• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 5-6: Confronting the Hero

Confronting the Hero

“Are you kids alright,” Buck Withers said as he lifted the table that pinned Wanda and Twilight down. “Don’t worry. That bad beast won’t harm you again.”

Wanda and Twilight looked at Buck Withers, still scared by the experience they went through. Without a second thought, they both cried their eyes out, emitting waterfall tears from their eyes.

“Oh dear,” Buck Withers said as he placed his arms around Wanda and Twilight, comforting them from the horrible experience. “They’re not going to live that nightmare down.”

“I’m afraid none of us will live that down.” That voice came from Chancellor Abacus Cinch. She, along with Shining Armor, walked up to Buck Withers, a bit somber from the events that occured.

“I’ll have to be honest here,” Shining Armor said as tears filled his eyes. “If it weren’t for you, my sister would have been bird food. Thank you.”

“It was nothing,” Buck said as he rubbed the back of his head. “After all, protecting kids has been my specialty. Well that and adventures.”

“And I believe after what happened,” Shining said, looking like he’s about to choke up. “I believe you deserve Cadance more than I do.”

“Shining Armor,” Cinch said, surprised by Shining Armor’s choice of words.

“I’m afraid he’s wrong.” That voice came from Princess Cadance. She was able to get the rope off of her body as she walked up to Buck Withers. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Cadance,” Shining Armor said.

“Buck,” Princess Cadance said. “Early today, we wanted to scare you with an illusion of a Roc, conjured up by my mother. The reason we did that was because you wouldn’t take no for an answer when it came to me being your wife.”

“But Cadance,” Buck said. “I don’t get it. I thought we would be the perfect royal couple of Equestria. To help inspire the young ones into getting out more.”

“No,” Princess Cadance replied. “Not especially after the prank. And I’m not the only one ashamed by it.”

Right behind Princess Cadance walked Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Abigail Albright, Spike the dragon, Gaffe, Poindexter, Lemony Gem and Princess Celestia. They had the look of shame on their faces.

“Buck Withers,” Celestia said. “The reason why I joined in on this prank was simple. I’m very protective of my children, and I took offense to the way you treated my darling Wanda. But after nearly losing her to a real Roc, I can safely say that I went a bit too far.”

“And I only joined in hopes that we could be together,” Lemony Gem said. “I admit, the fake Roc was funny. But the real one was way too scary.”

As Buck Withers places Wanda and Twilight down, they are greeted by Abigail and Spike, who waste no time jumping towards their respective companions. Wanda cuddled Abigail while Twilight placed Spike on her back.

“As for me,” Wanda said as she held onto Abigail. “I didn’t like how you tossed me in the air. I felt really scared, and I didn’t know what to do. Plus, you stepped on Abigail’s tail three times.”

“She’s right,” Twilight said as Spike rubbed his cheek on the back of her neck. “In fact, if you did that to me, my parents would have really been steamed.”

“But truth be told,” Princess Cadance said. “I was going to tell you that I wasn’t interested in marrying you. But every time, you kept blocking me off as if you wouldn’t accept no for an answer. I had to resort to this desperate tactic to get you off my back. If only you had sad no, none of this would have happened.”

Buck Withers had a lot to ponder about. “On the one hoof, what Cadance, the kids and her friends did was in poor taste,” he thought to himself. “But on the other hand, they may be right. My obsession with marrying Princess Cadance may have gone too far.”

With that, Buck Withers gathered himself and cleared his throat.

“Princess Cadance,” Buck said. “You’re right. It’s my fault that it went nuts over my obsession with you. I’ve...been a fool. Can you ever forgive me?”

Princess Cadance giggled and said “I think I owe you one as well, considering that we’re both in a bit of hot water.”

“I’d say, all of us are in hot water,” Princess Celestia said as she gave Cadance and Buck a bit of a hug. “Reminds me of when me, Luna, and our parents used to get in a lot of trouble during our childhoods.”

Buck Withers smiled and crawled out from underneath Celestia’s hoof. He then turned his gaze towards Lemony Gem, who was still ashamed at helping Cadance out.

“I remember you,” Buck said. “I saved you long ago when two stallions were fighting over food. Nuts I believed. I don’t know what they were thinking. I think that was why I preferred to explore the open woods.”

“Aww Bucky,” Lemony Gem said as she blushed.

“By the way,” Buck Withers said as he pulled out the Emerald Ring. “I know you’re not a princess. But as I look into your eyes, they shine like sapphires. Like the beautiful lakes that are spread through our land. How would you like to be the gem of my adventures?”

Lemony Gem was starstruck. She said “I would love to, Bucky deary.” And without a second thought, she lowered her head down and allowed Buck Withers to place the ring on her horn.

As Buck Withers looked at Lemony Gem with a smile on his face, he felt a tug at his coat. He looked down and there was Danged Spell, holding that same gold medallion necklace from long ago. The look on his face was of guilt.

“Buck Withers,” Danged Spell said. “I appreciated the gift you gave me during my cute ceanera. But after what I did, I don’t deserve it.” He then proceeded to extend his hoof to Buck Withers, still carrying the medallion. But all Buck could do was close his hoof.

“Keep it, young one,” Buck said. “Let it remind you of the loyalty you have towards your friends..” That changed Danged Spell’s tone to a more optimistic one.

Really?” Danged Spell yelled as he gave Buck Withers a hug. “Thank you very much.”

“And by the way,” Buck said to Danged Spell. “Tell your friends thank you for helping me get over my fear of Rocs. I’ve had them when I was younger than you were. But it was for all the wrong reasons.”

“You bet,” Danged Spell said as he jumped off Buck Withers and ran off to his friends. Buck Withers and Lemony Gem watched on as Danged Spell talked to Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Sunburst, Moondancer and Wanda Young.

“The pure wonder of a child,” Buck Withers said. “They do represent our future.”

“Kinda made me wish you had a fun childhood, Bucky,” Lemony Gem said as she gave Buck Withers a noogie. Buck could do nothing but laugh.

Later that night, everyone was enjoying the time at the Dance Hall of the School for Gifted Unicorns, and that’s despite the damage done to the roof, and the fact that a real Roc nearly ate Wanda and Twilight. As Buck Withers and Lemony Gem danced the night away, so was Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. They wanted to forget all of their troubles and enjoy every moment of it.

“We’ve had a fun week or so,” Princess Cadance said to Shining Armor. “All that trouble we get ourselves into just to keep together.”

“That’s true,” Shining Armor said. “Maybe if we do get married in the future, do you think our wedding would be even crazier?”

“Crazy would be an understatement,” Princess Cadance said. “Maybe a changeling queen would kidnap me and take my place, all while you don’t even suspect it.” Those very words were enough to give Shining Armor a good chuckle.

“Twili could end up figuring that witch out,” Shining Armor said. "But I don't think we would take her side. It's a dangerous world with this kind of thinking."

"You said it," Cadance replied as the duo continued to dance the night away.

Nearby, Wanda was enjoying some of the as she watched Cadance and Shining Armor dance. Abigail was right nearby as the Man's Cub rubbed the kitty's forehead. Next to her, Twilight fed Baby Spike some apples as Sunset, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell were chatting with each other about the events that had happened.

"I can't believe that attempt at scaring Buck got him to overcome his fears." Moondancer said as she took a sip of fruit punch.

"I'll say," Sunburst said. "This is going to be in his future book. Most likely, It's going to be titled 'Embracing my fears.' Or something like that."

"But at the same time," Sunset said as she watches Buck Withers and Lemony Gem dance gracefully. "We did get him the happy ending he needed. And I'd say he is better off as an adventurer. Imagine him having to put up with politics. He would go mad."

"You happen to be a princess, Sunset," Sunburst said as he took a bite of an apple slice. "Is it true that your mother hates politics?"

"If I said yes," Sunset said with a smile. "That would be an understatement."

And with that, Wanda and the Unicorn Six let out a playful laugh as they imagined how painful it would be as a Chancellor, Senator or Prime Princess.

"You know," Danged Spell chuckled. "With all those ghouls and creeps running the Senate, I believe it's a real House of Horrors."

Wanda and the rest of the Unicorn Six shouted "Danged Spell" before laughing really hard.

"You really should have seen Mommy after spending a whole day in those debates," Wanda said as she couldn't contain herself. "When she got home to the palace that evening, she looked like a creepy zombie."

"I know that because I've seen it." Sunset said as she continued to laugh. "And now I can't get that horrible image out of my head. Thanks a lot, sis."

"Well I am terribly sorry," Wanda joked. "But you know how Mommy hates politics. It's enough to drive anyone mad."

"I'd watch what you say, Man's Cub. Unless you want to end up as a Senator representing Canterlot." Those words came from Chancellor Cinch, who startled Wanda and made her scream. The Unicorn Six looked to Wanda’s right and saw the Chancellor standing there with a bit of a scowl on her face. However, it seems Sunset Shimmer has a bit of an assurance in her.

“Relax Wanda,” Sunset said as she held onto her younger sister. “She’s going easy on you.”

Wanda looked up and saw Chancellor Cinch staring down at her. As the young Man’s Cub looked upwards, the Chancellor’s scown turned into a bit of a smirk.

“You really need to start relaxing, young lady,” Cinch said. “After all, you and Twilight Sparkle nearly became bird food that night.”

Wanda started to calm down as Sunset slowly lets go of her. She let out a deep sigh as she looked up.

“So uhh,” Wanda said as she struggled to get the words out of her mouth.

“I believe you’re talking about who won the Fall Formal Festival,” Cinch said. “Sadly, your big sister and Shining Armor did not win the title of Princess and Prince. Nether did Lemony Gem and Buck Withers.”

“Wait,” Twilight said as she was shocked by the Chancellor’s words. “Shining Armor is not Prince of the Fall Formal Festival?”

“I’m afraid not,” Cinch turned around and took a couple of steps forward. “You may find this surprising, but an odd pair won the title. And personally, odd may be an understatement.”

As Chancellor Cinch turned towards Wanda and the Unicorn Six, Gaffe and Poindexter walked towards the Chancellor with crowns on their head. It appears that, despite being the same gender, the two best buds of Shining Armor had been crowned Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal Festival. Danged Spell could barely hold in his laughter.

“These two won the Fall Formal Festival?” Danged Spell chuckled as he lost control of himself and started laughing. “Oh man. That’s a real crack-up.”

“Mind your manners, young stallion,” Cinch said. “Last year, we had a lesbian pair that won the Festival.”

“Truth be told,” Poindexter said as he adjusted the ribbon in his hair. “I never expected to be crowned Princess of the festival. I only came here to support Shining Armor because we’re friends. And friends always help friends out.”

“He’s right,” Gaffe said as he placed his arm around Poindexter. “We own Shining Armor a whole lot tonight. Wish 8-Bit was here to see it all. He missed out, big time.”

"Well," Sunset said as she approached Poindexter. "Congrats on becoming Fall Formal Princess."

"Well truth be told," Poindexter said as he took off his crown and placed it on Sunset's head. "I think this crown looks perfect on you. After all, you are the daughter of Princess Celesta."

As her friends looked in awe at the crown on top of Sunset's head, the young filly looked at her reflection off of a shard of a broken window before gagging a bit. Judging by the look on her face, she looks a bit silly with that crown on her head.

"Thanks," Sunset said as she took the crown off her head and held it out in front of Poindexter. "But this looks ridiculous on me. You keep it. Besides, me as a Fall Formal Princess? Sooner or later, I'll be obsessed with getting that title every year and becoming some sort of she-demon."

"I can understand that," Poindexter said as he placed the crown back on his head. "Tis better to be humble than to be selfish."

"It appears Princess Celestia taught you well, young one," Chancellor Cinch said to Sunset as she turns her gaze to Wanda. "And I take it she taught you well, Man's Cub."

"Y...y...yes ma'am," Wanda said as she swallowed her pride and picked up little Abigail.

"Be warned that things will be harder from here on out," Chancellor Cinch said as she turns away from Wanda. "You're still being tested to see if you are worthy of being apart of Equestria. But despite what happened with that Roc, You're not in any trouble. For now."

As Chancellor Cinch walked off, Wanda wiped the sweat off her forehead as Abigail snuggled on her chest.

"Stressed out by her?" Danged Spell said with a smirk on his face.

"Sometimes," Wanda said. "She really gets to me."

"Don't worry about it," Danged Spell said as he brushed his mane. "I've put up with far worse. And besides, I don't think that wicked witch takes the cake."

But just as Danged Spell finished speaking, a piece of chocolate cake flew right into his face. The arrogant colt was covered in cake bits and frosting.

"Oh for crying out loud," Danged Spell yelled as his friends looked like they were about to laugh.

"Oops," Chancellor Cinch said near a cake table with a smirk on her face. "That was very uncouth of me."

And without hesitation, Wanda, Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, Sunburst and Moondancer were all laughing at Danged Spell's misfortune. The colt just stood there, angry and covered in chocolate cake.


"You sure do," Twilight said as she and Spike burst out laughing.

As Danged Spell growled at his friends, he noticed everyone else also joining in the laughter, including Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Gaffe, Poindexter, Lemony Gem and Buck Withers. Danged Spell took one good look at Buck's laughter, and dropped his jaw.

"NOT YOU TOO, BUCKY" Danged Spell yelled.

"Sorry but," Buck Withers chuckled. "You really need to lighten up. Enjoy life.”

“I’d do what he says, kid,” Lemony Gem said. “You only get one shot at life.”

As everyone else in the auditorium laughed, Danged Spell cracked a smile on his face. He proceeded to grab a piece of cake from atop a table, and chucked it right at Buck Wither’s face. Soon, the whole auditorium stopped laughing as Danged Spell couldn’t control his own laughter.

“Gotcha there, Bucko,” Danged Spell said as he laughed.

Buck Withers only smirked as he grabbed a nearby sandwich off the table.

“Young stallion,” Buck said with a smirk on his face. “You’re about to be schooled by the legend.”

And with that, Buck Withers threw the sandwich at Danged Spell. The young colt was quick to dodge as it hit Sunset Shimmer in the face. Everyone looked at Sunset as she shook off the mustard and ketchup on her face.

“Okay,” Sunset said as she grabbed a banana from the table. “It...is...ON!”

Suddenly, someone in the audience yelled out “FOOD FIGHT” as everyone in the hallway threw food at each other, cheering and chanting. The whole auditorium was getting completely covered in bits of cake, sandwich, fruit, pie, and other goodies. It was a mess.

Wanda, Abigail and Spike hid under the table as they are covered in chocolate sauce. But for some reason, they were enjoying themselves.

“What a night,” Wanda said as she pointed to a Ketchup bottle nearby, ready to squirt any nearby intruders. “I thought it was going to be horrible with that bad Roc. But I never thought I would have a lot of fun.”

Suddenly, Wanda gets hit by a glob of whipped cream, scaring Abigail and Spike. She shook off the cream and looked back outside. There was Princess Celestia, holding a cream pie with her magic, staring at her daughter with a hint of joy in her face.

“So my darling,” Celestia said, clutching the pie towards her. “You think you can outwitt the might of Princess Celestia?” She lets out a cackling laugh as random food is chucked above her. Wanda looked at her mother and twirled her ketchup bottle.

“I’m up for anything,” Wanda said as she dashed out from underneath the table covers.

As the covers went down, Abigail and Spike held onto each other as the sound of festival goers cheered the night away. Food being tossed, punch splashing into one’s face, everyone acting rowdy. But for a baby kitten and a baby dragon, they had shelter as the chaos erupted in the auditorium of the School for Gifted Unicorns.

It was a night that went from bad, to tons of fun.

Later that night, at the castle, Wanda was tucked in her bed with Abigail sleeping at the end of her mattress, having also changed into her pajamas. She had been given a good bath to clean off the gunk from that party she and everyone else had been through. But as she gazed at the stars outside, she felt the presence of another individual climbing into her bed. She turned around and saw Sunset Shimmer snuggle up to her.

“Sunset?” Wanda said, confused by her sister’s presence.

“Wild night, was it?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “It was. Especially with that food fight we had with mommy.”

Sunset looked at the stars outside, reflecting at the events that had transpired. Her older sister Princess Cadance nearly ended up with someone she barely knew. While she is glad that Cadance is once again paired with Shining Armor, there was something eating away at Sunset Shimmer. And she had to get it off her chest.

“Wanda,” Sunset said as she placed her arm around her younger sister’s shoulder. “I was actually scared early ago.”

“Why’s that?” Wanda asked.

“You and Twilight nearly became dinner for a crazed Roc,” Sunset said as a tear fell from her eye. “You’re my sister, and I don’t know what I’ll do if you were lost. And I also care for Twilight as a friend. I can’t even imagine losing ether of you.”

Wanda looked at Sunset and realized what her words meant. Early ago, she, along with Twilight Sparkle, were almost eaten alive by a Roc. And not just an illusion. A real one. She knows even more that life in Equestria isn’t all fun and games.

“I think I understand what you mean,” Wanda said as she wiped the tear from Sunset’s eye.

“You do?” Sunset said.

“With the words you said,” Wanda said. “I did imagine that play out. Except...I also wonder what would happen if I lost you, or everyone else I know. Guess sometimes, I do fear that I might end up alone.”

“You won’t end up alone,” Sunset said. “You’re my sister, and as long as we remain together, we will always burn brighter than the mighty sun. Never forget that.”

Wanda said nothing as she hugged Sunset Shimmer, crying tears of joy. The two held each other as they drifted to dreamland.

Outside, Princess Celestia looked up at her daughter’s bedroom. She had a wild night involving pranking a high-class adventurer, nearly lost Wanda to a Roc, and wound up joining in on a food fight in her school. As Celestia looked on at her daughters, Princess Luna showed up from behind.

“You didn’t invite me to your party, sis?” Princess Luna said. “I’m beginning to think you don’t want me as a party animal.”

“You had your own tasks to deal with, Luna,” Princess Celestia said. “Besides, I tried contacting you many times. And you didn’t respond.”

As Luna walked up beside her older sister, her tone changed a bit as she was concerned by the events that transpired.

“I heard about the Roc that flew into the city,” Princess Luna said. “I take it Wanda came close to becoming a meal for the bird?”

“I’m afraid so,” Celestia said as she put her hoof to her forehead. “But I have Buck Withers to thank for saving her.”

“This revelation will have a lot of questions to be answered,” Luna said as she looked up at the top of the Castle. “The important thing is why it flew into Canterlot this evening.

“And I’m afraid I have your answer.” Celestia and Luna turned to see Chancellor Cinch walk in, holding a flag of some sort with her magic.

“Chancellor,” Celestia said, noticing the familiar flag. “I’m afraid to ask but...was the Windigo’s Guild responsible for this?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Chancellor Cinch said as she unveiled the banner, revealing the familiar Windigo symbol. “The very same group that was responsible for Meteor Flare’s death back in Sire’s Hollow. And I’m afraid that Roc didn’t make it. Buck Wither’s attack on the bird was enough to kill it.”

“It seems these monsters have been interfering in our lives,” Princess Luna said, now with a concerned look on her face.

“It’s one thing to have to put up with politics,” Celestia said, glancing coldly at the flag. “But the Windigo’s Guild? When will we find peace from these bullies?”

“The only thing we can do is educate every pony in Equestria about this,” Cinch said as she rolled up the cloth. “I will address everyone tomorrow at the Town’s Square. Buck Withers has volunteered to testify about the incident. All we can do is grant assurance to everyone.”

“Then let me assist with the meeting,” Princess Celestia said.

“That will not be necessary,” Chancellor Cinch said. “You have your duties to attend to, and the Man’s Cub to look after. Leave the hard part to me.”

“Speaking of which,” Princess Luna asked. “Do you think that Wanda is no longer safe in Canterlot?

“Your majesty,” Chancellor Cinch said to Princess Luna. “She wouldn’t be safe anywhere. But you both have to keep on trying to keep her safe, while I do what I can to keep her in line. After all, if she expects to be apart of Equestrian society, her teaching must continue. For her sake, and for all of us. Even if I have to be a bit rough on her.”

As Chancellor Cinch walked off, Princess Luna placed her hoof around her older sister. She saw a sense of urgency in Celestia, and knew she could use all the help she could get.

“Don’t worry,” Princess Luna said. “You have me, your daughters, and her friends to help you. They’ll be her guide in becoming a true Equestrian.”

“Thanks sister,” Princess Celestia said as hugged Princess Luna. “I’ll remember those words in the coming years.

But outside Canterlot in the midnight sky, Coldnelius Snap watched on from atop a tree branch gazing into the now empty streets of the city. A sense of satisfaction filled his eyes, and a spark of pride filled his teeth. Though the danger has passed, he was still biding his time for the next moment to strike.

“A shame that the roc I used has met its end.,” Coldnelius Snap said. “'Had that wannabe hero not intervened, I would have had that’s Man’s Cub. But I assure you, I have more tricks up my sleeve, Governor. Once I have the magic of that kid, Equestria will suffer its coldest winter in ages, and I assure you, all those simple-minded ponies will get what’s coming to them”

And with that, Coldnelius Snap lets out a terrifying laugh as he leaps from the tree branch and gallops off into the distance, as the cold aura of winter emits from his body, covering the trees in pure ice.

To Be Continued in…

Arc 6: Song of the Birds

Sorrow of the Birds

Author's Note:

What did you all think of this variation of the Neigh Anything adaption from the IDW original? Feel free to talk about what you liked and what you didn't like about this arc.

The next arc will not adapt from a My Little Pony work, but from a Max Fleischer work known as "The Song of the Birds."

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