• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 8(The Wrath of Golden Lace)-1: Visitors from Ponyville

Author's Note:

Besides Ditzy Doo and Rainbow Dash, the latter who will be the main focus of this arc, we will also introduce a new character named Golden Lace. She will start out similar to Diamond Tiara. But she will evolve differently compared to her.

Also, if you think Golden Lace is bad, wait till you meet her parents later on in the arc.

Arc 8: The Wrath of Golden Lace

Visitors from Ponyville

It was a beautiful morning in Canterlot City. Above the School for Gifted Unicorns deep in the clouds, Rainbow Dash signaled to Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo sitting on the staircase. Rainbow Dash looked like she was ready to pull off a trick.

“So do you think Rainbow Dash will pull off a Sonic Rainboom?” Wanda asked.

“I’ve seen her do this since she first pulled it off at least weeks ago, when she defended Fluttershy in a race,” Ditzy said.

“This I gotta see,” Sunset said as she pulled out a bucket full of popcorn.

Up in the clouds, Rainbow Dash jumped off and began to free fall. She pointed towards the ground and held her wings back, accelerating her fall. As she sped up, a wind cone formed around her body, starting off wide before narrowing down. The faster she dived, the more narrow and the brighter her cone formed. She dived faster and faster, reaching mach five speeds as the cone narrowed down even further.

And then….BLAM! Rainbow Dash broke through and a rainbow-colored shockwave echoed through Canterlot, shaking the city a bit. Rainbow Dash then flew at mach ten speeds with a rainbow trail at the end throughout the skies of Canterlot. She cheered as the rainbow trail created a dazzling display for every pony to see.

Back on the school grounds, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Abigail and Spike cheered as Rainbow Dash pulled off the Sonic Rainboom in the sky.

“I thought seeing that comet last night was amazing,” Moondancer said. “I never realized there was a pony who was capable of pulling off such feets.”

“I’ve read up on the Sonic Rainboom,” Sunburst said. “Not that many pegasi are capable of pulling that feat off. In fact, before Rainbow Dash, no colt or filly pulled it off.”

“I’ll say,” Danged Spell said. “In fact, I’d say that stunt she pulled just...BLUE me away. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” Most of the other colts and fillies said in a disgruntled tone.

“I don’t get it,” Ditzy said, confused by Danged Spell’s pun.

“You don’t have to, Dizty,” Twilight said as she gave Ditzy a rub on her head.

But suddenly, they overheard a cry of agony. Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Abigail and Spike turned to their right and saw Wanda Young scream out in pain as she held her head.

“Wanda?” Sunset said as she slid close to her human sister. “Are you alright?”

“The pain…” Wanda yelled. “It hurts.”

Rainbow Dash flew in, looking ready to take a bow when she saw Wanda wincing in pain. She flew up to the man’s cub to take a look.

“Hey Wanda,” Rainbow Dash said. “You alright?”

Sunset picked up Wanda and held her as Wanda cried, hurting from the pain in her head.

“I dunno what happened,” Sunset said. “But I’ve never seen Wanda like this before. Mommy told me about this. But I thought it was a one-time thing.”

“I think it might have activated when the Sonic Rainboom went off,” Twilight said.

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said. “You’re telling me that my Sonic Rainboom is what caused her pain?”

“I’m afraid so,” Sunset said. “I’ve seen the miracle of the Sonic Rainboom. But I’ve never realized how it could affect anyone in a negative way, especially my sister Wanda. Why it’s affecting her, not even mommy knows.”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Wanda’s forehead. She said in a somber tone “I’m sorry, Wanda. If I had known that my Rainboom would cause you to suffer, I would have refrained from performing the trick.”

“It’s alright,” Starlight said. “None of us knew that this would happen.”

Ditzy flew up towards Wanda, still being coddled by her sister Sunset Shimmer.

“Is she going to be alright?” Ditzy asked.

“I’d say she’s far more defective than just her looks,” Someone said in a cruel tone. This caused Ditzy to freak out and fly right behind Moondancer.

“I know that tone very well,” Sunset Shimmer said as she looked up. In front of her walking up the stairs was a young unicorn filly with a cream-colored coat and a golden mane. On her hip was a golden lace cutie mark in the shape of a heart, encrusted with pearls.

“What do you want, Golden Lace?” Twilight said to the young filly.

“Oh nothing,” Golden Lace said with a smile. “Though I pity that dirty animal and what she’s going through.”

“Dirty Animal?” Sunset said as she looked like she was going to strike Golden Lace in the face, “You better take that back.”

“You know what?” Golden Lace said with a smirk. “I do take it back, because she looks more like a weakened animal.”

Those words made Sunset’s eyes turn red. She was about to swing back when Twilight Sparkle held her down.

“No,” Twilight said. “Do you want to upset Princess Celestia for resorting to violence?”

“But the thing she said to Wanda,” Sunset said.

“Not worth it,” Twilight replied.

“I’d do what she says, Sunset Shimmer,” Golden Lace said as she flicked her mane with her hoof. “The last thing you need is to be expelled from the school and banished from Canterlot for such unnecessary violence. Oh and by the way, tell that feather brain Roadkill Trash that her Sonic Rainboom was amateurish.”

“Amateurish?” Rainbow Dash said as she grind her teeth.

“That’s right,” Golden Lace said as she points at Rainbow Dash. “All those oversaturated colors and the fact that you let one animal wince in pain. If I were you, I’d take up bird watching. Oh wait, even the birds would turn tail on the sight of you, Roadkill Trash.”

With that, Golden Lace lets out a cruel chuckle before passing the group by and walking up the stairs. Sunset looked at her with a snarl on her face.

“I don’t like her attitude,” Moondancer said.

“I don’t blame ya,” Danged Spell replied.

“Calling me Roadkill Trash is one thing,” Rainbow Dash said. “But no pony insults the Sonic Rainboom.”

“Chill it, Arr Dee,” Ditzy said. “We don’t want to do anything to really upset her.”

As Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo, Abigail and Spike looked on at Golden Lace, Wanda got up a bit and stopped screaming in pain. Her migraine seemed to have disappeared.

“My head,” Wanda said as she recovered.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “You’re alright.”

Wanda looked around and saw everyone else except for Sunset Shimmer glancing at the entrance to the School for Gifted Unicorns.

“What just happened?” Wanda asked.

“We had to deal with that creep Golden Lace,” Sunset said. “Especially after what she said about you and Rainbow Dash.”

“I thought Ponyville had its share of jerks,” Rainbow Dash said. “But it seems Canterlot isn’t that far behind.”

“Tell me about it,” Wanda replied as she rubbed her head. “She had the nerve to call me Mary Sue. And I am NOT A MARY SUE!”

“Careful Wanda,” Sunset said as she put her arms around Wanda. “We don’t want her to get under your skin. You’re better than this.”

Wanda took a deep breath and said “Sorry sis. But she’s the worst. Even more so than Mean Cinch.”

“I don’t blame you.” Sunset said “We’ve had to put up with her since day one at this school. Remember when she once made you cry by calling you a wild animal that belongs in a zoo?“

“Uggh,” Wanda sighed. “I don’t even want to think about it.”

Okay,” Rainbow Dash said. “That brat is twenty percent lamer.”

Later that day in class, Sunset Shimmer, Wanda Young, Twilight Sparkle, Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer, Moondancer and Danged Spell are in their seats with Abigail Albright and Spike sitting underneath the desks. Every other student in that class was ready for the day as Princess Celestia walked on in.

“Good morning class,” Princess Celestia said with a smile.

“Good morning Princess Celestia,” All of the kids said.

Princess Celestia walked up to her desk and sat down. She looked ready for the day, and she was also excited.

“Today,” Princess Celestia said. “We have two guests from the Ponyville Providence that will be joining us. Both are pegasi, but they have formed a friendship with seven of our classmates, and helped Moondancer earn her cutie mark. May I present to you, Ditzy Doo and Rainbow Dash.

Once Princess Celestia presented her right hoof to the doorway, Ditzy Doo and Rainbow Dash trotted on inside as the students clapped for the pegasi duo. This was especially true of Wanda, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell, who cheered on their new friends.

“Wow,” Ditzy Doo said as she hid her face. “This looks really overwhelming. I dunno if I can talk on stage.”

“No sweat, Ditz,” Rainbow Dash said. “I got this.”

Rainbow Dash walked up to the students and took a good look at them. But her eyes were mostly on her new friends here in Canterlot. And they were excited to see them on stage.

“In case you’re all wondering,” Rainbow Dash. “I’m Rainbow Dash, and this is my buddy Ditzy Doo. We both come from the Ponyville Providence located in the western part of the Equestrian Nation. And we’re not a big city like Canterlot. In the town of La Maresa, which we call our little Ponyville, we’re more of a humble little village that any pony can enjoy. Though Ditzy and I were both born in Cloudsdale.”

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle rose her hoof into the air, catching the attention of Rainbow Dash.

“I have a question for you, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said. “Does the Ponyville Providence have an impressive library?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled for a bit and said “Silly Egghead. Of course there is a library. But if you’re looking for a big one, you can find it in downtown San DiNeighgo. And what a city. You could do a lot of things down there. In fact, that’s usually where the Wonderbolts usually like to hangout outside of Cloudsdale and here in Canterlot.”

As Rainbow Dash got done talking, she noticed Sunset Shimmer raise her hoof in the air.

“You’re talking about the Wonderbolts, correct?” Sunset said. “Me, Wanda, Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna often go to these events and watch them perform for the audience.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash replied with a shocked look on her face. “You and Wanda are fans of the Wonderbolts?”

“Well yeah,” Wanda said. “Why is that?”

“Oh that’s easy,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk on her face. “One day, I want to become a part of the Wonderbolts. To prove to Equestria that I am the best of the best.”

“Is that so?” Danged Spell said as he got up. “Well I want to be a part of the royal guards. I too want to prove that I am the best of the best.”

“Well that makes two of us,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. “How about a little contest later today, tough colt?”

“Uhh, Rainbow Dash,” Sunset said as she started to look a bit nervous.

“What’s your call, speedster?” Danged Spell said as he smirked.

“Danged Spell, I wouldn’t go there,” Sunset said as her pupils shrunk down in fear.

“Whoever is the most physical, athletic, and charismatic pony of the group, wins,” Rainbow Dash replied. “We’ll do this at your sports field.”

“No Rainbow Dash,” Sunset replied. “Princess Celestia would never approve of it.”

But as Sunset tried desperately to calm the situation down, Princess Celestia looked a bit excited by Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell willing to partake in a competition. She tried to hold it in as much as she could. But deep on the inside, she had to let it out.

“Then, as headmare of the School for Gifted Unicorns, it’s official,” Princess Celestia yelled. “Later this afternoon, there will be an iron mare contest between Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell. All students are invited to partake in the competition. May the best youngster win.”

Those words caught Sunset Shimmer off guard, as she fainted from the revelation. Wanda, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and the rest of the students looked over the unconscious Sunset Shimmer.

“I think you broke big sis, mommy,” Wanda said as she put her right hand on Sunset’s forehead.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “Had I been in her horseshoes, I would have done the same.”

Princess Celestia walked over and looked down at Sunset Shimmer. She blushed at the fact that one of her daughters fainted.

“Oops,” Celestia said. “My bad.”

“What in your name were you thinking?” Those words came from Sunset Shimmer later that morning in the classroom. The little filly was angry at Princess Celestia, who looked a bit confused.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with a little competition,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, besides that roc attack on the Fall Formal Festival, there hasn’t been much excitement at the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“But the way you just announced it right out of nowhere,” Sunset said, still steaming. “Why did you have to encourage that behavior? I thought you told us that ponies don’t provoke each other?”

“It’s just something to help pump some excitement into the school,” Celestia said as she put her hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “But, I am aware that you’re concerned about my decision. That being said, I think you’re overreacting a bit.”

“I wha?” Sunset said, completely dumbfounded by Celestia’s words.

“I think every once in a while,” Princess Celestia said. “It’s okay to let loose a bit of steam. And I decided to do so just so it doesn’t escalate into something more serious. And besides, you’re beginning to sound a bit like Chancellor Cinch my daughter.”

As Celestia took her hoof on Sunset’s shoulder, the little filly looked down and let out a sigh.

“Maybe you’re right,” Sunset said. “When both Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell had this heated moment between each other, I thought things were going to go crazy.”

“It happens, my dear Sunset,” Celestia said. “Now run along. I think you have some friends to catch up to.”

As Sunset stepped out of Celestia’s office, she looked a bit discouraged, as if she had some guilt building up. She walked down the hallway, ignoring the other students of the school.

“Maybe I am overreacting,” Sunset said to herself. “Maybe I should give this a chance instead of holding it in. Man, I feel more like a fool with my concern of trying to quell things down.”

As Sunset continued walking with her head slunked low, she heard someone say “Hey, you okay?” Sunset looked up and saw Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash They both looked as if they were concerned with Sunset.

“You look like you’re down in the dumps.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m...fine,” Sunset replied.

“Are you sure about that, Sunny?” Danged Spell said.

“Let’s just say I had a disagreement with mother,” Sunset said. “On the idea of you two having a competition here at this school.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said. “Did you say you opposed the idea of me showing off to everyone here in Canterlot?”

“No,” Sunset said. “It’s just that I..”

But before she could answer, someone interrupted her by saying “Am afraid of being injured by a measly little rainboom?” Those words made Rainbow Dash mad.

“Who called the Sonic Rainboom measly?” Rainbow Dash said as she stomped her hoof on the ground.

Rainbow Dash, Danged Spell and Sunset Shimmer turned towards the hall to see a smug Golden Lace. She walked down towards the group, keeping her eye on Rainbow Dash.

“You again?” Rainbow Dash said. “What is it with you?”

“Oh I’m terribly sorry,” Golden Lace said with a chuckle. “I didn’t know this was a secret meeting for losers.”

“Back off lady,” Danged Spell said. We’re not in the mood to listen to your hog wash.” That wound up getting Golden Lace a bit agitated.

“Such foul language,” Golden Lace said with a scoff. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to speak that language?”

Amused, Danged Spell just laughed and said “Oh she told me not to use the words hog wash. But I didn’t listen.” That caused Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer to laugh, all while Golden Lance scrunched her nose in disgust.

“Hmph,” Golden Lace said. “I believe that you learned that kind of immaturity from your own father. My daddy always said that delinquency flows throughout all of Equestria, and Canterlot is the exception.”

And with that, Golden Lace turned tail and walked away, holding her nose up. Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash were finally able to catch their breath just as Golden Lace walked off.

“Man,” Rainbow Dash said. “That’s a prime example of a golden snowflake.”

“I’ll say,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I think her presence alone just got me in a good mood. In fact, I lost the reason why I was upset.”

.”Well you know what they say, “Danged Spell chuckled. “That’s one way to snub the dumps. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer said as they both continued to laugh.

“Well someone had to put a smile on your face,” Danged Spell said. “But I believe we have that competition to take care of.”

“That’s right,” Rainbow Dash said as she finally slowed down her laughing. “If we don’t get out to that field soon, we’re going to disappoint the crowd.”

“And to think,” Sunset said. “I was actually against the idea. Now, I don’t seem to mind it at all.”

“Well there are times where you have to come out of your shell,” Rainbow Dash said as she, Sunset and Danged Spell began to walk down the hallway. “But I can’t say the same for that Golden Lace brat.

“Sadly, that’s not the only one who’s completely stuck up,” Sunset said.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Danged Spell said. “But who?”

“Let me tell you both about my cousin Prince Blueblood,” Sunset said as she, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell continued to walk down the hall.

“You mean that pony Rarity is obsessed over?” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’ve heard about Prince Blueblood,” Danged Spell said. “Never thought you would be related to him.”

“I wish I weren’t,” Sunset said. “Even though I am adopted. But I’ve had to put up with him coming over to the castle every month. He obsessed about himself, how great he is, and how he wants to Make Equestria Great Again. Even Wanda scowls at that narcissist.”

“And you wonder why I wouldn’t be caught dead as royalty,” Danged Spell said. “Well that and I prefer to explore the world, be it a free pony, or a soldier fighting for his country.”

“Danged Spell,” Rainbow Dash said. “I think this may be the beginning of an awesome friendship.”

To Be Continued in…

The Iron Stallion Competition

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