• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 6,057 Views, 149 Comments

Eevee's trip to equestria - Aleksandr Sherbet

When looking for food in Viridian forest eevee becomes unconscious and ends up at the everfree forest with no knowledge how he got there he will find out that his friendships may cause nightmares.

  • ...

Chapter 15 bedtime

"I'm so happy your okay." Stevie said hugging me

"Alright Stevie relax now come on let's go to bed." She then climbed on my back

"Awww she looks cute." Pinkie said

"Oh sorry I never introduce her to you girls but can it wait till morning I'm really tired." I told them

"Okay goodnight Eevee." Luna said

"Goodnight everyone."

As we walked downstairs Stevie began telling me what Celestia and her did. I was happy that Celestia kept her promise and took care of her I set her down in bed.

"Eevee what was your life like back at kanto?" Stevie asked

"Well it was different. I remember when I first fought another Pokémon it was what you'd say a bully. The bully was a beedrill he was really mean; he would always take trainers stuff and put them different areas and Pokémons stuff too. They always told him to stop but every time they told him the Pokémon that told him would be poisoned." I said

"Wow who fought him and who won." Stevie asked as I tucked her into bed

"The first time I fought him but I lost. But then we had a rematch."


"So you came back to get your butt handed to you again." He laughed as his cronies laugh with him

"No I'm here to teach you a lesson on karma."

"Okay then let's fight." Beedrill got ready in his attack stance he quickly rushed but he recoil when I dodged and he hit a boulder I quickly used tackle I managed to hit his many eyes.

He used fury swipes and tackled me to the ground he swiped his drill like appendages to my face I used shadow ball he quickly got off and fainted.

"What goes around comes around." I said as I walked away from him.


"Wow you beat him what did you do after that?" Stevie asked

"Well I gave him a Oran berry and he quickly got up; but left out of embarrassment every Pokémon was happy I beat him after a few days though they forgot about me so they didn't pay attention." I said

"Well did you make any friends?" Stevie asked

"Well after my parents left. I decided to go on a little trip to unova that's were I met minccino and zorua."


'Well looks like the boat stopped I could finally stretch my legs.' I looked around and saw no one near so I jumped off the boat I hitched a ride in I was in unova albeit it took 6 weeks to get here; but it was worth the huge city of Castelia City many busy humans lots of them wore suits and some were trainers ready to battle the gym near here. I walk past many different stalls selling all kinds of stuff from food to accessories.

I enter a building to see a little girl and boy talking they seem not to notice me I walked past them and saw another Eevee; but something was different about that Eevee she seem to have different tail black with red markings.

"Hello I'm Eevee what's your name." I asked

"Hmm oh my name is zorua you can call me Zoe for short." She said

"Are those your trainers or what." I pointed to the boy and girl

"Oh no they aren't but the girl always brings food and gives me some wanna join?" She asked

"Uh sure I guess I'm kinda hungry." I said to her

"So where you from I know you aren't from unova." She stated

"Oh I'm from kanto."

*Whistle* "Your from home what made you want to come to unova." She asked

"Well I always wanted to see different parts of the world besides kanto and let me guess you aren't an Eevee." I told her

"How did ya know." She asked

"Well most Eevee don't have a black tail with red markings."

"Oh so you were looking back there eyes where I can see them next time." She said with a playful tone

"I wasn't looking I was uh observing." I said I felt like my brain just died there.

"Yeah whatever you say."

she was cute but not as cute as Pinkie or Luna me and her just became friends three days of me staying in unova we decided to go into a forest.

"Hey Zoe how big is this forest." I asked

"I dunno but let's keep going I want to find some Oran berries." We kept walking until we heard this.

"Oh no this will not do this pokéball is to filthy."

"Hello is anyone there." I shouted

"Eep!" she said as she hid behind a bush.

"Hey Zoe you know here." I asked

"Yeah I seem her once in awhile but she seems to be extremely shy to talk to me."

"Um miss hello we aren't going to hurt you we just wanted to know if you were okay." I said to the bush

"Yes yes I'm okay go away if you don't mind." The bush said

"Hey come on we're friendly my name is Eevee and this my friend Zoe." I said to the bush

"Oh I'm minccino you can call me Minnie. If you want that's if you don't mind." She said shyly

"Okay Minnie would you like to come with us to get some Oran berries."

"Oh okay I guess that's fine that's if you want me to." I chuckled she so innocent and kind.

"Let's go then don't worry me and Zoe won't let anything happen to you were friends." I sad giving her an assuring smile. She seem to be calm at my attempt to make her feel comfortable.

After hours of searching we found some Oran berries and are them it was like our little picnic.

After 2 weeks there I had to leave me and Minnie always kept up on our lives so did Zoe. But I miss then they were my only friends in the Pokémon world. I still felt lonely since I didn't have anyone back at kanto.


"Wow Eevee I didn't know so much happened when you were little. What happened to your parents." My smile turned into a frown at the mention of my parents but I told her she had tears running down her cheek I wiped them off and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey don't be sad about me. My life was hard but at least I got to share with you some moments." I said to her

"I you don't mind I want to ask you something." Stevie asked

"What is it?" I asked

"How would you feel if you had a daughter." She asked the question was out of the blue but I answered honestly.

"To be honest I would love to have a daughter some one that I could share my feelings with." I said to her.

"Um would you be my daddy." She asked

Her eyes were sparkling ready for an answer I smiled and said.

"I would love to be your dad my little Stevie."

She smiled with tears of joy.

"Thank you Eevee. I promise I will be the best daughter." She said

"Okay now go to sleep its past your bedtime."

"Okay goodnight daddy I love you." She said

"I love you to Stevie." I said as she drifted off to sleep. How am I going to explain to Luna and Pinkie that I adopted a child. Ah whatever I'll deal with it in the morning.

Author's Note:

Yes Eevee is now a dad. ~Magic clasher