• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A New Age of Dragons

Equestria. The Dragon Lands. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Here at the Dragon Lands, Nate was caught up to speed. His ears were blessed with the events that Spike shared with him. Patiently waiting for Twilight to return, he got to hear everything. Nate laid on his back, looking up at the almost blue skies that were mostly coloured grey and red thanks to the Dragon Lands.

"Hmmm...Sounds rough." And the main thing he took away from all of this was the fact that it was all rough and overwhelming to go through. And he was right. "Well. I guess I'm no stranger to stuff like that, but, I've never had to go through all of that."

"That's what I said." Agreeing with him was Lucas. "This world is one of a kind. Makes me wish I was here sooner."

"No. No you don't." After what Spike has seen, Lucas definitely didn't want to be here sooner. Then again, knowing Lucas and how he was connected to Ash, perhaps it wouldn't have mattered either way.

"I can't wait for Twilight to show up. Once this plasma problem goes away, you'd best believe I'm exploring far and wide. No way I'm gonna let something like this slow me down." Nate stood up. "And I'll start with the Dragon Lands. I've been around here the longest so far, so why not? Then again, not like there's much here. No offence."

"Eh. We like it how it is, even if it's pretty dull." said Ember.

"Fair enough. Plus, I did have a lot of fun battling with you all. It took my mind off of things." Nate faced the Dragons with a smile. "You've only been with the Pokemon for 4 years and you caught on that fast? This nation's pretty impressive, if you ask me."

"Hm-hm." All the Dragons felt proud of themselves. To have a powerful trainer compliment them in such a way was very fulfilling. The Dragons loved power in every sense and the existence of Pokemon only elevated that.

"I'm something of a Dragon Master myself." Nate wasn't afraid to do some bragging of his own.

"You are?!" Spike and Ember collectively said.

"You know it! I've caught a lot of Dragon-Types, believe me." With a grin so bright that the sun rays could bounce off it, Nate was getting the Dragons all excited. "And after having a battle with you all, I've gotta say...You're decent."

"D-Decent?! But you just said it's impressive we caught on that fast for only four years!" Ember roared.

"That's true. Your strength's pretty impressive. But if I'm being honest, that's all you have. It's just power and that's kinda it. Nothing else. I mean, you've got all these Dragons by your side, even the ones that aren't really Dragon-Types and it's all raw power."

"Did you really just throw raw power at him?" Lucas was even shocked to hear that. Being good friends with Nate, he was already aware of how effective that approach was. Not at all.

"That's our speciality. And well..." Ember thought back to the battle with Nate. It started with just a few Dragons who challenged him and they were immediately dealt with in just a minute. Then, it evolved into more Dragons challenging him, interested in his strength. They were dealt with swiftly too. Then another and another until soon a majority of the Dragon Lands were tackling Nate, challenging him to a battle. And of course, they all.

The only one who lasted long enough and didn't go down in under a minute was Ember, who put up her best fight, but alas, lost either way. When looking back at it, their speciality didn't really amount to anything, which was a shame. "Mmmrgh...Ah, that's annoying to think about."

"But it's fine. It happens. I wasn't exactly all that from the start, ya know." Nate added. "You're fresh to this world. Four years isn't that much, so there's ways to go. I mean, you guys have a Pokemon School, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't attend it." Despite being of age, Spike does not attend the Pokemon School. Neither does Ember or some of the Dragons here. Dragons do attend it now, however. "I've still got mentors, either way. There's Ash, Drayden and some other Dragon Trainers who help me out."

"Drayden too? Nice." Nate approved since he was also from the Unova Region, knowing Drayden well. "Well, if Drayden taught you some stuff, then allow me to share some more with you. I'm not the Dragon Expert compared to him, but I know some things any Dragon Trainer would love to hear."

"Yeah...?" Spike and Ember had their eyes light up as they leaned forward to hear what Nate had to say.

"Come with me and you'll experience it." Nate walked off, encouraging them to come along. He would be yet another mentor for Spike. But this time, Ember was added to the equation. While older, she also had a lot to learn. Nate was not a Dragon Master but he does have plenty of experience with Dragons to make him eligible as a Dragon Teacher.

"Oh? Are you heading west?" A Dragon asked as a few others were flying with her, just now appearing from the west. "Right now or..."

"That's right. I've got some stuff I wanna share. If you're curious, that is. It'll be good to kill some time before Twilight gets here and I'll know when she shows up." said Nate.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. North's not exactly the safest place to be at right now. We just came back from it." However, the Dragon said otherwise, suggesting they refrain from heading west.

"West? The West's not that dangerous." Ember shook her head.

"Y-You didn't hear it? The entire time?" Shocking the Dragons, no one else heard the sound of what was coming from the west. But it had to be something rather crucial

"I don't think so. We were too busy challenging him." Another Dragon said when pointing at Nate. "And we were asleep too."

"What happened?" As Dragon Lord, Ember had to know about this. The entire Dragon Lands were under her watch after all and there was something she missed.

"We just now saw it. It's so strange. It looks like the same type of energy that comes out of Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw or any of those moves."

"That so? Interesting. West it is!" That only prompted Nate to venture forth just to see what was over at the west. He did not hesitate and why would he? Plasma or not, the thrill of the adventure was too strong to pass out on something so interesting. Following him were Lucas, Ember and Spike.

"Is it Clair and the other Dragon Trainers? I heard they showed up here, right?" Spike had to wonder if it was them. The Trainers over at Blackthorn City brought it up afterwards.

"They did. They were talking about how they saw something in their dreams." Ember recalled the moment when Clair and other Dragon Trainers showed up. "Not sure what they were talking about."

They arrived at the west where this mysterious energy was. And just over the horizon, they saw something that many have already seen, but only in Manehattan. Now, it showed up here at the Dragon Lands and it was rather fitting for it to make an appearance. A great force of wind blew in their direction, causing them to power through just to reach their destination.

A mystical light could be seen glistening from the horizon, acting as a Sun. There, they saw one of the newest forms of Matter that has come into fruition.

Dragon Matter.

"What is that?" Spike's eyes would light upon witnessing the new form of Matter in its rawest form.

Nestled in a chasm here at the Dragon Lands, the Dragon Matter was brimming and found a place to reside, creating an ethereal landscape over at the west. The air was alive with a crackling energy, sending tiny sparks and the scent of ozone wafting through the chamber. In the centre of the chasm, a massive crystal pulsates with a vibrant, multicoloured light, casting a kaleidoscope of hues upon the walls. These crystals were not here before and the energy was not peaceful. It was fierce, much like a Dragon. The sound it made was both unfamiliar and yet it sounded like a Dragon's roar.

Flickering waves of iridescent energy ripple across the surface, casting an arcane glow upon the surroundings. A constant hum permeates the air as if an invisible force is vibrating through the very stones. As for the chasm, it was unfamiliar to Ember as it was never here in the first place. Its dimensions were seemingly endless, surrounded by sheer cliffs that reach towards the sky. Intense heat emanates from the depths below that could cause sweat to bead on someone's brow and make their hair stand.

"Stay back." Lo and behold, standing there in front of the Dragon Matter was none other than Clair herself along with the other Dragon Trainers who came far and wide.

"Oh! You're Clair!" Lucas and Nate both recognized Clair, mainly due to their own universe instead of this one.

"Hm?" Looking closely, Clair only recognized one individual in this group and that was Spike. "Aren't you Spike? Drayden's student?"

"This chasm wasn't here before. And what is that thing?!" Ember needed answers. Just what was she looking at?

"It's awesome! I've never seen anything like it before!" Nate felt like geeking out at the sight of this Matter. Everyone here kept their distance away from the chasm and the Matter since it was very much unknown. For now, all they could do was observe it.

"Well...I want to say that its Dragon Energy. But I don't think so." Clair, who was a Dragon Expert, wasn't even sure what she was looking at. "It's only recently that we've seen this. It just showed up unexpectedly and we figured that it would have been something that was already around. The dreams some of us Dragon Trainers had told us about this power but..."

"Whatever it is, it's obviously Dragon-related. I can hear it." Lucas said. Standing still and focusing on the roar of the Dragons, he could hear them rather closely. "That's definitely a Dragon's roar, but there's no Dragon in it. This isn't our usual energy. Not from our world...or even this one."

"Do you think we came here for nothing?" One of the Dragon Trainers asked. "We've just been looking at it this whole time. Plus, we can't really interact with it."

"Well, we're not going to leave it. That dream we all had wanted us to come here. Never before has this happened. I think that this energy is what caused us all to have the same dream." Dragon Trainers have never had the same dream before and if they did, it would probably be about becoming Dragon Masters.

But this was different. They wondered what caused them to come here and now that they were looking at the Dragon Matter themselves, they were starting to figure out the answer. Perhaps, the Dragon Matter was the cause, even though it had only showed up yesterday, making it impossible for it to be the cause. And yet, it was the very reason they were all here.

"Feels familiar too..." Narrowing his eyes, there was a sense of familiarity when looking at it. The same sense of familiarity Ash had when he first saw the Dragon and Fairy Matter appear over at the Manehattan Battle Frontier.

"Yeah. I know what you mean." Nate was on the same page. He and Lucas felt as if they had seen this Matter before.

"Twilight's gotta see this." Spike held out his Xtransceiver, ready to call Twilight. Not only that, he would call for the rest of his friends just so they could witness this stupendous sight. But at the moment, only Ash, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity were available at the moment. "Twilight. Are you near?"

"Almost. I'll be there soon with the perfect answer to Nate's problem. What's up?" Twilight Sparkle asked, having the Cosmic Cloak on her back.

"Oh, wonderful cape you have on." Rarity immediately spotted the cape, complimenting Twilight. "It suits you!"

"It's for Nate, not me. But thanks!" She squeed, glad to hear that compliment.

"Forget about the cape! Look at this!" Spike turned their attention to something far more important. He faced the Xtransceiver directly at the Dragon Matter and the Chasm it was in, letting them witness it.

"The Dragon Matter!" Ash, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity collectively said as their voices were loud enough for not just Spike to hear, but Clair and those who were nearby.

"Dragon Matter?" They ended up learning the name of this energy. The reason it was unknown to them was because it was brand new. Fresh to the world.

"Sweet! It showed up here too!" Ash leaned forward, bumping his head onto his own Xtransceiver. "We get to see way more of it! Check out how cool it is!"


"Goodness. Even from this far, it's so bright." Rarity had to squint her eyes when looking at it. That was how powerful it was.

"Hah! If you're wondering how this thing's possible, you can thank me and Altaria for that." Rainbow Dash took this as an opportunity to snatch all the glory, even though Cozy Glow was the crux of it all. "

"What have you guys been getting up to while I was gone...?" Twilight missed out on some sights. She skipped out on Rainbow Dash's battle and left the Dragon Lands yesterday and all of this went down.

"So this is what it is..." Clair slowly nodded. "Our dream was leading us to this thing. Something completely fresh to the world. Not a bad find."

"Wait. Doesn't that mean standing near it is dangerous?" One of the Dragon Trainers commented. "Do you think there's radiation?"

"Nah. It's just weird, that's all. I got to use it for the first time and I don't know a lot about it. But it's not radioactive or anything like that." Words straight from Rainbow Dash's mouth. "What about you Twilight?"

"How should I know? I didn't know this thing existed. I mean come on. Dragon Matter? Really?" Just saying it sounded absurd to Twilight, even in the context of the Pokemon World. "Are you telling me this thing is similar to Dark Matter, Anti Matter and all those alike."

"I mean...yeah. Potion Nova figured it out, so I thought you would too." Rainbow Dash whistled. "She figured out the other one was Fairy Matter too so..."

"Fairy Matter?" It got even more absurd to Twilight. There was a second one which was the complete opposite to Dragon Matter. "Not that surprised anymore. Well, it's not like anything we've seen before, that's for sure. If it matters, then it's probably about to be apart of the entire universe. Did Potion Nova tell you that?"

"She did. Apparently, it needs to adjust itself. Get used to everything. Not sure how long that will take." Fluttershy answered.

"Then the Dragon Lands is a target of it. It's adjusting itself to the world we live in." Clair smiled. "How exciting. This is a fresh form of Dragon Energy. Newer than anything out there. Our dream of improving was related to this thing and I'm starting to see how."

"Yeah but like...We're not gonna touch it are we?" A younger Dragon Trainer said. "How are we going to improve with this? We've never dealt with something like this before and I don't think we can touch it."

"Good question. We came all this way for it, but we never anticipated this." Clair had to wonder. Where do they go from here? Right now, they were just viewing it as if it was an art exhibit or a monument.

"Oh..." Looking at it for quite a while was Spike, who was still aiming the Xtransceiver at it. However, something occurred. At that moment, Spike felt a bit uneasy when looking at the Dragon Matter in front of him. Looking at it wasn't exactly making him sick. It was something else. Something he couldn't describe.

It felt like the Dragon Matter was speaking to him. Not only that, but he was viewing it a bit different. In his eyes, the Dragon Matter appeared as a luminescent amalgamation of vivid hues, reminiscent of a nebula's vibrant dance. Its essence pulsates with an ethereal glow, shifting between shades of iridescent blues, fiery oranges, and shimmering purples. It still retained that ethereal appearance along with the ferocity, but there was a different viewpoint for the Baby Dragon.

While it felt like Spike was being spoken to by the Dragon Matter, it also felt like it was messing with him. Just looking at it was causing him to react in a certain way. At that moment, Spike dropped the Xtransceiver. His arms went a bit weak and his head was ringing.

"Spike! Are you alright?!" Nate kneeled after seeing Spike drop the Xtransceiver and holding his head while letting out groans.

"Hey, Spike! What's wrong?!" Ember would ask him as well.

"I don't know...Maybe there is some kind of radiation with it." Spike grumbled, getting on one knee. "It sounded like it was talking to me or something."

"Talking to you?" Clair would face the Dragon Matter once more. She tried listening in for something, but nothing was coming up. She was standing near it this entire time, observing its mystique and yet, she never experienced the same thing. The only thing she heard were the roars of a Dragon. Clair couldn't hear a voice at all. "I can't hear anything."

"Neither can I." Ember was out of the picture too despite being a Dragon herself. None of the Dragon Trainers could hear a voice. Only Spike.

Suddenly, something appeared around Spike's face that caught Lucas, Nate and the other Dragon Trainers off guard. But not Ember. Red spots appeared. Four of them to be exact.

"Oh, man! It's totally radioactive!" Lucas screeched. "Your face! It's got spots!"

"I-Is he infected?!" Nate bellowed, already fearing the worst after seeing those spots.

"What?! What?!"

"Rela. You're not hit by radiation or something." But Ember quickly calmed everyone down. "Looks like it's about that time. You're going through the Molt."

"The Molt...?" Spike repeated.

"Didn't think it'd happen out of the blue. Unless it's because of that thing." Ember then focused on the Dragon Matter, wondering if it was involved in this somehow. "And those aren't spots. Those are scales. It's a sign of you reaching adolescence Spike."

"Adolescence...I'm gonna be an adult!"

"That's not what adolescence is but...you technically won't be a baby anymore. You don't really act like one though." Ember smiled. "Although...now that you're going through the Molt, that's gonna have your family kick you out. That's what happens to all young dragons who reach adolescence.

"Kick me out?!"

"Spike. I'm not a Dragon. You're not getting kicked out." But Twilight reassured him.

"Whew...Right, right. Guess I should've figured that out. So, this is it? Just some scales on my face?"

"Well, not just that. One of the side-effects is-" Right before Ember could finish, it happened. The side-effect she was about to bring up went off in the form of a burp. Spike puffed his face, feeling something rise before releasing a burst of fire. The green flames flew out, hitting Lucas in the face. "Uncontrollable burps. Nice shot."

"Yeah...Nice shot." Lucas coughed as his face was smoking. Spike's mouth was also smoking. After unleashing that fire breath, the scales around Spike's face were suddenly growing at a rapid rate. They could be seen popping up in seconds, decorating Spike's face and making it a mess.

"I-It's not usually this fast! Is it actually from that thing?!" Now Ember was starting to be convinced that the Dragon Matter was the cause. While the Molt was natural for adolescent dragons, it shouldn't be this quick "I think we should get you away from this thing!"

"M-Maybe" Spike was starting to agree before unleashing a fire breath yet again. This time, this breath launched him back, having enough power to do so. He ended up distancing himself from the Dragon Matter without his own will. They would all walk away from the Dragon Matter, leaving it be.

But as soon as they all left, the fearsome and mighty energy would crackle, letting out another roar which was then followed by the Dragon Matter seeping parts of it into the earth itself. Every second, it was working to find its place in this universe. And the Dragon Lands seemed to be a better start than the Battle Restaurant.

For better or for worse.

The chasm where the Dragon Matter was located was left alone. All the Dragon Trainers left it for now to stay at one spot. And there, the many Dragon Trainers who come far and wide were interacting with the Dragons of the Dragon Lands. To kill some time, they were about to impart some knowledge on these fresh Dragon Trainers.

There were enough Dragon Trainers to teach them all, making the Dragon Lands a place for learning, which is not really all that common for a place like this. And of course, their respective Dragon Pokemon were summoned onto the scene. Whether for demonstrations or maybe a battle.

"Oh, man.." Spike sat down, holding a mirror that Clair lent him to see the development of the Molt. Rather quick, even though he was just now receiving it. "It's not so bad, I guess. Could be worse. I wish it wasn't my whole face. I would've looked pretty cool having a few scales."

"The Dragon Matter probably boosted it then," Nate commented. "It didn't react to anyone else except you."

"Yeah. I looked at it, heard a voice and then this happened. How come none of you heard anything?"

"I have a lot of experience with Dragon Energy myself and I couldn't hear a thing. I would say it only reacts to Dragons but, you didn't hear anything either. Dragon Lord Ember."

"Yeah. Maybe I wasn't looking at it long enough. That's it." Ember came up with a theory. "Either way, get ready to have the best part of a Dragon, Spike."

"I can't wait..." Spike put on a smile before frowning. "Ow...Is it supposed to hurt?"

"Not really. No." But Ember confirmed that pain doesn't really come along with it. The Dragon Matter was still a huge talking point since it was potentially the cause for this rapid Molt development. Not only that, but only Spike could hear voices from it.

Lucas and Nate were pondering about something themself. They felt as if they had seen Dragon Matter before. Now they were wondering if they could hear it talk. There was a part of them that was thinking about it. When closing his eyes, the plasma around Nate's body would jolt up for a moment, but that was it.

"So much for learning from you, Nate. I was even looking forward to learning from you, Clair."

"I'm flattered. I've heard things about you, Spike. From Drayden." Clair would also sit down next to Spike. "You're a fast grower, aren't you?"

"That's what I said. Just 4 years? Pretty nice." Nate could only call this a marvellous achievement.

"I guess so. I mean, I wouldn't have grown that fast if it wasn't for Ash. He was my first mentor. And my best. Don't tell Drayden I said that though."

"I was already interested in the Dragons of your world. Before we merge. Granted, you don't exactly have any special abilities compared to our Dragons. No offence. But you do have something unique. You and every Dragon here are ushering in a new age of Dragon Trainers. Maybe one of the best so far."

"You think so?" Spike and Ember collectively said.

"It's one thing to be us, a Human and bond with our Dragons. But to be a Dragon yourself and bond with another Dragon? Well, that's practically a match made in heaven, if you ask me. It's sort of like that one Pokemon. Oranguru, was it? It's a Pokemon that can throw a Poke Ball and become its own trainer."

"Makes sense. Dragons understand Dragons a lot more." Nate saw no flaw there. It made perfect sense in his mind.

"Hmm...Lucky. Wish I was a Dragon. Then it'd be much easier!" Lucas was already thinking about it. Technically, he did have a Dragon within him after what happened on the Ghost Train.

"Drayden sees a lot of potential in you. And that goes for all Dragons here. Who cares about centuries of living with Pokemon being non-existent." Clair shrugged. "You don't need things like the beginning of time to grow such a deep bond with them."

"Well, maybe Drayden didn't think about which Dragon is going to be the best Dragon Trainer first." Ember leaned forward, pointing at herself. All the ponies are focused on being the first Equestria Champion. I've got the Dragon Master path on my sight."

"Uh! I-I was thinking of becoming the first one though!" Spike raised his arm.

"That's the spirit." Clair loved to hear it. It made her heart feel good seeing new Dragon Trainers here and there. She looked around, witnessing the training these Dragons were receiving. It was worth coming here indeed, just to see how things were developing.

The universe got bigger and so was the pool of Dragon Trainers. Those who battle and bond with some of the mightiest types of Pokemon out there. The power balance might even tip because of this and Dragons such as Spike would be responsible. Proud of himself after receiving recognition from two powerful Dragon Trainers, he was still on his way to becoming an even greater Dragon Trainer. And as a bonus, he was reaching adolescence, even if it was rather uncomfortable.

But right as everyone was sitting peacefully, below them, something was emerging. A faint and weak crack formed underneath, bothering one of the dragons. It was minor at first, prompting the Dragon to move her foot away, but it would soon start growing. The enigmatic energy would grow and grow, forming more cracks.

The energy from before that seeped into the Earth was starting to act. The Dragon Matter would not stop at one area for obvious reasons. It was trying everything. Nate and Lucas felt it. They were the only ones who did. Until Spike also felt it too. The Trainers from Sinnoh and Unova put on their serious faces. They knew something was approaching.

Right where Spike's group was, a burst of Draconic Energy would rise up, startling many others as seismic tremor rippled through the valley. The ground quivered, cracks forming as if the earth itself were gasping for breath. A collective gasp echoed as a blinding burst of iridescent energy erupted from the heart of the valley, spiralling skyward in a radiant display.

The Dragon Matter was highly active.

The luminous burst soared higher, its brilliance painting the sky with hues of emerald and sapphire. But with its awakening came an unexpected surge of unbridled power. Arcs of crackling energy lashed out, weaving through the air in erratic patterns, threatening all in its wake. The fearsome appearance of this energy would tower over everyone, making sure no one would miss it.

"What's this all about?!" Ember gasped. "Why's it here now?!"

"The Dragon Matter's spreading! It's not staying in one area anymore!" Clair gasped.

"Figures it would act up now of all times...!" Lucas commented. "What's with this thing?"

Now, Nate and Lucas could try and see if they could listen in on this. And indeed they could. By focusing their attention on it and feeling as if they have felt it somewhere, Nate and Lucas were also hearing that Spike was hearing. There was indeed a voice coming from it. But even they had no idea what it was saying and yet it was captivating them. The voice was hard to make out but it had this welcoming feeling to it.

"What's it doing...?"

"I think it's changing the environment...Look!" Ember pointed out. The Dragon Matter's presence infused the air with a mystical energy, tingling with an unspoken promise of change. The hard ground was fluctuating, going through multiple changes in a matter of seconds that no one could keep up with.

The Dragon Matter, in an attempt to find its place in the universe, decided to alter areas and change up their appearances. The Dragon Matter would pause for a moment before summoning itself below the others. Nate's group looked down to see the iridescent energy appearing beneath them, getting this close.

And immediately, it went to swallow Spike. The Dragon Matter manipulated its energy, forming it into a Dragon's Maw to grab Spike and consume him before he could even process what has just happened. It happened so fast for anyone to notice.

"Spike!" Ember screamed, failing to catch Spike in time. Her claws attempted to grab onto him, but it was far too late. The Dragon Matter swallowed him and went through the ground itself. He was gone before he could even yell, but Ember could certainly yell for many to hear. "Spiiiiiike!"

At this very moment, Spike was within the Dragon Matter itself. His body was consumed by it, dragged into the newly formed energy that no one could properly understand. He was not harmed in any way, despite the fact that it looked like a maw had caught him. The red scales around his face were still present, even in here and they were increasing in numbers at an even faster rate.

Being inside of the Dragon Matter itself was the cause of this. Despite how empty it appeared, there was a surface and Spike certainly felt it. He hit an unseen floor, landing flat on his face. He could not hear the voices of his friends. Ember's screams were not reaching inside of here.

Mainly thanks to the sound of the Dragon Matter. The roars were stronger than ever after all as well as other unknown sounds that couldn't be described, completely blocking anything else happening outside.

"Ow...Today's so weird. I can't tell if it's good or bad." Spike grumbled when getting up. And once he got up, his heart skipped a beat and his pupils shrank. This was due to one thing that was felt across the matter itself. It was impossible to ignore and the Dragon Matter made sure that Spike took notice. He was not alone inside of this mystical energy. He slowly raised his head, looking past all the lights and crackles to see another. Standing there was the visage and build of a man. But not just any man.

It was Prisma.

Slowly, he turned his head, knowing that Spike was here. His presence exuded power, a formidable energy that both intrigued and alarmed Spike. The eyes of Prisma and all of their intensity were finally seen. This was the first time Spike was also truly encountering Prisma. In fact, it was the first time anyone was encountering Prisma in this universe.

Prisma and Spike made eye contact for the very first time and Spike was beyond flabbergasted. He's only seen Prisma in projections and heard of him. And now, he was seeing what might be the actual Prisma in the flesh.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 363 End.

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