• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Dreams to be Replaced

Equestria. Dodge Junction. Nightfall.

A large paintbrush with Nightmare Magic was moving across the landscape. used by the Darkened Citadel, a large fortress that was brimming with Nightmare Magic, the darkness would slowly spread all across Equestria. The sky, the waters, the forests, and the ground were all being claimed.

Pokemon in certain areas would try and hide, trying to evade the Nightmares. But their efforts were futile, and the darkness would catch up to them eventually. Any cove, hollow or even the ground itself wouldn't be able to stop the spread.

Aside from the painting of the landscape, there were the Nightmare Monsters that would surface. And alas, Dodge Junction would be invaded by these monsters. 12 Monsters in total arrived, all of them landing on the ground and letting out their signature cries.

These 12 Monsters would start swarming the location, one of them immediately ripping off the train tracks. They would destroy anything in their way, tearing up the place and spreading the Nightmare Magic.

"Eugh! What are those things?!" The Mayor of Dodge Junction screamed as she saw the creatures invade her town. Just as one of them was about to reach her, it was intercepted by the slash of a Scizor. Flying in was the Bug-Steel-Type, who had used Bullet Punch on the creature.

The creature was knocked away, crashing into a wall. It was followed by a Corviknight, who had used Aerial Ace on another Nightmare Monster. Of course, this was done by the Wonderbolts led by Spitfire, who were already here.

"Gross..." Soarin commented when looking at these monsters. "What are they? They look a lot like Nightmare Moon with those textures."

"Duh. They're made out of the same magic. It's not that hard to figure out." Fleetfoot said. "But...they're so unsettling to look at."

"I'll say." High Mane raised her hoof, covering her eyes. "Just looking at them makes me shiver."

"Are you all alright?" Spitfire faced the residents of Dodge Junction.

"F-Fine...Ruined my sleep though." Cherry Jubilee groaned, holding her head as she was helped out of her home by two of her Pokemon. Her Bellossom and Lilligant, the two helping her.

"It's actually good that you're awake. This is no time to be sleeping." Spitfire said "These guys are made out of Nightmare Magic. They feed on dreams. It's best to stay awake and let them have nothing to eat."

"Well, well, what do we have here?" One of the Nightmare Monsters that appeared as a bird with a long tail and a long beak spoke, his voice rather smooth and suave. "Those look like the Wonderbolts. Yes they do. Obviously they'd still be around in this universe, unlike ours. What's the point of them, really?"

"What do you mean by that?" Soarin questioned the Nightmare.

"Where we come from, the Wonderbolts were deliciously overtaken by our Nightmare Magic. The Veiled Mistress made sure that they would be turned into nothing but show ponies that would dance the Nightmare Waltz for our amusement. A waltz that brings us pleasure, and the same could be said for those who have been taken. Even the former leader herself."

"Hah?" Spitfire lowered her glasses as they were obviously referring to her.

"Oh, yes, yes. It's all quite true. That little firebrand of yours was reduced to a simple pony that would dance for our amusement." The monster snickered.

"So...what happened to me?" Spitfire questioned.

"Ah, that. Your body is now used for our own amusement. The body is just used for decoration. And for other things. The body is a puppet for us to control, and the mind is the only part that is left. And all you can do is watch in horror as your body is being controlled by the Nightmare Magic, performing various acts that you have no control over. And all you can do is scream in vain as you're unable to do a single thing. Truly the worst outcome."

"That so." Spitfire placed her glasses back on. "Hm. Bummer. Here I thought I'd have a cooler end than that. Guess not. But that's alright. Because I can make up for that by beating you all. Stepping foot into our universe was a big mistake. Now you're gonna face the wrath of the Wonderbolts."

"Hmph. As if. You're facing a group of Nightmarish Beings." One of the Nightmare Monsters laughed, this one resembling a zebra with a mane of shadows. "You're all facing creatures who have been born in the night. And we thrive off the dark. So I doubt that your little attempts is going to be enough to stop us."

"We'll see. Some of you should get these ponies away from here. And try and find some way to wake them up if some are asleep. I don't think they're able to resist these guys for much longer."

"Right." High Mane, Fleetfoot and High Voltage nodded before heading over to the others and helping them out.

"As for you all...This shouldn't be a problem. We'll finish up here and cover the other areas. Pretty soon, we'll be coming to you." Spitfire smiled. "Go for it, Scizor! Use Bullet Punch!"

"Sciz!" The Bug-Steel Type nodded as his claws would glow blue. He would then fly forward and unleash a barrage of punches, flying past the monsters and striking them. The force was enough to push the monsters back, some of them falling back.

"Okay, Corviknight! Steel Wing!" Soarin shouted.

"Cor!" The Corviknight would fly over, using his beak to peck at the monsters, the impact being strong enough to send one or two tumbling. Retaliating, the Nightmare Monsters would counterattack, attacking the Wonderbolts.

One would use its tail which was in the shape of a fork as it would fly in at high speeds. The tail met with Corviknight's steel body, the impact being strong enough to knock him back. The Corviknight would let out a squawk, flying backwards.


"Now use X-Scissor, Scizor!" Spitfire ordered, and Scizor would deliver the finishing blow. The Scizor would deliver the blows with his arms, using X-Scissor and pushing them all back. The force of Scizor's X-Scissor was heavier than they thought, knocking most of them back and sending them flying.

The remaining few would try and charge at the Scizor, but the Scizor would quickly dodge, moving aside and avoiding the blows. The Scizor would then jump and use his claws to scratch at their bodies. The Nightmare Creatures gasped as they were actually being pushed back, witnessing the power of the Scizor.

They tried fighting back, but Scizor proved to be too fast. With his movements being a lot quicker than expected, easily surpassing them all, Scizor would deliver the final blow and land the finishing blow, striking each of the Nightmare Monsters. His last blow would have a green flare emerge, engulfing these creatures of the night.

The last ones would be downed, their bodies falling down and onto the ground. But their bodies wouldn't just fall, they immediately started dispersing into black mist. Their bodies were made of the same substance, and when they were attacked, their bodies would dissipate, their bodies fading into the stars that were seen in the night sky.

"That's that." Spitfire dusted her hooves as the ponies of Dodge Junction cheered. Their home avoided potential destruction thanks to the Wonderbolts, who managed to drive back these Nightmares.

"Cor!" Corviknight squawked in victory.

"Good job, everyone. That's this place safe." Spitfire told them all. "For now, at least. Let's go check on some of the other areas. Hopefully they're doing fine. Dodge Junction should be safe for the time being but some more of those monsters can show up. The rest of you should start leaving as soon as possible. To Canterlot."

"To Canterlot? Oh, are we heading into that secret hideout again? Goodie." Cherry Jubilee clapped her hooves, a smile on her face. "I haven't been there in such a long time. And it's where I keep all my goods."

"We've used it a lot when something big attacks Equestria. This will be no different." Spitfire said. "You know the drill. Stay in there until everything dies down. But this time, we'll be going straight to Enemy Territory sooner than expected. We'll need to be ready for that."

The ponies of Dodge Junction would be led by three of the Wonderbolts to Canterlot. Hopefully, there weren't any more Nightmare Monsters nearby. For now, Dodge Junction was safe. But for how long? More were bound to arrive soon.


Already at Canterlot, many were being brought to that underground bunker that Princess Cadence had shown Twilight in the past. Since it was hidden from the public, it would be a perfect hiding spot to keep everypony safe. Granted, now everyone in Equestria knew of its existence after being down here a few times, but at least their attackers never checked here.

Ponies from across Equestria were gathered here, being brought to the safety of the Secret Room. A perfect hiding spot, away from Nightmare Magic. There was also a form of protection here as well, keeping the Nightmare Magic out.

This protective barrier was created by Celestia and her magic. Celestia already had access to Light Magic, which was a known weakness of the Nightmare Monsters. Celestia had used this Light Magic to create a barrier around this Secret Room that would keep the Nightmare Magic out. And even if it did get inside, it couldn't affect the ponies within.

Celestia watched from her balcony as many ponies were brought to safety, being taken below Canterlot.

"Your Majesty. We've evacuated everyone from Ponyville to here." One of the Guards spoke to Celestia. "Everyone in Ponyville is safe as well. The same goes for everypony in Manehattan, Fillydelphia and Baltimare."

"Good. That means most of Equestria is safe, including the Pokemon from the Region." Celestia said. "Many of them have already fled to our cities as well. Most likely, they'll use their magic to infect those cities and towns, making them inhabitable unless someone else is a Nightmare as well."

"About that. We've spotted some sort of Fortress somewhere in the East. It was moving across the land." The Guard said. "It was carrying this Giant Paintbrush made from Nightmare Magic. And it was spreading that same Nightmare Magic."

"A Fortress?" Celestia squinted her eyes using her telescope. She would view more of Equestria, taking in the sights and visions of what was happening. Thanks to this telescope, she could get some great distance, focusing on the East.

And she saw it. The Darkened Citadel, flying across Equestria and spreading its Nightmare Magic. The Darkened Citadel was moving across the lands, painting the land with that Nightmare Magic. Even though she was powerful, Celestia couldn't be everywhere at once. She could only view Equestria from here. But as long as she was here, she could make sure that Nightmare Magic couldn't enter this Secret Room.

Unova. Opelucid City. Nightfall.

It was not too long until some of the Nightmare Creatures reached one of the many regions. In this case, moving through a gateway, some had entered Opelucid City in the Unova Region. Moving across the skies were aerial Nightmare Monsters, flying in and letting out their cries. Some of these creatures were reminiscent of bats, but with more nightmarish designs.

Among these bat-like monsters, one stood out. It was a much larger bat-like creature, having a wolf-like appearance with a very wide wingspan. It had razor-sharp claws and a pair of large fangs. This Wolfbat would lead the small army of Nightmares as they flew into Opelucid City, ready to spread the Nightmare Magic.

"Let's start infecting their dreams already!" One of them cackled as they flew through the air, flapping their wings to drop Nightmare Magic all over the city. The droplets of Nightmare Magic would rain down and drip onto the roofs of the buildings. These Nightmare Drops would stick to the roofs, beginning to spread.

From the Nightmare Drops, the Nightmare Magic would spread all over the rooftops, spreading its influence all over the place. From the drops, some of the Nightmare Monsters would emerge, crawling out of the Nightmare Drops. Their forms were based on the night itself, some appearing as dog-shaped monsters, and others appearing as cat-shaped monsters.

Their appearances were a lot more nightmarish than they appeared since their bodies were made out of Nightmare Magic. Many of these Nightmares Monsters would emerge from the drops, their numbers increasing.

But the question was if they would succeed in affecting these residents of Opelucid City. The city was rather silent at the moment with all the lights being off. There was no response from anyone in the city yet.

"Is it working? Is it working?" One of the Bat Monsters asked, flying over to a window and tapping on the glass. He tapped on the windows of one of the houses, trying to get a reaction out of the occupants. However, to his shock, there was no one there. In fact, none of the homes had anyone living in them.

Opelucid City was completely abandoned.

"W-Wha? Huh?! Where is everypony?!" The Bat Monster gasped.

"Yeah! Where is everypony?! What's the big idea!" Another Bat Monster questioned, flying over to another house and looking through the windows.

But alas, it was all for naught. They saw no signs of anypony anywhere in Opelucid City. It was completely abandoned.

"Dang it! No fun at all! Where is everyone?!" The Wolfbat growled, flying above the city. "What's the point of infecting dreams if there's noone to infect?!"

"If you're looking for my citizens, don't bother." Just then, someone actually responded, grabbing the attention of these Nightmare Monsters. Stepping forward was none other than the Mayor of Opelucid City himself. The Dragon-Type Gym Leader. The Spartan Mayor Drayden.

"Hah? So there is someone! But why's it just him?!" One of the Bat Monsters questioned Drayden, flying over to him and growling.

"This city is empty. It has been for quite some time. I already had everyone evacuated hours ago. As soon as Princess Celestia informed us, I warned my citizens and had them flee from Opelucid City." Drayden explained, adjusting his tie. "They've all gone elsewhere to find refuge from whatever threat is coming."

"What?! Then what was the point of coming here then?!" The Wolfbat groaned. "So annoying! Not even one citizen to infect! All because of this guy!"

"And I'm not leaving anytime soon. And neither are they." Based on what Drayden said, it wasn't just him here. Someone else was with him, revealing themselves to be Iris. Standing right next to Drayden were those who worked at his Gym. Each were Dragon Trainers who had Pokemon of their own.

But there was one more person. She made quite the entrance as one of the lights in the city would finally turn on. The Wolfbat raised their heads, following the light as standing up there was none other than the Champion of Unova herself.


She stood on the rooftop of one of the buildings, standing there with a proud look on her face. Behind her was Haxorus who looked ready for battle.

"Hehe! Tough luck! Guess you guys should've gotten here sooner!" Iris taunted them. "Sucks to be nocturnal sometimes. But either way, you're not infecting any dreams tonight!"

"Bah, whatever! You're still victims here at the end of the day! There may not be a bunch of people here to infect, but you all will have to do!" The Wolfbat declared before letting out a loud roar.

"You can try." Drayden crossed his arms. "You're not the first invading force we've had to deal with. And I doubt you will be the last. So you better bring your worst."

"Yeah! And besides...it's late!" Iris hollered as she was currently in her pyjamas instead of her Champion Clothes or casual wear. "I was gonna have a great rest tonight until you guys decided to show up now! You're gonna pay for delaying what could be the best sleep ever!"

The Bat Monsters would fly towards the Gym Trainers, and they were ready. "Salamence! Flygon! Garchomp! Go!" Drayden and the others would throw their Pokeballs, and the three Dragon-Type Pokemon would emerge.

"Hup!" Iris would hop over to the next building's rooftop as Haxorus followed her. She landed on another roof with ease, facing the bat monsters that were coming straight for her. "Alright, Haxorus! Use Dragon Pulse!" Iris shouted.

"Haaaaaaax!" The Axe Jaw Pokemon would let out a mighty cry, releasing a sphere of draconic energy from his mouth that would soon transform into a dragon-shaped beam of energy. The Dragon Pulse would fire straight at the bat monsters, the attack hitting them directly and pushing them back.

The Dragon Pulse would knock a few of them out of the skies, causing them to crash into the ground. The impact would cause the Nightmare Magic to disperse, the monsters fading away as the Nightmare Drops would disappear.

Salamence, Flygon and Garchomp would fly around the city as their trainers rode atop of them. Using their physical strength, Salamence and Garchomp would swipe at the bat monsters that were flying towards them.

Flygon would use Sandstorm, the attack creating a tornado of sand that would hit the Bat Monsters. The Sandstorm would push them back, causing them to crash into the buildings and fade away.

Haxorus would join them as he would also use Dragon Pulse on another group of Bat Monsters. The attack would send them crashing into a building, causing them to fade away. Drayden's Druddigon would use Fire Fang, biting onto the bat monsters and burning them with flames.

The Wolfbats could clearly see that there was a gap in strength right now. And the Pokemon were able to keep them at bay with their power and abilities. One of them would fly over to the Wolfbat and speak. "Should we retreat?"

"Retreat? Are you kidding me? We've prepared for one-sided moments like this. It's time for our ace-in-the hole." The Wolfbat grinned before raising his wings. The Bat Monsters would fly over to him, ready for anything. "Ready for it? We're going to combine!"

"Combine?!" Iris gasped as the Bat Monsters surrounded the Wolfbat. The Bat Monsters would then merge with the Wolfbat, combining with him. The way their bodies were going up against each other was disturbing, but in a matter of seconds, the Bat Monsters and the Wolfbat would merge together, forming something new.

The body of the Wolfbat would shift and change as his size increased. His body would grow in size and his body would become much more nightmarish than before. The Wolfbat would let out a loud roar as the transformation completed, a new monster emerging. A monster that resembled a wolf with the wings of a bat and a body made of nightmares.

"Woah..." Iris was stunned by the sudden appearance of this Merged Monster. Things have certainly escalated quickly for this to happen.

"How do you like this, Humans?! The Veiled Mistress gave us the ability to merge together! And we've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it! And that's right now!" The Wolfbat roared as the remaining Bat Monsters would merge with him, turning into Nightmare Drops and covering the body of this merged creature. "With this, we become 10x stronger than before! Our strength rises to that of some of our superiors or at least near their level!"

"So this is a lot like those Despair Plants when they merge. What a disturbing creature..." Drayden commented as he watched the monster grow in size. The combined Bat Monster was a lot larger than before, being the size of a Gyarados. "But if you say you're 10x stronger than you were, then you'd best not disappoint. Show me if you can live up to that claim."

The combined Bat Monster would let out a loud roar, unleashing Nightmare Magic from his body. The Nightmare Droplets that covered his body would release Nightmare Magic, raining it all over the city. The Nightmare Droplets would focus on Iris's group this time, planning to infect their dreams directly.

The Nightmare Droplets would descend upon them, trying to reach them. Iris would jump out of the way while Haxorus would use Dragon Claw to slice through some of the Nightmare Drops. Garchomp and Druddigon would dodge as well, using their claws to slash through some of them. Flygon would use Stone Edge, shooting stones through the air and hitting some of the Nightmare Droplets. Salamence would shoot Dragon Breath at some of them as well.

Drayden's Druddigon would use Scale Shot, firing scales from its body that would hit some of the Nightmare Droplets. The combined Bat Monster would try and attack them directly, flying in and striking some of them with its claws. Its wings would flap as he would strike them with his wings.

Iris would dodge and leap onto another roof, facing the combined Bat Monster. The Axe Jaw Pokemon would stand by her side, glaring at the enemy. "You know, you look kinda cool! But you also look super gross! I'm not sure if I should be intimidated or amused!" Iris taunted the Nightmare Monster.

"It doesn't seem much stronger at all though." One Dragon Tranier commented as they stood next to Drayden. "Do you think it's bluffing? Or is this really its true strength?"

"All it really did was just merge and grow bigger. That's about it." Drayden said. "If this is the true extent of its power, then it's not much of a threat."

"You think so?" Iris questioned them before smirking. "Kind of a bummer. I guess we can end this now, right? After this, I'm going straight to bed!"

"We can't sleep, Iris. Unless we want to risk our dreams turning into nightmares." Dayden reminded.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that." Iris rubbed her head. "Then I'll stay up all night! That's fine too!"

"Hmph. Are you positive we aren't much of a threat?" The Nightmare Monster spoke, putting on a grin with those sharp teeth. "Check again."

"What?" Iris blurted before slowly turning her head. And right before her very eyes, a terrifying sight was seen. Some of the buildings here were starting to fade away, surrounded by Nightmare Sparkles.

Nightmare Sparkles were sparkles that came from the Nightmare Droplets, and they would begin to affect the environment. This meant that the buildings were starting to disappear, the Nightmare Magic claiming the area.

"Some of these places were built upon dreams, right?" The Nightmare Monster smirked. "So if these dreams turn into nightmares, then these buildings will fade away!"

"No way! That's horrible!" Iris gasped. Some of these places have been built up on dreams that others have made. Dream homes, dream shops and other locations. Some would fade away while others were being transformed into their worst possible state.

The buildings would transform, being affected by the Nightmare Magic. Each would take on a darker form, the walls being dark and the windows being pitch black and tailored to the Nightmare Monsters. This was just an example of what Nightmare Magic could do.

However, they were just being transformed or taken away, but the energy was also flowing towards the Nightmare Monster itself. All that energy that had crushed the dreams of those who owned them would be stripped away, becoming food for this merged monster.

"Our Mistress has given us this ability to absorb the Nightmare Magic that comes from these places! If we consume enough Nightmare Magic, then we'll become even more powerful!" The Nightmare Monster revealed, actually gaining extra power from this and feeding on the energy. "And I'm sure you've already guessed by now...but this will be the same for everywhere else!"

Castelia City.

Elsewhere in the Unova Region, in Castelia City, the Nightmare Magic had already arrived and begun infecting the city. Nightmare Droplets had descended upon the area, caused by more Aerial Nightmare Monsters.

Looking outside was Nurse Joy, witnessing the Nightmare Monsters flying through the city. She watched as some of the buildings started to fade away thanks to the Nightmare Magic. Inside the Pokemon Center were Pokemon Trainers, all of them watching in horror as some of them stood by their Pokemon.

Outside, the Golurks from Canterlot along with some of guards were present here as well, doing their best to keep everyone here safe. The Golurk raised their arms, feeling the Nightmare Droplets bombard them rapidly, trying to infect them.

"Goodness!" Nurse Joy gasped before facing the people and patients here. "It's alright everyone! Just stay indoors and out of sight! Keep yourselves awake at all costs! As long as you stay awake, you'll be safe!"

"B-But that's impossible! We can't force ourselves to stay awake forever!" An old man bellowed.

"And how long will this even last for?!" Another trainer questioned.

"I don't know! But we have all those guards out there to protect us! So just hold out until then!" Nurse Joy reassured them. "In the meantime, I have to stay awake as well. For the sake of the Pokemon, I have to keep everyone safe. That's what we Joys do after all."

Nurse Joy would walk over to the doors of the Pokemon Center, making sure they were locked tight. She had to make sure that none of them could get inside here. And while this was happening, with Pheromosa, Mew and Kartana, they were still resting up in a room in the Pokemon Center.

Their bodies were still greatly damaged, especially Pheromosa. They found themselves asleep at this point even unconscious. However, despite being the one to have taken the most damage thanks to her fragile body, it was Pheromosa would slowly grunt, feeling the battle happening outside as her eyes slowly opened, her fingers twitching.


Universe 5.

Viewing all of this from her base was Oculus Gloom, who sat in an area that once was Town Hall, but had been transformed into her personal base of operations. Matching her eerie appearance, the top of it had a Massive Eyeball floating above it that served as a symbol of fear.

Any trace of Town Hall had been replaced with very small things from its original design sticking around, mainly due to what Nightmare Rarity saw as beautiful in her eyes. The interior of Oculus Gloom's base was decorated with Nightmare Matter and Nightmare Sparkles, creating a rather ominous yet regal atmosphere. Across the walls were eyeballs upon eyeballs, all twitching and moving, looking in various directions while making disturbing squishy sounds.

Oculus Gloom herself was sitting on a throne that was made of Nightmare Matter and Nightmare Sparkles. Each of these eyeballs also acted as cameras, allowing her to see what was happening in the main universe through the eyes of the many Nightmare Monsters attacking.

She got a good view of how things were developing at the moment, viewing everything through these eyeballs. And she saw the terror unfolding within Equestria and the Regions. A smirk formed on Oculus Gloom's face as she saw the Nightmare Monsters bringing terror to the ponies and humans alike.

She already witnessed the Nightmares move across the landscape, painting it and consuming some of the Pokemon and now, she was witnessing Opelucid Town being the first area to have some of its dreams being taken away.

"So far, so good. Even though they'll prove to show great resistance considering how strong that universe is, eventually, they'll fall prey to the Nightmare Magic and we shall spread our influence." Oculus Gloom snickered. "Soon enough, the entire universe shall be ours. But of course, to make that possible, we'll need to take over some truly powerful figures. Such as those princesses for starters."

She focused on one of her eyeballs, seeing that one of the Nightmare Monsters was heading straight for the Crystal Empire, which technically had four Princesses. Cadence, the two Flurry Hearts and Radiat Hope, who wasn't really a princess but mainly a Psuedo Alicorn. She was close enough to count.

The Nightmare Monsters moved across the snowy lands, their gaze fixated on the Crystal Empire. The way they were moving across the snow-capped ground was so aggressive, some would even melt the snow away from sheer force alone.

"Yes. If we can get four of them, we'll have a significant advantage without a doubt. The power of four alicorns, especially since two of them are prodigies." Oculus then looked at another eyeball, seeing that some Nightmare Monsters were already creeping up on other smaller kingdoms with less powerful figures residing there.

She was already viewing the potential candidates for capture. But the question was if they would succeed in taking over any of them. Oculus Gloom had full faith that they would, knowing that this universe would soon be theirs.

Oculus Gloom felt like she could just sit back and let it all play out while still giving commands from afar. She didn't need to leave this base unless necessary. She could also receive messages from here as one of the eyeballs would glow, shining a dark energy in her direction.

"Lady Oculus." One of the Nightmare Monsters spoke. "We're currently heading for a place known as Seaquestria, located at Mount Aris. Where the Hippogriffs reside."

"Ah, good. Make sure you get the Queen, her daughter and her niece too." Oculus ordered. "Their magic could be of some use later down the road."

"It's not just that, Lady Oculus. We've spotted something significant in the distance. It's the Sea Temple." It was revealed that one of the Nightmare Monsters had spotted the Sea Temple where Ash and his friends currently were. This immediately caught Oculus's attention.

"The Sea Temple, you say?" Oculus leaned forward. "That place hadn't crossed my mind. The Veiled Mistress did go on a mission with Daybreaker's forces two years ago to try and retrieve the Crystals from the Sea Temple. She already has history with that place."

"Should we go for it?"

"But of course you should. It would please the Veiled Mistress greatly, especially if we are to harness the power of those Sea Temple Crystals. Of course, we will have to alter their energy from being light and make it one of the night instead. Infect all Samiyans and everything they have there with Nightmare Magic as well. All to prepare for us seizing the Crystals of the Sea Temple." Oculus Gloom commanded.

"Understood. We shall proceed with caution. These beings have proven to be quite resilient." The Nightmare Monster said before cutting the connection. Oculus Gloom smirked as she sat back in her throne, relaxing herself. She didn't expect to gain access to the Sea Temple right off the bat. But now, she would use it to her advantage.

However, as she was about to sit back again, something came up. Another one of the Eyeballs would light up, but it would also make a blaring sound that caught her attention. This alarm indicated that something was amiss.

"An alert? Already? What could that possibly be?" Oculus Gloom questioned as she activated the eyeball, getting a view of what was happening. "Hm?"

Just then, she would see something unexpected. In the distance from the view of one of the monsters, something bright was beginning to approach at high speed, moving across the landscape and towards the Nightmare Monsters.

"What the...?" Oculus Gloom questioned. "Something is approaching. Something with Light Magic." And based on the power behind it, it was powerful as well.

"Is it Princess Celestia?" One of the Nightmare Monsters questioned. They would all get their answer once they saw what was approaching.A wave of Fire was seen coming towards them, moving across the ground. One of the natural weaknesses of the Nightmares was heading their way, moving just like a Tsunami.

They all gasped at this sight, witnessing the wave of flames coming their way at high speeds, towering over all of them. Their Nightmare forms began to tremble at this sight, watching the wave come straight for them. Instinctively, they would try fleeing from the scene.

However, their attempts would be in vain as the Wave of Fire would crash into them, engulfing them entirely. The wave would wash over them, the Nightmare Monsters letting out screams as they were consumed by the flames. They faded away as they were burned alive, being erased from existence.

The cause of this was from none other than Princess Celestia herself, who was seen in the air, floating alongside her partner Gardevoir but also Reshiram, the one who had unleashed the flames in the first place. The view of Celestia and her group was obscured thanks to the damage the eyeball took from Reshiram's attack.

Oculus Gloom watched as the Nightmare Monsters were erased by Celestia, the Nightmare Monster pulling her blob-like body back. "Princess Celestia?! She's already making an appearance! So directly?!"

Princess Celestia was not pulling her punches at all. She was serious when she wanted to take another group of Daybreaker's alliance down. Sometimes she does show up for the action, but that mainly reaches a certain point. However, very early on, the Ruler of Equestria was already out in the open, taking action.

Her gaze could be seen as the flames from Reshiram's attacks would linger a bit. The look in her eyes were as as fierce as those flames as she was looking directly in the location of that eyeball, staring directly into it. And the Nightmare Monsters could feel it as they trembled even more, sensing Celestia's gaze.

Afterwards, this Eyeball would finally break apart, unable to capture anything else on that side. Oculus Gloom was left speechless as she was staring at the broken Eyeball. "Not good...She already had that array of Sunny Days attack our Universe from the very start? Is she really that serious about coming to us first and ending this?"

Celestia was going straight for Enemy Territory, and Oculus Gloom knew that this was only the beginning. Compared to previous threats, Celestia was, for once, playing a more direct role this time, being the aggressor while still defending the world she loves so dearly.

Within Enemy Territory, the Veiled Mistress was sitting in her throne, gazing out into the Universe. She was watching everything unfold, witnessing the Nightmare Monsters begin their conquest and spread Nightmare Magic all over. She had her own eyeball that she viewed the events from, its scale being so wide that it caught multiple locaitons.

And there, she saw Celestia directly attacking the Nightmare Monsters. This was nothing new to her, having seen Celestia appear and attack her forces before. But unlike in past cases, this time, it seemed different.

This time, Celestia was showing no hesitation in appearing right away. Normally, Celestia would wait until her forces did some damage before finally stepping in to continue the momentum from there. But this time, she went straight for the Nightmare Monsters, scorching them with flames from Reshiram and even her Gardevoir's Mystical Fire.

"My, my, Celestia. The way you're acting. It looks rather familiar." Nightmare Rarity commented. "This aggressiveness and direct approach. That intense look in your eyes...if I'm not mistaken..." She thought for a moment, only knowing one pony that could match this current look.

"It reminds me of Daybreaker."

Equestria. On the seas of Equestria. The Sea Temple. Samiya.

At the Sea Temple, many were currently asleep, unaware of the Nightmare Monsters attacking Equestria and other places. Ash and many others were many others were peacefully sleeping, the Nightmare Monsters unable to reach them.

Ash and Twilight slept in their rooms, both of them laying in their beds and dreaming peacefully. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Lena and Team Rocket were slump in these guest rooms that were lavish, almost seeming like they were meant for royalty.

The 5 Students were most definitely fast asleep as they laid in these beds that were incredibly comfortable, sinking into the soft beddings. The Pokemon rested in their own ways as well.

Everyone was asleep here, not realizing that danger was heading their way. In her sleep, Rarity would grunt a bit, tossing and turning in her sleep. She mumbled under her breath, closing her eyes tightly. She wasn't having a nightmare, but something was up with her.

Rarity could feel it in her subconscious. Something was wrong. Something was approaching the Sea Temple. Something evil. And since she and her friends were asleep, that meant only one thing. The threat of them having their dreams invaded by Nightmare Magic.

Nearby, the Nightmare Monsters were approaching as there were even some for the seas, flying through the water. These Nightmare Monsters would emerge from the waters, letting out screeches.

There were many of them, flying through the air and ready to invade the Sea Temple. The ones in the water appeared as sea-serpents or even massive crabs and squids, moving through the ocean and ready to invade the temple.

"Do you feel that?" One of them spoke, feeling something from the Sea Temple nearby. It wasn't the crystal but rather someone in there.

"Oh, yes. I do, I do." Another replied with a devious cackle. "That presence...it reminds me of the Veiled Mistress herself. A very familiar presence."

"That means only one thing. The Rarity of this Universe is in there." They already figured out. Since Rarity and Nightmare Rarity were technically the same pony, albeit from different universes and one was an alter-ego, the presence was still the same.

"You're right...It is. Ah, the Veiled Mistress will be glad. Another Rarity to add to her collection. Her growing collection of her many counterparts will gain a new addition and possibly the best one. She will make an excellent statue decoration."

"Indeed. Let us bring her to the Veiled Mistress so we may turn this Rarity into a statue as well!"

The Nightmare Monsters would fly towards the Sea Temple, the creatures moving across the waves. They had more than one goal. Apparently, there was another which was consistent across other universes. Nightmare Rarity apparently has other Raritys captured. And much like some residents of Ponyville, they ended up as decorations.

Chapter 468 End.

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