• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 6,058 Views, 149 Comments

Eevee's trip to equestria - Aleksandr Sherbet

When looking for food in Viridian forest eevee becomes unconscious and ends up at the everfree forest with no knowledge how he got there he will find out that his friendships may cause nightmares.

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Chapter 8 the past and new love

Darkness that's a word I could sum up. All I saw was darkness my mind then clearing saw a light. I woke up in a familiar place the forest not just any forest the Viridian forest where I lived my whole life I saw old memories the day of my birth seeing my father encouraging my mother. Most Pokemon would hate seeing there birth but I didn't mostly that's when my life began I still remember my birthday 10/31/1096 as the year here is different from my world. The presents I got happy days.

They weren't always like that the next place I woke up in was a dark tundra nothingness surrounded me the feelings of not wanted began to surface. As I walked emotions began to hit like a freight train I than saw a small Eevee no older than six.

Memories of this land began to surface as my mind raced searching for an answer.

I remember this where my parents abandoned me. Once I finally got back to the forest I found my home no one was there everything intact though that was my home for the past twelve years.

I woke up around 5:00 A.M I was really frighten seeing my old memories knowing that I had to scavenge just to eat and live on my own for years knowing that nobody wanted me I didn't know what I did wrong why was my life like this and why was I sent here to equestria I need answers and I'm going to find them.

I looked down I saw the three fillies still sleeping near me this time no fears no tears they know I'm here they know that their sisters will do anything for them and won't let Darkrai get away for emotionally scarring them.

I slowly rose so I didn't disturb the sleeping fillies. As I rose I got to the door of the library and exited I only need to be alone. As I got out I saw Pinkie up I approached her then she quickly turned and greeted me.

"Good morning Eevee!"

"Damn Pinkie you're up early."

She only smiled and said "you know what they say the early bird catches the worm eww not worm how about gummy worm."

"So why are you up so early?" She asked me

"Couldn't sleep I've been having nightmares about my past." I knew she was interested on learning more but I couldn't tell her I never told anybody that my parents abandoning so I kept my mouth shut.

But something sparked I saw the way her pink coat shined under the sunrise. I really just wanted to kiss her but I couldn't we're different species.

"You can kiss me if you want." Pinkie said

"What?" She then leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. I was stunned but I loved the kiss it felt great.

Afterwards my mouth was left agape at what she just did. She only giggled and stared back I honestly thought that she thought I was having a staring contest with her.

"Why d id you do that?" I asked

"Well I heard you mumbling in your sleep something about parents and gone and you seem upset too; so I decide to give you super extra special kiss to make you happy." She smiled as she went towards me whispered in my ear.

"I also know that you have a crush on me,Twilight,Applejack,Rarity,Rainbow,Flutters,and Luna."

"How did you know all that Pinkie?" I asked

"Well it was easy looking into your eyes your eyes sparkle every time you see one of us."

"Pinkie please keep this secret between us."

"Okay I will."

"Pinkie promise?" I asked

"Pinkie promise." She said

Now I'm going to sleep knowing I just kissed a beautiful mare, or she kissed me. I don't know a kiss is kiss.

I felt something shake me awake I opened my eyes and saw that the cutie mark crusaders were awake trying to wake me up.

"Oh come on wake up." Scootaloo said

As I rose I saw seven mares looking at me and three fillies .

"What?" I asked

"We have to hurry before we miss the train to Canterlot." Twilight said

"What?" I asked again they looked at me like I wasn't here yesterday.

"Remember you said that you'd tell the princess about Darkrai." Luna informed me.

"Oh him yeah let's go as long as I don't have to sleep I really don't want to deal with my nightmares anymore." I said as I walked to the door.

"You had a nightmare?" Fluttershy asked

"Yeah it was about my childhood nothing to bad just about my stupid parents, don't worry Flutters Darkrai wasn't in the nightmare." I said

"Why would you call your parents stupid?" Twilight questioned

"I don't want to talk about let's leave it at that." I said

"Oh okay let's get to the train station." Twilight said as we left the three fillies stuck by me I didn't mind as they walked they were really happy as we got our tickets they sat next to me they felt very comfortable around me.

I was still thinking about why my dreams had such an impact sure I was dishearten when my parents left but they left the home I live in or use to live in these thought just don't go way first I'm think about my nightmares then I'm thinking about the kiss that Pinkie gave me was that all in good fun or did she have feelings for me.

As the train started moving I had nothing to do the seven mares that I've fallen in love with we're talking amongst each other so were the three fillies who were still next to me.

So I decide to explore the train a little nobody really noticed me leaving. Once I got to gap where the trains connected I decide to do something pretty stupid I climbed on top of the trains roof. Hey I had nothing to do I was really bored and this seemed fun. After jumping from roof to roof I decided to prank the girls by going on the window side I kept my shadow claws on the train so I didn't fall off.

POV of Luna

"So Luna what exactly is Eevee going to say once he gets to Canterlot?" Twilight asked

"I do not know I suppose he can wing it."

"You mean spewrandom facts." Pinkie said

"No I mean he can improvise a thing to talk about."

"Hey where is Eevee?" Rainbow asked

Then the three fillies turned and didn't see him sitting there.

"Maybe he went to the bathroom." Scootaloo said

I heard tapping as soon as I saw Eevee hanging upside down near our window.

All of our mouths were agape when he was smiling.

POV of Eevee

I then started laughing as I got back up to the roof and went the correct cabin.

I saw them all glare at me even pinkie who's always smiling that made laugh even harder I was rolling on the floor laughing.

After I calm down and got a hold of my breathing they were all pretty pissed.

"Wow that was funny." I said

"That was certainly not funny." Rarity said

" Oh come on it was just a joke relax."

"You could've gotten yourself killed." Fluttershy said now concerned

"You girls have no sense of humor." I said as I smiled.

"Look I can handle myself I was bored so climbed the trains roof did a bit of running, look I'm sorry I scared you all I promise I won't do anything that stupid again I promise."

"Now if you excuse me I'll be sleeping."

I felt something nudge me bit but I payed no attention to it then again it started to feel painful.

I then opened my eyes and saw it was Sweetie Belle doing that.

"What is it Sweetie Belle?" I asked

"I'm just wondering when your birthday is?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Well what day is it today?" I asked

"The twenty-third of October."

"Well my birthday's in a week on the thirty-first." I said

"Really!" she shouted

"Uh Sweetie why are you yelling? Rarity asked

"Eevee just told me that his bi rthday is on nightmare night." Sweetie Belle said

"Nightmare what?" I asked

"Are you referring to Halloween." I asked

"Hallow-what?" They all said in unison

"Nothing." I said as I slumped my head back on the seat.

"Anyway my birthday isn't that big it's just a regular day." I said

"No it isn't it’s a day to celebrate a day that you were born even if you were born on a spooky holiday. Pinkie said

I only smiled but then it turned into a frown.

"That's just it birthdays bring me nothing but sadness and I really don't feel like celebrating it." I said not wanting to say more but then pinkie persisted.

"Why don't you like birthdays?" Pinkie asked

Yeah every pony likes their birthday they get presents and feel special because its about them that it's their day." Rainbow said

"Yeah well you wouldn't understand why I hate my birthday."

"Then why did you tell me about your birthd ay you know you didn't have to tell me if you didn't want to?" Sweetie Belle said

"You wanted to know." I said

"If I may ask why do you hate birthdays?" Luna asked

"Okay I'll tell you why."

"It all started twelve years ago on my sixth birthday I was excited like every year my parents and I would go to the tundra. It was near my home and had a beautiful view that place was my childhood. Anyway my parents and I went to have picnic for my birthday. I played with them like any normal day until the sunset that's when my parents told me to stay there they said that they were getting my present. I waited and waited and waited after the moon reached its peak I decided to call my parents, they didn't answer. That's when I started crying, my parents ditched me there when I went home and called my parents they weren't there either I then found a note I began to read the note it said.

Eevee were sorry but we cannot cont inue to love you, you were a mistake that happened we think it would be best if lived on your own.

Signed Espeon and Glaceon your mother and father.

I was depressed, I started to think they really didn't love me and it was just an act. I felt stupid knowing that my parents hated taking care of me. So after years of growing up I never celebrated my birthday’s, those days were just bad for me and I always have nightmares on that day."

As I finished my story I saw all the girls looking at me with sorrowful eyes. My expression turned from anger to sadness as I slumped over and cried. They got close to me and gave me a group hug.

"Thank you for that, I needed to get that off my chest." I said as sniffed

"Hey Eevee, who needs them they're probably just jerks they don't deserve an awesome son like you." Rainbow dash stated

"I agree they don't deserve someone as dashing as you Eevee." Rarity said

"Yeah you 're strong and lived on your own and you didn't need em for anything." Applejack said

"I agree you’re an intelligent Pokémon that can take care of himself." Twilight said

"We care for you Eevee don't think about them anymore, they never deserved you." Fluttershy said

"Thank you girls for cheering me up." I finally had closure knowing here in Equestria they care for me albeit some more than others but I can finally see here is where I belong and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

"Hey girls were approaching Canterlot." Luna stated

"Looks like I'm going have weird looks as soon as I step off this train." I said smiling as long as they didn't bother me then I won't attack them.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter isn't good I needed to give Eevee some background and set up something for one of his love interest's