• Published 1st Aug 2013
  • 9,967 Views, 169 Comments

Terror in Equestria: Rise of the Dark Queen - StormLuna

This is the story of how Equestria, the land of love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that seems unstoppable.

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Rise of the Dark Queen

Twilight woke up the next day and realized that splitting Equestria into three parts is going to be far more difficult than anything else she has faced in her life. She stands on her balcony facing the east with the thoughts of what is going to happen if they can't hammer out a deal. She does not like the idea of all three of them sharing power over the whole country yet at the same time she did not want to have to give up an inch of Equestria to anypony else.

She arrived in the dining hall late for breakfast, as Chrysalis and Sombra were waiting for her. "Sorry I'm late. The sun didn't wake me up this morning." said Twilight

"Oh it's ok Twily." said Chrysalis "After how hectic our lives have been here lately, you deserve a bit of extra rest."

The chefs brought the three leaders a good sized breakfast. When Sombra saw this, he said "Wow, all of this looks so tasty Twily. I tell you, since we have been allies I have had the best meals of my entire life!"

Twilight blushed a bit and said, "Well my allies deserve the best food out there. After all, I treat those who are loyal to me like I would treat myself."

After breakfast they headed to the throne room where they were going to try and hammer out a plan on how Equestria will be split or decide if they will all have equal power over all of Equestria.

The three looked over the map and Twilight said, "Ok, how about this, Sombra, you can have the northern realms where the Crystal Empire is, this would include Marentreal, all of the arctic, the northern realms of the western deserts and Neigh Hampshire. Chrysalis, you would have the southern realms. This would include the southern parts of the western deserts, including the city of Las Pegasus and off to the southeast, including the city of Tampa Neigh"

"What about you?" said Sombra

"Oh, regarding me, everything else would be mine." replied Twilight "What do you think of my suggestion."

Sombra banged his hoof on the table and said, "Are you kidding me? Under your plan you would get over 95% of the forested regions. What, you think your realm would be the only one that needs wood?"

Chrysalis added, "You do realize that there is very little in the way of population in the realm you would be giving me don't you? It is basically a wasteland. The only reason I chose to take my changelings there was because it was the only place we could live undetected."

Twilight replied, "Ok, so this wasn't the best plan. How about the two of you draw the borders on the map."

Sombra and Chrysalis sat together over the map and drew the borders on how they think it would be fair. "Twily, here is what we think would be a good plan." said Chrysalis

Twilight replied, "Ok, let's take a look at it."

Twilight was not amused when she saw the map. It had her realm fairly small and had it completely land locked. It had Chrysalis's realm stretching further to the north to cover Fillydelphia while Sombra's would dip down and cover Manehattan and Neighark. It had Sombra and Chrysalis controlling over 80% of the population of Equestria. While Twilight would still have control over 60% of natural resources, her realm would be vulnerable to attacks.

This enraged her. "Are you kidding me?" yelled Twilight, "My realm wouldn't even have any access to an ocean. My realm would only have around 20% of the population, which would not be at my realm's best interests. Let's just stop for the day and resume these negotiations tomorrow." After that Twilight stormed out of the room.

"We are really going to have to find a way to figure this out," said Chrysalis "She is very powerful with advanced magic but I know the two of us together can keep her in check."

Sombra replied, "Yes, together we can keep all of this fair. I am thinking that if we let her have her realm spread out to the east to Baltimare she might accept it. After all, Baltimare has ocean access and it will even out the population percentage. It would give you 33%, me 33% and her 34%."

Chrysalis thought about Sombra's plan and replied, "Yes, that is the most fair we are going to get things. Yes she will have a little bit more in population but if we can present this to her tomorrow and she accepts it, we can start to establish our empires and secure our borders."

Sombra also told Chrysalis about how he thinks that they need to forge a secret alliance without Twilight knowing about it. He told her that he is worried that she may use that duplication spell to increase her forces and that they need to work together to if they want their empires to avoid being taken over.

"I agree." replied Chrysalis, "I know Twily is an ally of ours but I have this feeling that she is becoming power hungry. She is already extremely powerful but I have noticed her spending a great deal of her free time in the Canterlot Archives, learning more and more magic. She could very well be learning enough that she could do something to us."

King Sombra said, "That is something I really wish that I could say that Twilight wouldn't do that, but deep down I know her thirst for absolute power is growing. I can see it in her actions and the proposal that she gave us regarding splitting our realms."

One thing that Chrysalis and Sombra did not know was that Twilight was standing around the corner and that she heard every single word they were saying. Twilight stormed off to the archives and said to herself, "Tonight is the night those two are getting banished. They know my true desires and they know my thought process much too well. I will perfect an alliance spell for the soldiers and the banishment spell to send those two into the void. They're finished!"

After what was a relatively normal supper with no stress, Twilight headed to the archives, to figure out the spells she would need. She was going through some of the oldest books and scrolls in the back of the archives, as those are the ones with the most ancient and most powerful spells. While they did not provide any actual spells, they provided Twilight with the direction that she would need.

She saw a bumble bee had landed on a table in the archives. She realized this would be the perfect opportunity to see if her banishment spell works. Twilight recited, "You have committed treason and that is not in season, you are a threat to me and I simply can not let that be, I can no longer be annoyed so you shall be cast into the void." Twilight fired her energy at the bumble bee and it simply disappeared as it was sucked into a vortex.

"Excellent!" said Twilight " "Now it is time to wipe out those who pose a threat to me. Very soon all of Equestria shall bow down before Queen Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight and her 'allies' headed to their rooms to go to bed.

"Wow, am I tired." said Twilight "I am looking forward to a good night's rest. Good night you two."

Chrysalis replied, "You too Twily. We will see you in the morning."

Sombra said, "I shall see you two tomorrow. Sleep tight everypony."

Twilight headed into her room but she had no intentions of going to sleep and she is anything but tired. She is a pony on a mission to take what she believes is rightfully hers. She waits for three hours until she is sure they are both asleep.

Twilight knows that Chrysalis is the more powerful of the two, so she sneaked into her room shortly after midnight. She noticed that Chrysalis was in a deep sleep. She stood over her bed with an evil grin on her face and thought to herself, "Not only good night but good riddance!" Her horn then began to glow purple as she recited the spell, "You have committed treason and that is not in season, you are a threat to me and I simply can not let that be, I can no longer be annoyed so you shall be cast into the void."

Suddenly Chrysalis woke up but it was already too late for her. She was shouting, "Nooo, Sombra, help me!" Her screams did no good though, as Sombra did not even hear them. Chrysalis finally disappeared down the vortex into the void.

Twilight was very pleased with this, She said to herself, "One down, one to go."

She then headed down the hall to where Sombra was sleeping. He tends to be a lighter sleeper than Chrysalis so this would be a bit more difficult for Twilight. She stood over him and her horn began to glow purple, before she could start reciting the spell, Sombra woke up.

Sombra screamed, "What are you doing in here Twilight?"

Twilight replied, "Just checking on you to make sure you are ok. After all, I heard Chrysalis talking to herself saying that she wanted to kill you since you are a stallion."

"That is a lie you tyrannical mule! You just want to kill the two of us or banish us or something so you can have all of Equestria for yourself" screamed an angry Sombra

Sombra and Twilight started firing bolts of energy. Sombra tried to hit Twilight multiple times but missed her as she was flying around the room. Twilight fired energy at Sombra and finally struck him hard, vaporizing his horn and temporarily paralyzing him. She then floated above him and said, "You are partially right Sombra, I had no plans to kill either one of you but banish you, yes. Your little girlfriend has already been banished into the void. Now it's your turn to be banished forever!" laughed Twilight

Sombra had a look of pure horror on his face as Twilight's horn began to glow purple and she recited the banishment spell, "You have committed treason and that is not in season, you are a threat to me and I simply can not let that be, I can no longer be annoyed so you shall be cast into the void."

As soon as she finished reciting the spell, a black vortex opened up and sucked him in as he was screaming "Noooo, somepony help me."

Suddenly everything was calm, Twilight left Sombra's bedroom and headed back towards her own. She went out onto her balcony and said to herself, "Equestria is mine, all mine! Now all I have to do is cast the loyalty spell upon the whole army and nopony will stop me. The reign of the Dark Queen shall begin!"

The morning sun woke up Twilight and she knew she had one thing she had to do before breakfast. She had to go down to the main level where all the changelings and dark unicorns were resting. She stood on her balcony and took flight down to where they were just waking up. General Iron Sheath said, "Good morning Queen Twilight, how are you feeling?"

Twilight replied, "I am feeling good this morning general. I have some news for all of you regarding King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis."

Sombra's general Dark Night replied, "What is going on with them?"

Twilight went on to tell all the forces that they must have had some bad food last night as they are ill this morning but that they will be feeling better tomorrow.

"So what are your plans for us today my queen? "replied Lieutenant Iron Chains

"I need all of you to gather together, over there in that large open area." said Twilight

All the changelings and dark unicorns headed over to the open area. They weren't sure why Twilight wanted them to do it but they knew that disobeying a queen is not a wise thing to do.

Colonel Thunder rage asked, "Queen Twilight, is this some sort of exercise you are having us do?"

"No Colonel, it is not" replied Twilight. Twilight's horn began to glow purple and she recited, "From another to me, that is where your allegiance will now be, you thought your old commander loved you like pie when all they wanted was for you to die. With me all shall be great, there shall be no hate."

Twilight fired a bolt of energy at the entire army. At first they looked stunned, then they began to wipe their eyes. Then in unison they shouted, "All hail Queen Twilight, our one and only leader!"

"Thank you everypony." said Twilight, "You are serving our alliance well. Here comes your breakfast! You shall enjoy many more great meals like this!"

While the army was eating their breakfast Twilight headed up to the dining hall to have her breakfast. The chef came in and said, "Your Majesty, where are Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra? Are they not coming to breakfast?"

Twilight replied, "I'm not sure what happened to them. I headed to their rooms this morning to see why they weren't getting up and they were gone. I don't know if they had to go check on something in their realms or what, but they just left."

The chef replied, "Well it looks like I only have to cook for one for right now. Don't tell your allies but I am glad I don't have to cook for three."

Twilight said to her chef, "Don't worry about it, I am not going to say a word to them."

After breakfast Twilight headed up to her balcony and looked off to the east. Knowing that all of the army is now loyal to her and her alone and that Chrysalis and Sombra are gone for good, she fired a bolt of energy towards Ponyville, lifting the force field she had initially put in place.

Twilight felt calmer than she had ever felt in her life. She felt as though nothing could stop her and that there was absolutely nothing that could even pose a threat to her. She stood out on her balcony and started singing to herself,

"Everything is finally perfect, I've dreamed about this day since I was small, my conquest is finally complete, with me nopony can compete, the war is complete, my enemies fell in defeat, this is proof that a mare can really have it all!" sang Twilight

Twilight heard some noises in a neighboring bedroom so she thought she would go and see what it was. What she would find will be what she least expected.