• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Deal with the Dragon

Hoenn. Slateport City. Nightfall.

Nightfall had come. And it was free from any nightmares. Across many regions, it was a peaceful night indeed. One by one, the citizens of these regions all fell asleep, safe and sound in their beds. some were heading to Mauville, Sootopolis or Slateport, knowing that they were safer there than most other places.

It would take some time to get there, but everyone will be safe. This was all according to plan, even if this was just a wild and uncontrolled move from the Dragon Matter. Most gathered in Slateport, such as Brawly and Roxanne. He carried Spike in his arms when arriving at Slateport, carrying him all the way here.

Spike was fast asleep, completely out of it after all that battling he did today. His legs felt numb and he could barely stand. It was all thanks to Brawly who carried him all the way here, now having to set him down gently at a Slateport's inn.

Brawly would lay his back on the bed, sighing while he relaxed, gazing up at the ceiling with Roxanne nearby, staring at him. "Ah, man...I hope my Gym survives. That place has a lot of memories behind it."

"Yeah. Me too." Roxanne nodded. "Hopefully we can get back to it once this is all over. It's just been a string of a lot of things happening, hasn't it? Well, it at least forces us Gym Leaders to grow stronger than ever."

"Mm. These past 4 years have been quite the experience, haven't they? Hard to believe it's been only 4 years when you think about it." Brawly thought for a moment. "4 Years of us meeting their world. Makes you think what the 5th year will be like? Or the one after that?"

"It could be many things." Roxanne strolled over to the window, gazing at the night sky as the moon's light would beam through. "You have to wonder if our world ever be the same after that?"

"Eh. We'll be fine. Sure, it's gonna be weird with new things popping up but...I'm not too worried." Brawly was rather optimistic, putting on a smile which transformed into a smirk. "It's because we're all awesome, that's why?"

"Hm." Roxane chuckled. "I guess we are. At least you're always looking to brighter things, Brawly."

"Why wouldn't I? Who cares if there's some freaky stuff out there? I mean...sometimes I look for the freaky stuff, but still. I see the world as one big wave and I love to surf it all the time. You feel the same way, don't you, Roxanne?"

"I do. Maybe not the same analogy but I get what you mean. Especially when it's around my friends. I teach so much, I barely get to spend time with them. Then again, I'm always spending time with you since you're nearest."

"Hehe!" Brawly cackled. "Yeah. Who knows? Maybe in the future, we're still hanging out and talking like this. I bet you're gonna be the same old egghead you always are and...Agh!" Brawly's sentence was cut off by Roxanne stomping on his shoes.

"And you'll still be the same musclehead years later." Roxanne grumbled, while keeping her foot there, moving it around to further harm Brawly.

"Aahaa...!" Brawly tried sitting up, flailing his arms as Roxanne was tougher than she looked. Tough even to make Brawly shake like this. Brawly tapped on the bed as if he was in a wrestling match, surrendering.

"Excuse me. We're serving a meal to everyone in the Inn tonight and-" One of the employees walked in, immediately spotting the scene between Brawly and Roxanne. Immediately, her mind jumped to the worst possible conclusion. "Oh my...I'm sorry for interrupting!

"Wait! It's not what it looks like!" Roxanne stood up, having a blush on her cheeks. But it was too late. The employee was already gone, causing Roxanne to lower her head before looking at Brawly, who formed a grin on his face.

She would remove her foot from his shoe, crossing his arms and immediately walking to another room in the inn to stay in, leaving Brawly to lay there. He would giggle, watching her leave before he laid back on the bed again. The next few minutes passed by quickly, with him snoozing right away. Brawly himself was exhausted after today.

"Strange...I feel like I forget something though." Brawly spoke in his sleep before opening his eyes. "Ah! I forgot to bring Rayquaza along!"

Dewford Town.

Outside, the Dragon Matter was still going around Hoenn, but it would suddenly slow down, stopping for a while. It wouldn't last too long since it was only going to be there for a while before continuing on its journey. Some would wonder why it stopped for so long. In fact, it didn't even damage any cities and towns when passing by. This seemed to be the least destructive version of the Dragon Matter thus far.

All that time allowed for Rayquaza to make his move. He would slither out of the cart, still lacking the proper strength to fly. The Sky High Pokemon sensed the Dragon Matter nearby. So far, Rayquaza was the only one who could manage the Dragon Matter in some capacity, but even he had limits. If the Dragon Matter was to make an incredibly drastic move, Rayquaza wouldn't be able to hold it back.

And just as Rayquaza managed to escape the cart, he looked in the distance, seeing the energy rising up from afar. It was coming closer, approaching the city in Dewford. This caused Rayquaza to let out a cry. A weak one compared to what he normally does, but still power.

He was tired, but Rayquaza had to at least make sure that the Dragon Matter didn't attack anyone. The Legendary Dragon raised his head, letting out a massive roar as he got ready to manage the Dragon Matter. Suddenly, as if hearing his cry, the Dragon Matter would fly towards Dewford Town, slowly moving towards it.

It would keep moving until it was right above it, before it suddenly came to a halt. It wouldn't move any further, instead staying right there and letting out a powerful roar in response to Rayquaza's roar. Rayquaza responded with a roar as well. The two of them would stare at each other, having a conversation without needing to say anything.

Rayquaza knew why the Dragon Matter was here and what its end goal was and urged it to cease everything it was doing. But the Dragon Matter refused, obviously seeing itself as above Rayquaza, who can't even properly control all of it. Despite Rayquaza's efforts, it wouldn't relent. Thus, the Dragon Matter would continue to cause destruction until it reached its goal.

Rayquaza could see that it was moving again, causing Rayquaza to make another loud cry, demanding the Dragon Matter to stop. But his cries would fall deaf on this form of matter. Seeing that it was rather difficult to convince it, Rayquaza decided on another option. A rather risky one. The Sky High Pokemon requested that the Dragon Matter enter his body for the time being.

Listening in, the Dragon Matter heard how Rayquaza wanted to make a deal with it. The deal was that the Dragon Matter would help restore Rayquaza's strength and allow him to utilize the full extent of it, in exchange for getting the Dragon Matter close to the 10 Counterparts. And it agreed.

The two of them clashed, both forms of Dragon Matter mixing inside Rayquaza as he felt the energy flow within his body. A huge surge of draconic power would enter him, filling him with energy as Rayquaza would start to feel a chunk of his strength returning. The Dragon Matter would rest inside of him, pulsating like a heartbeat and doing as it promised.

Restoring Rayquaza's strength. Granted, it wasn't all of his strength, but a good majority of it. Enough to have Rayquaza finally fly out of the cart. He'd look around, seeing that the Dragon Matter had disappeared. It had entered Rayquaza, as promised. Now all Rayquaza had to do was fulfill his promise.

All 10 Counterparts would have to be reunited. Ash, Red, Ethan, Brendan, Lucas, Hilbert, Nate, Calem, Elio and Victor. It didn't matter how long it would take, as long as Rayquaza sees to it.

But Rayquaza wasn't so hasty when making this deal. He gave one extra part to his side of the promise. Not only would the Dragon Matter restore his strength, but it would also help him temper all the damage done to the world, repairing it. From what Daybreaker and her forces had done, all of it would need to be dealt with.

The Dragon Matter agreed. The two of them reached a civil conclusion.

Meanwhile, rushing back to Dewford was Brawly, who remembered that Rayquaza was left behind. Quickly, he tried making it back there as soon as possible, but he wasn't alone. Joining him was Roxanne. "I can't believe you would forget about a Pokemon as important as Rayquaza! How did you even forget about that, Brawly?!" Roxanne questioned.

"My bad! I'll admit, it slipped my mind!" Brawly admitted while running as fast as he could! Let's just hope no one's tried to capture Rayquaza yet! I'd never let myself live that down!"

Up ahead, they could spot Dewford Town, which was still in one piece, undamaged by the Dragon Matter. A bright smile met Brawly's face while Roxanne sighed. There, they saw Rayquaza ascending in the air, still present and safe. It was good to know that they didn't need to worry too much about the Legendary Dragon Pokemon.

"There he is! But why is he flying now? He couldn't have already gotten his strength back." Brawly wondered as they made their way to Rayquaza. It was a surprise to see him flying since he was supposed to be too weak to do so. Rayquaza would turn his attention to Brawly and Roxanne, eyeing them down from above.

He noticed how Spike was not present with them at all. He let out a loud cry, which caused Brawly and Roxanne to stagger a bit. Rayquaza would then fly off, leaving them. He couldn't stick around too much longer. Not when there was a massive hole in the sea.

"What?! Rayquaza! Where are you going?!" Brawly asked. Rayquaza would not reply, leaving the two of them there. The two of them would be puzzled as they were left alone in Dewford, being the only one here.

Seas near Lilycove.

Rayquaza had arrived at the hole that had been created by multiple shards coming close to each other, floating there and looking down. Rayquaza could sense the chaotic energy in there, howling with the intensity of multiple storms as it rippled the water, disrupting the natural flow of the world.

Something like this obviously disrupted the Pokemon in their respective homes, especially the Water-Types who live near the hole. Rayquaza couldn't bear to see that happen, so he took action. With his amazing power and some of the Dragon Matter, he would unleash his attack on the hole, using his power to close it up.

His voice would echo all throughout the area as he would start roaring in a draconic manner. A huge ball of light would emerge in front of him as Rayquaza would summon it to the hole, using it to seal it up. This attack would send shockwaves all throughout the area, causing the water to ripple all over. It was so powerful that the waters surrounding the hole would be thrown around, leaving everything a mess.

A burst of Dragon Matter would also flow out, causing the massive hole to start closing up. Jut like that, the hole was no more, sealing itself and vanishing from existence. Rayquaza could hear howls all around the area as he stood there, recovering from using such an immense attack.

The Legendary Dragon raised his head, seeing that the waters were calming down, as they should. He could feel the energy fading as the hole was sealed up, as promised.

But now, Rayquaza knew what was coming next. His end of the deal would be soon. And it was one the Sky High Pokemon was a little hesitant on doing. For now, Rayquaza would focus on fixing the rest of the world to buy some more time.

A new day had risen. Dawn came over Hoenn as the sun rose up above the horizon. In Dewford Town, the sound of waves hitting against the coast could be heard, a normal noise that would be present all day long. Spike's eyes would open as the sun beamed down on his face, waking him up.

"Mmmgh..." Spike stretched, letting out a groan. He felt great. The rest had really helped him out, but he still needed to catch some more sleep. "Mm..." He turned around, hoping to fall back asleep, but he could smell something cooking nearby. "What is that?"

Spike got out of his bed and strolled to the door, opening it and peering outside. Here at Slateport, some food had been prepared for everyone in the morning. It was for all those who came from different places across Hoenn in response to the moving Dragon Matter. Thankfully, their homes were safe and sound, all thanks to Rayquaza making a deal with the Dragon Matter.

"Aw, nice!" Spike got a good look at the feast that was free for everyone here. He was now fully awake for this, quickly rushing to some of the choices before him. Already chowing down was Brawl, getting his daily fill. The way he ate was full of vigour. He ate as if it was his first time eating food in his life. Meanwhile, Roxanne was far more reserved in eating.

"Oh, Spike!" Brawly exclaimed while filling his mouth once more. "Mmprmh, Mrrm, mmra!" Obviously, with all that food, his voice was muffled and unclear.

"Not with your mouth full." Roxanne nudged him.

"Ah, I slept like a King last night." Spike strolled along, brighter than ever. "I needed that for sure. Walking all the way from Ponyville to here was not easy, I'll tell ya."

"Well now that you're awake. You should probably hear this, Spike." Roxanne would cut to the chase. "It's about Rayquaza. Brawly here forgot to bring him along when we were leaving Slateport."

"Guah!" Brawly swallowed the food, almost choking before facing Roxanne. "I know, I know. I said it was my bad already. Besides, he was safe and sound, wasn't he?"

"More than safe and sound. He was flying again, Spike." Roxanne leaned forward, causing Spike to gasp.

"Flying?! You mean...Rayquaza's healthy again?! Seriously?!" Spike questioned, causing Roxanne and Brawly to nod. Spike's eyes lit up at the news, thinking that Rayquaza would be healed so quickly.

"Looks like it. Not sure what happened. Maybe he just got all of his strength back in a flash or something. Either way, he went flying right after that. And I'm guessing it was straight to the hole in the sea, because that thing's completely gone." Brawly shrugged, revealing that the hole in the sea was already gone.

"Where's Rayquaza now? Is he gone?!" Spike had to know about Rayquaza's whereabouts

"Well, he was seen flying away. But I don't know where he's headed." Brawly answered. "We're probably not gonna see him again if I'm being honest. Oh, well. I was lucky enough to see Rayquaza at all, so no complaints there."

"Oh...So that's it." Spike lowered his head, realizing that his time with Rayquaza had come to an end. It was not as long as it could've been. Rather short-lived in his eyes. "Gee...I was hoping to spend some more time with him."

"Rayquaza's the Guardian of the Sky, Spike." Roxanne would walk over to comfort him. "He has an important role and can't be too distracted. For most Legendary Pokemon, that is their duty. Being a guardian. A protector."

"I guess..." Spike sighed, understanding it clearly. The Baby Dragon shook his head, not letting it get to him too much. He had to accept this fact since it was obvious from the beginning. He didn't think this would be so soon, though. "Still, it would be nice to at least have spent some more time with him."

"Yeah." Brawly nodded in agreement. "But hey...you can brag about this to everyone else. I mean, maybe they'll be impressed. Princess Celestia and Luna have Reshiram and Zekrom, so it's gonna be pretty hard to impress everyone that you got to spend time with Rayquaza. I know I'm bragging about it. Rayquaza was in my home town after all. For more than a second too!"

"Yeah, you have a point..." Spike's ears fell flat, his eyes lowering. It seemed like this was just as Brawly described. "Well, I should get going then. I'm heading back home. Twilight's probably worried sick about me. Thanks for everything, Brawly. And I guess we won't be able to train today."

"No problem. If you ever wanna train with me again, you can always come back here. But next time, don't come all the way here on foot, dude." Brawly snickered.

Spike would then wave goodbye to Brawly and Roxanne before making his way out. It was back to Equestria for him. It was about time anyways.

Equestria. On the Train.

After passing through the gateway that led him to Equestria, he would take the train this time, going to Ponyville. The only reason why it was so hard for him to make it all the way to Dewford was because Rayquaza was too big to fit in a train. No carriage could hold him. But with Rayquaza gone, Spike could take the train without any worry.

The ride was quite nice for him, relaxing. Spike could see the familiar sights as the train went through the countryside, showing the forests, mountains and fields that were part of Equestria. All of it brought some peace to his mind. He only had a few hours until this train could reach Ponyville. Until then, he was going to make sure that he was comfortable for the ride.

However, while relaxing and taking in the peaceful atmosphere, he would hear something from the outside. It sounded like something massive was moving through the air, making a lot of noise in the process. It would pass by the train, going so fast that Spike wouldn't even notice it.

"What's that...?" Spike looked out the window, seeing a massive flying creature going by the train. To his shock and surprise, it was Rayquaza.

Spike's jaw dropped as he saw the Sky High Pokemon fly by, a massive smile on his face as he saw him once more. It was wonderful seeing Rayquaza like this. He was supposed to be too weak to fly and yet, here he was, flying as if nothing ever happened.

As for where Rayquaza was going, he was following the same path as the train. Rayquaza had a new destination. Multiple of them in fact. Spike was completely unaware that it was all due to Rayquaza's deal. The deal he made with the Dragon Matter.

All 10 of those specific Pokemon Trainers were scattered across the world. Only one of them was a bit easier to find than the rest. Rayquaza was not one to break his promise. Not at all. The Dragon Matter was dangerous to the world just as much as it was helpful, causing the Sky High Pokemon to find this compromise.

But in his mind, Rayquaza knew that the next batch of actions that came his way might be the hardest he'll ever do. Not because there'll be anything strong coming his way, but because of what it would do to those surrounding the 10 Trainers. As the journey continues.

Chapter 486 End.

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