• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 9,967 Views, 169 Comments

Terror in Equestria: Rise of the Dark Queen - StormLuna

This is the story of how Equestria, the land of love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that seems unstoppable.

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Friendship Conflict

Twilight was happier than she had ever been in her life. She felt at complete ease and peace. She felt so happy she even sang a song about how great things were. This is very unlike Twilight, especially now that she is a queen. Twilight heard a noise coming from another bedroom so she went to go check it out. She heard noises coming from the closet.

"Great, just great. I am feeling so at ease and now there might be a spy in here." said Twilight

She went over to the closet and opened the door. In there she found Spike along with her Ponyville friends.

"WHAAAT?" screamed Twilight "What are you guys doing here?"

Spike said, "We were hiding out during the whole invasion and then last night we heard a bunch of screaming. We figured it would be best if we just hid."

Twilight replied, "Oh your going to wish you could have done a better job. How do I know you aren't spies for Celestia?"

Fluttershy interrupted, "Look Twilight, just because you have a huge crown, body armor and a fancy title doesn't give you the right to treat us this way."

"You tell her Fluttershy!" replied Rainbow Dash

"Listen Fluttershy, all of you. You do not simply call me Twilight, it is Queen Twilight to you now. Also, I want to know how long you have been here and why you didn't return to Ponyville after your meetings with Celestia."

Applejack replied, "Look Queen Twilight, we couldn't get back to Ponyville because of your force field and a bridge that had collapsed. We have been up here for a week at least. I would like to know why you are all of a sudden so mean and rude."

Twilight replied, "First off, I am not mean or rude. You don't know what it is like to have fought in a battle, you don't know what it is like to have to worry about other ponies stabbing you in the back and you have never experienced ruling over an entire empire."

Pinkie got a big smile on her face and said, "Queen Twilight, do you think we could throw a huge party with confetti, balloons and cake to celebrate you being a queen now?"

Twilight stood there for a minute and then realized that Pinkie had no bad intentions and said, "Of course we can! I have plenty to celebrate and all of you should be here to celebrate with me."

Her friends suddenly felt a little more at ease to see Twilight still showing some of her old self, yet they knew that they had to be very careful as to what they said, because the slightest little thing could anger her and things could get nasty if that happens.

They all head into the dining hall where Twilight summons her chef and tells him that they need a cake for the party they are going to have. He headed off to the kitchen to get it made.

Rarity asks Twilight, "So what happened to your old crown, why this huge, iron crown? I think gold looked a lot better on you."

Twilight replied, "You know what Rarity, I will wear the type of crown that I want to. I rule Equestria now. There will be no more of these formal rules stating that royalty has to dress a certain way. I wanted something that shows power, strength, brutality, something that shows invincibility. I am not just a queen, I am also a military leader."

Rainbow Dash said, "You're a military leader Twilight? That is a good one! What do you do, read books about the battles and play them out in your head?"

This sent Twilight into a rage. She shouted, "You DO NOT disrespect me like that." Twilight fired a bolt of energy towards Rainbow Dash, but intentionally missed her.

"What the hay are you doing Twilight, you could have seriously injured me." screamed Rainbow Dash

Twilight was ready to fire another bolt of energy when she said, "First off, it is Queen Twilight to you. Second, I do not take your mockery of my military leadership lightly and third, you do not mock my love of reading."

Applejack sighed in disgust and said, "Ya know Your Majesty, I would love to know what happened to the Twilight we used to know, the Twilight that was a rational thinker, the one who didn't just scream and yell at everypony and toss those who you view as a threat into the void."

"Wait a minute," said Twilight "How did you know about me casting Chrysalis and Sombra into the void?"

Rainbow Dash told her about how they heard her going into their bedrooms and casting these spells and how they would scream as they were getting banished into the void.

Pinkie Pie got a big smile on her face and said, "Well I think it is really awesome how you got rid of two of Equestria's biggest villains. It makes me feel safe."

Twilight replied, "Well thank you Pinkie. At least somepony is appreciative of what I have done."

"Look your Majesty," said Rarity "the rest of us just wonder what happened to the warm, loving, caring Twilight that we used to have."

Twilight decided to hole her temper back a bit as she said, "Rarity, I am still loving and caring. Why do you think I banished Chrysalis and Sombra. I did it for the best interests of Equestria."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said, "You didn't do it in the best interests of Equestria, you did it for your own best interests. I heard you talking about how you would not share power or give up an inch of Equestria to anypony else."

"Look at it this way. Who would you rather have ruling the empire you live in, Sombra, Chrysalis or me?" said Twilight

Rainbow Dash sighed and said that she would rather have Twilight as the pony in power than the other two.

Rarity replied, "What happened to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?"

"Well, let me tell you about that Rarity. The other night when we launched our attack, we caught Celestia off guard. I know Luna was ready for us but Celestia was an emotional wreck. While Luna was up killing my changelings, I had Celestia cornered out on the balcony. I overpowered her with my magic and knocked her down. She was basically begging for her life when Luna came in and saved her. Luna took her and flew off to the west. Where they went, I'm not sure but they aren't around here. That is all that matters to me." said an arrogant Twilight

"Wait just a goldarned minute," said Applejack "you mean to tell me that you are more powerful than Celestia?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, I am much more powerful than her. I have a feeling I am by far the most powerful pony not just in Equestria, but in the entire world."

Fluttershy said, "I know this is off topic your Majesty but with you as queen of Equestria now, what is going to happen to all my critter friends?"

This brought a smile to Twilight. She replied, "Fluttershy, nothing will change. You will continue to care for them like you have ever since you fell to the ground from Cloudsdale."

"That is wonderful to hear your Majesty. Thank you so much." said Fluttershy

This made Fluttershy feel much better. She knew that it would be wise to get on Twilight's good side instead of questioning what she does and getting on her bad side.

Twilight's chef brought out the cake once it was done. "Yummy!" said Pinkie "You should get the first and biggest piece Queen Twilight because you're awesome!"

"Thank you Pinkie, with an attitude like this, maybe I should invite you to come live up here and be my personal party organizer. With you around, parties would be a great thing to have. Even if it was just you, me and my military officers." replied Twilight

Rainbow Dash put her hoof over her face and said, "Pinkie, Fluttershy, can't you two tell that she isn't the same friendly pony that she used to be? Can't you tell that she is obsessed with power and cares about nopony but herself and her military?"

Fluttershy replied, "Rainbow, you're wrong. Queen Twilight is just stressed. I am sure I would be the same way if I was in her situation."

Pinkie added, "Yeah, be nice to Queen Twilight! Fluttershy is right, she is just stressed."

"Thank you girls," said Twilight "I know you two are true friends because you accept me no matter what."

Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "Fine, you two stay here with your precious queen. We're headed to the train station and going home."

Twilight replied, "You won't be able to get back to Ponyville, that bridge is still out and I have no plans on fixing it and I know Rarity doesn't know a spell to fix the bridge. She spends so much time with her fashion that she doesn't bother to learn magic any more advanced than levitating things."

Rarity said, "Hey, don't go knocking me just because I haven't had my nose buried in books my whole life. I only learned as much magic as I would need. I had a lot of fun as a filly and I still have fun now."

Twilight looked at Rarity with a scowl and replied, "Who is to say that I didn't have fun studying? Learning new things is something I am very passionate about and I will continue to learn new things every single day for the rest of my life."

Rainbow Dash interrupted and said, "Oh, so you're going to be learning new things for all eternity since Alicorns don't die? I'm sure someday you will run out of things to learn."

Twilight finally had enough of their disrespect so she flew down to the bridge that was out and fired a bolt of energy at it, fixing it. She then flew to the train station and told them that train service to Ponyville could resume.

When Twilight returned she could tell that Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were not happy and wanted to hurry up and get out of there, but figured they better not because they did not want to anger Twilight.

Twilight walked up to the three and said, "I fixed the bridge and I told the pony at the train station to resume service to Ponyville. So you can go ahead and leave if you wish. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, you can stay or go home, I won't think any differently which decision you make."

"Really?" asked Pinkie Pie

"I'm going to be honest you two. I am worried that there may be a counter attack brought on by Celestia and Luna and I don't want you and Fluttershy to get caught in the cross hairs of this conflict. So I think it would be best if you two return to Ponyville." said Twilight

"Ok your Majesty," said Fluttershy "I'm glad that you care about us and don't want us to be here if you are attacked."

"Anytime Fluttershy, you guys better get going, the train to Ponyville leaves in ten minutes." said Twilight

The ponies and Spike head to the train station to catch the train home. Fluttershy and Pinkie argue with Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack over what is going on with Twilight. Twilight is happy to have Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie on her side, but is nervous about her other three friends, wondering whether they are true friends or if they are backstabbing snitches.