• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 3(The Windigo's Guild)-1: Prepare for Trouble and Make it Double

Arc 3: The Windigo’s Guild

Prepare for Trouble and Make it Double

It was a bit into the afternoon at the School for Gifted Unicorns. Inside one of the classes, Princess Luna was teaching the students, taking over for Princess Celestia as she healed up. The seats were similar, except Danged Spell had switched seats with another to be closer to Wanda and the other unicorns.

“Now class,” Princess Luna said. “I’ll be filling in for Princess Celestia for the time being. That being said, I will have my own lessons to teach you. One example is the world of dreams that I take on while Equestria sleeps at night. The other subject I’ll talk about is Outer Space. The very area beyond our planet is a mystery to us.”

Luna then noticed Danged Spell raising his left arm in the air. She says to him “Yes, Danged Spell?”

Danged Spell puts his hoof down and says “Is it true that space is very gassy?”

Most of the students let out a collective groan and say “Danged Spell.” Except for Moondancer, who was covering her head in embarrassment.

“Uggh,” Moondancer said to herself. “Space puns. I hate space puns.”

Luna kept a smile on her face and said “Well….you could say that.” She then uses her magic to create the illusion of a star. This caught everyone’s attention, especially Moondancer.

“Wow,” Moondancer said as she was awe struck by the illusion.

“Stars are orbs of plasma held together by their own gravity,” Luna said. “What keeps them shining is a mix of hydrogen into helium at the core. The sun that lights our way, is also considered a star. Some stars are said to be even bigger, like the Giant and the Supergiant.”

“I am enjoying this moment,” Moondancer said as she continued to hear Luna’s lecture on stars. “Everything about stars is so fascinating.”

“That’s just a small sample of what I plan on teaching,” Luna said. “But I’m glad Danged Spell brought this subject up. After all, when it comes to stars, I am very...sirius.”

That left the class in another collective groan as they all yelled “Princess Luna.” Once again, Moondancer was covering her head in embarrassment.

“And I had such high hopes for this,” Moondancer said. “I really hate space puns.”

“Well I think that rocked your world,” Danged Spell whispered to Moondancer.

“Oh shut up,” Moondancer said as she continued to cover her face.

Luna looked at the class and said “What? Just because I’m a teacher doesn’t mean I can’t be a class clown like my sister.” Luna then zaps the illusion, causing it to disappear without a trace. She then says “And that is a small sample of what I will teach, ether in my sister’s absence, or when I’m freely available. Is there any other questions you wish to ask?”

Twilight Sparkle raised her left arm into the air, eager to ask a question.

“Yes, Twilight?” Luna said.

“What is life like being the sister of Princess Celestia?” Twilight said as she was excited to ask her questions. “Also, what is the dream realm like? Do you both enjoy hanging out together? Also, what’s it like to be an aunt to two of my friends? Do you foalsit them often?”

Most of the students laughed really hard. Princess Luna, Wanda and Sunset turned beet red in embarrassment. Wanda could do nothing, but hide under the desk and covered her face behind a sleeping Abigail. Sunset covered her own face with her hooves. As for Princess Luna, she had to maintain her composure over that embarrassing reaction.

“Okay,” Princess Luna said as she let out a raspberry. “That was too much for me to handle.”

Underneath her desk, Wanda stuck her head out from behind Abigail and glared coldly at Twilight Sparkle, who only blushed with embarrassment. Sunset continued to hide her face behind her hooves, barely peeking her eyes out.

Later that day, we see Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Moondancer and Sunburst walking out of the school and into the streets of Canterlot City. Their first day of school was over and they were happy to have the rest of the day to themselves. But Wanda and Sunset were a little upset at Twilight over the debacle they had early ago in class.

“You know,” Wanda said to Twilight. “You could have just asked us about mommy and Auntie Luna after class.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said to Twilight. “We felt like the laughing stock of the school.”

“I couldn’t help it,” Twilight said to both Wanda and Sunset. “I wanted to know more about everything related to your mommy and auntie.”

“Give her a break, guys,” Sunburst said to Sunset and Wanda. “Besides, we’re out in the open and we have time to relax.”

“You’re right, Sunburst,” Wanda said as Abigail leaped into her open arms. Wanda stroked Abigail on the back as she said “At least I don’t have to worry about that meanie Cinch for now.”

“I heard she may be coming back from her Manehattan delegation,” Sunset set to Wanda, causing her to be a bit nervous. “In fact, I think she might be back by now.”

“What’s with her?” Twilight asked Sunset.

“She’s afraid of the Chancellor,” Sunset replied.

Starlight looked at Wanda, who was continuing to shake nervously. Abigail was becoming bothered by Wanda’s shaking that she leaped off her arms.

“Uhh, Wanda,” Starlight said as she poked her on the shoulder. “I think Abigail doesn’t like that.”

“I’m sorry,” Wanda said nervously. “But that name just gives me chills. She’s a big meanie to me.”

Sunset goes up to Starlight and says “Wanda is afraid of Cinch because of how she treats her. It’s like she’s completely foreign to her.”

“Ohhhhh,” Starlight said, understanding what Sunset said to her. “I’d be afraid if someone looked down at me like that.”

Moondancer walked up to Sunset and said “By the way. Where is that class clown Danged Spell?”

“I don’t know,” Sunset said. “He’d said he would meet us outside.”

“Well I don’t know what that joker is up to,” Moondancer said as she turned her head upwards. “In fact, I bet he’s waiting to lure us into a trap and…”

But before Moondancer could finish, a water balloon flies out of nowhere and hits her in the face, splashing water all over her. Moondancer was drenched in water and shocked by that ambush.

“DANGED SPELL,” Moondancer yelled as she heard laughing in the distance.

Wanda, Abigail and the other unicorns turned their heads to see Danged Spell nearby. He had two buckets filled with Water Balloons, looking like he wanted to play with them.

“What was that for?” Sunset yelled.

“Relax, Sunset,” Danged Spell said. “I’m only here to play.”

Danged Spell lifts one of the water balloon buckets to the group and lowers it down right next to Wanda. He took two steps with a smug look on his face.

“Hello there, Wanda,” Danged Spell said. “Wanna play water balloon fight with me?”

“Oh you bet,” Wanda said with a smug look on her face.

“Don’t do it, Wanda,” Sunset said out of caution. “For all I know, he’s gonna lure you into a trap.”

“A trap?” Danged Spell laughed. “Oh no no no no no. I’m not here for any kind of trap. I’m just here for a simple game of water balloons. In fact, I’ll let Wanda here throw her first balloon at my face, and I won’t dodge it at all. Promise.”

Wanda looked down at the water balloons in the bucket and proceeds to pick one up. She looks at the smug face of Danged Spell, all while he stands there, doing nothing at all.

“I’d think twice before throwing that, Wanda,” Moondancer whispered at Wanda. “He could dodge it and retaliate with water balloons of his own.”

“I’ll take that chance,” Wanda said as she wound up her arm, ready to throw the balloon at Danged Spell’s face.

Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Moondancer and Sunburst could do nothing, but watch as Wanda prepared to throw the water balloon. Abigail, realizing what was about to happen, ran up to a nearby grocery stand and hid behind it, hoping to not get hit.

Wanda proceeded to throw the water balloon at Danged Spell. Everyone gasped, fearing for the worse as the balloon flew right towards the smug colt’s face.


The Water Balloon hit Danged Spell right in the face, breaking apart and drenching him completely. He also lost his footing and fell to the ground. Everyone looked in complete surprise while Abigail peeked out from behind the cart.

“HAH!” Wanda yelled. “I did it. I nailed him.”

“I don’t believe it,” Moondancer said as she was surprised that Danged Spell didn’t dodge the balloon. “He actually took it head on?”

Danged Spell laughed it off as he got up. He flicked the water out of his mane and looked at Wanda with a smug grin.

“I told you I’d let her first water balloon at my face,” Danged Spell said. “And a promise, is a promise. I just wanted to show her how much fun it is to play this game.” Danged Spell picked up another water balloon, looking ready to throw it at her face.

“So,” Danged Spell continued. “You up for a round or two?”

“Bring it, buckeroo,” Wanda said.

Danged Spell proceeded to throw the water balloon at Wanda. This time, Wanda ducked and the water balloon flew right past her, and hit Sunset Shimmer in the face, soaking her completely in water.

“You did that on purpose you big palooka,” Sunset yelled.

“I wasn’t aiming at you, toots,” Danged Spell said. “I was aiming at your sister. She can dodge better than you can.”

“Okay,” Sunset said as she grabbed a water balloon with her magic. “You asked for it.”

Sunset Shimmer threw the water balloon at Danged Spell. But unlike the last one, Danged Spell just sidestepped, dodging the balloon as it hits an empty part of the street.

“Nice try,” Danged Spell said as he threw two water balloons at Sunset and Wanda.

Without warning, Twilight and Moondancer grabbed water balloons and fired it at Danged Spell. Wanda and Sunset continued to fire off water balloons, hoping to peg Danged Spell. Some of the balloons were hitting the colt. Others not so much.

Meanwhile, Starlight and Sunburst were hiding behind the bushes, hoping not to get hit.

“Is this their idea of a fun time?” Starlight said as she nervously hid from the volley of water balloons.

“The ponies of Canterlot are definitely on the wild side,” Sunburst said as he held Starlight tight.

Nearby, Abigail was hiding behind the grocery stand, still trying to protect herself from the water balloons. Suddenly, a stray water balloon hits Abigail in the rear area, causing her to freak out and run into the direction of bush where Starlight and Sunburst are hiding.

As Abigail leaped into the bush, she leaped into Starlight’s chest and hid her face.

“Looks like Abigail doesn’t like water balloons,” Sunburst said to Starlight.

“Tell me about it,” Starlight said as she held onto Abigail.

As Wanda, Sunset, Twilight and Moondancer were pelting Danged Spell with water balloons, the brash colt leaped out of the water balloon volley and landed nearby. He pointed a water balloon at Wanda and pulled back on the stopper.

“You’re all washed up, kid,” Danged Spell said as he snapped the stopper, sending the water balloon flying at Wanda.

Realizing that the Water Balloon was coming towards her face, Wanda ducked as the balloon flew overhead. She looked up, then began to freak out.

“Oh no,” Wanda yelled.

Nearby, Chancellor Abacus Cinch was walking down, having returned from Manehattan. She overheard Wanda freaking out and turned her head towards the younglings.


The stray water balloon hit Chancellor Cinch square in the face, leaving her drenched in water. Everyone looked at Chancellor Cinch in complete shock. Especially Danged Spell, who was about to freak out.

“Pony feathers,” Danged Spell said as he was completely nervous. “I just hit the old hag with a water balloon. Mom and Dad are going to ground me for this.” Danged Spell proceeded to hide behind his hooves, waiting for the worse to come out.

“MAN’S CUB!” Chancellor Cinch yelled, causing Danged Spell to peek out in confusion. He looked up and saw Chancellor Cinch march up to Wanda, much to the troublemaker’s confusion.

“What the heck is going on?” Danged Spell said as he got up in confusion.

Chancellor Cinch stared directly at Wanda, looking just as upset as ever. Wanda looked like she wanted to hide, but was scared to even move.

“What is the meaning of this?” Chancellor Cinch yelled at Wanda. “I told you to be on your best behavior during my time away at Manehattan this morning, and you had the gall to throw a water balloon at my face.”

“But I…” Wanda said, trying to explain herself.

“No buts.” Cinch interrupted as she grabbed Wanda’s hand with her magic. “We are going straight to the palace and explain this to your mother.”

With that, Cinch pulled Wanda with her magic and they walked off in the opposite direction. Sunburst, Starlight and Abigail came out, watching as Chancellor Cinch took Wanda away. Sunset looked very concerned for her younger sister. Twilight and Moondancer were horrified at what Wanda was going through. Even Danged Spell was in shock, with his jaw hanging down at what had happened.

“Wha...wha?” Danged Spell said as he had problems getting the words out of his mouth. “What just happened? That was supposed to be me. Can anyone explain what’s going on?”

“It’s how the Chancellor thinks,” Sunset said to Danged Spell. “She’s harsh on Wanda because of the fact that she’s not even of this world, and out of fear of what she could do.”

“Well I don’t care,” Danged Spell said as he marched towards the direction of Cinch and Wanda. “I’m going to go up to that old hag and set the record straight. Even if it means being grounded for life.”

“Spell, wait,” Sunset said. But Danged Spell wasn’t listening. He continued to march as Sunset, Twilight, Sunburst, Starlight, Moondancer and Abigail watched.

“Come on,” Sunset said to the others. “Let’s make sure he doesn’t get them into even more trouble.”

Meanwhile, Cinch continued to take Wanda towards the palace. She was still upset at Wanda over the water balloon she got in her face. Cinch stared at Wanda as the latter tried to cover her face with her arm.

“You have a lot to think about, Man’s cub,” Cinch said to Wanda. “I had high hopes for you, and you had to go and throw that in my face.”

“But I didn’t do it,” Wanda cried. “I swear.”

“You can explain that to your mother when we reach the palace,” Cinch said.

As they continued to walk, an eerie fog began to cover the streets of Canterlot City. It wasn’t even the evening time, and there was no cloud in the sky.

“That’s strange,” Cinch said as she took her eyes off Wanda and towards the fog. “I don’t recall fog in today’s forecast.”

“Of course you didn't, governor.” That voice came from inside the fog. Cinch became a bit nervous as Wanda started to freak out.

“Get under me,” Cinch said to Wanda. “I’m not going to let any harm come to you.”

With no objection, Wanda hid underneath Cinch as the Chancellor stood her ground. Emerging from the fog was a group of seven ponies wearing artic blue robes. They walked slowly towards Chancellor Cinch and Wanda, surrounding them both so that they couldn't get away.

“The Windigos Guild,” Cinch said. “You always cause trouble here in Canterlot.”

“You’re only half-right, Governor,” One of the cultists said as he approached Cinch and proceeded to take the hood off of his robes. He had an Ice Blue Coat, with a spiked white mane. His eyes are the very colors of winter.

“Coldnelius Snap,” Cinch said to the Windigos Guild cultist. “What do you want?”

“I came here because you have something that’s precious,” Coldnelius Snap said to Cinch. “Something like a man’s cub. One that isn’t even….natural..”

“I will not give you the man’s cub,” Cinch said as she kept a hoof on Wanda. “All I know is that you want to bring the Windigos back to Equestria, and freeze us all to death.”

“That’s right,” Coldnelius Snap said. “And that girl’s magic will help our cause. So for your own sake, and for her sake, give us the man’s cub.”

“You will not take her,” Cinch said, defiant to Coldnelius Snap’s demands.

“You have no choice,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Unless you want to experience an early winter in Canterlot, Governor.”

“What does he mean by an early winter?” Wanda said as she hid under Chancellor Cinch.

“It’s worse than you can imagine, child,” Chancellor Cinch said. “He wants to freeze me and all of Canterlot unless I turn you over. And I have no intention of negotiating with ice cold zealots.”

Nearby behind a corner of a building, Danged Spell was observing the Windigos Guild cultists that surrounded Wanda and Chancellor Cinch. He feared for what may happen to Wanda and Cinch. But at the same time, he was also scared of the Windigos Guild. Behind him, Sunset Shimmer was walking up to him.

“Danged Spell,” Sunset said before Danged Spell silenced her and pointed to Cinch and Wanda being surrounded by the Windigos.

“I don’t like this,” Danged Spell whispered to Sunset. “Those ponies are bad news.”

Behind Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail walked on up. Sunset turned around and placed her hoof up, signaling them to be quiet, then pointed to the direction of Cinch, Wanda and the Windigos Guild.

“Who are those creeps?” Starlight whispered as she looked from the corner.

“They’re called the Windigos Guild,” Twilight said.

“I’ve heard of those guys,” Sunburst said. “They’re goal is to bring back the Windigos and freeze the entire planet to sub-zero temperatures.”

“I wouldn’t call these villains cool.” Danged Spell said as he was laser focused on the Windigos Guild.

“For an ice pun, I actually agree with you,” Moondancer said as she was concerned for the sake of Cinch and Wanda.

Sunset turned to Twilight and said “Twilight, find my mommy Princess Celestia. She’ll know what to do.”

Twilight said “You got it.” She ran off in the opposite direction, but quietly as to not attract the attention of the Windigos Guild.

Meanwhile, Coldnelius Snap continued to circle around Abacus Cinch, eyeing Wanda underneath the Chancellor. Wanda was afraid, but the Chancellor was not deterred by Coldnelius Snap.

“We can do this all afternoon and into the blooming night, Governor,” Coldnelius Snap said as the rest of the Windigos Guild laughed.

“Laugh all you want you hooligans,” Cinch said. “But you’re not getting your icy-cold hooves on the Man’s Cub.”

“Oh we already did,” Coldnelius Snap replied with a smirk on his face.

But before Cinch could reach, she heard a scream below her and a tug at her hoof. She looked down and saw Wanda holding onto her right arm as one of the cult members was pulling her away.

“GET YOUR STINKIN HOOF OFF OF HER YOU DIRTY HOOLIGAN!” Cinch yelled as she blasted the cult member aside with her magic, causing him to let go of Wanda.

As Wanda crawled back underneath Cinch, she gets pulled out by Coldnelius Snap’s ice-cold magic. Cinch turns around and is helpless to watch as Coldnelius Snap holds Wanda up with his magic.

“Lookin’ for your granddaughter, Governor?” Coldnelius Snap said as Wanda struggled to even move, no thanks to Coldnelius Snap’s magic.

“Let her go you monster,” Cinch yelled as she looked poised to hit Coldnelius Snap with a magic spell.

“So,” Coldnelius Snap said to Cinch. “Yo actually care for the safety of the man’s cub? And to think, you act like some sort of racist towards this brat.”

“I may be harsh on her,” Cinch said. “But that is what I call tough love. You would rather torment her for your own pleasure.”

“Ya know what?” Coldnelius Snap said. “That’s not a bad idea.”

And without a second thought, Coldnelius Snap gets out a riding crop and proceeds to whack the pavement of the street really hard, scaring Wanda. Cinch’s jaw dropped in complete shock.

Tears flowed from Wanda’s eyes. She tried to hold it in, but she cried really loud. The loud noise of that riding crop, combined with being held captive by Coldnelius Snap, was enough to cause that child to cry really loud, as she was overwhelmed by the torment of the cultist leader.

“Hahahahahahaha,” Coldnelius Snap laughed. “See how the tears of a little man’s cub tremble with delight.”

“You’ll pay for this, monster,” Cinch snarled. “Making her cry just for your own cold, twisted fantasy.”

Behind the building, Sunset, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail’s jaws dropped to the ground, having witnessed what Coldnelius Snap did to Wanda that caused her to cry.

“That’s my sister,” Sunset said as steam spouted out of her nose.

Starlight turned to Sunset and said “No. You’ll get their attention.”

“I don’t care,” Sunset said. “No one hits my sister and gets away with it.”

But as Sunset was about to leap into the fray, she heard the sound of a growling, snarling dog. She turned to Danged Spell and noticed something was odd with him.

“Danged Spell?” Sunset said.

Danged Spell’s tone had changed completely. Besides his voice, his eyes were completely white with a yellow glow around it. His teeth were bare for everyone to see, and his pose indicates a wolf about to strike his prey.

“Spell?” Starlight said. “What’s gotten into you?”

“I’ve never seen him like this,” Moondancer said, looking nervous at Danged Spell’s attitude

“Spell, snap out of it,” Sunburst whispered. Even Abigail tried to scratch at Danged Spell’s left hoof, hoping to knock some sense into him.

But Danged Spell ignored their cry. His focus was on Coldnelius Snap and what he did to Wanda. And his growls were becoming deeper and scarier.

“I don’t like this,” Starlight said as she hid behind Sunburst, fearing for both the cultists and Danged Spells’ change of attitude.

Meanwhile, outside of the entrance to the School of Gifted Unicorns, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had locked the front door, finally done with the day.

“Thanks for filling in for me, sister,” Princess Celestia said to Princess Luna.

“Anytime,” Princess Luna said. “Though Twilight was a bit too much, considering her curiosity with your entire family.”

“Well that’s Twilight,” Princess Celestia laughed. “She’s always a curious child.”

Luna looked to her right and then said “Well speaking of which, that must be her coming this way. She looks troubled.”

Luna was right. Twilight Sparkle was running as fast as she could towards Celestia and Luna, eager to tell them of the danger head.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight yelled as she was running short of breath.

“Twilight,” Celestia said. “You looked troubled, my faithful student.”

“It’s Wanda and the Chancellor,” Twilight said as she regained her breath. “A group of ponies called the Windigos Guild have them captured.” Those words were enough to worry Celestia and Luna.

“We have a problem on our hooves,” Celestia said to Luna as she picked up Twilight and placed her on her royal back.

“If what Twilight said is true,” Luna replied. “Then Wanda and Chancellor Cinch need our help.”

“Twilight,” Celestia said. “Could you direct us where to go?”

“I will,” Twilight replied as she held onto Celestia. “For your sake and for Wanda’s.”

Without hesitation, Celestia and Luna ran off in the direction that Twilight came from. They knew they had to rescue Wanda and Cinch from the Windigos Guild, before anything horrible would happen to them.

To be continued in….

The Wolf’s Breath

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: Coldnelius Snap was once called just "Cold Snap." But with the name being taken, I struggled to come up with alternative names for the character, and just wound up expanding Cold to Coldnelius.

And as you can tell, Coldnelius Snap will be one of three villains for My Little Pony: One as a Family, along with the Windigo's Guild. The whole guild idea was due to the fact that in FiM, the Windigo's were barely used in the series. It was primarily in the Hearth's Warming Eve episodes AND in the Series Finale. So I'd figure, why not create a whole cult group dedicated to the Windigos and their magic?

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