• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 9,968 Views, 169 Comments

Terror in Equestria: Rise of the Dark Queen - StormLuna

This is the story of how Equestria, the land of love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that seems unstoppable.

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A Return to Normalcy

Nopony got much sleep that night, as the battle raged until 3 in the morning and soon it was time to get up because Celestia needed to raise the sun. She raised the sun like normal and Twilight saw something off to the east in Ponyville that she wasn't familiar with.

"Princess, what is that tall tower and those other buildings in Ponyville? I don't remember those being there before." said Twilight

Princess Celestia told Twilight about everything that had happened involving those buildings. She told Twilight about how her and some changelings raided the city of Fillydelphia for slaves to gather the material for that tower and that those other buildings were built for the slaves.

Twilight had a horrified look on her face and started crying "I feel so bad that I did that, I feel so dirty, immoral and evil."

Princess Celestia told Twilight that she did not need to feel that way because just like when she tried to kill her, that she was not her normal self.

That made Twilight feel a little better, then she asked Celestia, "What happened to Chrysalis and Sombra? Were they defeated during that last battle as well?"

Celestia replied, "No, they were not defeated. Shortly after you three took Canterlot you decided that you did not want to share power so you banished them forever into the void, which I am very thankful for."

"Really?" said Twilight "I banished two of the biggest threats into the void forever?"

"Yes Twilight, you did. Right now though I think we need to go and eat some breakfast, I am starved!" said Celestia

While they ate breakfast they discussed everything that they would need to do to get things back to normal completely. Celestia told Twilight that Equestria is going to have to be told that her along with Luna are back on the throne in Canterlot.

"Princess Celestia, I have a question. Will I still be the princess of Ponyville, the Everfree Forest and surrounding areas?"

Celestia looked at her with a smile and said, "Of course you will. I would advise though that you let the ponies from Fillydelphia go home, level that tower and remove those barracks so there will not be any trace of the time that you were corrupt."

Twilight replied, "You bet princess! I don't want to see those things. They bring much sadness to me and hurts my heart."

Celestia then told her about the attack on the Crystal Empire and what Accurate Aim told her and Luna about the fate of Cadence and Shining Armor and the Crystal Heart.

"What?" screamed Twilight "My brother and Cadence are still trapped in green ooze up there? We have to get up there right away and rescue them!

Celestia, Luna, Twilight and LaurFa headed off to the Crystal Empire with great haste, getting there in only two hours. Once they entered the empire, the skies were no longer brown and all the black crystals were gone, everything had returned to normal since Sombra's banishment. They landed in front of the castle and confronted one of the crystal ponies.

"Princess Celestia? Is that really you?" asked the pony

"Yes, I am princess Celestia. We are going in to rescue Cadence and Shining Armor as one of the crystal ponies who escaped made it to Canterlot and told us what happened." said Celestia

The crystal pony replied, "Oh, you're talking about Accurate Aim, aren't you? He was the only one who escaped Sombra. What happened to King Sombra anyway?"

Celestia replied, "You don't have to worry about Sombra anymore, he has been banished into the void forever. He will no longer be a threat to you or anypony else. Just don't tell anypony yet. Once we rescue the royal couple from their green ooze cocoons, we will announce it to everypony from the balcony.

They went rushing through the castle trying to find where they were being imprisoned. LaurFa ran into the throne room and yelled, "I found Shining Armor, he is in the throne room." LaurFa send a gentle beam of energy towards Shining Armor, freeing him from his cocoon.

Shining Armor wound up falling on the floor. He asked LaurFa who she was and where Twilight and Cadence were. Twilight wound up running into the room and shouted, "Shining Armor, I'm so happy to see you!"

Shining Armor replied, "Twily! I am so happy to see you survived all this."

Twilight asked her brother, "Do you know what happened to Cadence?"

"Yes," replied Shining Armor "They took her down to the dungeon because they could not risk her getting loose or being anywhere near me."

"We need to get to that dungeon now." shouted Twilight

They headed down to the dungeon and searched every cell and crevice until they reached the very back. There was Cadence, wrapped up in a green cocoon and looking like she had very little life left in her. LaurFa did the same with her as she did with Shining Armor and Cadence fell to the floor. When she looked up Twilight was the first one she saw.

"Twilight!" shouted Cadence

"Cadence! replied Twilight

They ran to each other and sang in unison "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Cadence then saw Shining Armor. She ran over to him and said, "Honey! I'm so happy to see you! I thought they had killed you!"

Shining Armor replied, "I'm happy to see you too sweetie. I thought they had killed you too. I was devastated but I couldn't do anything being trapped in that cocoon."

LaurFa told the royal couple, "You two must be starved. It has been a long time since you ate. We need to get up to the kitchen and see if there is anything to eat."

"Well we'll see if there is anything even left up in the kitchen. Chance are that Sombra, did not leave much of any food here when he left to join the alliance's attack on Canterlot." said Luna

They get up to the kitchen and much to their surprise there was more than enough food for everypony. Celestia then told Cadence that she really needs to announce to the crystal ponies that she has returned and that Sombra has been banished into the void.

"Alright, that should return the empire back to it's normal, happy self." replied Cadence

They went out to the balcony and Twilight shouted, "Hear ye, hear ye, Princess Cadence has returned and she wants to address you."

The crystal ponies came out of their homes. Their coats and mane were dull and they had a very depressed look on their faces.

Cadence began to speak to the ponies, she said, "I am back everypony and I want you to know that King Sombra has been banished to the void and will never be a threat to any of us ever again."

This caused the crystal ponies' coats, manes and tails to become sparkly again and they all cheered hearing the wonderful news that their princess told them.

Princess Cadence asked LaurFa, "What are we going to do about a crystal heart? Sombra and Chrysalis ate it as soon as they conquered the empire."

LaurFa smiled and said, "I think we can take care of that." She took a piece of crystal, shaped it into a heart and beamed some energy into it so that it would work just like the old one did.

When the crystal ponies saw the new crystal heart they cheered as loud as they could and despite it being late, LaurFa led the crystal ponies in their re-powering the heart with love and unity.

Twilight smiled at Cadence and said, "Well we have to get going, we have a lot more to do to restore things back to normal, especially in Ponyville."

Cadence replied, "Alright Twilight, Luna, Celestia and LaurFa have a safe trip."

The ponies then sped south towards Ponyville knowing that Twilight would not be very well received. Once they got there they first land on the far eastern side of town near the tower and the barracks.

The ponies from Fillydelphia see Twilight and they line up and say, "What do you wish for us to do your royal highness?"

Twilight started to cry and said, "I need to let all of you know what happened. I was corrupted by Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra and it was that corruption that led me to launch that attack on your city and bring you here. I hope that you can forgive me. I urge you to return to your homes in Fillydelphia. I am sure your families miss you. I also want to let you know that I am no longer a queen. I am a princess but you can just call me Twily."

One of the Fillydelphia ponies replied, "I forgive you Twilight. I don't have any bitter feelings towards you and I hope that we all can forgive you."

The whole crowd of ponies agreed and congratulated Twilight for finding her way back to good.

LaurFa said, "I am going to lead the Fillydelphia ponies home and then I am going to return to Canterlot and get Galaxia and Cosmos and we will return home."

"Do you think you could do one more thing for us before you leave?" asked Twilight

"Sure, what do you want me to do?" replied LaurFa

"'Could you vaporize that tower and the barracks so there will be no sign of my dark, tyrannical rule?"

"Of course!" said LaurFa. LaurFa then fired bolts of energy at the tower and barracks and vaporized them. Everything looked normal again, as though they had never even been there.

"Thank you LaurFa!" shouted Twilight

"Anytime Twily! I have to get going now! Goodbye everypony!"

Now they realized the toughest part of their mission would be getting the ponies in Ponyville to accept Twilight again and to get her friends to forgive her.

Celestia and Luna call for a meeting in the town square and ask that everypony come to it. An hour later everypony in town was in the town square. Celestia starts out by saying, "We are glad you are here, as I have a very important thing to ask of you."

Applejack replied, "Yes princess, what do you want us all to do."

She signaled for Twilight to step up on the stage. Luna then said, "I know Twilight has put all of you through very tough, harsh times lately. But we know why, she was corrupted by Queen Chrysalis and she has now been restored to normal and Chrysalis and Sombra have been defeated and banished forever into the void. Do you think you can forgive her and accept her as your friendly princess?"

The ponies started cheering that their beloved Twilight is back. Twilight's friends and Spike ran up to the stage and told Twilight that they loved her and were so happy that she was back to normal.

Pinkie said, "You know what this calls for? A PARTY!"

Everypony agreed and one of the biggest parties in Ponyville party took place later that day.

Luna said, "I am so glad that this was easier than we thought it would be. I am so happy to see things have returned to normal."

Celestia added, "With Sombra and Chrysalis defeated, Discord reformed and Luna returned back to normal long ago, I don't think that Equestria will have any more threats."

Twilight, returning to her normal self, "I certainly hope so princess, but we can never let our guard down."

Celestia laughed and said, "Oh Twilight, I knew that was what you would say! We must return to Canterlot now so we can give a send off to LaurFa and our parents."

Luna and Celestia then sped off back towards Canterlot.

Rarity said, "Twilight, I am glad to see that you are back in your normal crown and chest plate. That gray crown and full body armor looked horrible on you."

Twilight laughed and said, "I know! I don't know what I was thinking!" It is so good to be back to normal."

Spike ran up to Twilight and said, "Twilight, I thought I had lost you forever. I hope this never happens again."

Twilight said to Spike, "Take a letter please."

Spike said, "Alrighty!"

Twilight said, "Dear Princess Celestia, Today I have learned that regardless of how dark and corrupt a pony becomes, there is always a little bit of good that resides within her, even if it does not show. I am so glad to have earned back everypony's trust and friendship. Your faithful student and princess who is still learning how to do her job, Twilight Sparkle.

Spike sends the letter to the princess and says, "I am so glad you are back, that rabbit of Fluttershy's was about to drive me nuts!"

Twilght replied, "Well you don't have to worry about that now, you will be sleeping in the library again!"

Spike said, "Thank you so much Twilight, finally, a good night's rest!"

Twilight replied, "You're my number one assistant, I could never not have you around!"

With that Equestria returned to peace but the cities of Ponyville, Canterlot and Fillydelphia would always remember the dark times that they experienced. Their innocence of always knowing peace was gone but were happy that peaceful and happy times had returned.