• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 20,407 Views, 1,117 Comments

Souls Apart - GnollReader

Two enemies wind up in Equestria due to a major mishap. Will they come to terms with this world? Most importantly, will they be able to put their old feud aside to survive?

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Chapter 26: Bones and Sparks

The necromancer was finding this task a bit more... complicated than he had at first anticipated. He had fought duels before, of course. The paladin hadn't been the only one disturbing his work. There had always been mages, aspiring sorcerers and the occasional low-grade necromancer trying to steal his books, which had inadvertently led to magic duels... which he had won, always. But this was a bit more... delicate.

He sighed as he flicked through the pages of a small book, "Let's see... what should I choose? Incineration? No..." a blast of purple energy grazed off his shield, "I don't want to kill her... or do I?" another blast shattered on his shield, laying waste to the grass and earth around him, "Maybe lightning? But what if she has a heart condition? Or should I turn her inside out? No... that wouldn't do at all."

He looked for a moment as another blast hit the shield straight on, "Are you healthy? Have there been any cases of heart diseases in your family?" another bolt of magic bounced of his shield without effect.

"AARRGH!" Twilight gave a shout of anger, "Stop making fun of me!" her mane and tail started to burn like fire and her eyes started to glow. Twilight started to charge up another blast. Up to now all of her attacks had simply bounced of the shield the necromancer had pulled up, but she was sure that if she put enough power into it the barrier would surely break... Twilight deadpanned, and looked around herself in confusion.

The magic she had been gathering and concentrating until a moment ago was gone... simply vanished. Even her mane was back to normal... What was going on?

"Settle down over there..." Twilight's gaze turned to the necromancer, one of his hands was stretched towards her and glowing in a soft lavender tone, "I'm still trying to decide whether to burn you or turn you into a closet." he looked up from his book for a moment to give her an annoyed look, "Are you even sure you know how duels work or would you like to do some more research first?"

Twilight's eye began to twitch with frustration. How had he taken her magic away? The princess had mentioned that he wielded a form of magic the likes of which she had not seen before, but Twilight hadn't expected something like this. And that blasted shield... it drove her nuts. No matter how many magic blast she had shot at it, they had simply glanced off them like... like light hitting a mirror. Twilight's eyes widened in realization, it wasn't a shield, it was a mirror spell. But that meant...

The necromancer interrupted the study of his little book of spells to look up for a second "You wouldn't happen to be allergic to nuts, by a chance?" and saw a huge branch flying towards him, "Huh... "

Off to the side, Applejack gave a cheer as the branch passed through the necromancer's shield, hit him square in the stomach and sent him sailing several feet through the air, "You go Twilight! Show him how we ponies do things!"

Twilight watched his unmoving form on the ground with a tiny smile. Just as she had thought, the mirror spell only worked on magic or solid objects, not both. She waited for him to move, was it a trap or had she won already? Somehow she doubted that this fight would end that easily.

On the ground, the necromancer was inspecting the clouds with a hurt feeling of pride and he realized, he longer cared. If the little unicorn had figured out the weakness of his shield, then she'd find a way to survive a real attack as well... probably. Aergad concentrated and started to whisper silent chants, the clouds above him starting to gather and darken at an unnatural pace.

Twilight watched him as he held up the book and closed it with a snap before returning it to his robes, "Hey, Twilight!" he called out to her without getting up, "Pony got hit by lightning said what?"

Her concentration given way to confusion for a moment, Twilight tilted her head, "What?"

The moment she had mouthed the word, the necromancer pointed a finger upwards with a smirk, "Exactly..."

Above Twilight Sparkle, the sky gave its answer.


Princess Luna looked up from her work and outside the window for a moment. Had she just heard thunder? At this time of year? Luna shook her head with a sigh and concentrated on her work again, she'd have to talk about this with the weather patrol on the next occasion. It was far too early for this type of weather.


Aergad walked through Ponyville with a happy smile on his face but couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Maybe he had overdone it a bit but then again, she had challenged him to a duel. He shook his head with a small sigh.

Twilight had still been alive when he had left, though slightly charred and lying inside a small crater unconscious. The lightning bolt had been weakened considerably, a full powered blast would have turned her to nothing but ashes. She would feel it the next day, but she'd survive... probably. After all, her two friends were taking care of her. He'd collect her debt in the morning, if she had recovered by then.

As he arrived at his tower though, he spotted a figure waiting for him in the shadows of the entrance. He raised an eyebrow in surprise, "I had not expected you this quickly."

The figure stepped out off the shadows of his tower and into the moonlight, a jagged horn and a black carapace glinting softly, "Neither had I expected for my scouts to be found out so easily." a feminine voice spoke up, "Judging by your robes, you must be the necromancer."

The necromancer gave a curt bow, "Guilty as charged. Judging by your... size, you must be the leader of the changelings."

A set of green eyes watched him with interest, "I am queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changelings." a small smile appeared on her face, "I have observed your battle with Twilight Sparkle, I must say... it was quite entertaining."

He waved a dismissive hand, "She asked for it... not that it's going to stop Celestia from chewing my ear off for it, I'm afraid." he stepped up to her and inspected her form, "Well now, should we get inside?" he motioned to the tower with a smile of his own, the doors opening at an unseen command and by themselves.

Chrysalis watched him with mistrust, "And what would we do inside your tower that we can not do out here?" untold to him, she felt a bit at unease at being so close to Ponyville. She wasn't even sure why she had come to see him. At first she had been furious at Xerghis for being discovered, but the message and the tales the scout had brought had been interesting indeed.

There were of course, several drones waiting nearby to jump to her aid should she need it. However, stepping into his tower would cut her off from them. It had been an unusual bout of curiosity on her side at first she had to admit, but considering the fact he had beaten Twilight Sparkle with such ease she was still distrustful of his intentions.

"Have tea, of course!" he laughed as he beckoned her to enter with a grin on his lips, "And then, we can discuss business."

Chrysalis studied his face for several moments, trying to see if he was planning anything but aside from his smile, she could see nothing. With a deep breath and her head held up high, she stepped into the tower.

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