• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 2-4: Heal the Wounded

Heal the Wounded

“AHHHHHHHH!” That scream came from Starlight Glimmer in the nurse’s office. Inside, Starlight winced in pain as Princess Luna applied some rubbing alcohol on her back.

“It’s alright, young one,” Princess Luna said as she treated the wound on Starlight’s back. “We’re going to have you fixed up in no time.”

“But it stings,” Starlight cried as Luna continued to fix up the wound on her back.

“Still can’t believe that crows would go around like this,” Princess Luna said as she applied some topical ointment on Starlight’s back. “Normally, they would be docile. But the way they attacked was very unusual.”

“Unusual is an understatement.” That came from Danged Spell, who was alongside Moondancer, Sunburst, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. They were all worried for Starlight’s well-being, considering the stings that were on her back.

“What were all those crows doing in the school grounds?” Moondancer asked.

“Even I have no idea youngling,” Princess Luna said as she wrapped Starlight’s back in a bandage. “I am familiar with the crow species, but I have never seen them as hostile as what you all told me.”

Luna's words were enough to worry Sunburst. He jumps up to the bed that Starlight was lying down on and put his arm around her neck.

"Starlight," Sunburst said as Starlight hugged him tight. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you. What would have happened if those crows got the best of you? What would our folks say?" Starlight could do nothing, but cry tears of joy as she continued to hug Sunburst.

As Sunset, Twilight, Moondancer and Danged Spell watched on, the young brash colt said "Considering what we went through, that's nothing to crow about."

Princess Luna stared at Danged Spell and said "I appreciate your sense of humor. But right now, I don't think now is the time for that."

"I wasn't trying to be funny," Danged Spell said. "Right now, I am a bit shaken up from what those crows tried to do to Starlight and this Wanda character."

"We all are," Twilight said as she gave Danged Spell a noogie to cheer him up.

"I wonder how she's doing," Sunset said as she was concerned for Wanda's well-being.

"She's alright." Princess Luna said to Sunset. "She's more concerned about that kitten she rescued."

In another nurse's office that is separated from where Luna and the unicorn juveniles are, Wanda, Princess Celestia and a young mare named Nurse Redheart are monitoring the conditions of the Baby Cat. The kitten was breathing slowly as she continued to suffer through the wounds she got from the crows.

"How is she, nurse?" Wanda asked as she worries for the kitten's survival.

"I don't know if she will make it," Nurse Redheart said. "This one's been badly hurt by those crows. It would be a miracle if she survived."

“But….I don’t want her to die,” Wanda cried as she looked at the Baby Cat, who was still in a lot of pain.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “I know you want to save her. But I don’t know if there is anything we can do about it.”

“She’s right,” Nurse Redheart said. “We’re doing the best we can to save this kitten. But even our best may not be enough.”

“I don’t care,” Wanda cried as she held out the palm of her right hand. “She didn’t deserve it.”

“Wanda, don’t,” Celestia yelled as she knew what Wanda was gonna do.

“I’m sorry mommy,” Wanda cried as bright green magic drifted from the palm of her hand towards the Baby Cat.

Princess Celestia attempted to grab Wanda, trying to hold her back. But the moment she touched Wanda with her hooves, the Alicorn Princess screamed out in pain as she was forced to let go.

“Princess, you mustn't,” Nurse Redheart said as she took off the slippers from her front hooves. There were slight burn marks on the flat surface of the hooves, obviously from her attempt at grabbing Wanda.

“But that’s my daughter,” Celestia cried as she watched Wanda continue to feed her magic into the injured Baby Cat. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to her.”

“There’s nothing you can do, your majesty,” Nurse Redheart protested. “This is also for your sake.”

“To Tatarus with my sake,” Celestia said as she reached out for Wanda again, and once again she screamed in pain as she touched Wanda. But this time, she wouldn’t let go.

“Princess,” Nurse Redheart screamed. “LET GO, THIS INSTANT!”

As Celestia suffered in pain from trying to stop Wanda, the young girl’s magic flowed into the Baby Cat. The wounds around the kitten’s body began to shrink and disappear, and she began to regain some of her strength.

“Oh my,” Nurse Redheart said as she was amazed by how the Baby Cat was being healed. “I have never seen magic like that before.”

And with that, the magic dissipated as the Baby Cat came to, as if nothing had happened to her. She looked around, confused at where she was at, before looking down at Wanda, who was now lying on the floor. The young girl looked completely exhausted as she was sweating at the forehead. Princess Celestia was wincing in pain as she held onto Wanda, crying out for her.

“Wanda...Wake up,” Celestia said as she looked into Wanda’s face, still hurting from touching her daughter. “Please wake up, Wanda…..WANDAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Later that day, Wanda was laying down on the bed in the same office. Her eyes began to open, and she turned to see Princess Celestia with bandages covering her front hooves.

“Wanda,” Celestia said as she was finally relieved. “You’re alright.”

Wanda slowly got up and said “Mommy, I knew I could.”

Suddenly, the Baby Cat leaped onto bed and began to cuddle around Wanda. A show of appreciation for everything she did to her? Wanda couldn’t help, but smile.

As Wanda picked up the kitten and cuddled her, Celestia got up, still relieved from knowing that her daughter was alright. She then said “You gave me quite a scare, Wanda. I thought you were done for.”

“Done for?” Wanda asked.

“You exhausted yourself with all that magic,” Celestia explained as a tear fell from her eye, still shocked from the experience. “I know you wanted to save the kitten you rescued. But you pushed yourself too hard. And I was really worried.”

“I…” Wanda said as she began to cry. “I didn’t want it to die.”

“And I didn’t want to lose you either,” Celestia said as she put her hoof around Wanda, only to let go after she felt a sting in her hoof.

“And I didn’t want to have a sister who can’t rule.” That voice came from Princess Luna, who had been watching all this time. Next to here was Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell.

“She’s got a point, your majesty,” Nurse Redheart said as she gave Wanda a special electrolyte drink. “I know you were concerned for your daughter. But you gave your sister and the younglings quite a scare.”

“I guess it runs in the family,” Celestia said as Wanda drank her drink. “Even after more than a thousand years of ruling, there are some things I still need to learn. Like how to be a parent without overdoing it.”

“You’re not the only one who still has things to learn, sis,” Princess Luna said as she walked up to Celestia. “Even I have problems figuring out what new inventions come out.”

As Celestia and Luna began to talk with each other, Sunset Shimmer jumped onto the Nurse Bed and sat right next to Wanda, all while the Baby Cat rubbed her side against Wanda’s arm.

“Can’t believe you saved her like that,” Sunset said.

“If I could make plants grow from a seed,” Wanda said to Sunset. “Then I could heal the wounds from anything.”

“But it’s like what mommy said,” Sunset replied. “You don’t need to overdo it. I don’t want to lose a great sister like you.”

“Oh Sunset,” Wanda giggled. But suddenly, she felt a slight scratch at her arm. Wanda turns around and sees the Baby Cat rubbing her paw on her arm. It seems she wants attention.

“I think she’s attracted to you,” Sunset said to Wanda as she looked at the Baby Cat.

“You’re telling me,” Wanda said, before noticing a locket pendant on the Baby’s Cat’s collar. Engraved on the pendant was a pentagram carving. This caught Wanda’s attention.

“What in the world is this?” Wanda said as she pressed the button on the side of the Baby Cat’s locket. The locket opens up and inside, was a message of some sort. Despite the size of the text, Wanda could make out what it said.

“Please look after my cat, Abigail Albright.” Wanda said as she read the message. She said to Sunset. “Abigail?” That’s her name?”

Wanda turns to the Baby Cat Abigail Albright, who meows to her with enthusiasm. Seems she enjoys that name.

“But who would be the owner of Abigail?” Sunset asked.

Wanda looked at the message engraved on the locket. On the bottom part, there is a name that says ‘Amadeus.’

“Amadeus?” Wanda said as she was curious about the name. “Who’s Amadeus?”

As Wanda looked away from Abigail, she noticed that everyone else that wasn’t on the bed was looking at her and Sunset. This was true for Celestia, who’s mood had changed since observing Wanda being attracted by Abigail.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “Since you are responsible for saving this cat’s life...or rather Abigail’s life, how would you like to have her as a companion?”

“Would I?” Wanda said as her face beamed with excitement.

“Why not?” Sunset said to Wanda. “We could always use one more in the castle.”

“I”LL DO IT!” Wanda yelled as she places Abigail aside before jumping onto Celestia and giving her a big hug. Celestia placed her hooves around Wanda, only to remove them due to how painful it was.

“You know what, sis?” Luna told Celestia. “I think I should fill in while you recover.”

“Fine,” Celestia laughed as Wanda lets go of her. “But you do realize that I heal fast as an Alicorn.”

As Wanda landed her feet on the floor, Sunset and Abigail jumped off the bed and landed right next to her. They were eager to finish off their first day at school with their new friends.

“Come on, Children,” Luna said to Wanda and the other unicorns. “I’ll be subbing in for Princess Celestia for the rest of this day.”

Later on, Princess Luna is leading Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Moondancer, Sunburst and Danged Spell down the hallway and towards the classroom. However, Danged Spell is pretty excited, as he can’t stop walking right next to Wanda.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Danged Spell said to Wanda. “You must be way past cool.”

“And here I thought you had a problem with Wanda,” Moondancer joked at Danged Spell.

“Give him a rest,” Sunburst said to Moondancer. “He’s learned his lesson. Besides, with those crows, we went through a whole lot worse.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said, who’s mood has become a bit optimistic. “I think we do make great friends.”

“Well,” Twilight said as she marched behind Luna. “As my mother use to say, Friendship is Magic.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that,” Sunset said to Twilight. “Mommy and Auntie Luna use to tell me and Wanda this. As a Family, we are one together.”

“That’s a really interesting quote, Sunset.” Twilight said to Sunset Shimmer.

“Friends, family, all that matters is that we’re close together,” Wanda said as Abigail leaped into her arms.

“I think she’s right,” Danged Spell said as he looked at Wanda. “After all, when it comes to being friends or family, we’re not here to horse around.”

“Danged Spell,” Wanda and the other unicorn children said in a collective groan.

“Aww come on,” Danged Spell said. “At least I’m trying to keep us all happy.”

“You know,” Moondancer joked. “I think I liked you better when you were mean spirited.”

“Real funny, Moondancer,” Danged Spell said in a sarcastic tone.

“Now now, children,” Princess Luna said as they were approaching the classroom. “Let’s save our behavior for when class is over.”

Yes Miss Luna,” The younglings all said.

But outside of the school grounds, the crows that attacked Abigail were flying off in one direction, towards a bell tower. Atop in the belfry of the tower, a stallion in dark arctic-blue robes observed the crows coming towards him. He lets out an arm for one to perch on, as he grinned with a sinister smile.

“So that’s the bloody power of the man’s cub,” The mysterious stallion said. “For one who is foreign to this world, she has raw power unlike anything. Her sacrifice would be a perfect toast to bring in the age of the Windigos. And when that day comes, no warmth, not even friendship, will protect any from the harsh cold that will blanket Equestria. And that goes double for the Royal Sisters.”

The mysterious stallion lets out a chuckle as he turns around and walks deeper into the belfry, waiting for the right moment to strike.

To be continued in….

Arc 3: The Windigo’s Guild

Prepare for Trouble and Make it Double.

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