• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Dormant Flames

Hoenn. Rustboro City. Nightfall.

"I'll rid Daybreaker from this very existence with this!" Roaring out was the Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta, whose voice echoed across the night skies of Rustboro and even Dewford. Using her power even all the way from Magehold, these vicious Shadow Hooves attacked along with her Despair Plants. And with this attack, she ended up grabbing into Princess Celestia, aiming to rip out the potential presence of Daybreaker and all of her magic to boot.

"Ghh...Gaaaaaaaah!" Naturally, this was painful to Celestia as a part of her was being ripped out thanks to these Shadow Hooves which had now transformed into claws. A golden and orange stream of magic could be seen appearing out of Celestia's body as that was her own magical essence being held. And within that stream, a flare of flames could be seen sparking out constantly.

"Sister...!" Forced into the ground with her face being dug was Luna. She would gather the strength to raise her head, pushing the hooves off of her, only to be held back by more of them. "Let me go!"

"Gardevoir...!" Gardevoir was in the same boat, trying to reach Celestia after seeing the state she was in. Witnessing Celestia in such a condition was enough to rile Gardevoir up as that latent rage could be brought out once more.

Not only that, but Darkrai would instantly spot one of the Despair Plant Triphyophyllum pass through the field. The mouth arms of this demonic plant had broken through a part of the shield since not many were keeping it active, resulting in the Despair Plants overtaking this struggle by drowning out the light. With one of the mouths passing through, explosive seeds were shot out immediately.

Darkrai would knock away the Shadow Hooves before intercepting the seeds, using Thunderbolt to do so. A stream of 100,000 volts would obliterate the seeds, only for more of then to hit Darkrai from behind. More of the Despair Plants managed to stick their arms through the field the more they drowned out the light.

"Probopass...!" Roxanne yelled while being held back by the Shadow Hooves. "Use Discharge!"

"Probopass!" Probopass was the only one in a less compromised position mainly due to how it was built. The Shadow Hooves couldn't quite find a way to restrain the Rock-Steel-Type at the moment. With its body, Probopass managed to use Discharge, emanating a violent flare of electricity that blew away the Shadow Hooves.

After blowing those hooves away, Probopass would then use Flash Cannon, unleashing a light beam which would cleave through the Shadow Hooves that held Roxanne back. Roxanne would be freed with the hooves dispersing. However, Probopass would not be ignored by Rosa Maledicta at all. The seeds from the Despair Plants would continue dropping from above, interrupting the Compass Pokemon's next move.

"P-Probopass!" Probopass was hit by this barrage of explosions from the Despair Plants. More and more, rescuing Celestia was being postponed by Rosa Maledicta's influence and her terrifying Despair Plants.

Speaking of the Despair Plants, with the field no longer being supported by the alicorns and the Pokemon, even with all of the Golurk in the sky trying to keep them back, it didn't take long for them to remove the field. The magical field Celestia and Luna put up shattered with all of the light being dissolved into nothing.

Now, Rustboro City was vulnerable but the Golurk would still keep trying, even with the power of Rosa Maledicta leaking out to stop all of Celestia's allies even all the way from Magehold.

As for Princess Celestia, the pain of having a piece of her being slowly and vigorously removed was too colossal to put into words. She tried resisting, using her own magic to hold herself in place. Celestia had the power to resist but with more Shadow Hooves spawning, resisting was seemingly a pointless endeavour at the moment.

"I'm doing you a favour, Celestia. For all of us!" Rosa Maledicta bellowed. "Cease your resistance, unless you want her to continue existing!"

"I won't...let you...!" A persistent Celestia protested. Even if she was in so much pain, she had an unrelenting drive to retaliate. The clash between her magic and the claws was so tremendous that the rubble around Celestia would start rising. Celestia herself would ascend with a mix of gold and black magic outlining her body, showing her intense struggle.

Everyone looked up to see Celestia ascend as she made her own field of magic to protect her. The Light and Dark would flare out with the intensity of a thunderstorm. The essence of magic within her would come to a standstill.

"Gardevoir...!" This was only aggravating Gardevoir even more. The same feeling she experienced back at the Galaxy Tower was starting to reappear. And it mainly occurred whenever Celestia was in grave danger or at risk of being critically harmed. However, Gardevoir did not wish to experience that once more and yet, if there was ever a time she could use a power boost via her own emotions, now was the perfect time.

"Nightmare Moon...if you can hear me, I would really appreciate your help in Rustboro right now!" Luna yelled, using the Royal Canterlot Voice to boost her volume so that it extended past Rustboro City.

Dewford City.

Over at Dewford, the people and Pokemon there had been evacuated as well thanks to Nightmare Moon. The alter-ego of Luna had also put up a magical shield, defending the town from the attack of the Despair Plants. Noticeably, Dewford was under attack by fewer Despair Plants compared to what was going on over at Rustboro.

Nightmare Moon still had to keep the magical field active for the safety of Dewford while the other Golurks on this side would keep the Despair Plants occupied. And even from this distance, Nightmare Moon could hear Luna's cry.

"Luna?" Nightmare Moon spoke out her name once she heard the cry for help. Immediately, she would cease everything here. It wasn't even a second thought for Nightmare Moon. Her true self was in peril after all and for her own safety, Luna's survival was crucial. And the survival of everyone else after all. Nightmare Moon looked up to see how there was one Golurk for one Despair Plant.

She could leave it all with the guards and the Golurk, quickly spreading her wings out to rush to Luna's aid. The Despair Plants were the most abundant over at Rustboro after all. For obvious reasons.

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Nightfall.

Over at the Pokemon House around Fluttershy's cottage, Zecora's work on the elixir was improving without a doubt. The colours within the elixir were starting to return with some vibrance finally showing. However, despite all of her sweat and tears being poured into making this elixir return to its natural state, something dawned on Zecora. Something troubling.

"Though I can maybe return the elixir to how it originally was, it wouldn't matter all that much," Zecora said. "For such large creatures, an elixir isn't enough."

Indeed. Despite what Roseluck shared about how this elixir could soothe the plants, it wouldn't matter all that much if the elixir was around the same height as a pen. Considering the size of these plants, especially when they fuse, something larger was needed. The same kind of magic along with something bigger than what Zecora currently has.

At this rate, this elixir could maybe temporarily soothe a Despair Plant for a bit before it gets back into its destructive mood. Knowing how vicious they were, Zecora needed something that could shut them down for good. However, replicating this kind of magic already took days and a ton of work. Making more that was around the size of at least a chariot or anything larger than what it is now was needed.

"I can't hope to make something massive." Zecora closed her eyes as her amazing magical knowledge had its limits. But her eyes would soon open with a smile gracing her face. "But there is one way...A dash of Rift Magic."

Bingo. Zecora found a solution. The one thing that could help guarantee that she had the right size for the Despair Plants. Rift Magic. Specifically, the Rift Cauldron. Within it, liquified Rift Magic could be found as she once had this cauldron before giving it to Twilight Sparkle.

Zecora set her sights on Twilight's castle, aiming to request the usage of the Rift Cauldron once more. With Rift Magic, creativity was the crux of it. And there was certainly never a better time to have this creativity be utilized to the best of its abilities especially since Zecora's idea was simple enough for anyone to come up with.

Of course. she would have to finish making the elixir before anything else. And with how things were progressing, Zecora was hoping and expecting it to be at least tonight.

Within Celestia's Mind.

Amidst the struggle of trying to keep her magical essence active, Celestia found herself elsewhere. Her physical body was still out there, fighting against Rosa Maledicta's horrific clutches. Entering her mindscape, Celestia would gasp slightly, appearing in a white void.

There was no solid ground so there was nothing for Celestia to land on. But she could recover by floating. Once she was in her mind, Celestia recollected her thoughts as within her Mindscape, she was safe for the meanwhile. But on the outside, she was still in great peril along with Rustboro and even Dewford City. Her sister and friends were all in peril, really.

"Where am I? Oh right...I'm in my mind." She instantly figured out where she was. "All of my magic...It's being pulled out to the point where I can't keep my head straight. What is she thinking? Removing Daybreaker from me? All of my magic is being involved so it's not just Daybreaker at all."

"Correct!" Even in here, she wasn't safe. Rosa Maledicta managed to reach her Mindscape. The Princess of the Sun gasped with her eyes widening and her heart racing at high speeds. She was perplexed to hear Rosa's voice in here. But not only that, seeing Rosa herself.

From the white void, a dark crack would form. The Lich Queen was ready to enter Celestia's mind, doing whatever she could to overwhelm the Ruler of Equestria.

"You can't hide from me...I've mastered every form of mental magic thanks to my dark talents that were never appreciated!" Rosa's hoof would then break through the cracks as her face was then revealed.

"Rosa!" Celestia yelled out her name before being met with a strong pressure from Rosa Maledicta's entrance once she fully passed through the cracks.

"We're finally meeting face to face, Celestia. Well...mentally anyway." Her voice no longer had that powerful echo now that she was fully within this mind realm. She even returned to her natural size. "Please tell me you remember this face clearly."

"I do. I never forgot your face even after all these years. Then again, I've never forgotten anyone's face with how long I've lived." Celestia replied, narrowing her eyes at the Lich Queen. "Rosa. I can't believe you became the Lich Queen..."

"I made it big. I always felt that I could reach new heights. Becoming a queen was unexpected but I'm not complaining." Rosa Maledicta shrugged. "I can only imagine what everyone else back at Equestria who doubted me must be thinking once they learned I've become a queen of my own nation hidden in the shadows. They're probably afraid I might exact revenge on them. And honestly...I plan to do just that. I am picky when it comes to my victims. Maybe not you, Celestia, despite what's currently happening."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Those that shunned me never saw me for my dark talents. They feared it all too much. But Magehold accepted it. It's why the promises of greatness were so worth it once the magic there called for me. But then there's you. You always saw my talent, didn't you?"

"I did. You were a great student back at my school for Gifted Unicorns." Celestia reminisced about the past. "I even wanted to make you one of my personal students much like how I did for Twilight, Sunset and Radiant Hope. But before that could happen, you were already gone."

"I'm glad I left. It's better in Magehol after all. But I'll admit, I'm thankful that you saw me for what I could do. You never feared my dark talents in the first place, right? When I was just a filly in that school, I deviated from what my fellow students made and you simply watched what I was capable of. You always were the best when it came to seeing the potential in others. But maybe that's one of your greatest weaknesses, Celestia. You can see the potential but you have no idea how hard it will come back to bite you. Has it already happened?"

"Not in this world anyway...And I don't plan to let it happen here either." Celestia said, referring to Sunset Shimmer who was a prime example of what Rosa Maledicta referred too. "It's a shame what happened to you. You could've helped Equestria in so many ways. But now, after everything you've done, I'm not sure I can ever forgive you."

"You don't have to. Because very soon, Equestria's Prime Ruler will be me!" Rosa Maledicta declared. "And then, once I spread the Black Crusade across other worlds, I'll be a Multiversal Lich Queen? I could start a Yveltal army with every universe out there! Learn all the unique Magehold abilities from each respective world! Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

"That won't happen." Celestia sternly said, vehemently refusing to let something like that happen. Her magical aura would show, in all of its grand golden brilliance. But in response, Rosa Maledicta's aura would also appear to combat Celestia's as it was jet black with green highlights within it.

The two auras would clash with the force of two meteors crashing against each other. A loud thundering boom came from the impact. The white void would be illuminated with multiple colours as this clash was just as fierce as what was happening on the outside.

"It won't happen. Because you're too dangerous, Celestia. Even more-so than me. Your current state is threatening but not threatening enough." Rosa Maledicta spoke while the two magical auras were clashing. "It's Daybreaker. I know she's in you. I felt her after all."

"Daybreaker is not apart of me and she never will be." Celestia protested.

"Wrong. The same kind of magic that unleashed Nightmare Moon is the same kind of magic that lives in you. Everypony has it. That dark side that they want to keep out but could be released. It's just that us prodigies are most likely to have personifications of these dark sides. I've already embraced mine and I'd rather you not embrace yours." Rosa leaned in, attempting to overpower Celestia's aura.

"I've made peace with myself long ago. Passion is an example. It's because of her and everyone else that I can be at ease and have faith, even with your cruel attacks on Equestria and even the Pokemon World." Celestia would push back, refusing to let Rosa's aura get ahead of hers. "I will never become Daybreaker so as long as I have my friends!"

"Except I can take them away from you! And before I do that, I should take Daybreaker away from you first." Rosa grinned with a maniacal stare. "Then, everyone you know and love will be gone and that magical rage within you will never be unleashed. Not like you'll have any magic left anyway!"

The auras would intensify in response to their voices. The louder they got, the stronger the magical auras would become. Suddenly, A third sound entered the scene. The clash of magical auras was postponed immediately once both of them heard this voice. The auras dispersed as neither won this struggle. The area around them would suddenly heat up as Celestia heard a flicker of flames. Hearing that flicker made her gasp for a moment. She didn't want to believe what she hearing as that could only imply one thing.

But Rosa Maledicta already knew it was as true as it could be. With a slow turn of her head, Celestia would look behind her to witness a third aura enter the mix. Or rather, a flame. A vibrant yet ominous flame appeared in this white void, flaring with the intensity of the sun. Emerging from it was the figure of an alicorn, strikingly akin to Celestia. There was only one pony who could emerge from this. Or rather, made out of it.

A flame figure of Daybreaker had appeared. Indeed, she was within Celestia the whole time. She didn't have her full body. Only a body of flame. But that flame burned with great intensity that not even magma could match.

"Told you~" Rosa Maledicta taunted. "Then again...it was my magic that helped reveal her so I suppose I had to bend things to force the truth out."

"It can't be..." Celestia shuddered. "You're actually here..." Just looking at this flame body of Daybreaker was enough to leave the Ruler of Equestria perplexed. This part of her that was highly destructive was within her even with all that she's been through. All of her faith and love were not enough to get rid of this alter-ego. It was a part of Celestia for thousands of years. For how long? Celestia herself has been around for so long. Daybreaker most likely has been around just as long, waiting to show herself one day.

"It'd be better for the both of us if she was completely wiped out of existence, don't you think? Because Daybreaker...is nothing like Nightmare Moon. I saw and felt it for myself when I encounter her months ago." Rosa continued. "Do you have any idea what she's capable of? Nightmare Moon was born out of jealousy. Daybreaker is born out of rage. And rage is by far the most powerful force when unleashed with barely anything being able to stand in its way. But controlled rage? That's another kind of monster that I'd rather not try and overcome. I doubt I'd even overcome it."

"But I thought..."

"We both don't want this to happen, Princess Celestia. She's too dangerous for both sides because of what she can do. My offer doesn't sound so bad after all, doesn't it? Well, not as bad as how the Black Crusade will leave all of your subjects once I'm done. But when you're a skeleton, I'll make you a herald. Not exactly a ruler but a respectable position. Really, I just want Daybreaker gone. There are some forces in this world I'd rather not have stick around because of how much they threaten my plan. Daybreaker is one of them. And after I get rid of this one, my Black Crusade will weed out the rest and even go after Arceus himself. I won't let the Creator Deity be exempt from the Black Crusade at all. Everyone will be wiped out and become a part of Magehold!"

Right as Rosa Maledicta exclaimed and rambled on, that was when the flame figure of Daybreaker finally responded. Louder than what Rosa Maledicta could make, the sound of the Sun itself came from Daybreaker's flaming body. Celestia and Rosa Maledicta were both silent once the flames came their way. The heat of the Sun was even formed, not just the sounds of it.

Celestia could feel it. She could feel a tremendous amount of rage coming from this Daybreaker Apparation. It was unlike anything she had ever felt. Her body along with Rosa Maledicta's was being pushed back by the sheer rage from Daybreaker. This rage was dormant within the alicorn. Celestia got a feel of what her bottled-up rage was like.

And with this pressure, she was given various visions of certain horrific moments. The moment Ghetsis attacked Saudi Arabia and when she battled against him. Most of it involved Ghetsis' attacks. Empress Twilight's own attacks and horrific actions were sprinkled in there as well. From how she treated Skyblue Shine and Premium Polish to even sealing away Flurry Heart's parents and sheltering the young alicorn for most of her life.

The Pokemon Festival and the attacks that followed with it and even seeing her sister go through so much, ending up in the hospital repeatedly along with recent events such as the Despair Plants and Hearthome City which had the victims of that city lose their souls. Even those that were only visiting Hearthome during the Pokemon Festival.

All of these were enough to enrage Celestia, who for the most part, kept her cool during those events. But deep down, this part of her wanted to come out. Daybreaker was the pure embodiment of Celestia's rage

"T-This is too much...!" Rosa Maledicta yelled as she was even unable to handle this. The heat of the Sun started torturing her as she could feel all of the unbridled and bottled-up rage that was far too overwhelming to stay around. "This is exactly why I must get rid of her...!"

Rosa Maledicta yelled before being forced out of Celestia's mindscape just by the intensity of these flames. They didn't even physically touch her to do so. As for Celestia, even she was forced out of her own mind because of Daybreaker's rage.

Hoenn. Rustboro City. Nightfall.

Back outside, the effects were starting to enter reality. The powerful flare of flames would emerge from the stream of magic as Daybreaker's rage managed to reach Rustboro City thanks to the claws that Rosa Maledicta made. Pulling out Celestia's magic had its consequences. But only because of how Daybreaker had been provoked.

"W-What in the...?" Luna looked up in awe, seeing the flames expand. Everyone near and far were stunned by what they were witnessing. It was as if the Sun itself had come to Earth.

The heat from Daybreaker even affected the city. The Shadow Hooves were blown away by the expanding heat, unable to withstand it. Then again, Rosa Maledicta wasn't quite at full strength either. Luna, Gardevoir, Darkrai and everyone else would feel the solar heat as they would all collectively grimace.

The Despair Plants were not exempt from this. In fact, they were getting the worst of it. Being that they were plants, the heat was very effective against them. And with this kind of solar heat, their bodies were starting to burn up faster than anyone else's. The Despair Plants all yelled in pain as the Golurk backed away, barely managing to resist the heat thanks to their Typing.

The waters of Hoenn would start boiling up, even all the way over at Dewford City. Daybreaker's heat did not spare Dewford either as it was within range of her rage. Celestia was still screaming in pain before the flames of Daybreaker destroyed the claws that went within her. Once the claws were blown away, Celestia would fall. She dropped to the ground with the essence of her magic trailing out of her chest.

But the rage still persisted, shooting up a towering flame that pierced the clouds. Right now, Daybreaker may still be dormant within Celestia, but at this rate, the provoked rage was enough to leave a number on either location.

Rosa Maledicta, all the way from Magehold, saw that now wasn't the best time to engage with this kind of heat. Not when her Despair Plants were not only starting to burn up but they even started defusing. One by one, they would defuse rapidly, unable to handle the heat to stay within their fused forms.

"Unbelievable...This might be worse than Universe 11's Daybreaker..." A stunned and even intimidated Rosa Maledicta said. She expected this world's Daybreaker to be dangerous. But she was already sensing something far worse than what she dealt with months ago.

"G-Gardevoir...!" Finally free from the Shadow Hooves, Gardevoir would rush to Celestia's side. However, this rage was too rampant to the point where not even close friends were safe around it. The Embrace Pokemon immediately felt the heat of the sun come her way, stopping her dead in her tracks. "V-Voir...!"

"It's...so...hot...!" Roxanne got on her knees, holding herself as the heat was getting to her.

"It feels like the Sun itself is attacking us from up close!" Darkrai groaned, attempting to sink into the shadows to resist this. In the distance, Nightmare Moon was approaching to come to Luna's aid. And from afar, she could see this solar light vibrantly flash and overwhelm Rustboro. From above and afar, she could feel the heat.

"Gardevoir!" But even if the flames were powerful enough to perplex everyone, Gardevoir would not give up. After all, she has been in this position before.

A position where her rage was so strong that it would threaten everyone. And now, Celestia was experiencing the same thing. Celestia already vowed to help Gardevoir get through her massive potential that could be too great for even her to handle. Now it was Gardevoir's turn to help Celestia contain her rage no matter how dangerous it was. As the journey continues.

Chapter 22 End.

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