• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,757 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

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Not Going Anywhere

Thanks to the suggestion from Nevitt, Blossom was released from the hospital the following morning. She was picked up by Apple Bloom and Applejack and the three of them silently walked back to the farm. When they walked inside the house, Blossom silently walked past Apple Seed and Big Mac and trotted up the stairs to her room. She closed and locked the door behind her and plopped onto her bed. "I am not gonna have any nightmares tonight, okay? If you wanna talk to me, aunt Rarity, you can do that but we are not going to go down into your basement, do you hear me?"

Blossom pulled the covers over her and was out like a light the second she hit the pillow.

* * * *

When she woke up she felt refreshed like she hadn't been in weeks. She tried to recall what she had dreamed about, and all she could remember was that a giant room where the floor was littered with gigantic fluffy pillows and blankets and the walls were made up of massive bookshelves. The fourth wall was a gigantic movie screen, playing a popular film that Blossom had seen last month. It was an undeniably finer way to dream than what she had experienced the past two or so weeks. She woke up and went downstairs with a smile on her lips and a spring in her step.

She walked into the kitchen and saw the four Apples eating at the table. "Hello, family!" she chirped.

The four ponies all turned to her and smiled when they saw how chipper she appeared. "Well look who's finally awake," Apple Seed teased. "One woulda thought that ya hadn't ever slept before!"

Blossom chuckled and sat down next to her sister. She levitated a plate next to her and scooped apple cobbler onto it. "So how long have I been out?"

"Pretty much since ya came home yesterday mornin'," Applejack replied. "It's lunchtime Saturday now."

Blossom let out an impressed whistle. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised given how many restless nights I've had since... that, but I don't feel too worried about any of that anymore!"

"Why is that, Apple Blossom?" asked Apple Seed.

Blossom gave a wide smile that almost threatened to split her face in two. "Because when I was at the hospital again, a new psychologist came to talk to me and she told the princesses that the best thing for me is for them to just leave me the heck alone. So, they're not gonna be around anymore and neither is Dr. Mind. From now on if I need help I'm going to go to my family instead of some Celestia-appointed shrink."

The four Apples voiced their approval and Apple Seed clapped Blossom on the back. "They shoulda just let ya do that in the first place!"

Blossom vigorously nodded. "Definitely." She leaned back in her chair. "I think things are going to get much better from now on."

* * * *

The next morning saw Blossom packing her saddlebag for Baltimare. She had a large grin on her face as she had been looking forward to spending some quality time with her father and sister and to her surprise she was even warming up slightly to her step-mother and she hoped that it was mutual.

As she closed her saddlebag, she heard the door open behind her. "Apple Blossom?"

Blossom turned around and saw Apple Seed standing in the doorway. Blossom smiled at her and beckoned her into the room. "What's up?"

Apple Seed trotted over to Blossom and nuzzled her on the shoulder. "Ah just wanted to talk to you is all," she said quietly.

Blossom frowned. She had rarely seen the youngest Apple so subdued and downtrodden. "Is something wrong?" she asked, directing her sister to the bed. "You seem down."

Apple Seed sighed and leaned her head in on Blossom's shoulder. "Ah'm just..." She sighed. "Ah'm just worried 'bout you is all, with you goin' to see yer pa and everythin'." Apple Seed's ears flattened and she turned her gaze to the floor. "Ah know Ah'm foolish to worry, but Ah'm just worried that y'all are gonna jest forget 'bout us, now that ya know who yer real pa is."

Blossom chuckled and wrapped her forelegs around Apple Seed's shoulders. "I would never," she reassured her. "I would never in all of my days forget about you. You and Aunt Applejack and Aunt Apple Bloom and Uncle Mac are my family and don't think I'll just forget that because I know who my dad is."

Apple Seed managed a small smile. "Ah'm really happy fer you 'bout that. Ah don't know if Ah ever told ya that Ah felt that way. You know mah pa died not long after Ah was born so ta see you have a pa that loves you..." Apple Seed's smile widened. "Ah don't know anypony else who deserves one more than you do."

Blossom nuzzled the top of Apple Seed's head. "Thanks, Apple Seed. But just remember that even though I have a dad and another sister, you were my sister before she was. I could never replace you with her. Aunt Applejack always used to say that I have a big heart. Well that just means there's room for all of you in there." Blossom smirked. "As sappy as that sounds."

"Ah know Ah'm bein' silly, worryin' that you won't come 'round no more because you got yer own family in Baltimare," Apple Seed mumbled, "but ya haven't been back from the hospital more than a day and already yer headin' off again."

"Apple Seed, I'm heading out because my dad and I planned a father-daughters outing together. I'm just going to be gone for three weeks and then it's back to Ponyville. My house is here, you know."

"Ah know that Ah'm bein' silly, Apple Blossom, but with everythin' that's been happenin' with Diamond Tiara and all that, Ah'm scared of losin' you."

Blossom tightened her hug and leaned her head on top of Apple Seed's. "I'm not going anywhere, Apple Seed."