• Published 22nd Mar 2013
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Eevee's trip to equestria - Aleksandr Sherbet

When looking for food in Viridian forest eevee becomes unconscious and ends up at the everfree forest with no knowledge how he got there he will find out that his friendships may cause nightmares.

  • ...

Chapter 16 Bloodlines

As the sun rose I heard Stevie's soft snores. She seemed happy that I accepted her offer but I still had tomorrow to prepare for nightmare night. A lot still was on my mind, why exactly was I supposed to defeat Darkrai? As much as I hated saying this I had to talk to Arceus. I need him to tell me why my bloodline is important why Travis was his friend.

I then heard a knock on my door. I rose from my bed and walked over to the door. It slowly opened and I saw my marefriends.

"Oh good morning Pinkie, Luna." I said

"Good morning Eevee." They said in unison

"I need to tell you girls something it about Stevie."

"What is it?" Luna asked

"Well, let's go downstairs so I can tell you all about Stevie and how I found her." I l eft my new daughter to catch up on some sleep since she fell asleep at three in the morning.

"So where did you find her?" Pinkie asked enthusiastically

"Well I found her near the forest while I was clearing my head about things." They knew exactly why I was clearing my head.

"And then I heard crying." We entered the dining room to see my other friends and Princess Celestia.

"When I saw her she seemed sad about something and very shy. She thought I was going to hurt her." I said as we sat down

"Really? How shy was she." Luna asked

"Well I would say as shy as Fluttershy she wouldn't even look at me. When I tried to get her out of the log she was hiding in." I said

"Are you guys talking about the new eevee." Rainbow asked

"Yeah." I answered

"It seems odd that she would just appear out of the blue." Celestia stated

"I know she told me that she had a nightmare, Where she was chased by Darkrai and somehow ended up in the log ."

"So does she have a name?" Fluttershy asked

"Yeah her name is Stevie." I said with a smile

"I also need to tell you all something."

"What?" They said in unison

"I've agreed to have Stevie as my daughter looks like I'm a dad." They all wore expressions of confusion. I silently ate my breakfast while they were trying to process what just happen, all except Celestia who was to eating her breakfast.

"So you’re a daddy? Oh my gosh I forgot to plan a party now a 'welcome to Equestria you crazy fox who has to defeat evil and is now a dad' welcoming party." Pinkie said happily I wonder how she is with kids I'm assuming not that good since she's kind of a kid in the inside.

"I wonder how that would look like in a banner." I said to Pinkie

"Oh don't worry about that cutie I just need a large blank banner and then-" she was cut off as I gave her a quick kiss

"Relax Pinkie when we are done with the who le Darkrai thing then you can plan a party and I think I may have broken them." Looking at my marefriend and my other friends. Celestia giggled looking at her sister's confused face.

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said as she sipped her orange juice.

"So you're a dad?" Twilight asked I nodded in response as I took a bite out of my pancakes.

"And she wants a dad?" Applejack asked I nodded again.

"And you’re okay with raising an eight year old?" Luna asked

"Yes I am she. Seemed to be happy when I said yes, I figured that I would love her and care for her. Now I have to talk to Arceus about something." I said

"I never thought that you'd say that again." Rainbow said

"Well I need to learn what's so damn important about me." I responded. I walked out of the dining and to the garden I saw Arceus standing there motionless.

"Yes what is it Eevee?" He asked

"Look you say it's important to defeat Darkrai. Why? Why do I have to beat him?" I asked

POV of Arceus PAST

"Well I'd like to tell you a story about your great great great grandfather Travis; you see back before the regions were formed there was only one island all Pokémon lived there and no humans were there. Your grandfather was an Eevee ,a Flareon. Eevee were everywhere, they were very common but a Duskinor with great power attacked your grandfather’s village. Once the smoke cleared Travis's village was destroyed many eevees died only some survived Travis then asked for the help of the legends."

"Please great legend I need help my village was destroyed by a tyrant my friends and neighbors killed!"

"If we help you must keep an oath with us. If you succeed and defeat Duskinor your blood relatives must defeat a legend that has been corrupted." I said to Travis

"Of course I will. I will keep my promise." Travis said to me

"Let's get your army ready then." As we left we entered a hall I then spoke up and asked. "Travis, are you a general for your village?"

"Yes I am, I commanded the troops in my village."

"Well then in a few days my army will help you. First we have the pikachus they have amazing speed but their health isn't the best but they can use lightening; Next we have the machamps strong and very bulky can with stand most hits but very slow. And finally we have the salamence a dragon that may help you with your fight he is very capable and can with stand all kinds of hits without getting hurt but if any ice type enemies attack him he will be severely injured. Any questions?"

"Yes how do I command them?" He asked

"I have a flute that sends them signals here." I then passed him the azure flute

"Do you know where he is going to attack?" I asked

"Yes he seems to be going westward towards the pikachus village. I should be ready when they attack but for now I will meet the troops."


"So what you’re telling me I'd that Travis made an oath to you for saving him and destroying Duskinor's forces." I asked

"Yes. He was very skilled and was a dear friend of mine." Arceus said

"But how did you two become friends." I asked

"He saved me from further injury when we fought Duskinor." Arceus responded

"Look Eevee we can talk more later. I need to check things with Cressila." Arceus said to me.

"Uh sure I guess." I turned to leave and check up on my daughter I went upstairs were we slept and she was still sleeping it was about 11 am.

"Stevie wake up." No response

"Stevie wake up." I poked her a bit

"Ugh five more minutes dad." She said half asleep

"No Stevie we need to introduce you to my friends okay."

"Fine but can I take a bath I might need your help." She asked

"Sure." we entered the bathroom I turned the water on and set it to nice and warm. She jumped in, she looked f unny her coat now soaking wet I grabbed the soap and put some on her head and body. She took care of the rest not wanting me to touch her private area. I simply laughed as bubbles started floating in the tub she popped as many as she could. I was happy I could share this moment with my daughter.

"Hey what are ya doing?" Pinkie asked as she came in

"Oh hey Pinkie I was just giving Stevie a bath."

"Oh I like your mane it looks like cotton candy." Stevie said to Pinkie

"Thanks you must be Stevie my name is Pinkie Pie you can call me Pinkie for short."

"Hello Pinkie I'm Stevie you can call me Steve oh wait." Pinkie laughed I chuckled at the sight.

"Alright I think we're done let's go." I picked up Stevie and dry her off.

"So this Pinkie I know you like dad." She said smiling

"Yep me and him are-" I then silenced her before she could continue

"Friends special friends." I said to Stevie

She then exited the room leaving me and Pinkie alone in a room what could possibly go wrong.

"Hey wanna kiss?" Pinkie asked


"Uh sure." I said to Pinkie after five minutes of kissing and talking I made my way downstairs.

Stevie was playing with the CMC, no doubt causing chaos.

I listened in to their conversation they didn't notice me from the corner.

"Oh so your dad is Eevee." Sweetie Belle asked

"Yeah. He seems pretty cool he told me how he fought his bullies and how he met his friends in our world." Stevie said

"Ya know we could use your help on something." Scootaloo asked

"Okay what do you have in mind?" Stevie asked

"Well do you have powers like your dad?" Applebloom asked

"No I'm still pretty young and I have a few moves though I can do shadow ball."

"Oh could you show us how you do it." Sweetie Belle asked excitedly

"Okay let's go somewhere we can't make a mess."

"Stevie what are you doing." I said coming out of the corner

"Um nothing dad." She quickly said

"Hey I thought you were going to" Scootaloo was then cut off by Applebloom

"We were doing nothing just nothing." Applebloom quickly said

I only looked at Stevie she seemed tense she then confessed.

"Iwasgoingtoshowthemshadowballbutiknewyouwouldgetangryandhitme." Stevie quickly said

"What? I'm not going to hit you why would I." I asked concerned

"Well when I lived in trophy garden when I did something wrong or messed up they'd hit me."

"Well I'm not like that you should know I'm not pardon my French an asshole. I'm not going to hit you you're my daughter and if anyone would hit you I would hurt them bad." I said

"Now go play and please don't do anything to hurt yourself okay."

"Okay." Stevie said

As they walked away I heard a very familiar voice "So that was your parenting I must say you do better with children then I do."

"Oh hey Luna how are you?"

"I'm doing well you know that I haven't talked to you in a while. It's seems like we're always busy with things like evil an all."

"You seem pretty calm about the situation. Considering that your evil half was released and tried to make me her slave, by the way nice work on getting rid of her but I gotta say your evil half is pretty hot." I stated

"Well I don't let anyone take advantage of my coltfriend and I know she's part of me." She said giggling

"Ya know we should hangout some more we haven't talked much besides making plans for beating nightmare moon and Darkrai."

"One more thing, Do like being royalty?"

"Well I must say sometimes I would like to be treated like any other mare; but it’s just how I was raised to become a princess sometimes I feel lonely before you came."

"Yeah seems like it but what if I was a pr ince sometimes I wonder what might have been if things were changed." I said to Luna

"Well if you were a prince and I was a regular mare I would know to talk to you soon before you're taken." She then leaned over and kissed me. But for some reason I have this feeling it won't be our last since tomorrow night is nightmare night.

"So are you two enjoying each other’s company." Celestia said behind us

"Way to kill the mood sister." Luna stated

I chuckled at the sight even though Celestia's much older than Luna they still fight like kids. I then turned to leave.

"Eevee may I speak with you." Uxie asked

"Sure what is it Uxie." I asked

"You seem pretty happy here and from your aura it means you intend to stay here with your daughter is that right."

"Yes it is Uxie you should know you are the knowledgeable from the guardians."

"Yes I know but the one that feels more emotions is mispirt she's the one that told me of your happiness."

"Well she's right even if I have to fight Arceus for my right to stay I will I'm not going to be separated from them."

"You have a pure heart. Heart of gold I know going back to Kanto isn't the best idea but what about Minnie and Zoe? How will they react when you don't send them letters they'll be devastated."

"Yeah I know but they'll make more friends with other Pokémon and have their own families."

"And how do you know that hm. Do you think they'll forget you?"

"Look I don't know, what do you want from me. I'm just a simple Eevee."

"I want you to confess is that so hard confess that ever since coming here your life has been crazy. Confess that this isn't what you want. Confess CONFESS!!"

"OKAY! Yes my life has changed because I wanted a new life because my adoptive parents never wanted me my parents died trying to protect me I've failed everyone and they failed me."< /p>

"How do you know that." Uxie asked surprised that I knew my parents were just adoptive parents.

"I've known my whole life they adopted me because I was there. Do you really think I'm that stupid and not know they aren't my real parents. My parents were king espeon and queen glaceon. And my sister was princess leafeon."

"See your world you have a kingdom to run you don't know how important you are."

"I'm not important If I was I would be with my sister." I stated

"Look you need some time to think. Tomorrow is nightmare night you have 32 hours to train so get training." Uxie then disappeared from my sight. The only reason I knew I was royalty was because of a dream I had when I was a pup. When my adoptive parents were gone I just had this recurring dream that I had a loving family my older sister taking care of me my mother and father taking care of their royal duties.

I still have to learn about Arceus and what h appened during the war with Duskinor I quickly ran towards the garden to see Arceus standing there motionless again. I approached and said

"I'm ready to know more about my grandfather." I said

"Okay during the war many Pokémon were ready. The machamps were sparring with one another the pikachus were running a course. And they flygons were flying about."

POV of Travis

As my troops walked to the pikachus village the elder of that village let us defend them we need to set up a blockade on the north side of the village.

"Ember go to the north side and place fallen logs along that side and take some machamps with you you're gonna need the strength." The flygon then saluted and machamps followed him.

"Now pikachus I need you to survey the area see if you could spotted a river you know what to do once you get there." Again they saluted and left towards the east.

Sparky approached me and spoke up "Travis we have setup the perimeter now wh at do we do." She asked

"We wait. Now is there anyone in the village that can perform rain dance." I asked

"Of course one of the Vaporeon in town square may be able to help she's in the village's water fountain."

That's weird well I suppose there are weird things. I walked into the village and approached the fountain, no one was there. Something then grabbed my paw and took me into the water. As I swam up to the surface I saw a beautiful Vaporeon help me up.

"Hello there mister. What are you doing in the water? Come on silly Willy let's get you dry." She said

"Hello my name is Travis."

"Oh my name is Vapor." She said

"Oh you’re a espeon wow I've never seen one of them before. Oh why are you here."

"Um well I'm here to help with the war going on."

"Oh so you're gonna save us from those dark Pokémon. That would be amazing." She exclaimed

"Uh yeah seems like it um can I ask a fa vor."

"Sure what is it?" She asked

"Well ya see we kind of need rain in order to make our pikachus thunder more accurate could you help me." I asked

"Of course espy I'll help you. What friends for." 'And I got friend zoned great.' I thought to myself

She walked off and performed rain dance clouds started coming and stopped at the battlefield.

"Be careful I'll be rooting for you." Vaporeon said giving me a peck on the lips and walked off giving me a second look and a wink.


“Pokémon are you ready today we fight and beat Duskinor?”

"YEAH!!!" The Pokémon shouted

"Now let's go." We walked towards the field and saw a large army of absols and mightyenas.

"Machamps CHARGE!!!!"

My army fought with such bravery many of the Pokémon had fainted in battle with the flygons using dragon breath on our enemies and our pikachus using thunder on large Pokémon leaving them paralyzed we f ought and finally reached dusknoir.

"Well well well you finally reached me now I think we left off somewhere didn't we. Why fight back you'll bring demise to yourself."

"Because this justice for my friends that you killed and those poor eevees that you killed."

I quickly used psy beam and hurt him he staggered a bit but used shadow claw he combined it with a shadow ball I felt instantly weak I was hurt badly.

"You can't hurt me espeon I'm a ghost you're a psychic your moves are extremely weak against me and my moves are strong against you." he rose his arm I thought this was going to be my demise.

A sudden spark erupted and Dusknoir fell to the ground I looked behind me to see Arceus standing he saved my life.

"Are you okay Travis?" He asked

"Yes. Thank you great Arceus." I said

"You are welcome I think it's time I took you somewhere you could heal." He said

POV of Eevee

"So you saved my grandf ather but when did he save you."

"That was when he sacrificed his life for me before your other grandfather was born." Arceus stated

"So did he marry Vaporeon and start a family of his own?" I asked

"Yes he did he wanted to settle down own his own land soon it was a large country side many Pokémon live there today."

"So basically he owned his own kingdom?"

"Yes and you are prince of that kingdom and your sister is taking care if that kingdom."

"So Uxie wasn't kidding I am important." I stated

"Yes and now I'd like to give you something Eevee."

"What is it?" I asked he then showed me a necklace it had a fire ruby in the center and gold encrusted it had the symbol E in the middle.

"This was the necklace that was supposed to be given to you when you were a child; but you were never given this necklace since your mother and father died after Darkrai killed them."

"So there is another reason why I have to defeat him i t’s because both the oath and the murder."

"Yes now this necklace will give you powers that normal Pokémon can't wield when the time is right you'll feel a burning sensation in your chest shout Draco meteor."

"Yes Arceus, Tomorrow is nightmare night and I will be ready and I hope you can forgive me for acting rash with you."

"Yes I know I accept your apology and I know you were acting like that because you have friends."

"Yeah I feel stupid though acting like that I should follow your guide you're just trying to look out for me." I said

"Thank you now I think you should make it to dinner with your friends it may be your last."

I walked from the garden and gazed in up at the sky it was dark it was a new moon hmm maybe Luna felt something and thought it would be best to keep it dark. I entered the dining room to see Stevie and the CMC playing and talking on their chairs. As I approached my marefriends I heard whispering but I could n't make out anything.

"Oh hello Eevee." Luna said smiling with a blush. Why was she blushing did she do something embarrassing.

"Hey Luna." I made my way to the chair and sat down.

"Hey Eevee why did ya want to talk to Arceus about you staying." Rainbow asked

"No rainbow it wasn't that it was about my family history about my grandfather and his battle against an evil Pokémon." I said

They now were very interested I saw all of them stop talking and waited for me to go on.

"Alright so this how it started." I proceed to tell them about my grandfather his army everything.

"And this how I got this necklace and I know now that I'm a prince in a country that my sister runs."

They were silent I proceed to eat my dinner. Fluttershy then spoke up

"So you’re a prince and your sister runs a kingdom." I nodded in response

"Wow and to think your life couldn't be any weirder." Rainbow said I chuckled at this.

"Well it's my life." I said

"Well that sure was interesting now Eevee, would you like any alcohol, wine ,champagne."

"I'll take a champagne thank you celestia." A small cup appeared in front of me I took a sip it tasted sweet and was bubbly.

Once we got down to it we were enjoying each other’s company the CMC and Stevie decided to leave and go to sleep in the same room so I could have the room to myself.

As I walked up stairs I entered my room I took off my bandana and necklace I got into bed. Just then I felt something warm against me actually two warm things against me.

"Hey there Eevee." Pinkie said giving me a smile

"Uh hey pinkie Luna what are you two doing here." I asked

Oh just give you something I felt an aura surround my body it was relaxing I looked at Pinkie and Luna their eyes shined looking into their beautiful blue eyes.

"You two look absolutely stunning." I stated

"Oh there's more to come Eevee ju st relax."

Oh this is going to be a great night.

Author's Note:

The finale's is coming soon stay tune.

Also still playing bioshock after beating now on 1999 mode it's a bitch.