• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Beyond the Reaches of Space. An unknown plane.

Beyond the world. Beyond space. Beyond the many planets and stars that populate the universe, there exists a plane. Colourful in every sense of the word and absolutely extraordinary.

Located in an unknown area, hovering beyond the endless void of space, this ethereal plane was a massive, zero-sided area adorned with shimmering neon lights that pulse in synchronized patterns. Celestial bodies of all kinds were present casting an ethereal glow over the plane. Embedded in the plane were glowing symbols of an unknown language.

A vast expanse of shimmering energy, stretching out infinitely in all directions. Wisps of translucent mist dance through the air, swirling around celestial bodies that are suspended within the void. The energy crackles with a faint hum, resonating with the otherworldly sounds.

This seemed like another part of space, even though it was nowhere to be in the vast cosmos. Aside from the vast expanse, there seemed to be something else. There seemed to be land but it was obscured by this blinding yet welcoming light. In the distance, a towering crystalline structure pierces the fabric of the astral plane, emanating a powerful aura.

A place like this would seem wonderful to live in but impossible to reach. However, much like the wonderful creatures that populate the world, there was no place in existence that was devoid of life. There were no bodies in this vast space, but there was a voice.

"Then it is settled." A flourishing voice that had an unparalleled echo emerged from this cosmic space. It had a lofty voice that was fit for someone in command. The sound it made caused the cosmic energy to ripple and yet there wasn't a physical body anywhere. "On the 20th billion day of this year, we will hold a trial. To maintain the balance and prosecute those who have obstructed all of creation."

"If I may...I would like to vouch for him. Support him on this case." Another voice made the cosmic energy ripple. It was softer and less commanding. It was a rather simple voice.

"You wish to be the one to defend this Human and the Pokemon? Even after what they have done." The commanding voice aforementioned.

"It wouldn't be fair to them. No one here seems to be on their side and unfortunately, so I will be the one to take his side. I see a positive to all of this."

"A dauntless choice, little angel. Let it be known all that all those under trial will have someone in their stead. That is an endless war, no matter the circumstance. You shall be allowed to cosign them both. That involves their friends and all those supporting them, if they choose to speak up."

"I'll make my way to Earth immediately and speak to him about this. It won't take long at all and you may come for me when the time is ripe."

Just then, in this astral plane, a golden beam of light would take off. It was the only thing moving at the moment. And within it, an entity was present. Someone who was on another plane and fittingly came from another plane.

Kanto. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Night.

In Ash's room, while everyone else was asleep, the Kid from Kanto looked up at the ceiling, thinking back to what Sheena told him. It was about Prisma. Some more information about this character has been revealed and now his existence was taken fully seriously by Ash. This wasn't the first time he's ever been in this scenario. A scenario where something could happen to him. Delayed Aura Ataxia was the first and now this was a lead-up. Instead of harming him, it could be a similar situation to the King of Pokelantis but it would be Prisma taking over.

"His soul could influence you or take over you. We're not yet sure what it will take for that to happen, but it can. He isn't another entity, Ash. He exists in you, Red, Hilbert and the others. The best thing to do is to keep him concealed. Can you do that for us, Ash?"

Ash did promise that he wouldn't let Prisma appear. But even he knew that anything sealed up could eventually make a return. He's seen it for himself multiple times. He wondered if the same could be said for Red, Ethan, Brendan, Hilbert and all the other counterparts he apparently has.

Before he could continue thinking about it, his Rotomphone went off. A notification was set. Picking it up, he saw that it came from Sci-Twi, all the way over at the Human World. The connection that the Rotomphone had was immaculate without a doubt.

Looking at it, the message that Twilight sent read; "Hey, Ash. If you're not too busy, could you come over tomorrow or the day after? It's not an Alpha Pokemon mission but something else. I've already asked the others to chime in and I know you'll be a ton of help finding these shards I'm looking for."

Ash always had his friends to think about and be with. So even with the existence of Prisma lurking within him, he could always find solace. Ash would make time for Sci-Twi but he already has quite a bit on his plate. After seeing the message and writing back, Ash could clock out at last, sleeping peacefully.

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

With the Pokemon Festival growing closer, Ponyville was starting to take on festival tendencies before it could even start. Ponyville would try its best to add its own attractions to this year's Pokemon Festival, which would be rather difficult considering it already had a lot to offer. But that didn't stop them from trying.

Preparing for the Festival, the grounds of Ponyville were sprawling, with colourful tents and stalls interspersed with stages and rides. The air is filled with the tantalizing aromas of fried treats and foods of different kinds, mingling with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. A massive Ferris wheel looms overhead, adorned with ethereal faerie lights that twinkle in the Morning Sun. Only a few days away from the Festival and the entirety of Poyville looked like it was already set to begin.

At the moment, Ash was partaking in some Jigglypuff-shaped doughnuts, served up by the Cake Family. And right next to him, aside from Pinkie Pie and Pikachu who were doing the exact same thing, was a flier promoting Rarity's upcoming movie over at PokeStar Studios. Featuring herself and her Human Counterpart. The duo agreed to work together after all.

"For this year's Pokemon Festival, how about we try taking our food directly to the higher-ups?" said Mrs. Cake while watching them eat. "After the meeting, they're bound to show up for this year's Pokemon Festival. It's the perfect opportunity to branch out."

"Mmm?" Pinkie blinked. "That'll be easy. No matter how stubborn they are, they'll love our food. But I'm thinking bigger! I'll just take some to the Human World. My other self's probably thinking the same thing. The Human World doesn't get to have a Pokemon Festival since they're not ready for the Pokemon yet."

"Maybe we can just do it around Canterlot High." Ash found a solution to that. "That school and everywhere near it has gotten pretty used to Pokemon. I've shown up there a few times and they love 'em."

"While you're at it, could you give a heads up to our other selves? We don't get to interact with them at all." Mr Cake requested. "Not many of us in Ponyville have met our other selves. It's always you two, Twilight and a few others."

"Lucky us, am I right?" Proud of that, Pinkie nudged Ash on the shoulder. Ash's main friend group were the only ones to really meet their other selves. Whether they were Human Counterparts, alternate universe counterparts or even the exact same entity.

"Maybe one of my dreams come true in another world..." Mrs Cake started fantasizing of that possible world. It wasn't out of the question. Existence was massive enough for something like that to exist, without a doubt.

Helping with the Pokemon Festival was Princess Twilight herself, but she had a different reason. Twilight was focusing on making new gateways. She still hasn't figured it out. Starswirl made the basis for it but Twilight, who possessed Rift Magic, couldn't bring it out.

She wanted everyone to travel from place to place, just like how it was in the past before Jirachi put everything together. Alas, she was hitting nothing but brick walls. If she can't find a solution, then this year's Pokemon Festival would just have to go without any gateways, which was a genuine shame since passing through the gateways and ending up elsewhere was one of the best parts of the Pokemon Festival. It was there since day one and it felt like a staple.

Twilight had one theory in mind. In the same way she was able to create items with the Rift Magic within her by remembering the molecular structure and makeup of it. Rather challenging since even Twilight never took the time to think about the makeup of every object out there. But now, she might have to. To make a gateway, she wondered if getting every single detail about a certain place would work but that would also involve figuring out the makeup of everything.

Of course, she had books about this. Twilight could be seen walking the streets of Ponyville with multiple books around her, floating via the use of magic. Each of them spoke about various things and how they were made. Specifically locatios which is what truly mattered. Buildings, historical structures and more.

"It will take a lot of magic for me to make a castle. That'll completely drain me." She said when reading the books. She would also have to use plenty of Rift Magic, making it 10x harder for her.

"Give it a rest, Twilight." Rainbow Dash appeared, lowering one of the books down in front of Twilight. "You don't have to worry about making a new gateway by getting everything down."

"Mmm...I'd love to though." Twilight pranced on the spot, finding this rather frustrating. "It's so annoying knowing I can make a gateway and solve the rest of our problems but the methods are so complex!"

"And I'm glad I never have to deal with something like that." Rainbow Dash grinned, proud to be unaware of all of these complex things. She just goes with the flow and that was about it.

"I wish I could speak with the Rift, but it's shut itself off from us. If I could, it would probably tell me there was an easier way to make a gateway to a location. I might not even need all of these complex steps. I'm not even sure the Rift's interacting with us."

"It might. Rift-Dialga showing up looked like proof to me." The pegasus brought up Rift-Dialga from a few days back and how it was just carrying out the Rift's will. "But if the Rift wanted to get payback on Ash, it would've done it at any time. So..i guess, it's not doing anything?"

"Bah, whatever." The Princess of Friendship scrunched her face. "I won't give up but I'll take a break from this. This is too much, even for me. Cosmic Power's great and all but even when I have it, it doesn't make everything easy. The higher powers up there would be a ton of help if they ever show up. I could really use Arceus's help right now."

"Pfft. Yeah, right. We haven't seen Arceus in a while. He sleeps a lot, doesn't he? But he shows up when we really need him." The multi-coloured-maned mare continued before looking up, hoping that Arceus would respond in some way.

"Well, I need him now. Really, anyone up there will do."

At that very moment, as if Twilight's words were leading up to this, a divine light beamed down. All actions came to a halt. This light would touch the ground, leaving no damage whatsoever. It was a captivating light, much like Arceus's light. Twilight instantly thought that this was Arceus actually responding to her, come to her aide.

But she couldn't be farther from the truth. As the light would create a pleasing and lovely spiral that made the grass and flowers dance while also sooting the eyes and senses of others, from it emerged a figure. The figure of a pony. Around Celestia's height, a beautiful set of wings opened up, sending light shards out that would gently float instead of rapidly flying everywhere.

This was not an average pony. Not at all. No one was sure who this was. It wasn't Princess Celestia. It wasn't Luna. It certainly wasn't Daybreaker or any other royal and powerful figure. No one could make out who it was, especially after she showed herself.

Appearing before them, was an Angel.

Jaws dropped after seeing her, mainly from all the stallions. As soon as they saw her, everything on their mind just vanished as her beauty is what stuck out more than anything. Not the halo she had over her head.

"This is the second or third time that some light has shown up out of nowhere. What now?" Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes, pointing out the number of times golden beams of light have shown up, bringing surprises. And a brand new surprise from beyond had arrived.

"Who is that?" Nearby, Amethyst Star questioned while holding her Skitty.

"No idea...I've never seen her before." There was no pony in recorded history that matched her appearance. "Maybe this is Arceus's answer? But does that mean he can make ponies as well?"

"She's got a halo on her too. And her mane. It's letting off this bright glow." Berry Punch noticed the halo. This made the mysterious pony even more mysterious.

"Hm. The only entity I know of that can have a halo is an angel. I haven't seen anyone else with a halo. Not even a pony." Deducing this, Twilight Sparkle wondered why this pony had a halo. She brought up angels which were said to possibly exist in the words of Princess Celestia. "Unless..."

"Woah-ho...Which princess or queen is that?" One of the stallions was dumbfounded. They all were. Never before have they been this smitten. Not just them, but some of the Pokemon too.

"No idea. But I'm glad she's here." Another giggled. Some, who were already in relationships, received glares from their partners. The mares who were with them had visibly displeased reactions to this.

"Ooh..." For a moment Mr Cake was in the same boat, only for Mrs Cake to lightly tap him on the head, knocking him back to his senses. "Ow!"

"Good morning to all." She greeted them, having an echoing voice. A voice that transcended the winds and the sound of nature and anything else. "I apologize for my sudden entrance."

"It's okay! You're welcome to Ponyville just like anyone else!" A few stallions said as they did not mind this appearance at all. And already, some of them gathered around her while keeping their distance.

"The Pokemon Festival hasn't started yet but we can entertain you with it before the day arrives!" They were already offering this mysterious pony something. Moments after she had arrived, a vast amount of attention was given to her. Food, flowers, accessories and all other things that were meant for the Pokemon Festival were offered up.

"She just showed up and already something like this is happening? Rarity would be jealous and Cadence would be confused."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But maybe not for this instance." A jealous Amethyst Star expressed. "Hmph. What makes her so beautiful? They never reacted like this to any of us."

"If that is a princess then the fame of Ponyville is only going to rise from here~" Unaware of who this was, Mayor Mare only cared about increasing Ponyville's fame at this time. It was why she was trying to come up with the best possible things for this year's Pokemon Festival.

"Hmm...She doesn't feel like any other pony." But Cold Colt was the only one who knew that this was someone else entirely. It was somepony who did not come from Earth.

"My name is Lightwing." She introduced herself, at last, sharing her name. "I come at a matter of importance. I must speak with Ash Ketchum since he is present here.

"Sure, sure!" Hearing this, the stallions immediately rushed to Ash's side, interrupting his snack. Ash was busy looking at Lightwing, wondering who she was. Right as Ash was about to take another bite, he felt multiple hooves press against his back along with some magic surrounding him.

"Woah!" Ash bellowed after being forced forward. All of this unnecessary strength to move him but they would go to these lengths just because of Lightwing. Ash was brought over to the angel, shaking like a bobblehead when brought to a halt. His doughnut had dropped, stripping him from taking a massive bite. "Aw, man..."

"Hold on. Let me fix that for you." But Ash had nothing to worry about. Lightwing had no horn, but that did not stop her from unleashing a mystical power. It did not come from wings, similar to how Pegalysium's ponies do it. Instead, it was her eyes. They took on a bright glow as a divine light appeared around the fallen doughnut.

Ash saw it leave the ground but what happened next would save his hunger. The dirt that was around the doughnut would be cleansed. The beautiful light erased it all. Any infections that it would have were gone, making it clean and edible once more. Ash's eyes lit up as the delectable dessert was brought over.

"Gee, thanks!" Grateful for this, he continued where left off, taking a bite out of this Jigglypuff-shaped doughnut. "Lightwing, right?"

"Yes. Pleased to meet you. I am Angel who has come to speak with you. It truly is of grave importance, Ash Ketchum."

"An angel?" Ash paused for a moment while chewing his food. Since Lightwing's voice had such a strong yet comforting echo, lots of ponies and Pokemon could hear her. After swallowing the doughnut, Ash would think about angels and what they looked like in his head. "Wait, like an actual angel?! With a halo and everything?!"

"My halo exists, yes." She aimed her hoof at the moon-shaped light above her head. "I was expecting this to be a surprise to you. I am glad there isn't a single hint of fear."

"She's an angel, alright!" But the stallions saw her as a figurative angel. In which, she was so beautiful that being called an angel was a great compliment.

"Not a metaphorical one. An actual one. I am appearing as a pony but I can assure you, not all of us appear as ponies." Lightwing immediately referred to others. She was not the only one and she just so happens to have the form of a pony.

"That's an actual angel..." Twilight's jaw dropped along with many others. Right here at Ponyville, an actual angel was present here. Truly a momentous day as Ponyville was blessed with something amazing yet again. Even Mayor Mare, who was looking forward to something like this, never expected an angel to show up. "A real angel!"

"What's an angel doing here?!" Rainbow Dash flew over, fully invested in this.

"I should explain as soon as possible. Ash Ketchum. I am here to vouch for you. I have decided to defend you from a rather overwhelming case that does not favour you."

"Vouch for me and defend me?" The King of the Sea scratched his face, unsure what was threatening him at the moment. Could it be Rift-Palkia this time or something else?

"Approximately tomorrow, you shall be judged by the Astral Court and I will be there to defend you." She explained. "The Space Beyond Space is where the trial shall take place."

"Wait! I'm being judged?!" Ash gasped, pulling back as this escalated quickly. Never before did he think he'd be in this scenario. "For real?!"

"Pikachu?!" Pikachu couldn't believe what he was hearing. His best friend was about to go to court apparently.

"Precisely. I am sorry that this has come as a shock to you. I hoped to ease you in with the news but this is still surprising to anyone unprepared." Lightwing apologized. "This is a case that cannot be avoided or reasoned with. It is something that will pass through."

"What's Ash guilty of?! He hasn't done anything wrong at all!" Scootaloo, among the rest of the crowd, bellowed, seeing that as a silly sentence.

"To the judges of the Astral Court, Ash Ketchum and by extension, the Pokemon by the name of Jirachi are being charged with a crime that stands high above others. The crime of altering existence itself." Lightwing would then use her Celestial Power to create cosmic projections of Ash and Jirachi. "This is referring to the wish you made, Ash. The wish to unite both worlds."

The reason for this has been revealed. At long last, the biggest possible outcome of this wish has reared its ugly head. And it involved Ash being prosecuted by a higher power somewhere out there. And Jirachi was in that same boat as well since he was the one who united the worlds.

"The court sees this as a great offence. But I have decided to defend you, seeing the other side of it. It is why I left the realm to come and talk to you. Lawyers are what this occupation is known as so I am now your lawyer."

"That's what he's being charged for? Lame!" Rainbow Dash groaned. "That shouldn't be a crime! I'm pretty sure everyone's cool with this new world. Except for the grumpy Pokemon but still!"

"Yeah! So many of us are pretty happy!" A full Pinkie Pie said with her mouth completely stuffed. "I mean, we don't have the gateways anymore, so that's a bummer. But everything else is pretty great!"

"I understand. I understand. I am an Angel of Understanding where I come from. It is my duty to see both sides and come to a concrete decision. And I have been watching you from above this entire time. From the day the two worlds crossed over, I have seen everything, along with my fellow angel friends. I believe that this is a great outcome, even if it deviates from everything else."

"Well, if you're gonna be my lawyer, then I've got a good feeling about this." Ash held his hand out. "I've never been in a court case before though..."

"This is a big deal, Ash!" Twilight teleported in front of Ash, thinking about the worst. "Very big! Bigger than anything we've dealt with before! Who knows what these judges are? We have an angel here and she obviously answers to a higher power!"

"Why yes." Lightwing confirmed, leaing over to Twilight. "Many great powers will be present at the trial. This is something that involved everyone after all. I could have come for you tomorrow on the day of the trial, but I chose to come here first for one reason."

"What's that?"

"Well...I'd love to interact with this world. You have already heard about this before and dealt with it. But even for us angels, this is completely different. Residing in the Ambrosial Plane is just as interesting as the new world that has been made. From the day it arrived to the day it united with ours." Lightwing, like many others, was interested in Pokemon.

Even otherworldly beings couldn't help it. The Strange and Wonderful Creatures known as Pokemon were just that appealing. And because Lightwing has been watching over the Earth, she was aware of what they were capable of. Good and bad.

"Great! We can get you started!" Ash liked the sound of that. He was always eager to help someone get into the World of Pokemon. "Whatever you wanna do first, we can do it!"


"You're not taking this seriously, are you?" Twilight grumbled. Even after what had just been said, Ash looked as happy as ever. But that was his charm.

"Absolutely wonderful. I can't leave my good friend out of this. Halo. You can come out now." Lightwing spoke about another. Everyone wondered if it was another angel that was secretly here and in hiding. But when putting her hoof into her mane, it was revealed that this character by the name of Halo was closer than they thought.

From Lightwing's mane, an entity that as most definitely not an angel appeared. However, it still had that cosmic appearance with it, whereas Lightwing leaned towards the more divine side.

"Wow! Is that a Pokemon?!" Ash was amazed as he has never seen anything like this before. He instantly believed that this was a Pokemon.

"No. This is a Star Wisp. My good friend, Halo." Lightwing introduced him. "He's always been by my side, much like you all and your Pokemon. I am no stranger to such a bond."

"Its entire body is made out of space and stars." Twilight slowly approached Halo, hearing his voice. He had a unique cry that sounded similar to a cricket mixed with a purr. "Is it safe to be near him?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu already got close to Halo already. Halo looked at the Mouse Pokemon flying around him as he left behind a trail of stardust. Pikachu felt the stardust drop onto him, making him giggle. The stardust was very much physical while also staying on Pikachu's face, much like snow.

"Very much so. He is a very comfortable wisp to be around" Lightwing reassured them that there was nothing to fear. Now then...I will have to speak with the Pokemon known as Jirachi. All of those Jiracho who were trapped in that other dimension are responsible for putting everything together."

"Good luck with that. Even after we saved them, all the Jirachis are still difficult to find. It only makes sense that a Pokemon with such an amazing power would be this difficult"

"Fear not. Because Jirachi will be there." Lightwing already expected Jirachiu to be at the trial. She sounded so confident. "I will also need Ash to have as much support as he can. I know for a fact that a majority of everyone is pleased with this new world. But it's also important to know why this is seen as a major offence to the point where those at the higher plane have overwhelming odds and would wish to see you take consequences."

"What's so wrong with everything coming together? I don't get it." Pinkie Pie grumbled, seeing all of this as a positive

Everyone in Ponyville, Canterlot and beyond only saw positives. After all, the Royal Phantasy was made for something like this. For the Earth at least. But Twilight had a feeling that Lightwing was also speaking of the worlds beyond this one. And speaking of Lightwing, since she was an angel holding her own cosmic power, Twilight wondered if she could help with making a new gateway.

"I know everything there is about Pokemon after watching you all. I'm aware of many species and their special traits." Lightwing added. "But it would still be wonderful to spend time around them. And perhaps even take part in a Pokemon Battle. Perhaps the last one will be a good place to start from."

"You wanna try a Pokemon Battle? Sure thing. We can get it rolling right now." Ash agreed to that. "I bet it'd be awesome to battle an angel."


Halo would then speak to Lightwing, letting out his cry which was understandable by Lightwing herself. It was no surprise that she could understand him. "I know Halo. Please allow me to enjoy myself. This is my first time on Earth in over 13 billion years. I plan to make the most of it."

"Alright, Lightwing! Let's throwdown!" Ash adjusted his gloves, ready to battle.

"Ash! Twilight got up in his face. "Make sure to talk to these higher beings with respect, please...! The judges at that trial are going to be at the top of the food chain so whatever you say really matters."

"No need to worry, Twilight." Ash grabbed Twilight. "I'll be fine there. No matter what happens, I'll make it out."

"Hah...This is the one time I'm worrying the most but...okay. Just make sure you don't do anything to anger her or them. Angels are rather important after all." Twilight pleaded.

"Let's make it a quick one, Lightwing." Ash would back away and so did Lighting, finding a good enough spot for them to begin their battle. "So uh...Do you have a Pokemon of your own?"

"No. Not really." Obviously, Lightwing had no Pokemon of her own. Halo didn't count at all even though most might write him off as a Pokemon the first time seeing him.

"Take my Sentret!" Already the stallions were choosing Pokemon for Lightwing, showing just how enamoured they were by her presence.

"You can have my Jumpluff assist you!"

"Hitmonchan can hit hard so have him help you!"

"No, my Mothim can definitely help you with this!" Many of them wished to win the affection of Lightwing, trying to get on their good side.

"What's going on?" Showing up to this scene where all the commotion was happening were Fluttershy and Applejack. They missed out on the entrance but they weren't going to miss out on the important figure present here at Ponyville.

"There's an Angel here and she's about to battle Ash."

"An angel? Ya can't be serious. Can you?" Applejack squinted her eyes, her head over the crowd of disgruntled mares and excited stallions. Sceptile would help her up as she could witness the Angelic Pony standing there, surrounded by a permanent body of light. The halo is what gave it away as well as those shimmering eyes. "Well, I'll be...That does look like an angel!"

"Oh, but look at that! Who is that?!" Fluttershy had her eyes on someone else. And that would be Halo. Her admiration for creatures of all types was kicking in once more as seen by her starry eyes and wide grin. "Is that a Pokemon?!"

"It's fine everyone. I have a solution to that." Despite not having a Pokemon, Lightwing could solve this instantly. Using her divine power, the Angel would suddenly materialize something in front of her. Everyone watched as Lightwing was seemingly creating life.

In front of her, she managed to create a Surrogate Pokemon. And the one she chose was Togekiss. Similar to how Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia were cosmic variants of already existing Pokemon, this Togekiss fit the same boat. But it wasn't just a cosmic force that it was made out of, but also divine energy.


"Oh! You created a Togekiss?!" Ash uttered with elation and wonder in his voice.

"Just a surrogate version of it. I can only create Celestial Bodies of someone and I have always found Togekiss to be a personal favourite of mine." Lightwing said.

"Go Lightwing!" All of a sudden, the ponies would start cheering for Lightwing immediately, rooting for her to win over Ash. Their collective screams made the other ponies flinch from this.

"No way. They're going for her instead?" Scootaloo couldn't believe it. Lightwing's appearance has managed to change public favour greatly. Usually, everyone would be rooting for Ash but not anymore.

"Alright then. I'm down to take on a different kind of Pokemon. Pikachu, I choose you!" For Ash, he went his tried and true partner Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu entered the battle, jumping over Ash.

"BOOO!" All of a sudden, boos and disapproval were thrown at Ash. Not only were they rooting for Lightwing, but they were also hoping Ash would lose this. "Using an Electric-Type against a Flying-Type! On her first-go?!" Clearly, they didn't want Ash to have a massive advantage, especially on someone having their first Pokemon Battle.

"Uh..." Ash did not see this coming. At all.

"Hmm...I can't replicate the powers of whoever I wish to create..." Lightwing pondered. "So, as a substitute, I will have Togekiss use the power of the stars and improvise from there. And I still start off by using my version of Tri Attack! Go, Togekiss, my friend!"

"Togekiss!" "Togekiss went first, opening its mouth and generating three orbs. Fire, Ice and Electricity were the three main elements. Those three elements were easy to replicate since they were so common. Made up by Lightwing's power, the three elements flew over forward, approaching the Mouse Pokemon. They even had a beautiful stardust trail to give it that divine flair. Everyone cheered as the Tri Attack travelled.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Hardening his tail, Pikachu would try and destroy the Tri Attack. By swinging his tail down, he obliterated the three orbs, causing them to combust. And Immediately after doing so, Pikachu and Ash were hit with Boos once more, making them flinch. Clearly, they were not pleased with Pikachu destroying the Tri Attack as they wanted it to hit.

"They're getting mad at Ash for...fighting back?" Fluttershy said, confused by these reactions.

"Beauty does that sometimes, I'm afraid." Amethyst Star sighed. "If Ash were to give up, they'd be greatly pleased. But we already know Ash never gives up so that's out of the question. He's going to see this through."

"So they want me to hold back? But I love going all out..." Ash wasn't sure about this. Never before has been told to hold back by so many individuals. "Alright, Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"

"Pi! Pika!"

"Then I'll have to use Air Slash!"

"Togekiss!" To substitute for Air Slash, Togekiss created these cosmic winds around its wings. It would flap them as hard as it could, sending these astral gusts that appeared in the shape of blades at Pikachu.

Pikachu would evade some of them with Quick Attack only for one of the blades to hit its mark. Pikachu's Quick Attack was promptly stopped as stardust surrounded his body. "Pi!"

"Splendid! I landed a hit!" Lightwing grinned before looking at Halo. This was folloed up by her newfound fanbase cheering for her even louder. "I want to keep this momentum going while I have the time. Togekiss! Moonblast!"

"Toooo!" The power of the Moon being replicated wasn't an issue for Lightwing. Togekiss spun around, generating a beautiful and dazzling orb above its head.

"Here it comes! Pikachu, use Electroweb!"

"Pikaaa!" Pikachu would prepare himself for Moonblast. As soon as the orb had been formed and unleashed, the Electric-Type threw his own orb. Both orbs approached each other as Pikachu's orb transformed into a web. The Electroweb caught the Moonblast, halting its movements immediately. The Moonblast combusted, letting out a cosmic explosion for all to see.

"Not bad, Lightwing. I'm guessing you were waiting for a battle since you were watching us. You probably know how to really feel a battle's flow."

"Thank you, Ash. And I do have some skills to share. I may be new to Pokemon Battling but I'm not blind to what it can truly be. Go, Togekiss! Use Dazzling Gleam!

"Kiss!" Spinning once more, Togekiss would generate a cosmic light around its body. This would be Ligtwing's version of Dazzling Gleam as it was starting to brighten. And from this cosmic light, multiple cosmic rays were unleashed. The way they flew out was magnificent, especially since some of them travelled into the air. Truly a celestial sight.

"Go, Lightwing! Go!" The crowd cheered even louder for Lightwing as they wanted this one to be the heaviest hitter yet. By cheering her own, they were giving the Dazzling Gleam extra strength. Lightwing felt rather flattered to have so many supporters on her first day showing up here.

"Intercept with Thunderbolt!"

"Pikaaaa...Chuuuu!" Pikachu would shut this down instantly. From his body, 100,000 volts were shot out, releasing a great burst of lightning. Pikachu added some more force to his attacks, obliterating the rainbow rays. The lightning would hit one of the rays, prompting a chain reaction. Sparks of lightning latched onto the other rays, disrupting them.

"Aw, come on! That would've been a perfect setup!" Naturally, Lightwing's supporters were greatly disappointed by this after Ash ruined what was looking to be a successful barrage of hits.

"It's like you don't want her to win! It's her first time!"

"Man. This rougher than the battle." Ash didn't look that deterred by it. He was just confused by it all since this was completely out of left field.


"Hmph. Well, I'm of a different opinion! Clean her clock, Ash!" Opposing the stallions, the mares would cheer for Ash instead. They wanted Ash to win and with overwhelming force to boot.

"It's alright everyone," Lightwing spoke to them, showing off her face. Just looking at her face made them all rather flustered. "As long as I'm having fun and I certainly am."

"Yeah. That's what makes Pokemon Battles so great. So sorry Lightwing, but I'm not gonna hold back on you! I hope you're ready!"

"Mmm. An angel is always ready, Ash. Even if it never ends in the best outcome." Lightwing winked. " It is always important for us angels to be at the ready, so I'm welcoming your absolute best, Ash. I will use Moonblast once more!"

"Toge!" A second Moonblast was inbound.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Pikachu-Pi!" One more Thunderbolt was thrown out. And Ash wasn't going easy at all. He was using his full force for this next attack since Lightwing kindly invited him to do so. Thunderbolt and Moonblast were both thrown out. The beautiful moon and the fierce lightning travelled through the air, clashing.

However, seconds later, one of the attacks instantly succeeded. In this case, it was Thunderbolt. The blast of 100,000 volts broke through the Moonblast, shattering it. Thus, Thunderbolt crashed into Togekis, delivering a mighty electrical outburst.

"To?! Togekiss!" Togekiss bellowed as its eyes were spinning and its entire body would tremble. That was quite the hefty Thunderbolt which would soon explode. The Stallions all gasped while the Mares had excited faces. Two completely different reactions from two sides. No one expected something like this to happen today.

The smoke cleared with sparks of lightning still crackling around the area. Lightwing's supporters were waiting for her next move since that Thunderbolt left quite an impact. If Lightwing can deliver an equal impact, it could turn things around. Alas, that was not going to happen.

Unfortunately, this Togekiss had some fragility with it. Just one attack and it was already unable to continue. Togekiss had fainted, slowly dropping to the ground. "Togekiss..."

"Oh, dear! Perhaps I skipped out on durability!" Lightwing gasped, realizing that Togekiss was missing some defence. All it took was one Thunderbolt to seal the deal.

"Noooooo!" The stallions cried out, saddened by Lightwing's loss. Tears fell from their eyes while some of them lowered their heads.

"Yeeeeees!" While the mares raised their hooves and some of them started jumping or flying for joy.

"Don't be upset. Can't win them all. And it was my first time." Lightwing said, unbothered by this loss. As an angel, something like this wouldn't be enough to make her upset. "Besides, it was rather lovely receiving supporters. On my first day back on Earth too in 13 Billion Years. And it was quite a fun battle I had the chance to be in."

"You did your best, Lightwing! You're amazing!" Even after her loss, the stallions would still cheer her on. That was the power of a fanbase. Massive support can still flood in even after a defeat.

"Geez...Being the bad guy is rough." Ash sighed. Even though he won the battle, it still felt like he lost somehow. Being portrayed as the antagonistic force and garnering such a reaction was something else.

"Well, some girls like a bad guy. Just saying..." Twilight squeed. "We'll always be behind you, Ash. Especially for this upcoming trial."

"Oh. Glad to hear it. Thanks, everyone." He said with a smile as Pikachu ran up to him. With his friends supporting him, it was all peachy.

Lightwing was here to stay for a while until the trial tomorrow. Which meant that her supporters would be loud today and most definitely tomorrow. An angel was the last thing anyone expected. They have all heard of Angels before but actually seeing an Angel was amazing. It was on par with seeing some of the most bizarre Pokemon out there but with an added tint of beauty.

But even though this was an enjoyable encounter, Ash had a feeling that this upcoming trial wasn't going to be as enjoyable, especially considering the Jirachi were going to be involved. The wish he made was seen as a grave offence to the higher-ups but the reason was unknown until the trial.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 273 End.

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