• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,960 Views, 108 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 17-3: A troubling night

A Troubling Night

Applejack wandered into the ballroom by herself, looking around as there was a small trickle of guests wandering the large, open room full of delicious food, and musicians serenading the company.

“Where are ma and pa?” Applejack said as she scanned the vicinity. “They told me they would be here.”

As Applejack looked around, she saw the sight of Bright Mac waving his hoof into the air. Applejack got on her hind legs and waved back at them.

“Pa,” Applejack said. “I’m coming your way.”

Applejack walked through the ballroom, carefully paying attention to the guests around her as she inched closer to Bright Mac. But as she made her way, something tripped her over, causing the apple filly to fall to the ground.

“What in tarnation just happened?” Applejack said as she got up. She looked to her left and saw one of the more fancy guests looked down at her.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” the snobby guest said as she turned her nose away from Applejack. “Some fillies need to be put in their place.”

Applejack slowly got up and walked away as she looked at that guest. Bright Mac took notice at Applejack and walked up to the little filly with a smile on his face.

“You don’t need to pay attention to some of the guests,” Bright Mac said as he helped Applejack up. “We Apple farmers have been called a load of names throughout the years. Some were silly and we laughed at it. Others were harmful. But the best thing we can do is to turn to each other for support. That’s what families do, and as a family, we are one together.”

“I know,” Applejack said as she got on her four hooves with a smile. “You, Ma, and Granny Smith always told me and Big Mac those worlds. And we’ve stuck by them since.”

“And you’ve always held onto that belief for a long time,” Bright Mac said as he gave Applejack a noogie on the head, causing the filly to giggle. “I’m proud of you. Now come. The rest of the family is waiting for you.”

Bright Mac walked Applejack to a nearby table full of apple-themed goodies, where Granny Smith, Big Mac and Buttercup waited. On another table nearby, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara waved to Applejack.

“So this is our big night, eh?” Applejack asked. “Do you suppose they’ll appreciate our apple desserts?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said with a flick of his mane.

“It was great that Princess Celestia paid us to prepare food for the guests,” Buttercup said. “We’ve put our heart and soul into these delectables. I only hope they enjoy the taste of La Maresa like our fellow town folks do.”

“Folks have turned away from La Maresa after what the Windigo’s Guild did at the Ponyville Faire,” Granny Smith said. “We need to remind them of the good that La Maresa and the rest of the Ponyville Providence can bring to them.”

“And I bet that will be the case,” Applejack said as she walked over and gave Apple Bloom a boop on the nose, causing the baby filly to giggle.

“As Celestia as my witness,” Granny Smith said. “I want to at least provide the comfort food that many ponies could be missing from La Maresa. Our town will never fade away because of fear.”

As Granny Smith walked up to Applejack and gave her granddaughter a hug, Filthy and Spoiled Rich walked up from nearby, catching the attention of Bright Mac and Buttercup.

“Filthy, Spoiled,” Bright Mac said. “I take it you ran into...those two clowns.”

“If you’re talking about Gold and Silver Banks, yes,” Filthy Rich said. “Queen Novo, Buck Withers, Lemony Gem and Gad Zookes were with us.”

“I intend on taking my sister to court when this gala is over,” Spoiled Rich said. “After what she did to Golden Lace, she does not deserve to be her mother.”

“That won’t be an easy task,” Granny Smith said. “I heard the reason why they arrived at the Gala is because they got Magistrate Creme Dream to override Princess Cadance’s ban. Something tells me that sneaky crowbait is going to pull off a serious stunt to deny you custody of little Lace.”

“Speaking of which,” Spoiled Rich said. “Where is Lace?” But the moment she stopped speaking, Golden Lace ran up to the mare with Cozy Glow behind her.

“Aunt Spoiled,” Golden Lace said in a cheerful tone. “I was wondering where you went.”

“Lace, honey,” Filthy Rich said. “How are you enjoying your time at the Gala?”

“Right now,” Golden Lace said. “Princess Wanda and one of her friends will be accompanying us throughout the Gala. I hope this will be my final memory here before I depart from Canterlot.”

Filthy Rich looked up and saw Wanda Young, Abigail Albright and Pinkie Pie standing in front. Wanda picked up the sides of her skirt and made a curtsy bow.

“Alright,” Filthy Rich said. “You go have some fun. And if your parents give you any grief, we’ll be here for ya.”

As Golden Lace cheered gracefully, Applejack walked up to Pinkie Pie, who was in her usual cheerful mood.

“Seems you might be the life of the party, Pinkie,” Applejack said. “Considering you’re entertaining Princess Wanda and Golden Lace.”

“Hey, it’s what I do best,” Pinkie Pie said as she pointed to Cozy Glow. “And besides, we do have others joining us.”

Cozy Glow just looked at Applejack and waved right back. Applejack, feeling something odd in her fur, approached the pegasi filly.

“Hey, I also heard you’re the daughter of Magistrate Creme Dream,” Applejack said.

Cozy Glow’s sweet face turned blue as she slumped down a bit. She looked up at Applejack and said “Yes. It’s true.”

“Then is there any way you could convince your mother to allow Golden Lace to live with Filthy and Spoiled Rich?”

Cozy Glow turned around and said “I’m afraid that’s unthinkable. I haven’t seen eye to eye with my own mother for a lot longer than Golden Lace. Sure she’s one of the most powerful judges of Equestria. But what good is that when you’re not the favorite of her children?”

Applejack just looked at Cozy Glow with a shocked look on her face and said “I didn’t know.”

“Well, you do now,” Cozy Glow said. “And I only wish you didn’t.”

“Come on, Cozy,” Wanda said as Abigail meowed at Cozy Glow. “Don’t let that get you down. We’re here together, and we’re best of friends. Now why don’t we party the night away?”

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said. “We’re friends now, and that’s what matters the most.”

“You’re right,” Cozy Glow replied. “Besides, I wanted to at least make Golden Lace comfortable because we share similar problems.”

Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Pinkie Pie and Cozy Glow ran off from Applejack with Golden Lace following right behind them. Applejack watched on while Big Macintosh walked up right next to her.

“Isn’t it great that friends help keep others up?” Applejack said. “Sure as a family, we are one together. But also at the same time, friendship is magic. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Big Mac just smiled and said “Eeyup.”

Meanwhile, outside in the garden area, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst walk up to a nearby weeping willow tree that was positioned right near the pond. They sat right next to each other and just looked up at the sky.

“The night sky just looks gorgeous,” Sunburst said. “You’re right to have chosen this spot.”

“What’d I tell ya?” Starlight said as she stared at the stars. “Wanda and Sunset told me about this place. They sometimes stared at the stars when they had the night to themselves.”

“Is that so?” Sunset said. “Seems I owe them a big thank you for this.”

“They also said to be mindful of the critters here,” Starlight replied. “They’re often shy and bashful.”

“Considering that we’re not big animal fans,” Sunburst said. “I’d say that’s a no brainer. Besides, all we want is peace and quiet. Nothing more and nothing less.”

Starlight giggled as she lay on her back and gazed up at the stars with Sunburst by her side. As she just sighed at the stars, a squirrel ran up her dress, all the way up to her head. The movements of the squirrel caused Starlight to giggle, catching Sunburst’s attention.

“What’s a squirrel doing running over here?” Sunburst said as he kept his eyes on the squirrel while he got up.

“I have no idea,” Starlight said as she regained her composure.

Starlight got up and watched as the squirrel hid behind her. Nearby, Fluttershy ran up to the two unicorn younglings, looking eager and excited.

“Excuse me,” Fluttershy said. “Have you seen a squirrel around these parts?”

Starlight looked behind her and saw the squirrel look straight at Fluttershy. Without a second thought, the squirrel ran up the tree, diving through the leaves until it was out of sight. Fluttershy just looked up the tree and sighed.

“I don’t get it,” Fluttershy said. “I’m a lover of animals. Why are they so afraid of me?”

Fluttershy flew up towards the tree and peeked right inside. Immediately, the squirrel jumped right out and ran off in the distance, much to the disappointment of the timid pegasus filly.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. “And not just the squirrel, but also the toucans, the flamingos, and even the little monkeys that populate this garden.”

Without a second thought, Fluttershy flew off after the squirrel, leaving Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst confused.

“Toucans?” Starlight asked.

“Flamingos?” Sunburst said.

“Monkeys?” Both younglings responded with complete confusion.

“I don’t know what Fluttershy meant by those three,” Sunburst said.

“I know,” Starlight replied. “That sounds ridiculous to have all those kinds of animals right here.”

But the moment Starlight finished talking, a number of animals appeared out of nowhere and began taking shelter near Sunburst and Starlight, many of which included toucans, flamingos, monkeys, and even a few kangaroos. Starlight and Sunburst looked at the scared animals surrounding them and then looked back at each other.

“Toucans,” Starlight said.

“Flamingos,” Sunburst replied.

“Monkeys,” Starlight replied.

“And even a kangaroo for good measure,” Sunburst replied.

“Wanda and Sunset will have to explain to us why Princess Celestia carries a zoo-full of animals in her garden,” Starlight said with a scowl on her face.

Meanwhile, at a nearby tower, Danged Spell and Moondancer arrived outside an opened doorway. The duo peeked inside and saw what appears to be the eye-piece end of a giant telescope.

“So that's the big contraption that you wanted to see,” Danged Spell said.

“Oh you bet,” Moondancer said as she giggled with excitement. “This is Princess Celestia’s personal telescope. But Princess Luna uses it more than she does to observe the stars beyond our planet.”

“Well I’d say that’s a real way to scope out your dreams,” Danged Spell laughed, causing Moondancer to glance at him.

“Oh real funny you class clown,” Moondancer said in a sarcastic tone, causing Danged Spell to look at her funny.

“What?” Danged Spell said. “I wanted to at least keep the mood bright.”

Moondancer looked left and right before pulling Danged Spell close to her.

“Shhh,” Moondancer said. “There’s no pony in the vicinity, and there’s no line to this telescope. Now’s our chance to go inside and check out what’s in the stars. Do you read me?”

Danged Spell just nodded yes, much to Moondancer’s delight.

“Good,” Moondancer said as she let go of Danged Spell. “Now let’s get in there before it’s too late.”

Moondancer and Danged Spell immediately made a dash towards the doorway, running as fast as possible. But the moment they reached the entrance to the telescope room, a slightly overweight adult pony ran through the halls and bumped the duo out of the way with the side of his butt.

“Out of my way you juvenile delinquents,” the older pony said as his rear end sent Danged Spell and Moondancer flying. “I got dibs on the telescope.”

Danged Spell and Moondancer hit the nearby side of the wall and bounced off, landing on the floor. They got up and watched as the adult pony walked through the entrance and shut the door behind him. Moondancer and Danged Spell both got up and began to pout.

“What does that big palooka think he is?” Moondancer said as steam poured out of her nose. “We were here first.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said as he stomped his hooves on the floor. “If anything, his cutie mark should be his own butt because of how he decided to butt in.”

“Gotta agree with you on that one,” Moondancer replied. “It’s like someone did this on purpose just to make us look miserable.”

“No kidding,” Danged Spell said as he dusted himself off. “To think, it must be a fear of us being some kind of Mary Sue or Gary Stu pony.”

“A Mary Sue or a Gary Stu? You both must be joking.” Danged Spell and Moondancer turned to their right to see Prince Blueblood walk in from another doorway with Rarity by his side.

“Hey,” Danged Spell said. “Aren’t you that Prince Blueblood character that Sunset Shimmer told me about?”

Prince Blueblood walked up to Danged Spell and said “It seems my reputation precedes me. Though I can’t say the same for my entitled cousin.”

“Excuse me?” Danged Spell said in a confused look as Rarity blushed with embarrassment.

“I think the problem with Sunset Shimmer and her so-called younger sister is that they truly don’t know how to address the ponies of Equestria,” Prince Blueblood said. “They spend way too much time being coddled and not shown the true realities of this world. They could do more by interacting with ponies beyond Canterlot.”

Moondancer, taken aback by Prince Blueblood’s comments, glares coldly at Rarity.

“He’s a real nice colt once you get to know him more,” Rarity said with a nervous tone as she ducked a bit behind Blueblood.

Moondancer turned her head to face Prince Blueblood. She turned back towards Rarity and said with a sarcastic tone “Yeah. Surrrre.”

Prince Blueblood turns his head away from Danged Spell and Moondancer before turning towards Rarity. He said to the filly “Come. You don’t need to be around those ruffians.”

Prince Blueblood trotted himself out of the room with his nose held high in the air. Rarity turned towards Danged Spell and Moondancer and just blushed embarrassingly.

“Don’t worry,” Rarity said. “I’ll uhhh, get used to him.”

WIth that, Rarity followed Prince Blueblood out as Danged Spell and Moondancer just glanced at that stubborn royal colt.

“Man if anything,” Danged Spell said with a snort from his nose. “That Blueblood sure has the personality of a horse’s rear end.”

“I think that’s an understatement,” Moondancer said. “If anything, he has the personality and the smell of an elephant’s butt.”

“An elephant’s butt?” Danged Spell said as he let out a small chuckle. “Now you’re talking.”

Danged Spell and Moondancer rolled onto their backs and started laughing loudly. As they did, the doorway leading to the telescope opened up with that same adult pony coming out.

“Wow,” the adult pony said with a disappointed look on his face. “They don’t make telescopes the way they used to.”

Those words caught the attention of Danged Spell and Moondancer as the duo got back on their hooves and ran up to the entrance.

“What are you talking about?” Danged Spell said. “Isn’t that thing made of titanium?”

“Felt more like it was made of aluminum,” The adult pony said before he walked off in a different direction.

Moondancer took a peek inside the room and her jaw dropped down. Inside, the eye port of the telescope had been smashed to pieces, with a good portion of the telescope body appearing to have been crushed. Danged Spell looked inside and his jaw also dropped down at the sight of the destroyed scope.

“What in the name of my grandmother?” Danged Spell said.

“I….I was going to look through that telescope,” Moondancer said before she fainted.

Danged Spell looked down at Moondancer before looking back at the telescope and said “If anything, this has been nothing short of being a crushing gala.”

Meanwhile, at the foyer, Princess Celestia continued to shake the hooves of many guests that came through the entrance, though she looked like she was starting to tire. Princess Luna, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle and Spike looked at Princess Celestia and began to worry.

“Is this what Princess Celestia goes through every gala?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Sunset Shimmer said. “This was one of the reasons why Wanda doesn’t like the Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“To many,” Princess Luna said. “The Grand Gallopin Gala is the de facto event that every pony wants to attend. To Wanda, she felt more like an outcast, surrounded by ponies that she doesn’t know, plus the fact that they tower over her. It was the reason why she had that meltdown last year.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at Princess Celestia, who was still shaking the hooves of the guests who arrived. Though the prime princess had the look of a cheerful royal, it did concern the young unicorn, who just sighed and said “I wish there was something we can do.”

“I think I know what you both can do,” Princess Luna said. “Go find Princess Wanda, and go cheer her up.”

“Are you really sure about that, Aunt Luna?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Trust me,” Princess Luna said. “I can look at my sister and relieve her of her duty if needed.”

Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer nodded. With Spike on her back, Twilight stepped away from Princess Celestia while Sunset Shimmer followed. Luna watched the two fillies walk off while turning her attention back to her older sister.

“Queen Eternia,” Princess Luna said. “Mother. Please keep us all safe.”

Back in the ballroom, Airazor walked alongside Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, going through the various crowds as they chatted together.

“Like I said,” Rainbow Dash said. “It was a group effort. All I did was to use the Sonic Rainboom to drive those Windigo goons off.”

“That sounds like the kind of story I heard when the rumors flew in to our base,” Airazor said.

“I was wondering if you could give us a demonstration,” Spitfire asked.

Rainbow Dash turned her head as her ears flopped down. She turned back and said. “Well that’s just it. I can’t do it without harming Princess Wanda.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Airazor said.

“It’s more than that,” Rainbow Dash said. “Every time I use the Sonic Rainboom, Princess Wanda collapses to the ground and holds her head in extreme pain. That’s why I have to refrain from using it. I only performed the move back in La Maresa because Wanda begged me to, even in spite of the pain she suffered.”

“And this is Princess Wanda we’re talking about,” Spitfire said. “As much as I don’t see her face when we perform for the crowds, even I have respect for her, considering that she can fly with those wings of her.”

“Well I’ll have to make an alternative to the Sonic Rainboom if I want to impress you all,” Rainbow Dash said. “At least I have a few tricks in my mane.”

But before Airazor could say anything, she felt a tug on her wonderbolt uniform. Airazor turned to her left and saw a few fans gather up in front of her.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash,” Airazor said. “But it seems my presence towards the Wonderbolt fans is needed. Spitfire, you’re in charge of looking after our special guest.”

As Airazor turned her attention towards the group of fans, Rainbow Dash looked on with her jaw dropped to the floor, all while Spitfire looked on with a hint of anxiety.

“Great,” Rainbow Dash said. “I was about to show her that I’m Wonderbolt material, and this happened.”

“It happens all the time, Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire said as she looked a bit nervous. “Everytime we come out to get a break from the air, the hardcore Wonderbolts fans always knows when to ambush her. I’ve barely had enough time to learn a lot from Lady Airzaor.”

“Is it that bad?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Far more than you think,” Spitfire said. “As a junior Wonderbolt, I’ve been under serious training to become the best of the best. But we’ve been distracted lately because of these events.” Spitfire let out a sigh and added “For once, I just wish she could focus more on us.”

Rainbow Dash pondered for a bit and said “Maybe there might be a way I could get her attention. But without the Sonic Rainboom.”

“Right,” Spitfire said. “Don’t want to upset Princess Wanda.”

Spitfire looked outside and noticed something in the garden. She turned to Rainbow Dash and waved her hoof, pointing to the outside.

“Come on,” Spitfire said. “I think I may have an idea and you might like it.”

With that, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire made a beeline towards the opened back exit of the ballroom, departing out into the opening of the field.

At another part of the ballroom, Trixie stood on stage, holding her wizard’s hat in her hoof, showing the lack of content within the hat. Off the stage, Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow and Ditzy Doo were cheering as Trixie pulled a rabbit doll out of her hat.

“Walla,” Trixie said. “The old rabbit in the hat trick.”

“Now this is what I call entertainment,” Wanda said as she cheered Trixie on.

“What’d I tell ya?” Pinkie Pie said. “When it comes to entertainment, Trixie knows how to put on a show.”

Ditzy Doo looked around the entire ballroom, watching as the adult guests danced around and not minding Trixie on stage.

“I can’t say the same for the rest of the party,” Ditzy said.

“Pay no attention to them,” Golden Lace said. “As long as we’re together, nothing’s going to break our spirit.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Cozy Glow said. “These are mainly the elite class of Equestria. Sure the commoners do arrive. But these guys always hog the spotlight.”

Trixie looked at the guests continuing to dance and enjoy themselves. She looked discouraged, but she didn’t look like she was about ready to give up.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will put on a show unlike ANY OTHER!” Trixie said. “And that will require a volunteer.”

Ditzy Doo raised her hoof into the air and yelled out “ME,” catching Trixie’s attention.

“Then come on up,” Trixie said as she pulled out a wooden box and opened it up.

Ditzy jumped onto the stage as Trixie set the box in front of her. The pegasi filly laid right into the box with her head and hooves sticking out on each end. Trixie closed the box and spun it around once.

“And now fillies and gentlecolts,” Trixie said as she pulled out a saw. “I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, will perform the saw the pony in half trick.

Trixie placed the saw in the middle, top part of the box and began to saw it in half. Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow watched in horror while Ditzy just looked there, completely calm and collective.

“This is so exciting,” Ditzy said as Trixie sawed the box in half. “I can’t wait to be split into two pieces.

As Trixie completely sawed the box in two, she split the box in two, revealing Ditzy Doo to be split into two halves, much to the shock of Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Cozy Glow and Golden Lace. Ditzy stuck her arm out and waved to the group.

“Look, every pony,” Ditzy said. “I’m now split into two pieces.”

Trixie looked at Ditzy with an awkward stare before slamming the two pieces together. The box opens and Ditzy emerges as if nothing happened at all. Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow cheered for Trixie.

“That was amazing,” Wanda said.

“Too bad Starlight didn’t get to see that,” Pinkie Pie said. “She would have been amazed.”

“That’s all you kids obsess about? Cheap parlor tricks?” Wanda, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Trixie and Ditzy Doo turned to the side to see Senator Twinkle Wish hovering over all of them. Wanda hid behind Cozy Glow while Abigail hissed at the senator.

“What do you want?” Golden Lace said as she stared at the senator. “We’re just having a good time.”

“Not by the standards of Equestrian Royalty,” Twinkle Wish said as she climbed on stage. “In fact, I don’t think these are appropriate for little children.”

Ditzy Doo inches away from Senator Twinkle Wish as the older mare tips over the box and smashes it into pieces, shocking the younglings all around her. Trixie just looked at the Senator with a cold glare.

“That was a gift given to me by my daddy,” Trixie said. “You’ll pay for that.”

“Maybe you need to learn to grow up and stop playing with these toys,” Twinkle Wish said as she grabbed Trixie’s hat and placed it on her head, causing water to pour right all over the unicorn.

“Hey,” Pinkie Pie said. “You can’t do that. We’re just having fun here.”

“Fun? FUN?” Twinkle Wish said as she stared down Pinkie Pie, causing the pink pony to back off. “Here in Equestria, fun is poison to a little filly’s mind.”

Senator Twinkle Wish turned towards Cozy Glow before walking towards her and pushing her aside. She glared down at Wanda, who looked visibly shaken.

“And as for you, illegal immigrant,” Twinkle Wish said. “Just because you’re the daughter of Princess Celestia doesn’t mean you can do as you please. The fact that Celestia and Chancellor Cinch allowed you to come back to the Gala after last year’s debacle is a disgrace.”

As Wanda stood there, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow came in to block off Senator Wish’s presence to the man’s cub. The two fillies stared at Senator Twinkle Wish with a devious scowl.

“Wanda is our friend,” Golden Lace said. “And in fact, she’s far better a pony than you’ll ever be.”

“So you leave her alone,” Cozy Glow said.

“Strong words coming from two juvenile delinquents,” Senator Wish said as she pushed Cozy Glow and Golden Lace aside. “Especially those who disappoint their own parents.”

Senator Wish stared down Wanda Young as the man’s cub shook in fear, struggling to turn her head away from the mare. Twinkle Wish then grabbed Wanda by the chin and pulled her forward.

“Now you listen here, brat,” Senator Twinkle Wish said. “You may be under the protection of Princess Celestia and Chancellor Cinch, but don’t think you’ll get away with it. One day, you will make a big mistake, and you will wind up in the place you deserve to belong: Tatarus, or especially the deadlands. Never forget that.”

Senator Wish lets go of Wanda before she turns tail and walks away. Pinkie Pie, Abigail, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow all stared at the senator with complete disdain.

“That sadistic witch,” Cozy Glow said as she slammed her hoof onto the floor. “They’re all like this. If I had the capabilities, I would drain the magic of Equestria and hide it away in another dimension.”

“Between her and my parents,” Golden Lace said. “I’d do that in a heartbeat.”

“So would I,” Pinkie Pie said as steam snorted out of her nostrils. “In fact, I think I can locate six artifacts just to pull it off.”

But as they watched Senator Wish walk off, they overheard the faint sound of crying. Pinkie Pie, Abigail, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace, Trixie and Ditzy Doo turned their heads as Wanda struggled not to cry.

“Oh no,” Golden Lace said. “Not again.”

Wanda ran off in the other direction and through the door leading outside, crying her eyes out. Pinkie Pie, Ditzy Doo, Trixie, Abigail, Cozy Glow and Golden Lace watch on as they see Wanda run out the doorway.

“Poor Wanda,” Trixie said. “She didn’t deserve that. None of us did.”

“We should cheer her up,” Ditzy Doo said.

“Leave that to me,” Pinkie Pie said as she got up on her two legs and pounded her chest.

Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow all nodded as Abigail meowed with pride. With that, Pinkie Pie, Ditzy Doo, Trixie, Abigail, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow all followed Wanda through the doorway leading to the garden.

But nearby, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle and Spike looked on as they saw their friends run after Wanda. Sunset looked worried.

“I can’t believe Senator Wish pulled that horrible stunt,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Something’s got to be done about this.”

“Go comfort Wanda,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I’ll inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this debacle.”

“Right,” Sunset said before she ran off after Wanda through the same doorway.

Twilight looked at Spike and said “This is becoming too much of a nightmare for all of us. I wonder what Chancellor Cinch would say about this.

Meanwhile, at another part of the castle, there is a pounding at a nearby door as a voice yelled out “GET ME OUT OF HERE! WHOEVER DID THIS WILL PAY DEARLY!” Outside, Chancellor Cinch smiled as she began to walk away from the doorway.

“Enjoy your time there,” Cinch said as her eyes glowed green. “You won’t be needed at tonight’s gala...Chancellor.”

The supposed Chancellor Cinch walked away from the doorway as she smirked with an evil leer on her face

To Be Continued in….

Princess Wanda’s despair

Author's Note:

So. Who do you think is the fake chancellor? And how worse will this Gala get? Stay tuned.

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