• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 6,057 Views, 149 Comments

Eevee's trip to equestria - Aleksandr Sherbet

When looking for food in Viridian forest eevee becomes unconscious and ends up at the everfree forest with no knowledge how he got there he will find out that his friendships may cause nightmares.

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Chapter 13 Stevie

I walked into the throne room to see what they want.

"Yeah what is it Pinkie?" I asked

"Oh yeah it seems like three little fillies have feelings for you." Pinkie said

"What do you mean feelings." I asked confused at what pinkie told me.

"Well it seems like that Sweetie Belle,Scootaloo,and Applebloom care for you a lot." Rarity stated

"So what you're telling me is that they have a crush on me."

"Wow you catch on fast don't you." Rainbow said with a smirk

"Hey I have a lot on my mind right now. I really don't see what's so good about me I mean I lived alone ,no friends,parents hated me." I said

"Maybe it's just a schoolyard crush type. Like they only like you because you help them with things." Fluttershy suggested

"Maybe I'm not entirely sure about these things."

"Well you should find out. I mean they're going to have scheme to make you like them a lot more." Twilight said

"Well I have a lot on my plate I still have to train and then I have to get ready for nightmare night. Stop Darkrai from building nightmares and rule equestria with darkness."

"Yeah because that's hard to stop a villain." Rainbow said

"Hey you stopped nightmare moon last year. Okay I have beat a guy who can make your worst fear alive."

"Yes but we did it together." Rainbow said slowly like I was an idiot

"Yeah I know you did it together but I have to do this alone that's what Arceus told me."

"Fuck Arceus! You need our help so were going give it to you." Rainbow said while the girls gasped at rainbows language and not paying any attention that her sister was there.

"You have a point there Rainbow we need to prepare and you six are my best bet to beat him."

"Hey Rainbow what does 'fuck' mean." Scootaloo asked

I just started laughing Rainbow just put herself in a hole. But I helped her out.

"Well Scootaloo it means something bad that you can't say until your much older."

"How old?" Sweetie belle asked

"How old are you?" I asked


"Will I would say until you are fifteen then your allowed to say it." I said

I quickly got out of there to avoid further talk.

"Eevee we need to talk." Arceus said

"Sure what is it." I asked

"It's about your friends they are becoming a distraction you need to focus your energy and time on Darkrai and not these silly antics you go with them." Arceus demanded

"Wait hold on there I've been working my ass off trying to help them out with their problems."

"Yes their problems not yours after this you are returning to the kanto region with no memory of what happened here."

"Like hell I am fuck you and your rules I'm not returning to a place that never wanted me." I stated

"Well that's not an option after you are done you are leaving."

"Well how are you going to explain my absences to my friends and marefriends?" I said

"Easy tell them that you had to leave because our world needed you and can't survive without it."

"You fucking bastard." I said

"Ease yourself Eevee you aren't ready to take on a legend." He said with a smirk.

"Okay fine I'll leave when we are done but let me say goodbye."

"Of course I'm not monster." He said as I gave him another glare.

After my talk with Arceus I entered the throne room with a frown my friends saw this and wondered why I was like this.

"Well it looks like I'm going to have to leave after I defeat Darkrai."

"What do you mean." Luna asked

"It means after I'm done here Arceus is going to make me leave you girls."

They all had frowns. But it impacted Fluttershy,Pinkie,and Luna the most. Pinkie's usual cotton candy mane was now straight her eyes started to wail up with tears as well as Fluttershy's and Luna's. I hated seeing them like this I didn't want to leave but Arceus was going to make me one way or another.

"Pinkie I'm-" I was then cut of when I was picked up by a lavender aura.

"Eevee I think you go clear your head and pinkie needs to be with some mares." I looked at her with disbelief but I knew she was right her friends needed to be with her I then walked outside the palace and towards a heavily wooded area I kept walking until I couldn't see the palace anymore.

POV of Arceus

"Are you happy for what you've done two element bearers and my sister are deeply sadden by your attempt to make Eevee see straight." Celestia told Arceus

"Look I told him not to get attached to them he was going to leave someday." I told celestia

"Yes but you broke three hearts because if your gain. I know you are just here for eevee but have you thought any of this through you idiot."

"Celestia I-" I was interrupted by her.

"Shut up. SHUT THE FUCK UP!! This is your fault I know that you know I have enough to banish you from my kingdom and send you back to your realm. Eevee brought happiness to my sister something I rarely see I hate seeing my sister depressed and you are going to fix this." Celestia was angry I saw the tips of her flowing mane on fire.

POV of Eevee

As I walk down a path I heard nothing but hoots of owls and screeches of bats. Normally Pokémon would be bothered by those noises but I learned to live with them since hoothoots and zubats live near my home at Viridian.

I daydreamed about my old home anxiously waiting for mail to come looking up at the stars seeing a shooting star once in awhile. I think the reason I love Luna is because when I see her mane it reminds me so much of the beauty of the sky at night. But when I see Pinkie's bubbly personality it makes me smile and sometimes makes me laugh when I see her with frosting on her nose and tries to lick it up.

My thoughts were then interrupted by I small cry it sounded vaguely familiar.

"Hello is anyone out here I promise I won't hurt you." I heard a small eep I slow approached a small log inside I saw a small pup.

POV of Luna

I was pretty depressed hearing that Eevee needed to leave as soon as he defeats Darkrai. I wanted to do something but his ruler Arceus seemed like he needed to leave ASAP I wish that Pinkie and I could have a final day with him.

"Do you really think he wants to leave." Rainbow asked

"I doubt he loves here he seems to consider us all family." Twilight retorted

"Yes I must say he cares a lot about us and our little sisters." Rarity commented

"Yeah how we gonna tell the girls about Eevee leaving?" Applejack asked

I slowly brushed Pinkies mane with my hoof calming her down after a few minutes all of us fell into deep sleep.

POV of Eevee

I looked at the pup the pup then looked at me with fear in its eyes.

"It's okay I won't hurt you I promise." I told the pup

"Please go away." She asked I determine it was female by it gentle tone.

"What's your name? how did you get here?" I asked her

"My name is Stevie and I saw a portal and Darkrai chased me into this forest."

"What's your name?" She asked

"My name is Eevee it's nice to meet you." I said as she slowly crawled out of the log and sat down in front of me.

"H-hello Eevee where are we." She asked

"We are in equestria near the capital city canterlot." I looked at her she was a small Eevee a young one younger then the CMC but her fur color was different it was a light blue tint.

"Come with me I'll take you somewhere safe."

"O-okay Eevee." We proceed to walk and I heard some trees rustle I looked over and saw three tree covered wolves I knew I had to protect her.

This going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

If you are wondering yes Stevie is shiny and rainbow laser thank you for the idea.