, but that's the way she wanted it.

She opened the door and tried to quietly walk down the stairs. If she could leave without them noticing then it would be easier. "You didn't even make it four hours, Blossom," she muttered to herself.

"Blossom? Where are you going?"

The voice behind her came out of nowhere and she jumped a little. She turned around to see her father looking at her with concern while Lilly looked contemplatively at her. Blossom made eye contact with the mare and her eyes hardened into a glare. "I heard every word," she growled. "'Runs in the family', huh?"

Lilly's eyes widened and she took a step forward. "Blossom I..."

"Don't say that you didn't mean it because you clearly did," Blossom snarled. "You don't even know me and already you're worried that I'm going to cut Comet's throat while she's sleeping?!"

"N-No that wasn't what I meant at all!"

Blossom rolled her eyes. Okay, then what exactly did you mean when you said that you didn't feel comfortable with me being around Comet? Because that seems to imply that you thought I was going to hurt her." Lilly tried to stutter out a response but Blossom held up a hoof to cut her off. She turned to her father. "Come visit me in Ponyville sometime. Comet is more than welcome to come too." She shifted her gaze to Lilly. "You? Not so much."

Ignoring the pleas of her father, Blossom trotted down the stairs and out the door.

* * * *

Luck was on Blossom's side that night as she arrived at the train station just as a train to Ponyville was arriving. She paid for a private sleeper car with the rest of her money and hopped onto the train a few minutes before it departed.

As it pulled away, Blossom began angrily pacing back and forth. "What gives her the right to say that stuff about me?" she growled to herself. "Who does she think she is anyway?"

"Well, Blossom, she was just worried about her foal," she replied to herself. "She's obviously protective of her and with your history..."

Blossom scoffed. "History? That's rich. It was just that one time and it's not like I..."

Blossom's eyes widened and she sat on her haunches. The truth was that she had been the murderer. She was the foal murderer that Lilly was worried she would be. But no, she would never hurt Comet. Fire Ruby and Golden Necklace had cornered her in the woods and were verbally abusing her. She had panicked, that was all. She would never under any circumstances hurt Comet or her father.

"Would you hurt Lilly, though?" she whispered to herself.

Instantly what she had said hit her and she gasped. "Blossom how could you say something like that?!" she cried.

"I don't know! I just kind of slipped out!"

"No, that kind of thing doesn't just slip out."

"But it did, I promise! I don't want to hurt her either, no matter how mean she is! It's like I said: she's just protective of her child!"

Blossom growled to herself and looked over at her bed. "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

* * * *

The train pulled into Ponyville at around one-thirty in the morning. Blossom was awoken by one of the conductors doing rounds and she sleepily exited the train. She briefly considered going back to Sweet Apple Acres, but decided that it would be best if she just went back to Carousel Boutique. It was closer and there was no reason to wake up the Apples this late. She would go see them tomorrow.

Within ten minutes she was outside the door to her house. She took the key out of her saddlebag and was about to unlock the door but she found that it was already open. She frowned to herself but supposed that she had just forgotten to lock it before she left. It happened.

She walked in and closed the door behind her. Despite the three hours of sleep she had gotten she was still pretty tired and ready for a good night's sleep.

That's when she felt a small prick in her neck.

She flinched back and swatted at her neck and to her surprise she felt something there. She used her magic to examine it and saw that it seemed to be a small... needle?

It was then that she became extremely woozy. Whatever was in that syringe was affecting her.

She stumbled around. Maybe she had imagined it and was just more tired than she thought. She just needed to get to bed, that was all. She was just imagining this.

"Why won't you fall?" growled a voice behind her.

With a squeal Blossom collapsed onto the floor. The voice chuckled and rolled her over as her vision started blackening. Her eyes widened when the moonlight revealed her attacker's identity.

"M... Miss Tiara?" she muttered weakly.

Diamond Tiara smiled down at her and gently put a hoof over Blossom's mouth. She leaned in close to Blossom and whispered in her ear. "When you wake up you will be mine."