• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 9,967 Views, 169 Comments

Terror in Equestria: Rise of the Dark Queen - StormLuna

This is the story of how Equestria, the land of love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that seems unstoppable.

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Preparing for the Assault

Morning came too soon for Sombra's army as they were still exhausted from yesterday's long march. The sun shined in through Twilight's window and she headed to her balcony to look over Ponyville. All seemed calm and there were no problems going on. She then cast her sights towards Canterlot wondering if they know anything about what is going on in her realm.

She then heads to the dining hall and is greeted by Sombra and Chrysalis. Chrysalis said, "Twily, we thought you weren't coming. We were thinking we could have one more pleasant meal before we discuss any plans."

Twilight replied, "That is a good idea Chrysi. Personally I am thinking that perhaps meals shouldn't be a time to discuss business at all."

Sombra agreed with Twilight and said that he had done some research and that leaders who do not discuss battle plans over their meals are much more likely to lead their armies into victory. He also told them of how armies that keep battle plan discussion out of their meals are almost always more focused and have a much higher morale. Twilight told them that they need to let their armies know this.

They marched down to the base of the tower and all their soldiers stood at attention. Twilight said, "Today we are going to start our military exercises, but there is one thing I need to tell you first. It involves something that successful armies all around the world have done since the first war. Do not discuss battle plans during your meals. Don't even discuss the battle or war itself. Just discuss ordinary things among yourselves. Just relax and perhaps tell funny jokes you know. Your breakfast is coming, fill up guys! And remember, no discussing the upcoming war. Don't even discuss the military exercises, enjoy yourselves!"

The three leaders headed into the throne room and began to discuss battle strategy. "Twilight, you know what sort of defenses Canterlot has." said Chrysalis "What do you suggest we do."

Twilight replied, "We need to use a plan similar to what you used during the time of the royal family. There will be no force of love to stop such an attack this time. Cadence and Shining Armor are imprisoned in the Crystal Empire. Sombra, there is a ramp that goes around the mountain that your forces can go up. It leads into the backside of Canterlot. Your forces can get into the city unnoticed."

Sombra said, "Wow Twily, you have this planned out very well."

Twilight replied, "Well I know the city like the back of my hoof. An aerial assault will distract the royal guard while our ground assault will catch them off guard. Also, the only real threats are Celestia and Luna. There is no actual army that protects any part of Equestria, because it is full of love and harmony and the princesses have never thought there would be any threats, either from abroad or from within."

Chrysalis asked Twilight why she was so worried about Celestia and Luna. She said that they were only two ponies and that they should be able to take them down easily. She reminded Twilight about how she knocked out Celestia during the royal wedding.

Twilight replied, "That is true. Celestia may not be that big of a problem but it is Princess Luna that could be a problem. She has a different type of magic, a type of magic that requires different energies to defeat. She also has the ability to turn into Nightmare Moon. When she does that, she uses energies very similar to what you two have used for ages and to what I now use. Also, when she is in her Nightmare Moon form, she is far more powerful than anypony I know."

Chrysalis asked, "Twilight, you have all of the Elements of Harmony with you now. Couldn't you just use those to defeat Nightmare Moon?"

Twilight replied, "I wish, but I can only bear one element, the element of magic, and this element now has different energies and will not work with the other five. I am thinking the best way to defeat Luna, whether she is herself or if she is Nightmare Moon, is to keep her from leaving Canterlot. If she gets out of Canterlot, she will be impossible to find and we will always have that threat out there."

"Wow, you really know your stuff." said Chrysalis "Think we should go have our armies start their exercises."

"Yeah, we should. We need to have them ready for the assault. The new moon is in seven days and I think an attack at night will be the most effective. Luna takes off to do her night time patrols shortly after she raises the moon and everypony else becomes pretty oblivious to everything else going on at night."

In Canterlot Celestia is quickly becoming a nervous wreck. She is still trying to come to terms with Twilight's betrayal and the sudden risk that could soon strike their city. Luna was standing out on the balcony facing Ponyville. She then sees something going on to the south of Ponyville. It looks a lot like a war but it is too well structured to be any kind of battle. She then looks harder and sees King Sombra standing their by the exercises. She also notices Twilight and Chrysalis floating above their soldiers. Luna has a worried look on here face and rushed back to Celestia's room. She found Celestia back there sobbing and covered up entirely with her blanket.

Luna shouted, "Snap out of it big sister! You need to come to the balcony now. We need to do something. Twilight and her allies are prepping their forces for an attack of some sort."

Celestia got up reluctantly and said, "Ok little sister, I will take a look but I have a feeling you are just seeing things."

Celestia followed Luna to the balcony and looked off towards the south of Ponyville. She is shocked by what she sees. She sees an army of over 5,000 dark unicorns and well in excess of 10,000 changelings. She said to Luna, "What have I done? I have created a monster. I should have never taught her the duplication spell. For all we know, she could turn those forces into a huge army of over 100,000."

Luna patted her sister on the back and said, "You didn't know this would happen big sister. You never thought that Twilight would become the way she has."

Celestia said, "I think we need to go to the dining room and have a snack. I think some food will comfort me."

Luna said, "Good idea, I am hungry anyway. We do have one thing we can hope for. We have to hope that something will cause those three to turn on each other. Chances are though, it won't happen until they achieve their objective, which is to take Canterlot, which would make Equestria theirs."

"How are we supposed to stop a force that large? "asked a sobbing Celestia, "We don't even have a normal army, we just have the royal guard and I don't know if our magic will be enough to counter theirs. I know Twilight has become far more powerful now, and her powers are probably increasing exponentially by the day. I just feel like it is my fault."

Luna replied, "Big sister, the first thing we need to do is have composure. If we don't both have our composure, Canterlot will fall in less than 5 minutes. Our city needs both of us to be at our most aware if we are to defeat them. We are the only two here that has the power to do this, the royal guard, while they are strong, does not possess the powerful magic we do. If you are distraught like this, your magic will not work and I can't do this alone."

Celestia looked up and smiled, realizing that Luna has complete and absolute confidence in her. While both of them have always had their differences on everything, Celestia finally felt like they were on the same page. As they got into the dining hall, Celestia looked at Luna with a determined look in her face and said, "Canterlot will not fall, Equestria will not fall. We will do this little sister. Thank you so much for snapping me out of my despair. The citizens of Canterlot and all of Equestria need to be our top priority."

"Now that is the big sister that I love and hold so dear." said a happy Luna. "The new moon is in seven days. I have a feeling that they will attack on that night. Twilight knows that I go out on my nightly patrols every night. That night though, I will remain here. We will defeat their dark alliance."

Celestia looked at Luna and asked, "What will we do with the three leaders?"

Luna replied, Well with Sombra and Chrysalis, I want to cast them into the void, from which they will never escape. Regarding Twilight, I am hoping there is some way to cleanse the darkness that has overcome her. I believe that since she has not been corrupted for that long, that she can be brought back to what she used to be."

"You really think so?" asked Celestia

Luna knows how much Celestia loves Twilight and while she won't admit it, she loves Twilight a lot as well. Luna replied, "Yes Celestia, I believe she can be brought back. Now we need to clear our minds and focus. You and I are the only two who can defend our city. If we fail, I don't even want to think about what sort of fate awaits us."

Celestia said, "I know, if we fail being kicked out of Equestria would be an easy punishment. I don't think those three would go so easy on us."

"Me either," said Luna, "while Sombra and Chrysalis are pure evil, I could see Twilight trying to prove to her allies that she is equally as evil if not more evil and give us a terrible punishment. Enough of all this negative talk, let's go have a snack and clear our minds."

Back in Ponyville the three leaders watch their soldiers' military exercise and are pleased with what they see. The three grin and talk among themselves how they have this in the bag, how there is no force in Equestria that could stop them.

Chrysalis realized something and said, "Wait a minute Twily, you said that Canterlot does not have a standing army, just some royal guardsponies. Why are we having them do these exercises then?"

Twilight replied, "We need to keep them focused. Yes the royal guard consists of mostly pegasus ponies and a few unicorns but we need our forces to be a well oiled military machine. We need them to be as focused as possible."

Sombra added, "It is always good to have your forces prepared for anything. Twilight has been away from Canterlot for a couple of weeks now. They may have actually formed an actual military since then."

This caused Chrysalis to realize that her two allies are right, that simply firing bolts of energy may not be enough, that there may be hoof to hoof combat in the streets. Chrysalis looked up in the sky as Luna raised the moon and asked Twilight, "How much longer until the new moon?"

Twilight replied, "It is four more days until the new moon. I believe that on the final day before our assault, we should have our forces rest. The absolute best military is well rested, has a full stomach, alert, well composed and loyal. We have the loyal part down, we just need to make sure that the other four attributes exist as well."

"Let's all get some rest." said Twilight "the leaders need to have all five of those attributes as well."

With that the three leaders turned in for the night and the armies headed to bed as well, getting some much needed sleep.