• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Superior Ghost and the House's Completion

Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Afternoon.

After revealing that she was the first person to ever gain a Desire and even properly control it, the potential cause behind all the Desires becoming more and more active had been found in the form of a girl named Hex Maniac. She attempted to see the looks of fear on others and received that briefly, only for Fantina to immediately put an end to it all, showcasing her newly obtained magic.

Once the light cleared, the room had changed once again. Now it was back to normal. Hex Maniac was confused, the environment returning to how it should be. "Huh...? Where am I? This is..."

"We're back where we should be." Fantina giggled. "This isn't the world of the Desire. This is our world. Everyone here is back in their bodies."

"H-Huh?!" Hex Maniac looked at her hands, seeing that she was no longer floating. She was back in her original body, the Desire having faded away. That was Fantina's doing, the power of the Lich.

"I didn't think that was so scary. But that was quite a ride." Fantina grinned, clapping her hands together. "That's the end of the show though."

"Ah! We're free!" Novo was delighted that she could hear again. She immediately looked around, trying to find her Pokemon. She spotted Primarina and her eyes widened. "You can hear me again, right?"


"Ah, yes!"

"That was something..." Zoey smiled. Everyone was over the moon once they were free. They rejoiced and cheered, celebrating their freedom. "I guess that's the end of that."

As for the Hex Maniac, she was now visible, standing in reality since her dimension had been shattered. The Desire faded away, the purple aura vanishing. Ultimately, her Desire had been defeated. Now that she was out in the open, all eyes were on her. The mood changed as all they had the same expression when gazing at Hex Maniac.

"Kh..." Hex Maniac simply scowled at them while lowering her head. "It wasn't supposed to be like this...I'm not done yet."

"Young lady...!" Ms Harshwhinny glared at the girl. She was upset, her face full of anger. "Any hope you have of tutoring here or being a contestant is already out of the window. For forcing us to stay in silence in such a way, I'll make sure you're apprehended by the Crystal Empire Guards."


"If it's not too late, then maybe we can work out a punishment for you."

"Fine. I don't care." Hex Maniac wasn't even mad, but her voice was dripping with bitterness. "I've given up on becoming a coordinator anyways. With my Desire, I can do whatever I want the way I want."

"Mm-mm." Fantina would walk over, her hands behind her back. "But you can't do whatever you want, can't you? Just like you saw, there'll always be a way to stop them. And no matter how big or scary they get, there will always be a way to break free."

"Ugh." Hex Maniac looked away.

"If you're really the first one to ever use a Desire, you should know that." Fantina wagged her finger. "And you're the one who's been increasing the number of times they've been showing up recently, aren't you?"

"Yeah, what's up with that?!" Dawn questioned. "They've been a real nuisance recently, ya know!"

"I don't have to hear this..." Hex Maniac turned around as she kickstarted the power of the Desire once more. Even though Fantina defeated it, it seemed that Hex Maniac could freely use it once more, proving that she was the first to ever gain one and control it. With a frown on her face, Hex Maniac would flee the scene, leaving the audition grounds.

"Hey, wait!" Dawn shouted, running after her.

"Dawn, wait!" May followed.

"Ugh..." Ms Harshwhinny had a headache. "This was a disaster. I'll have to contact the authorities and tell them about what happened."

"Hold on. I can take it from here." But Fantina would choose to handle it, sparing Ms Harshwhinny the trouble. She wanted to speak with Hex Maniac a bit longer. Dawn and May would stop once Fantina passed by them, requesting that they stay here and continue doing what they love.

Fantina was gone, along with the Hex Maniac, both out of sight. Dawn sighed, counting on Fantina to handle the rest. "Well, that was something."

"Tell me about it." Zoey chuckled, scratching the back of her head. She didn't expect any of this to happen at all when coming here. Novo simply sat down, lowering her head. On the bright side, at least she wasn't auditioning to be a tutor, then this would be far worse for her.

"Alright. Auditions are over." Ms Harshwhinny said to everyone. "We've covered a lot of you and that Hex Maniac was the second to last person today. All that's left is one person and I'd gladly take them over what I've just witnessed. Whoever you are, you pass. I don't have the strength to continue with all of this right now. We'll discuss your tutoring tomorrow. Now, please, everyone, leave."

"Well, that was a total trip. But I guess it was still worth it." Dawn shrugged, turning to May. "We're still here. Why not catch up even after all that?"

"Really now?" Zoey approached. "That's just like you, Dawn. No time to take it slow, huh?"

"Force of habit." Dawn grinned. "I mean, I finally meet you and May after all these years and this happens. At least it was Contest-related."

"It happens." May shrugged it off. "What can ya do?"

"So, Zoey. You're auditioning to be a tutor? Really? I thought you would be too focused on your contests to do that," said Dawn.

"I was just curious, that's all." Zoey would turn her head, gazing at the exhausted Queen Novo sitting next to Primarina. "Besides, I think I can spare some time to be a tutor here and there. I've already got someone I wanna help out."

"Her? Oh, I recognize her now." May immediately recognized Queen Novo's disguise, remembering her from that brief Contest during the Pokemon Festival.

Novo then looked over at Zoey, realizing she was looking at her. The Hippogriff Queen scrunched her face before swivelling her head."I believe that's my cue to leave! Goodbye, everyone!" She quickly gathered herself and started fleeing. Primarina would be recalled into her Poke Ball.

"Eh. I'll be seeing her again, I bet." Zoey uttered, believing that she would see Novo again. She was absolutely confident based on what she's recently seen from her. "Well, we're still here and we've got time. I'll be coming back here tomorrow, so why don't you two show me around the place and beyond?"

"You haven't been to Equestria before?"May blinked.

"Nope. I've heard about it and all the stuff that goes on in it. It gets out of control really fast, doesn't it? This is my first time being here. What's one place you two love to hang out at?"

"Well, this is actually my third time being in Equestria." May chucked, scratching her face. "I don't stay for that long either, so I'm pretty new too. I think Dawn's the only one here who's been to Equestria way more and stuck around for a day or two."

"That's right!" Dawn laughed, nodding her head. "There's one place I love to visit and that's Ponyville."

Outside, Queen Novo was approaching her daughter, who was still waiting. Skystar had no idea of the mess that happened indoors and neither did anyone else from the outside since it was all so contained. "Ah, mom. There you are. I thought it was taking forever. What happened?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just a disaster. But...I had eyes on me." Novo smiled, referring to how her Primarina helped break the silence in that room. Her heart was filled with joy. That was something she wanted in her future contests. For all eyes to be on her, seeing her Pokemon perform some amazing moves that would really dazzle the crowd. That felt like a promise of things to come, even though it was in a specific situation.

"Oooh, it must've gone well then!

"Eh. You could say that in a sense. Aside from that, I will be back here without a doubt. I believe I've found myself my tutor. And maybe more." Novo was talking about Zoey and Primarina, wanting to work with her and learn from her. "There's one thing I'm certain about though."

"What's that?"

"That Zoey girl. I heard that she was a Grand Festival winner. If I'm taught by someone like her, then my skills will definitely improve. That's the kind of person I need as my tutor."

"Great thinking, mom! You'll get the hang of it in no time. I believe in you!" Skystar raised her hoof. "So we're coming back here tomorrow?!"

"Not tomorrow. There's something I want to do before that. I know for a fact that Zoey will be here again since she's already a shoe-in. If I'm going to be a great coordinator, I'll need another Pokemon. Some contests opt for two Pokemon at the same time and Primarina can't be on her own. I've decided that I want to be a two-Pokemon Coordinator. Let's head home and start choosing. My hooves are getting cold."

Hoenn. The Ranger Union.

Over at the Ranger Union, information about the Desires had been updated for them ever since the event at the Crystal Empire happened. Ms Harshwhinny made sure to report it all to them.

"We've had 3 incidents of the Desires so far. The most recent one was just over at the Crystal Empire, hours ago. They were active a lot last year or so, but then they started to die down all of a sudden. It's only recently that they've made reappearances back-to-back. But this time, we know who's behind it. Her." A dispatcher said to her fellow employees before facing the large screen behind her.

On the screen, an image of Hex Maniac was shown, specifically when she was in High School. An image of her during that time existed, allowing the Ranger Union to gain it.

"She calls herself the Hex Maniac as a title, but her real name is Helena. Apparently, she was the first person to gain a Desire when they started emerging and she's the only that can actually use it willingly. And her power allows her to create different scenarios in different dimensions. As far as we know, those affected by her powers will be trapped and forced to participate in whatever scenario she wants."

"We don't know much about her. We have no idea where she's been all this time or what she's been doing. But could have some influence over the Desires of others. She didn't confirm that she was the one who made them active once more but she alluded to it."

The screen would then show the three known Desires that have shown up so far. The Tauros Style, Bea's drive to match Ash and as of recently, the Hex Maniac.

She's dangerous and is responsible for making the Desires even more active than before. There's also a high chance she's a criminal too, but we're not certain yet. But Fantina's apparently dealt with her and took care of it, so there's no reason to worry. Straight to Magehold."

"She took her to Magehold? Why?" One dispatcher asked.

"Well, Fantina said that the Hex Maniac simply looks for the feeling of dread, so it's highly likely that she'll try causing more trouble. Since Magehold is home to vampires, Dark Magic and all kinds of eerie things. Since Fantina helped save the vampires who lived a pretty hard lifestyle, she wants to help Helena as well. She's confident that she can get through to her."

"I hope so." Another one said.

"We've never had anyone be able to freely control a Desire before. And this Hex Maniac is the first. If Fantina can really help her, then we'll be able to solve this Desire problem."

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Late Afternoon.

At last, the upgrades to the Pokemon House has finally been finished. Although, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly without all the assistance from her friends. It was thanks to them and her endless supply of friends that it was all done so easily and effectively.

Fluttershy herself took the time to look all over the Pokemon House, as a way of checking and surveying it once more. She needed to check each individual section to make sure that every single species was suitably accommodated.

Now, all the habitats had a layout well-suited to the specific Pokemon. In the spacious, high open area outside, just as big as the Pokémon center across from it, it would be a room big enough for all of the small, insect, and bird-like Pokémon.

Along with the outside, that large area of the sky and the surrounding gardens offered almost complete freedom for any of the Flying Types that resided here. Altarias, Dragonite, Hawlucha, anything in between would be a great fit here, if she had any in the first place. But it was still great for a majority of the Flying-Types

Then, as Fluttershy flew into the inside of the old Pokemon House, her attention would be focused on the central-most parts of the house. All those rooms that were made in 3d fashion came with plenty of their own, varied features.

Right in the middle, where the former sleeping quarters of Fluttershy's own, lived the aquatic, river and stream loving Pokémon, waterfalls and puddles. Floating around with the tides. When they had enough of the waves and swimming, they could return to the huge bedrooms designed just for them, specifically the giant pools, the same size, maybe even bigger than those in the resort.

Flying out from that wing, into the exterior corridors would head in a new direction, left or right. However, if one were to fly higher up and keep going, they would reach their original destination, the sleeping quarters of the colossal and large-bodied monsters and animals.

Above the rooms would be a brand new, top level, the perfect place for Pokemon to enjoy a great day. This level served a wide variety of different things. For those with the most impressive mental fortitude, like Espeons and Sigilyphs they could have a place to enjoy and learn new things more than ever before.

Lastly, the furthest, quietest and second lowest would be the deepest, darkest spots in the complex. Here, the darkness wouldn't trouble it's inhabitants, some Ghosst and Dark-Types. Sableye, Ghastly, Pumpkaboo and so on. All could seek a small reprieve and comfort from that blinding sunlight of the upper levels.

Finally, the depths of the valley; down below, on the ground, was the finishing touch, the secret weapon Fluttershy planned all this time. Most importantly, a large area that resembled the bottom of an ocean, filled to the brim with water.

It was all perfect in Fluttershy's eyes. Just what she wanted. All her hopes have been accomplished.

"This is perfect!" She said with absolute glee. "I'm absolutely amazed by my friend's contributions. Isn't this beautiful, everyone?"

In the warm, coziness of the habitat provided by their personal home, each and every Pokémon would rest with their companion. Gathered around, everyone relaxed as Fluttershy addressed them.

"Pulled it off in the end." Ash said

"You certainly did. And all thanks to you, Twilight, Ash, everyone. Glad you were here to help me always." Fluttershy would then fall on her back, letting out the most relieved sigh she could ever emit. Her entire body flopped and moved lazily, her lower body moving back and forth while her hoof swayed and her eyes closed.

"Eeeehhh...I'm so glad I won't need to worry about upgrading it down the road anytime soon. This is big enough to hold maybe a million Pokemon. That's just as many as the majority of the cities in Equestria," Fluttershy happily reminded herself.

"I'll say. It's the biggest sanctuary I've seen without a doubt," Rarity pointed out. "You could even call it a mansion, honestly with this size.Maybe even a palace of some sort.

"Hahaha. Now, it's what I call a Pokemon House. I'd want one myself. Hehe." Ash chuckled, followed by everyone giggling along with him.

"To have your dream flourish so wonderfully." Twilight grinned. "Oh, that's what makes this night of completing everything worth the effort."

"Yeaahhh..." Fluttershy slowly moaned as she lounged for a bit longer. "I couldn't ask for more..." Fluttershy threw her head upwards, finally, forcing herself to stand, joining her mane. After this moment, Fluttershy walked all the way toward the front, gazing deeply with gleaming, sparkling green eyes.

To her, this felt like a new beginning.


In the prison dimension known as Tartarus, Nightmare Rarity would be held in a cage that would restrain her magic. The Nightmare Energy that was usually coursing through her veins would be drained and it would take quite some time before her power would be able to recover.

The cage was constantly draining her magic at intense speeds, making sure that she never has enough power to break free. To say she was furious was an understatement. She'd snarl and bark like a wild animal. Nothing but rage filled her. How dare they defeat her? How dare they imprison her? How dare they deny her what she wants?

Of course, Nightmare Rarity wasn't alone down here. Grabbing her attention with a word was none other than Tirek, floating there with a smile on his face.

"Well now. What have we here? A corrupted version of that one pony?" Tirek would cackle as he looked at her. "This feels a bit cathartic, even though you aren't the same pony."

"Tirek...!" Nightmare Rarity snapped. "I still hate looking at your face even in this universe! And now I have to listen to you as well?!"

"It's a bit boring down here." Tirek shrugged, sitting down on his hind legs and using his arms to rest his upper half. "Even with her as another prisoner. She can't even do much." Tirek turned Nightmare Rarity's attention to the other prisoner.

None other than Rosa Maledicta. The former Lich Queen. Her defeat was far greater than both of them combined to the point where she was in a vegetative state. She wasn't a threat at all, her body completely still, her eyes whited out as she was unresponsive to any stimuli. In her eyes, she was still very much alive, but her mind wasn't present in her own body. It was almost like a coma or even a deep sleep.

"Goodness..." Nightmare Rarity gasped. If anything, she got off easy, being lucky enough to recover after passing out. In was unknown if Rosa Maledicta would ever wake up.

"Well, now." Tirek would cackle at the imprisoned pony. "It seems I have more company now. Finally, someone to talk to."

"As if! I am not staying down here forever, I can guarantee that!" Nightmare Rarity snarled before she would start hissing, struggling in her prison as it continued to drain her power. "Just t! Daybreaker and the others will come and rescue me! They have to!"

"Hm. I doubt that." Tirek shook his head. "In fact, I'll bet my entire life savings that she'll forget about you completely and focus on her own plans."

"Oh? And how would you know that?" Nightmare Rarity questioned.

"Where I come from, that's to be expected. No one is coming to save me, so why would anyone come and save you? She's not going to bother. I mean, you're not important to her plans and she won't go out of her way to get you." Tirek cackled.

"Grrr...!" Nightmare Rarity grunted. "You don't know what you're talking about! She'll come for me! I just know it! And when she does, we're gonna get out of here and get her! She has to!" Her voice echoed across Tartarus.

However, unbeknownst to her, Tirek was 100% right. Daybreaker was not coming for her anytime soon. She abandoned her, focusing on her plans. Nightmare Rarity had truly been defeated with no chance of making a return.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 501 End.

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