• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 10-4: The Warm Flame of Friendship

The Warm Flame of Friendship.

The town of La Maresa, though normally bustling with activity, has become quiet and cold. Many ponies have locked themselves up in their houses, afraid of the unknown. Not a single soul was present, except for a familiar cross-eyed pegasus filly who hid in a nearby barrel. Ditzy Doo stuck her head out to look around.

In an instant, two members of the Windigo’s cult went roaring through the streets of La Maresa, pulling a wagon with them. The sound the wagon riding down was noisy enough to have Ditzy Doo hide back in.

“One moment I was about to enjoy some pancakes by Rainbow Dash’s parents,” Ditzy said. “The next moment, these bad guys arrive.”

Suddenly, without warning, a rainbow flash zipped through the street, chasing after the wagon. Ditzy stuck her head out and saw the figure fly off towards the giant vehicle. Right behind was Danged Spell, running in pursuit as his eyes glowed with a yellow and white hue and his teeth bare. Alongside the Wolf’s Breath infused Danged Spell were Pinkie Pie and Moondancer, who were sprinting down the same street.

“That was Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy Doo said. “And her friends.”

Ditzy Doo jumped out of the barrel and hovered over the ground with her wings.

“I’ve got to catch up to them,” Ditzy said as she flew after Pinkie Pie, Moondancer and Danged Spell.

Meanwhile, the wagon was rolling away from La Maresa and towards a spooky forest. The cultists that were pulling the cart were completely focused on the road, paying no attention to the surroundings.

Inside the wagon, Wanda Young struggled to break free of her ice bindings, all while Diamond Tiara remained stuck to her crying her eyes out. Sunset and Applejack stood together with Apple Bloom right next to them. Sunset’s hooves were frozen while Applejack was unable to break her legs free from the ice. Abigail was right next to Wanda, struggling to bite the ice off. The cultist just sat there, glaring at the younglings with a grin on his face.

“Struggle all you like,” the cultist laughed. “But you ain’t breaking out of those ice cold cuffs.”

“When my mother breaks out of her prison,” Wanda said as Diamond Tiara continued to cry. “You’re going to wish you never kidnapped all of us.”

The cultist laughed as he said “Keep dreaming, kid. Your tears, as well as that brat’s tears, are so delicious.”

Sunset Shimmer growled directed at the cultist as she said “Don’t you even think about making my sister cry.”

“Think about it,” The cultist laughed. “The Windigo’s Guild enjoys the salty tears of traumatized children. What can you do to stop us? I’ll tell you what….NOTHING!”

In furious anger, Sunset Shimmer fires off a blast of arcane energy from her horn right at the cultist. But as the spell hits the cultist, it dissipates completely. The cultist looked down and simply brushed his coat off.

“Was that supposed to hurt?” The cultist replied as Sunset Shimmer’s jaw dropped.

“I...I don’t believe it,” Sunset Shimmer said in total disbelief.

“Just what kind of flim flam are you pulling on us you big meanie?” Applejack said as she curled her hoof into a fist and shook it at the cultist.

“Think about it,” the cultist replied. “What we possess is pure windigo magic, channelled completely by hate, malice and fear. None of your spells can do a thing to harm us, for as long as you hate us.”

The cultist took a glance at baby Apple Bloom, who just stood there reaching out like she wasn’t in any danger, ignoring the constant crying of Diamond Tiara.

“I don’t like the look on your face, kid,” The cultist said as he pointed his horn at the baby. “I think it’s time you had a lesson in trauma.”

Applejack watched in horror as the cultist charged up its horn as it remained pointed towards Apple Bloom. The apple filly struggled to drag herself towards her baby sister, with the weight of the ice covering her legs holding her down.

“Aww,” The cultist said as he kept his horn aimed at Apple Bloom. “Does the big sister want to protect her little sister? Well it’s a darn shame. Your tears will only make me stronger.”

The cultist continued to charge up his cold horn, still pointed at Baby Apple Bloom. The young foal was unaware of the danger presented as the cultist was about ready to fire off a blast of ice cold magic.

“What’s going on?” Wanda said as she could barely move her head.

“That cultist is going to freeze Apple Bloom,” Sunset said. “And we’re helpless to even save her.”

“NOOOOOOOO!” Applejack yelled as she could barely reach out to Apple Bloom.

Suddenly, the wagon rocked violently, causing the cultist to lose his focus and his magic to dissipate. He fell to the ground as the wagon landed back in its place.

“WHO DID THAT?” The cultist yelled as he got up. “WHO’S THE SPOILED ROTTEN BRAT WHO ROCKED OUR CA….”

But before the cultist could finish his speech, the cart rocked again, causing the cultist to fall and hit his head against the side. The motion of the cart caused Apple Bloom to slide right up to Applejack, who wasted no time grabbing and hugging the baby pony.

“You’re alright, Apple Bloom,” Applejack said as she snuggled her baby sister. “I won’t let that monster harm you.”

As the cultist got up, he pointed his horn at Applejack and Apple Bloom, now with his teeth shown in complete fury.

“I’LL FREEZE YOU BOTH FOR THIS,” The cultist yelled.

But before the cultist could charge up, the cart rocked in the other direction. The impact on the cart was so great, it sent the cultist flying through the tarp and out of the wagon. The weight of the ice holding down Wanda, Diamond Tiara, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer only moved them slightly. Abigail dug her claws deep into the cart’s wood while Applejack held tight onto Apple Bloom.

“What the hoof’s going on?” Sunset said.

In an instant, Rainbow Dash zipped on from behind the wagon, landing down on the wooden bed.

“Now that was way past cool,” Rainbow Dash said as she struck a pose.

“Rainbow Dash,” Wanda said as Diamond Tiara cheered. “You made it.”

“And I’m not the only one,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Observe.”

Rainbow Dash ducked down and zoomed up at the top of the tarp, pulling as hard as possible until the tarp came off on the tarp.

“What’s going on?” Applejack said as she looked up while holding Apple Bloom.

In front of them, the two cultists who were trying to pull the cart were being attacked by Pinkie Pie, Moondancer and Danged Spell. Spell was already in his Wolf’s Breath trance, snapping at the legs of the cultists. Moondancer was firing blasts of magic energy at the branches of the trees, dropping them on the cult members. All while Pinkie Pie is throwing cakes, cookies and other pastries at the zealots.

“Blasted brats,” one of the cultists said. “Get out of my face.”

Suddenly, the other cultist screamed loudly and jumped out of his harness. Danged Spell looked upwards all while carrying a piece of navy blue fabric in his teeth. He lets loose a sinister laugh while running alongside the other cult member, who was horrified at .

“You vicious animal, The cultist said, shivering while he struggled to pull the cart. “I still remember the fact that you sent me flying into that window.”

“Well, do you remember me?” The cult member turned his head to see Pinkie Pie sitting behind him on the cart. The cult member began to freak out.


The cult member jumped out its own harness and ran off to the side, running as fast as possible, until a falling tree branch knocked him out. The cart slowed down before coming to a stop.

“I get that every time,” Pinkie Pie giggled.

As the cart came to a complete stop. Rainbow Dash attempted to break the ice that stuck Wanda and Diamond Tiara together. Abigail also joined in, trying to scratch at the ice with her claws.

“Blasted ice,” Rainbow Dash said as she struck the ice many times. “How the hay do you break something like this?”

“Careful,” Wanda said. “You don’t want to hurt Diamond Tiara.”

Those words caused Rainbow Dash to pause as she looked at Baby Diamond Tiara. The baby looked at Rainbow Dash and was on the verge of crying.

“Oh no,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

But before Rainbow Dash could finish speaking, Diamond Tiara cried her eyes out.

“Oh boy,” Rainbow Dash said. “What the hay have I done?”

“It’s not your fault, Rainbow,” Danged Spell said as he jumped up onto the wagon. “We’re all in this situation because of the Windigo’s Guild. The fact that they put Wanda, Sunset and Applejack in this mess is saying a lot.”

“Danged Spell’s right,” Moondancer said as she jumped up next to the unicorn colt. “We never saw these monsters coming while we were enjoying ourselves at the fair. We now stand as the last hope for our family and friends. And as a family, we are one together.”

“That’s actually a nice battle cry you got there, Moondancer,” Pinkie PIe said as she jumped into the bed of the wagon. “But if you ask me, the best phrase I can think of is a simple one: Friendship is Magic.”

“For someone who’s got the reputation of being called Discord’s Reincarnation,” Sunset Shimmer said. “You sure got a way of being the pure opposite of him.”

:”Well it’s not just any ol phrase,” Pinkie Pie said. “Sunset. Did you remember reading about the founding of Equestria? About how the magic of friendship held back the Windigos and kept us all warm?”

“That’s right,” Sunset said. “And the Windigo’s Guild claimed to use Windigo magic.

“He did mention that hate, anger and fear are what strengthens their cold magic,” Applejack said. “That explains why the ice could stay frozen and Sunset’s Magic had no effect.”

“Exactly,” Pinkie Pie said as she sat on the edge of the wagon. “If you want to fight against this kind of dark, cold and cruel magic, all you need is that warm, fuzzy feeling that can melt the ice.”

“But how the hay are we to find that kind of magic?” Danged Spell said. “We don’t even know where the Elements of Harmony are.”

“We don’t need them for that kind of magic,” Wanda said as Diamond Tiara continued to cry. “Mommy told me that the hugs we give contribute to this kind of magic.”

“Like a warm, fuzzy feeling,” Sunset said. “I know where you’re going, Wanda.”

Wanda turned her face towards Pinkie Pie and said. “Pinkie Pie, is it?” By any chance, can you give me a hug?”

“I thought you would never ask,” Pinkie Pie said with a grin, as she jumped off the front of the wagon and gave Wanda and Diamond Tiara a big hug. The man’s cub started to giggle when her cheek rubbed up to Pinkie Pie’s cheek.

“Aww Knock it off,” Wanda chuckled. “That tickles.”

“But you should be giggling, not crying,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Okay,” Wanda said. “Keep at it.”

As Pinkie Pie gave Wanda a hug, Abigail jumped right next to her human companion and rubbed her head against her frozen upper torso. Diamond Tiara stopped crying and started to giggle.

“Doesn’t that feel warm?” Pinkie Pie said.

“It does,” Wanda said. “Reminds me of when Sunset, Cadence, Aunt Luna and mommy gave me hugs.”

Sunset looked closer at the ice surrounding Wanda and Diamond Tiara, and saw droplets of water falling from the pure cold.

“Hey guys,” Sunset said. “It’s working. The ice is starting to melt.”

Sunset slowly got up and walked towards Wanda, Abigail, Diamond Tiara and Pinkie Pie. She reached out and wrapped her arms around the pink party pony, giving her a warm hug as the ice around Wanda and Diamond Tiara, along with Sunset’s hooves, was melting away.

“Wow,” Applejack said. “So that’s how you beat back those varmit’s magic.” She looked at Apple Bloom and said “If only I could reach out and hug my sister.”

Suddenly, an aura of magic surrounded Apple Bloom, levitating her towards Applejack, who reached out and gave her a hug. As the young filly embraced her foal sister, the ice around her legs began to melt.

“It feels great to be hugging my sister,” Applejack said as a tear fell from her eye. “Especially after all we’ve gone through.”

As Applejack looked up, Moondancer walked up to the young cowgirl with a warm smile on her face.

“Just wanted to make sure you had family next to you,” Moondancer said.

“Thanks,” Applejack replied. “I owe you one.”

A warm light emitted from everyone as Danged Spell hugged Sunset Shimmer, whie Rainbow Dash gave one to Moondancer. The ice melted faster and faster, shrinking down in size, until it no longer held down Wanda, Diamond Tiara, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack.

“Can’t believe something this sappy would be effective,” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe I should do this more often.”

As Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell, Moondancer, Pinkie Pie and Abigail stepped back, Sunset Shimmer got up with her hooves now freed from the ice. Wanda got up, carrying Diamond Tiara in her arms, while Applejack got up, holding Apple Bloom. The two young foals giggled as Wanda, Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, Moondancer and Rainbow Dash cheered, with Abigail letting out an excited meow.

“I can’t believe I’m free,” Wanda giggled along with Diamond Tiara. “I guess the magic of friendship did come through without the Elements of Harmony.”

Danged Spell walked up to Wanda and said “Well you could say that this moment was….HEART WARMING! GET IT?”

“DANGED SPELL!” Everyone else yelled as they burst into laughter.

“Well hey,” Danged Spell said. “Someone’s gonna keep the mood up.”

Rainbow Dash tapped on Danged Spell’s shoulder and said “Well I gotta thank you for helping us out in rescuing your friends. You were a real help, especially with knocking that cultist off the wagon.”

“No sweat,” Danged Spell replied. “After all. Wanda’s a good friend of ours. But that being said, I didn’t strike the wagon.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said in confusion. “You mean to tell me that you didn’t hit the wagon.”

“None of us did,” Moondancer replied. “We were more focused on the front than the sides.”

“But if you guys didn’t,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Then…..who did?”

Suddenly, the bushes nearby began to rustle. Applejack, Wanda, Sunset, Abigail, Pinkie Pie, Moondancer and Rainbow Dash turned to see Big Macintosh jump out to the right of the wagon.

“Big Mac?” Applejack said. “You knocked the cultist off the wagon?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said.

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said. “Who knows what other ponies will show up unexpectedly?”

Suddenly, they heard someone yell out “Wait up.” Rainbow Dash turned her head to see Ditzy Doo fly up to her.

“Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash said. “Where have you been?”

“Your parents wanted to take me to a nice veggie salad booth at the fair,” Ditzy Doo said. “But when the Windigo’s Guild showed up, they were able to get me out in the middle of the huge crowd.”

“Wow,” Danged Spell said. “For a pair of overoptimistic parents, they sure are protective of younglings who need it.”

“But what about the fact that they left Rainbow Dash behind?” Moondancer said as she turned towards the rainbow-maned pegasus. “Aren’t you worried about that?

“Me?” Rainbow Dash laughed. “On don’t you worry. I’m the kind of pony who loves to live on the wild side, and they said they were willing to look after Ditzy. Besides, they can really be a pain with the constant and unnecessary praising.”

“Tell me about it,” Danged Spell said. “And they had the nerve to call me your boyfriend, Rainbow.”

But it didn’t take long for most of the younglings to break out laughing, with Rainbow Dash looking at them a bit stunned.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash said to Danged Spell. “Maybe that wasn’t a good subject to bring up.”

Danged Spell thought for a bit before he said “Wait. What about the others? I assume they may have figured out how to break their icy prisons.”

“Oh shoot,” Rainbow Dash said. “Thanks for reminding me about that.”

With a swift thrust of her hoof, Rainbow Dash hit the bed of the wagon, causing everyone to stop laughing, all just to turn their attention towards the athletic filly.

“Okay, listen up,” Rainbow Dash said. “We still have plenty of friends back at the fair who are trapped under the ice made by those Windigo jerks. And what we do know is that the magic of friendship will melt the ice and free them from their cold prisons.”

“Does that mean mommy is safe?” Wanda said as Abigail jumped into the girl’s arms.

“Oh you better believe it, sister,” Rainbow Dash said. “She wanted to make sure you were safe. And thanks to all of us, I think we fulfilled that promise. But now we have to return the favor.”

“Rainbow’s right,” Sunset explained. “All of our friends are held at the fair thanks to the Windigo’s guild. But thanks to the discovery of what can counter their magic, we have a fighting chance to save them. And it’s going to take all of us to do it.”

Sunset got up and walked to Rainbow Dash, who looked eager to jump into action.

“Rainbow Dash,” Sunset said. “You’re the fastest of all of us. Head back to the fair and check up on the others. Let mother know that we’re all safe and accounted for.”

“Roger that, ma’am,” Rainbow Dash said with a salute as she turned tail and flew off in the opposite direction.

Sunset turned towards the crew and said “We’re going to need a second crew to back up Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie, Danged Spell, Moondancer, and Applejack, you four will advance to free the others from their prison on my cue.”

“You got it,” Applejack said as Moondancer, Danged Spell and Pinkie Pie saluted Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset turned to Wanda and said “Wanda, you will go with Applejack’s crew to find mother. Get her out, by any means necessary. The same thing goes for Uncle Bright Mac and Aunt Buttercup.”

“I’ll do it, sis,” Wanda said as her wings popped out. “I’ll do it for mommy.”

But as Wanda was about to fly upwards, Moondancer yelled out “WAIT! What about the babies?” This caused Wanda to come to a stop as she looked at Diamond Tiara, still in the cradle of her arms.

“Whoops,” Wanda said as Diamond Tiara giggled at her.

“That reminds me,” Applejack said as she looked down at Apple Bloom, still resting in her arms. “If none of us are capable of watching over the young’uns, then who is?”

But once Applejack finished her sentence, Big Macintosh took one step forward without speaking a single word, catching his younger sister’s attention.

“Big Mac?” Applejack said with her jaw dropped down. “You’re willing to take up the task of watching Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said, standing tall and proud.

“But what about a saddle bag to carry both tykes?” Sunset asked.

It didn’t take long for Pinkie Pie to step forward as she said “Leave that to me.” She reached her hoof into her mane and pulled out a saddlebag, before leaping into the air and placing the straps of the bag right atop Big Macintosh, before locking it all together. The young earth stallion stood tall with the saddlebag connected to his waste.

“Are you really sure she’s not the reincarnation of Discord?” Danged Spell whispered to Applejack. “Because she sure acts like it.”

“Reincarnation or not,” Applejack replies. “She’s pretty handy in these kinds of tough situations.”

Applejack and Wanda approached the side of Big Macintosh, with Applejack holding Apple Bloom and Wanda holding Diamond Tiara. Sunset used her magic to open the saddlebag before Wanda and Applejack placed the respective foal they were holding inside the bag. The two foals stuck their heads out before giggling at the earth filly and the man’s cub.

“Now you two be safe out there,” Applejack said as she gave Apple Bloom a head rub while Wanda did the same for Diamond Tiara. “Big Mac here will watch over ya.”

As Applejack and Wanda stepped away from Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara, they turned towards Sunset Shimmer, who looked like she was ready to take action.

“Now that the foal situation is taken care of,” Sunset said to Wanda and Applejack. “You two know what to do, along with Danged Spell, Moondancer and Pinkie Pie.

“You got it sis,” Wanda said with a salute.

“I’ll do it for the family,” Applejack replied.

Wanda turns towards Moondancer, Danged Spell and Pinkie Pie and waves towards them as Abigail leaped onto the child’s shoulder. Moondancer and Pinkie Pie signaled back while Danged Spell lowered himself down, ready to get going.

“Come on,” Wanda said. “We’re going to rescue mommy, Aunt Woona, Big Sis and everyone else.”

“You got it,” Pinkie Pie said as she got on her two hooves and swung her arm around with enthusiasm. “I’m raring to save the fair with hugs.”

“I’m ready as I’ll ever be,” Moondancer said. “Just lead the way.”

“Bring it,” Danged Spell said. “Payback is overdue.”

“Guess it’s time,” Applejack said. “Ma, pa and Granny Smith. Hang on. Help’s a coming.”

Wanda’s wings fluttered about as Abigail held onto her back. The man’s cub lifted into the air and took off in the opposite direction, with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Moondancer and Danged Spell following in pursuit. Sunset Shimmer, Ditzy Doo and Big Mac looked onward as her sister and her companions disappeared into the forest as they headed towards the fair.

“What can we do?” DItzy Doo asked.

“We make sure no one is left behind,” Sunset said. “Remember. We may not possess the Elements of Harmony. But as long as we have the Magic of Friendship at our side, we have a way of fighting back against the Guild.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said.

With Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom sitting snug in Big Mac’s saddlebag, the big stallion, along with Sunset Shimmer and Ditzy Doo, took off from the abandoned cart, following Wanda, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Moondancer and Danged Spell into the forest.

Meanwhile, back at the fair, Coldnelius Snap stood looking down atop a tower of ice. Though the fair has been covered in a dark and cold winter, his face was that of a scowl.. As the towering, cold stallion loomed over the fair, a cultist member ran up the ice stairs, all the way up to the top.

“My lord,” The cultist said as he reached the top. “The man’s cub and the fillies have escaped.”

“Escaped?” Coldnelius Snap roared. “‘How did those kids escape?”

“There were others,” the cultist replied with fear in his voice. “Four of the younglings we tried to capture. And then one of them came right out of nowhere and…”

“SILENCE!” Coldnelius Snap yelled as his voice echoed through the land. “Find those blasted kids and freeze them in place. But be careful of the Man’s Cub. I want her alive. I want her magic.”

“Y...yes my lord,” The cultist said.”

And do not fail me again,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Unless you wish to be a Windigo’s popsicle.”

“Oh not at all, my lord,” The cultist said as he turned tail and ran down the stairs.

As Coldnelius Snap watched his minion make his exit, the taller cold stallion turned around and looked downwards at the ice-covered fair, his mind still worried, his face telling of anxiety.

“Something ain’t right,” Coldnelius Snap said to himself. “Even in spite of our success, I feel as if our magic is weakening for some unknown reason, like we forgot something. Perhaps we didn’t freeze the kids, the Governor, and the remaining Princesses in the deep cold. But regardless. Once the Man’s Cub is ours again, Equestria will face the deadliest cold of its lifetime.”

As Coldnelius Snap looked downwards at the fair, snow fell downwards towards the tents and the rides, looking as if it were to coat the place in the cold of winter. But as some of the snowflakes hit the surface, they melted into small droplets of water and slid downwards towards the ground.

To Be Continued in…

Breaking the Ice

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