• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 6,058 Views, 149 Comments

Eevee's trip to equestria - Aleksandr Sherbet

When looking for food in Viridian forest eevee becomes unconscious and ends up at the everfree forest with no knowledge how he got there he will find out that his friendships may cause nightmares.

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Chapter 10 shadow juggernaut

When we entered the dining room I was surprised it was huge.

I spotted both Luna and Pinkie they gestured me to sit next to them so I did.

"So how are you liking equestria Eevee." Princess celestia asked

"I gotta say its pretty good when I first got here everything felt so familiar. But after a double-take it wasn't the forest I lived in still every pony says that the everfree forest is scary. I mean its creepy but not all that bad." I said smiling

"Wow I thought that you were crazy for sleeping in the forest." Rainbow said

"Yeah I know most Eevees in my world live in towns or big cities. But I don't like big places I like small and capable where I can see the stars with out pollution ruining the stars at night."

"I see now I now know you changed into an umbreon you like night more than the mornings." Luna said I gave Luna a small smile she blushed lightly that's one the reasons why I love her.

Food was brought when we finished talking everyone talked to each other and laughed at stories told to one another. I then started to look at my newly acquired bandana it's weird but this bandana actually got me powers I didn't know the moves I know so far are shadow ball,dark pulse,iron tail, and charm. Those are the ones I can do easily.

Pinkie noticed I wasn't eating instead I was staring at the bandana then the whole table started to look at me I really didn't notice since I was lost in my mind I then breathed in then out.

I felt different like the moonlight that shined through the windows gave me strength. I then looked up from my bandana and saw them staring at me.

"Oh hi." I waved they only chuckle.

"What are you looking at." Luna asked

"Oh well I was looking at this bandana when I wear it I feel powerful like I unlocked moves I didn't know I had."

The rest of dinner went uneventful I decide to get some sleep after I'd say about two hours rest I didn't feel all that tired.

Everyone was asleep I decide to go outside for awhile there. I spotted Luna awake looking to moon her eyes she looked like she was crying I slowly approached her.

"Hey Luna are you okay?" I asked

"Hmm oh I'm fine Eevee." She lied I knew Luna how she looked when lying her ears would flatten and her eyes would glisten.

"Luna please don't lie tell me what's wrong." I asked

She sighed and said. "Do you like me Eevee?"

"Of Course your smart,beautiful,and kind."

"As a friend or more than a friend?" Luna asked

"I think of you as somepony special somepony I can talk to."

she only smiled I then leaned forward and kissed her lips she didn't resist at all I even heard a tiny moan escape our lips separated and I spoke up.

"You've been waiting to do that? But you never had the time or privacy to do it have you." She nodded

"I've always know we had a connection."

"Listen Luna I need to tell you that Pinkie also love's me." I told her

"It's okay I can share." she gave me a small wink

I smiled and gave Luna a kiss but then heard rumbling.

"Did you hear that it sounds like something big is coming." I said

"Yes I did it seems it's getting closer."

"Go get your sister and the girls I'll look for it out in the forest."

I quickly got up and ran towards the front gates that's when I saw a large shadow creature.

"Dear Arceus a juggernaut." The juggernaut then slammed its fist near me. But missed I then started to hit it's fist with my iron tail the whole fist then broke off. It groaned in painhe put his near where I could climb up after getting to his neck I started using shadow claws and slashed its weak spot and it yelled in pain.

POV of Luna

I quickly went upstairs to inform the elements and my sister I knocked my sister room.

I then went in. "Tia wake up something is wrong." I told my sister

"What's wrong Luna?" an ear shattering roar got her up.

We walked outside my sisters chamber and to the throne room there were all six mares looking very tired.

"Did to here that?" Twilight said

"Yeah that sound what was that?" Rainbow asked

"Where's Eevee." Fluttershy asked

"Come on girls Eevee need's our help." I said

As we got outside we saw Eevee scale the beast with ease he looked very tired. We need to defeat this monster.

POV of Eevee

As I climbed I jumped up high and slammed my tail on its shoulder it wince in pain dealing heavy damage he seemed to adapt to my moves as he block every move.

"Luna,Celestia,Twilight I need you to focus your magic on it restrain it."

They nodded in agreement their magic held juggernaut in place for quite awhile I then concentrated my anger at the monster then I used dark pulse it was enough to destroy the chest only thing left was its head.

The magic was then released the juggernauts head was floating around using powerful beams of darkness one of beams hit me it was a very painful hit again like the manticore I couldn't faint here not now not until I kill this bastard.

I felt a hyper sensation coming from inside me I felt anger,sadness, and doubt release the ray then blasted him to pieces. I learned hyper beam.

"Darkrai must've sent that beast after me." I said

Fluttershy then approached me "Eevee your hurt." she touched my check I looked at her hoof and saw blood.

Backed away from them I then exhaled and looked to the moon. I closed my eyes and the light from the moon released a small beam which hit me I heard gasp as if hit me that's when I noticed that I learned moonlight.

I turned to them I was perfectly health no cuts on me at all.

"That's moonlight a move where the moon basically acts like health and will heal my cuts." I said

"So you rely largely on the moon." Luna asked

"Yes the moon powers up my evolution and the brighter the moon is the strong my move moonlight."

"I noticed something Eevee the beam you shot out it was powered by different emotions wasn't it." Celestia stated

"Yeah my emotions powered it the anger I felt pulsated through my body. My doubts the doubts that Luna and Pinkie had different emotions for me. The sadness of that went through my body when I was in my nightmare and the fear I had thinking if I don't defeat Darkrai he'll corrupt this world."

"And he won't." a powerful booming voice said as a portal opened and saw a familiar figure.

POV of cresselia

"We need to support Eevee he seems to get angrier his emotions will be his downfall if he can't control them." I said

"Yes we must go to this world and help Eevee destroy him gather the lake guardians." Arceus said

After I had gathered them Arceus opened a portal the portal showed us eight mares and Eevee.

"And he won't." Arceus said

We step through and reveal ourselves hopefully they'll accept us for the time being.

Author's Note:

Sorry for updating had extra work on my other fics