• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 9,968 Views, 169 Comments

Terror in Equestria: Rise of the Dark Queen - StormLuna

This is the story of how Equestria, the land of love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that seems unstoppable.

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The Dark Alliance

Equestria is an empire full of love and harmony with the exception of two areas, the far northwest region and the southernmost region, it has a fairly temperate climate and order is the norm. In the southernmost region of Equestria, lies a shadowy realm filled with fear and hate. Unlike the rest of Equestria, a greenish haze is always present and almost nothing grows. A large tower rises above the landscape, and inside this tower resides the realm's leader.

Queen Chrysalis sat upon her throne starving for the one thing that feeds her the most, but none was to be found, love. Chrysalis called out to her highest commander, "General Iron Sheath, what is the word involving that potential ally?"

The General was one of the few changelings that had a mind of his own, but was fiercely loyal to the queen. He stated, "I have yet to hear anything from him. Word travels very slowly along the fringe areas of Equestria."

Queen Chrysalis looked frustrated even though she knows that her General speaks the truth. "I suppose there is one positive here." replied the queen, "At least he didn't die. The leaders in Canterlot think he is dead. If he does indeed aid us, they will be in for a big surprise!"

Chrysalis had more than just one officer, she has several self-conscious yet loyal changelings which she has as her trusted advisors and military officers. She also has a massive army of over 5,000 changeling drones, who are fiercely loyal to the queen but have no minds of their own.

Chrysalis looks off to the north from her balcony tower, where she can see a speck of blue sky. She says to Captain Green Haze, "Someday Captain, we will return to that realm and claim it as our own. Those royal princesses in their ivory tower will bow down to the Changeling Queen."

"Yes my Queen," replied the Captain, "and what will come of the royal pony sisters once we conquer Canterlot?"

Chrysalis, always the one to add sarcasm to things, said, "That sun princess will be cast into the caves under Canterlot and will never see the light of day again!"

"And what about Luna, the moon princess?" asked Green Haze

"Luna is the one I worry about Captain, as she has the ability to transform herself into the mare of nightmares. When she takes on that form, she can transform into a purple mist and easily avoid detection. We will cross that bridge when we get to it." replied the queen

The southern realm of Chrysalis is a lonely place, a place she detests and wishes so much she could find a better place for her changelings and herself. She paces back and forth on her balcony when suddenly one of her officers comes running in her direction. "My Queen, I have just returned from the far northwest, the unicorn King says he will help us in our mission." shouts Colonel Thunder Rage

The Changeling Queen gets a grin on her face and replies, "Excellent! We must now head to his northwest realm to meet with him. Major Lightning Wasp, Captain Green Haze, you two shall accompany me on my trip to the northwest. General Iron Sheath, you will remain here and keep an eye on things given that you are my second in command."

"Yes my Queen, you have a safe trip." replied the general

"Lightning Wasp, Green Haze, we must fly along the outer fringe of Equestria to get there. We can not fly directly over the main realm of Equestria or we will be spotted." said Chrysalis

"Yes my Queen." replied Green Haze

With that Chrysalis climbed onto her chariot and her changeling officers took flight, carrying Chrysalis towards the northwestern realm.

In the northwestern realm, the unicorn king awaits Chrysalis and her envoy. His realm is not frigid like the arctic north, but chilly and damp and is often shrouded in a thick overcast. The unicorn king does not reside here alone, he has his own officers and an army of over 5,000 dark unicorns in his service. While it is a chilly and lonesome region, King Sombra is not lonely.

"General Dark Night, any word of when the Queen and her envoy will arrive?" shouted Sombra as he paced back and forth in his castle.

The general replied, "Yes sire, they should be here within a couple days. They have to fly along the fringes so they are not spotted."

The unicorn king grunted but he knew what his general said was the truth. "Well I suppose good things come to those who wait." said an irritated Sombra

A couple days slowly pass while the impatient unicorn king waited for the queen's arrival. Sombra was staring towards the south from his balcony when he saw a chariot heading their way.

"She is within sight my liege." said Lieutenant Iron Chains

King Sombra got this evil smile on his face and tells his officers, "The time has come to make plans to march on Equestria and conquer it. We will have plenty of pony slaves for everything I have planned." said Sombra

The Changeling Queen and her officers land in the castle courtyard. Sombra and his lieutenant head over to the courtyard to greet their guest and her envoy.

"King Sombra, how are you doing today?" asked Chrysalis

"I am doing well thank you, how are you doing today Queen of the Changelings?" replied Sombra

"I am doing well. The time has come for us to start to make plans. What do you believe we need to do first?" asked Chrysalis

King Sombra thought for a minute and then a thought came to his mind. Sombra said, "We must find a way to infiltrate the Crystal Empire. That place has a powerful magic that spreads love and unity throughout all of Equestria. If we can find a way to get in there unnoticed, we can bring it down. Doing so would lead to the rest of Equestria being vulnerable."

Chrysalis looked at him strangely and then said, "How are we supposed to do that? Their prince does rounds in the arctic making sure there are no threats attempting harm upon their empire."

Sombra had one of those eureka moments and said, "Ah-ha! That is it. We can grab him while he is outside of the protective shield of the empire."

"Oh, and won't they notice their prince has not returned after a while." said Chrysalis

Sombra said, "Let me finish. We could have one of your changelings take his form and go back in his stead. We could then bring the real Shining Armor back here and brainwash him to serve us."

The Changeling Queen knows what kind of plans will work and which ones will not work. She sat there, scratched her face with her hoof and said, "That is an excellent idea Sombra. Without Shining Armor, Princess Cadence will quickly wither and be powerless. Her strength comes from the love of Shining Armor. Without love, she will be unable to protect her subjects."

"But Chrysalis, right now it is the crystal heart that generates that forcefield. We must find a way to retrieve the heart and get it out of the empire. Then Cadence will have to use her love spell to protect the empire. Getting that crystal heart will be much tougher." said the unicorn King

This was beginning to look like a very tough task for the pair. They knew they would have to take down the Crystal Empire to take the rest of Equestria. Suddenly Chrysalis said, "This will be a tough task, but perhaps I can get in there and emulate Cadence. As long as the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle does not show her face there, I can easily go in there, emulate Cadence, dispose of the real Cadence and it will fall."

King Sombra got an evil grin on his face and said, "You know, that might just work. Crap, I just thought of something, Cadence has the ability to teleport herself like all Alicorns do. That is a problem we need to solve."

The Changeling Queen is very intelligent and knows there are ways to take care of this problem. She told King Sombra that all she needs to do is put Cadence under her spell and all powers that she has will be useless, that she would be under her complete control.

"Alright, now we need to make a list of what kind of forces we will need to infiltrate the Crystal Empire. We will need a changeling to emulate Shining Armor, you have said that you will emulate Cadence. I will send around 20 of my soldiers to subdue the real Shining Armor and bring him here. Also, they do have plenty of royal guards there, which must be brought down. I have thought of a perfect plan. Some of your changelings could go in there, emulate the royal guards and then take them down." said Sombra

Chrysalis, always willing to take a risk to conquer areas she wants told Sombra, "Yes, that will work. I will need to return home and gather the forces I need. I will bring 100 changeling drones back with me. That should be more than enough on my end to take care of this. What will you contribute?"

Sombra is the type who knows that you can't do things with a few insurgents, said, "I shall provide 100 of my soldiers as well. Both of our soldiers have the ability to fire beams of energy. Once we have the royals and their guards taken care of, the crystal ponies will be defenseless and the crystal heart shall be ours for the taking."

The Changeling Queen nodded and proceeded to say, "Major Lightning Wasp, Captain Green Haze, it is time to go home and gather the forces we need. King Sombra, we shall return in a week."

"Alright Chrysalis, we shall see you then. You have a safe trip" said Sombra

After that Chrysalis and her officers headed home while Sombra began to put his forces through training exercises to prepare for their quest.

Chrysalis returns home late that night and is greeted by her second in command. "General Iron Sheath, has everything been calm and normal here?" asked Chrysalis

"Yes my Queen, everything here has been calm. How did the meeting with the unicorn king go?" asked Iron Sheath

Chrysalis replied, "We need to round up 100 drones. King Sombra and I are planning an assault on the Crystal Empire. If it falls, the rest of Equestria will be vulnerable."

Both Sombra and Chrysalis were not the types to put on kid gloves in their conquests and they were ready to make the Crystal Empire suffer. King Sombra said to General Dark Night, "Once the queen returns with her forces, you need to have our soldiers ready. This will not be an easy task."

"Yes my leige." replied Dark Night

King Sombra returned to his castle to have a large meal before hitting the hay. He thought to himself, "I hope all our forces will be ready, I do not feel like failing and being cast into the ice of the arctic again."