• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 20,409 Views, 1,117 Comments

Souls Apart - GnollReader

Two enemies wind up in Equestria due to a major mishap. Will they come to terms with this world? Most importantly, will they be able to put their old feud aside to survive?

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Chapter 2: Choice of words

"I... I think we lost it..." the paladin gasped for air as she and the necromancer leaned against a tree.

"You think?" he muttered between ragged breaths, "Why didn't you use your sword? I always thought you paladins never run from a fight."

"That doesn't count. Did you see the size of that thing? 'Only a thin line runs between honor and folly, a paladin must always take care not to tread over it.'" she repeated the words with an even pace.

He gave her an unbelieving look, "You just cited a passage from one of those ridiculous tomes, didn't you?" she blushed lightly, "I don't believe it. Anyone with a decent common sense will be able to tell you that running is always an option."

"Stop mocking my order!" she gave him an evil glare, "For that matter... what kind of necromancer runs out of mana? You never ran out of mana when we fought before!" she pointed to several scorches on her plates, "I thought you could throw out destructive spells all day!"

"Don't tempt me to try..." he replied with a sinister look, "It's one thing to throw a few fireballs and lightning bolts at a fool in armor...." he saw her sneer, "But it's another to hold up a damn portal while...." he stopped, "Something is approaching..."

"Please not another manticore..." she whispered as she eyed her surrounding with unease.

"No... this is something very different..." he closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment. His eyes opened again and he looked into the night sky with a worried expression, "We're about to meet the deities of this world."

She gave him a bewildered look, "You mean gods?"

"That's one way to put it, but yes. They are heading this way as we speak."

"Impossible! The gods never tread their own worlds! It is a sacrilege to even talk of something like that. To think, that an immortal would actually walk among..." she was silenced as two creatures the likes of which she had never seen before descended from the sky and landed in front of them without a sound.

"You're right, they fly." he muttered as he observed them carefully. The two deities were looking at them with puzzled looks, seemingly shocked by their appearances. He could feel their power, and it worried him greatly. Deities were always difficult to negotiate with, especially those that were herbivores.

"They're magnificent!" she whispered in wonder.

"That's one way to put it..." he replied.


Celestia and Luna silently observed the two creatures before them. Never before had they seen the likes of them. There was a certain familiarity to minotaurs, but only on a few points. One of them was obviously a warrior, the heavy armor and weapon a clear indication of her profession. The other one... they couldn't quite place a finger on it, but there was something very odd about it. It weren't the black robes or the fact that its hands were bound together with a piece of rope, its presence simply felt... off.

The creatures were constantly passing the two princesses glances, one in wonder, the other with worry in its eyes. The alicorns could hear them argue, but the language was not one they recognized. It sounded hard and gruff, fast paced sounds escaping their mouths as they made small gestures with their hands.

When Celestia decided to take a step forward the creatures' reactions were immediate. The armored one immediately went down on one knee and bowed her head while saying a few unrecognizable words. The robed one had taken a step back and was giving its companion a disapproving look before muttering something under his breath.

"Greetings, I am Celestia, deity of the sun. This is my sister Luna, deity of the moon. Together we rule these lands. Tell us, what are you and why are you here?"


"I think she just asked us something..." he said quietly as the paladin got back up carefully.

"How do you know it's a female?"

"I don't see any balls..." he slightly tilted his head to shift his point of view, "Yeah, definitely female..."

"Can you understand her?"

"Not a word." he replied with a casual voice, "Let me try something..."

Before she could react he took a step toward the deity and started talking. Much to the surprise of all present, he constantly switched between languages.

"Urhas Thu Lum Fan?" he waited for a response, the white alicorn looked at him in confusion.

"RassatChoLem-Click-matabu?" again, only confused expressions.


Celestia and Luna listened to the robed one with fascination, it seemed it was trying to find a language they could understand. Judging by its voice they assumed it to be male. How a single creature could know so many languages was beyond them, he had been going on for minutes now while constantly switching between different speech patterns.

"Suron de Vlieu ma... And I swear I saw her take the biggest crap I ever saw out of that bull hole..." both of them took a step back in surprise, though it was more in shock at what he had said.

A small smile appeared on his lips, "Aha, finally! I was starting run out of..."

"You dare speak the language of the demons?!" Luna thundered at him with her royal voice, making him and his companion flinch.

He held up his hands, "Not a demon... just speak the language, don't run with them."

Celestia gave him a stern look, "Very well, we will hear what you say. What are you and how did you come here?" she looked at his hands, "For that matter, why are your hands bound?"


The paladin observed the conversation with concern, she doubted it was a good idea to let him talk to these gods. "Can you understand them? What are they saying?" she asked from behind.

He turned around to her and gave her a big grin as he held up two thumbs, "Don't worry, I totally got this!" he turned back around and continued his conversation.

She wasn't sure what it was he 'got', and as much as she could tell the two winged unicorns weren't so sure either. He was making wild gestures with his hands and constantly pointing at himself, at her, then at the sky and the ground. The more he talked the more doubt she could see in their faces. At the end the blue one was giving him a rather disgusted look while the white one only raised an eyebrow with a perplexed expression.

Before she could react the white one shook her head with a sigh and a bright light escaped her horn, blinding them and making her topple over.

"What was that?" she asked as she slowly came to her senses again.

"Spell of insight." he groaned next to her, "You have no idea how much that stings if you know more than a few languages already."

"I am sorry to have caused you discomfort, but it was necessary so we could talk with your companion." the paladin looked up at the white one in surprise as she heard her words, "He has been telling us some rather strange things..."

She cast him an accusing glare as she got up again, "What did you tell them?" he was still lying on his back and holding his head.

"He told us that you were a mutated frog than came from the earth to eat worms and flies, and that you wear that armor to hide the warts covering your back... He also remarked that you were severely lacking in qualities as a servant but could be purchased at a reasonable price, even though we strictly forbid slavery in these lands... When asked why his hands were bound he said that a terrible rash had befallen his... behind... and that he bound his hands so he couldn't scratch it... Needless to say we found these things hard to... would you please stop doing that?"

The paladin was currently trying to choke the necromancer with her bare hands, "It was just a joke!" he croaked beneath her.


"I take it he was not telling the truth then?" Celestia cast him an annoyed glare.

"He was not." the paladin bowed before the two alicorns, "I am Calindria Westwind, paladin of the order of light."

"A paladin? Tell us, what is the quest of your order?"

"We fight evil and corruption, to bring the holy light of creation and enlightenment to even the darkest corner of this world." the necromancer snickered at her words.

"And what about him?" she pointed to the necromancer, "Why are his hands bound?"

"He is my prisoner. He is guilty of practicing black magic and the dark arts of corruption. I am currently transporting him back to our order to see him trialed by our court... though I fear I have lost my way and have fallen into this world by accident."

"You're the accident if you ask me..." the necromancer mumbled before a tug on the rope silenced him.

Celestia turned to him with a stern gaze, "Is this true?"

He started to sweat slightly, "Well... that is a very difficult question as it holds several..."

"Do you, or do you not practice the art of black magic?" she asked with a voice like steel.

"... Maybe?" He tried to calm her, "Now, I know this may look strange to you, but let me assure you..."

"If you are truly are a caster of the black magic you will be considered a threat to the peace in this world until proven otherwise." she turned to Calindria, "We will transport you to our castle for further questioning. You are our guest, but I must ask you to relinquish your weapon. As for him..." she turned to the necromancer again, "You will placed under arrest until we determine the meaning of this situation. Should you be proven innocent of her accusations you will be set free, even if only under observation, but for the time being..."


He sat in the small dungeon, the rope still around his wrists. A single, small candle hung outside his cell, the light making the shadows of the bars dance in the darkness. From time to time a water drop could be heard, "I hate this place already..." he muttered as he sat in the dark, "Feels just like home."

He put his hands against one of the walls, raising an eyebrow as his fingers trailed the surface, "Interesting."

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