• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 6,057 Views, 149 Comments

Eevee's trip to equestria - Aleksandr Sherbet

When looking for food in Viridian forest eevee becomes unconscious and ends up at the everfree forest with no knowledge how he got there he will find out that his friendships may cause nightmares.

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Chapter 9 sex talk with two princesses

As we entered I received many gasps and stares I also heard what is that creature doing here but very little were surprised I even heard one pony say aw he's so adorable either way I had mixed reactions.

We approached the gates to the palace but the guards stopped us before we can enter.

"What is this dog doing entering the palace no dogs allowed." One guard said

That's when I became angry Luna noticed my anger and quickly interfered.

"That's enough I won't let you insult my friend I won't hesitate to throw to the dungeon and he's quite powerful he defeated a manticore now step aside." Luna said I was surprised on her action but she wouldn't let them insult me.

She then spoke up "Eevee you should control your anger I saw the shadow starting to form on your paw and please for us don't get anger with anyone."

"Fine but right now I'm really sensitive about my emotions since I told you my birthday's coming up and if anyone crosses me or insults me I won't hesitate to slit their throat."

"Why would you do that?" Fluttershy asked

"Because I don't take kindly of insults." I stated

"And right now my feelings about how I got here and a legendary Pokémon scaring my friends."

I didn't want to tell them about my feelings for them Pinkie already knows and she wouldn't betray my trust that's one of the things I like about her that's when we're in a throne room.

"Halt!" one of the guards said in a booming voice

"Step forward." we all obeyed

Princess Luna walked past the guards and went to the side of the throne.

Two female alicorns then appear and a male unicorn. The taller alicorn had a flowing mane like Luna's but multicolored not like rainbows but close enough her coat was a clear white her cutie mark had a image of the sun. The other alicorn had a pink,purple,and yellow mane her coat was pink and her cutie mark had an image of a heart but teal colored. The male unicorn had blue mane same clear coat and cutie marks was the image of a shield with five stars.

I really didn't care why I was here only that I stopped Darkrai.

"Uh princess this is our friend Eevee." Twilight spoke as soon as the princess heard my name she looked at me.

"Uh twilight your letter said he had a brown coat and he was a foot tall." The princess said

"I'm sorry to disappoint but as you can clearly see my coat is black I have crimson eyes and yellow bands on my body." All the ponies cringed when I spoke disrespectfully.

"Excuse me what did you just say?" She asked

"Look princess the only reason I'm here is to tell you that something is causing nightmares and I need to stop him." I said I was quite satisfied with my disrespect I mean you only live once and I'll be damned if I let this slip from my grasp.

"Would you please excuse us princess?" Twilight asked

"Of course." The princess said

They then dragged me outside of the throne room.

"What?" I asked

"Why are you disrespecting the princess like that?" Twilight asked

"Look I have better things to do I really just want to tell her about Darkrai and answer any stupid questions she has for me at the end." I said smugly

The mares weren't impressed I only rolled my eyes.

"When did you become such a jerk?" Rainbow asked

"I don't know maybe all the damn insults in this city." I then realized why am I being an asshole sure I few insults didn't hurt me. But when the shadow started forming on my paw I felt anger why is that I never acted like this maybe bring up old memories cause me to have bottled up emotions erupt maybe the anger that Darkrai caused by hurting the fillies I cared about. I do know one thing I have to apologize for my actions.

"Look I'm sorry it's just that I've been under a lot if stress."

"It's okay we probably would have done the same but please apologize to princess celestia." Twilight asked

"Sure I'll apologize." I smiled when they accepted my apology.

As we entered the throne room princess celestia turned and faced us.

"Uh princess I would like to apologize for my actions earlier I've been going through a lot of stress mostly related to me going to a different world and not knowing how I got here."

"It quite alright Eevee you see my sister already told me what happened this world must be alien to you." Celestia said

"Now did you want to tell me something?" She asked

I then told her about Darkrai how he goes into different world and makes it his little play yard.

"I must say I'm surprised at what you are saying you mean to tell me that my sister isn't powerful enough to defeat him." Celestia said

"I'm a little confused what region did you say he was from?" The pink alicorn asked

"Well he's from the sinnoh region it's a far away from the kanto region." I said

"I see so you and him probably are in situation."

"No I feel like he was sent here like a banishment unless the same Pokémon sent me here for a reason because I really don't think that a being from my world would send me here to make friends miss."

"Call me Cadance." The pink alicorn said

"Okay Cadance but the only reason I could come up is that the legends sent him here as a punishment for his nightmares."

"But is there any point in the future that Darkrai would become unstoppable." Shineing said

"Well during a new moon he thrives in darkness does any one know when a new moon would come up."

"Well yes next week during nightmare night." Luna stated

"Well shit it means he'll be in full power by that night."

"What do you propose we do." Cadance asked celestia

"Would the elements of harmony work on him." Celestia asked me

"I don't know I really doubt that your artifacts would work on him he's darkness and cause nightmares the only way to defeat him is another Pokémon." I answered Celestia

"Can't you defeat him?" They all asked in unison

"Hmm maybe but I would need the help of the elements I'm not really sure they can be of help but if I need a quick getaway the more ponies I have helping me the better."

As the princess Luna and the elements of harmony left I stayed to talk to princess celestia.

"Can I ask you a question princess celestia?" I asked

"What is your question Eevee?" Celestia asked

"Well I wanted to know if it was taboo for a pony to date a different species?"

"Why do you ask do you have crush on somepony?" Celestia giggled when she saw my blush grow.

"Yeah I kind of do on two of them actually."

"Who are they." Princess Cadance asked

"Well one of them is Pinkie Pie I feel so happy around her and my feelings about how we're different species stops me from telling her how I feel I don't what to do." I told both alicorn princesses

"Well if you really love her tell her in my society if my subjects are happy then I'm happy I want each of my subjects to have happiness in their lives." Celestia stated

"So it isn't taboo."

"Of course not I'm not going to force my subjects just to date their own kind." She said

"Who's is the other mare that you love." Princess Cadance asked

"Luna she's beautiful and I feel like she knows how lonely it can be when you don't have anybody to count on."

"What do you mean anybody to count to your parents were never there for you?" I frowned when she mention my parents she could tell something was wrong.

"What happened Eevee what happened to you in your past?" Princess Celestia asked

"You wouldn't understand." I said

"Trust us please tell us what happened." Princess Cadance asked

I sighed and proceed to tell them about my life my parents what they did. My anger just turned into sadness my happiness left me all was left was a sad shell. They then proceed to hug me their warmth was enough to bring a smile I now know that my life is here I now knew that after defeating Darkrai I'm going to stay here with my friends and hopefully the ones I love.

I then walked out of the throne room with the princesses by my side.

"Hey Eevee we were looking for you where were you?" Rainbow asked

"Oh I was talking to the princess about something it isn't very important." I said

"Okay anyways Pinkie was looking for you earlier." Rainbow said

"Where is she."

"In the garden she told me to tell you."

After saying my goodbyes to the princesses I walked over to the garden there I see Pinkie and a very relaxed Luna.

"Hello girls." they then turned and saw me.

"Oh hello Eevee." Pinkie said gleefully

Okay tell them how you feel about them just do it you idiot don't chicken out.

As I opened my mouth I was tackled to the ground by three fillies. Man my day cannot get any worse.

"Ow that hurt." The two mares giggled I got back up to my legs and scolded at the three fillies.

"Sorry but rarity needs to talk to you Eevee." Sweetie Belle said

"What does she need?" I asked

"We don't know but you need to come with us." Applebloom said

"Fine." I walked from the garden to a chamber five mares looking at me.

"What is it." I asked

"Nice to see you too." Rainbow said with a smirk.

"Sorry you kind of interrupted me from doing something." I said

"You mean confessing your love to Pinkie and Luna?" Rainbow said as she smile.

"How do you know that?" I asked

"Well it's pretty obvious the way you look at them and what I saw when I woke up and didn't see you sleeping next to cutie mark crusaders." Twilight said giggling

"Hey she kissed me." I said

"Wow a mare who you like and now your confused typical male hormones." Rarity stated

"Okay enough with the jokes now tell me what was so important that you had to interrupt me."

"Oh yes we wanted to give you something now close your eyes." I obeyed and closed my eyes.

I felt something being tied to my neck I opened my eyes and saw a red bandana.

"So you brought me here for a dishcloth." I said with a deadpan expression.

"No we brought you here because we thought that the bandana looked good and we wanted to see if Twilight's magic would have any effect on you." Rarity said

I felt better like I unlocked moves I didn't know.

As we walked I turned to a room were guards were training I saw many states given to me by the guards.

"What are we doing here?" Rarity asked

"I want to try out something." I then walked over to a training dummy.

I focused all my anger on the dummy when a blast of shadowy energy blasted from my body a horrible aura fueled dark thoughts bad hit the dummy almost disintegrating.

I saw the mares faces the look of surprise I was strong and with the bandana I learned a very powerful move.

I then walked out like nothing happened.

"That was AWESOME!" Rainbow said as we walked to the garden.

"I must say Eevee your getting to know a lot more moves then I thought originally you could be powerful Pokémon maybe enough to defeat Darkrai." Rarity said

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves sugarcube he still has a lot to learn." Applejack stated

"Maybe with a little more training he could learn powers that heal him from damage." Twilight stated

"I hope he doesn't over do it though he still pretty young and I don't want him to strain to much." Fluttershy said

"You worry too much flutters he can handle almost anything." Rainbow said

I walked to the garden but I didn't see Luna or Pinkie.

Damn you lost your opportunity Eevee hopefully tonight I can tell Luna how I feel about her.

"Girls would you please join us for dinner." princess Cadance said

"We'll be right there Cadance." Twilight said

Hopefully I can tell them later right now I'm hungry I need some food.

Author's Note:

I honestly had no idea for a title for the chapter

Any way sorry for the late update I had school and all