• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 9,967 Views, 169 Comments

Terror in Equestria: Rise of the Dark Queen - StormLuna

This is the story of how Equestria, the land of love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that seems unstoppable.

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The Final Battle For Equestria (Alternate ending)

In Canterlot midnight arrived and their was still no storm, which Twilight thought that there would be, so she along with her army left the low level shelter and headed outside.

Twilight said, "Well I am glad that all my paranoia was over nothing."

General Iron Sheath replied, "I am happy as well my Queen. I think we should all get some rest."

Then it hit. Bolts of power came striking down from the sky. These were not lightning bolts though, these were bolts of energy coming from Alicorns.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" shouted Twilight "General Iron Sheath, get your forces in position to fight them off. General Dark Night, make sure your unicorns are in sheltered areas but to where they can still fire bolts of energy at the enemy."

Luna shouted to her family, "Be careful of the changelings, when they fire their energy they will start to cover you in green ooze. Try to wipe as many out as you can!"

The royal family was battling the changelings when suddenly red bolts of energy started being fired from the ground. "It's the unicorn soldiers!" shouted Galaxia "We need to take them out. Celestia, let Cosmos and Luna handle the changelings, you need to help me with these things."

"I'm coming mom. I just need to maneuver through these changelings." replied Celestia

Luna shouted, "Be careful of those things. If they hit you, their energy will leave burn marks and cause great pain."

While Luna and Cosmos were battling the changelings, frying many of them with each bolt of energy, Celestia and Galaxia started to take out the unicorn soldiers. Doing this was tricky as their bolts of energy were more powerful than those of the changelings.

While Luna and Cosmos were battling the changelings Cosmos began to have trouble flying and using his magic. "Dad, you're covered in ooze!"

Cosmos replied, "I know what do we do, am I a goner?"

"No," replied Luna "Let me free you from this nasty stuff". Luna sent a calm beam of energy to Cosmos removing the ooze.

"Thank you princess!" said Cosmos

Luna replied, "The thank yous can wait for later, we need to keep killing these things. We need to use energy balls to take them out!"

Cosmos shouted, "Luna, are you more powerful as Nightmare Moon? If you are, you need to transform into her!"

"Yes, I am much more powerful as her!" shouted Luna

"Transform yourself into her, we need as much power as we can get!" replied Cosmos

Suddenly a powerful wind struck the battle scene, thick clouds shrouded the sky as Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon. Beams of powerful energy began flying around the battle scene killing changelings left and right.

Twilight saw how her forces were being decimated and flew up to the upper courtyard and started firing her own bolts of energy at Luna and Cosmos, but they were able to get out of the way numerous times and caused Twilight to kill some of her changelings. Twilight realized that she needed to beef up her forces. She said to Iron Sheath, "Gather as many of our forces as you can over there, I need to cast a duplication spell."

"Yes my queen. I will get them together." replied Iron Sheath

Iron Sheath gathered about 1,500 changelings into the same area. Twilight's horn began to glow and she recited, " From one to two, two to four and so much more. When one is simple mere, more shall appear."

That part of her force had doubled, she ordered them to stay in place and she cast the spell again, now having many more changelings than before the battle. She said to the changelings, "Get back out there and fight! This is not a social gathering!"

Before they could spread out a massive, extremely powerful bolt of energy came out of the sky, killing over half of the changelings that Twilight had created along with Iron Sheath. Nightmare Moon could be heard screaming "Death to the changelings, death to the dark unicorns, victory is near!"

Twilight got fed up with trying to stop those two and saw Galaxia and Celestia taking out her unicorn army. She used her power to pick up Celestia and drop her on the courtyard floor in front of her.

Twilight said, "You will not stop me this time either, your royal lowness. This will be a matter of student crushes teacher. Get ready to meet your own mortality!"

This enraged Celestia and she shouted, "You ungrateful, spoiled brat. You want a war, you got a war!"

This would come down to a matter of whose energy was more powerful. Twilight fired a bolt of energy at Celestia but she missed. The two Alicorns then fired bolts of energy at one another. The energy beams met in the middle. Now the power struggle would begin.

Celestia shouted, "Come on, more power Celestia, more power."

Twilight shouted, "Why bother Celestia, you can't beat me, nopony can beat me."

Twilight suddenly sent a surge that knocked Celestia backwards and rendered her unconscious. Twilight was thrilled with this and started dancing around Celestia. Twilight started shouting, "Student crushes teacher, this makes your defeat complete, now you must retreat!"

LaurFa saw this and realized that now was the time to make her return to Equestria official. Suddenly a light as bright as the noonday sun came down from the sky. She knew it was time to put an end to this. She decided she would first destroy Twilight's armies.

She flew upright, the light radiating from her became brighter as she recited a spell to destroy Twilight's armies. "The enemy is full of tyranny, their soldiers are many. For without them the enemy is done and they will have to run. The enemy's defeat is certain, so upon their rule falls a curtain."

Twilight saw her flying upright starting to recite that spell. Before LaurFa could finish the spell, she fired a bolt of energy at LaurFa, knocking the direction of her energy skywards, causing it to miss all of her armies. This caused LaurFa to decide that she would deal with Twilight's armies later. She figured she would deal with Twilight first instead.

LaurFa landed in the courtyard in front of Twilight. She glared at Twilight and said, "What has become of you Twilight Sparkle? I have watched you from afar and you went from a wise, caring mare into a total monster."

Twilight looked back at her and said, "That is Queen Twilight to you, your are probably insignificant in their cause. I can beat you just like I beat Celestia."

This angered LaurFa greatly, she began to glow white and said, "I am Goddess LaurFa, the Queen of all Queens. It is not wise to speak to me that way."

Twilight began to mock LaurFa dancing around and chanting, "ooh, look at me, I can glow! I'm the best thing in the world! Ooh, look at me, I'm some kind of goddess!"

LaurFa pointed her horn directly at Twilight and said, "Your time has come Twilight Sparkle, your tyranny will be crushed and the ponies of Equestria will be freed."

Twilight aimed her horn at LaurFa and both ponies fired bolts of energy at one another. Twilight was fighting LaurFa as hard as she could, but she felt her own energy getting shoved back inside her. She thought to herself, "Come on Twilight, we need one massive surge of energy."

Twilight began to glow purple and green energy began to radiate from her eyes and a massive surge of power came from her horn, throwing LaurFa backwards.

Twilight began to shout, "Call me Goddess Twilight, I am more powerful than the allegedly all powerful LaurFa! Bow down before me!"

LaurFa was helped up by Celestia who had came to. Celestia said, "You can do it your Highness, you can defeat her."

Luna landed next to LaurFa and said, "Your Majesty, she has probably wore herself out with that one bolt of energy. Now is the time to take her out! Go and finish this battle!"

Twilight was standing over on the other side of the courtyard shouting, "What's the matter, you scared LaurFa?"

This caused LaurFa to charge towards Twilight, her horn began to glow and she prepared to fire at Twilight. Twilight fired just as LaurFa did and another battle began.

LaurFa was putting as much energy into this as she could. She looked like she was going to win this battle as Twilight's energy was being shoved back into her.

Twilight said to herself, "Come on Twilight, we need to use another tactic."

Suddenly Twilight realized that she could use this situation to her advantage as she knew a spell to draw the very life out of her enemy.

Suddenly Twilight began to glow brightly, her eyes were shining a radioactive green and she began to draw in the very life of LaurFa. LaurFa began to shrink in size while Twilight grew to be larger than Celestia.

Galaxia shouted, "Twilight, you are going to kill her, please stop."

This caused Luna to fire a bolt of energy that broke the energy transfer. Twilight shouted, "You see, you can not stop me! I am the most powerful pony that has ever lived!"

Twilight's horn began to glow and a bright purple ball appeared, she shot the energy outwards, knocking LaurFa and the entire royal family backwards. She was shouting and screaming in her triumph. She headed over to where the five Alicorns lay.

LaurFa said, "Please Twilight, stop. Can't we negotiate some sort of deal? I know you are so powerful no pony that can stop you, but there has to be a little bit of kindness left within you."

Twilight replied, "Tell me what you want out of these negotiations and I shall see if I decide to accept it or not."

Laurfa said, "Ok, you can have most of Equestria but we would like to have Canterlot. That is all we ask. We hope you will find this offer acceptable."

Twilight slammed her hoof on the ground and began to levitate a much smaller and weaker LaurFa and yelled, "You have got to be kidding me. You think I will simply give you the crown jewels of Equestria? You better think twice before presenting such a one-sided suggestion to me. I will give you my suggestion. LEAVE EQUESTRIA OR DIE!"

"WHAT?" shouted an enraged Luna.

"You heard me." said Twilight "You have seen the strength of my powers. Had it not been for you, LaurFa would be laying there dead. Chances are now that she has no more power than I did before I was accepted into Celestia's school."

Celestia looked stunned at this statement but then her jaw dropped open as she began to realize that she had taught Twilight so much magic that she ultimately developed the ability to learn magic without her aid and could and did become infinitely powerful.

Twilight looked at Celestia and said, "It is ironic really. You are the one who taught me so much magic. Who would have thought that the day you asked me to be your personal protege here at the school would wind up causing you to ultimately be deposed!"

Celestia replied, "Well you know if it weren't for Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom you would have failed your entrance exam and never got into my school."

Twilight got this grin on her face and said sarcastically, "That is right now isn't it? I will have to be sure and thank her in her assisting me in becoming the pony that I am! I will also have to thank the rest of my friends for giving me the skills it took to become an Alicorn princess. Hmmm....I am wondering, since I defeated LaurFa, perhaps I should adopt the official title of Goddess Twilight."

Galaxia shouted, "The only Goddess ever is Goddess LaurFa. You are a false icon. You have not created anything but terror and tyranny."

LaurFa saw Twilight pointing her horn at them and said, "Please stop Twilight! Just let us live, that is all we ask of you."

"You know something," laughed Twilight "I will let you all live but I do have one more big surprise for you LaurFa."

LaurFa replied, "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh you'll see, oh yes, you'll see!" said Twilight

Twilight then pointed her horn at LaurFa. Her horn began to glow purple and she recited, "You have committed treason and that is not in season, you are a threat to me and I simply can not let that be, I can no longer be annoyed so you shall be cast into the void."

A vortex appeared and began to suck LaurFa in. She along with the royal family began to scream at Twilight to stop it but in a matter of seconds it was too late, LaurFa had been sucked into the void forever. Twilight began to laugh sadistically and gave the royal family a look that terrified them.

"Twilight?" shouted Celestia, "What have you done? I don't even know that spell!"

Twilight continued to laugh and said, "Oh dear teacher, the irony just gets better and better. First I depose you and Luna and now I banish the Goddess LaurFa into the void. You have no clue how much I have learned since becoming royalty. Without your hoof holding me back, I have achieved what once was thought to be impossible!"

The royal family wound up getting this look of despair on their faces as they realized that there was nothing they could do to stop Twilight. Suddenly Luna got an idea. She asked Celestia if she would be able to banish Twilight to the moon.

"Luna," replied Celestia "I could try but she has such a quick reaction time now that she would banish me into the void so quick that none of us could stop her. Also, I don't know if my spell would work on a pony as powerful as her."

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT ME?" asked an enraged Twilight "So, you want to banish me to the moon eh? You do know that you can't banish a pony more powerful than you to anywhere, don't you?"

Celestia looked down and realized that Twilight was right. She figured she better just keep quiet before Twilight decides to banish her as well.

"What specifically is the void anyway?" asked Celestia

Despite being the powerful Alicorns and the royalty they are, even Galaxia and Cosmos did not know what it was. The only other pony to know what the void was besides Twilight was LaurFa and she was now banished to it and Starswirl the Bearded, and he passed over 2,000 years ago.

Twilight laughed and said, "You know Celestia, you really never paid attention to the material in the Starswirl the Bearded wing of the archives, did you?"

"Uh-no, I didn't. I figured out how to banish ponies to the moon through reading some of his easier works, but I didn't even know he provided clues to do what you have done."

"The void is basically a place where you are in limbo. There is just darkness. You exist, but that is pretty much it." laughed Twilight

Twilight was getting sick and tired of Celestia and her despair. She just wanted to finish all this, drive them out of Equestria and get some rest. "Colonel Thunder Rage, let's get them!" shouted Twilight

This caused the royal family to speed off to the west towards the Pegasus Ocean. Twilight, Thunder Rage and over 100 changelings took off after them. They had no intentions of hurting them, they simply wanted to drive them out of Equestria for good.

"Celestia," shouted Twilight "Thanks for the best education anypony could ever have! You sealed your own fate by making me your student!"

"Just leave me be Twilight. You won, just let us leave peacefully." replied Celestia

Twilight and her changeling army finally chased the royal family out to and beyond the borders of Equestria as they started to cross the Pegasus Ocean. Once they hit the coastline, Twilight and her army stopped the pursuit.

"We did it guys, we did it! When we get home we are going to have a feast of epic proportions, then we are going to get some well deserved rest." shouted an excited Twilight

Thunder Rage replied, "How are we going to keep them out? There aren't enough of us to guard every inch of coastline we have."

"Good point Colonel, good point." said Twilight

Twilight began to glow a deep shade of purple and her horn began to glow as she put up an impenetrable force field over all of Equestria. She had a huge smile on her face and said, "Problem solved! Nothing whatsoever can penetrate this force field! Let's get home, I'm tired and hungry."

Twilight and her army sped to the east back towards Canterlot. When they finally cleared the last ridge before they could land they were greeted by the rest of her forces cheering and celebrating. Twilight landed on her balcony and shouted to her forces, "Equestria is forever ours! Nopony will ever pose a threat to us! It is time to feast!"

Twilight went to her chefs and said that she would be eating her meal out with her army. She said that they needed to prepare enough food for everypony. This would be a huge challenge since there are many soldiers remaining to feed after the battle. They were able to fix enough food for them and when they took the meal to the soldiers, they shouted, "ALL HAIL QUEEN TWILIGHT!"

When they started their meal Twilight shouted to them, "Just call me Twily. I'm not a big fan of the formal tradition of the royal family."

This caused them to cheer louder knowing that their queen was a down to earth pony, well at lest when it came to them anyway. After they finished their lavish meal Twilight told them that they all deserve a rest. Twilight headed off to her bedroom and took a much needed and well deserved nap.