• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 20,393 Views, 1,117 Comments

Souls Apart - GnollReader

Two enemies wind up in Equestria due to a major mishap. Will they come to terms with this world? Most importantly, will they be able to put their old feud aside to survive?

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Chapter 38: Decision

Aergad turned around as Pipsqueak entered his chambers, "Ahh, there you are..." he spotted the group behind him and his happy expression fell considerably, "And you brought guests... great." he gave a sigh as the others entered, "Alright, alright... Let's do this in order, shall we? One after the other." the necromancer turned to Pipsqueak, "First, you. Step closer."

Pipsqueak took a tentative step towards the necromancer, "Can you really teach me magic, mister?"

"We'll see in a moment, kid. Hold still for a second." Aergad reached out and placed one of his hands on the foals head, closing his eyes and concentrating on what he felt beneath his hand. After a moment, he opened his eyes again and pulled back his hand with a small chuckle, "It'll take some time, but you have what you need. I can teach you a few things." Pipsqueak's expression turned into one of pure joy, "But first, there are a few things that need to be settled."

"What things?" Pipsqueak tilted his head.

"First of, why do you want to learn magic?"

Pipsqueak scrunched his face, "I... I dunno really, sir. I just really want to do something that nopony else does. I... I want to be special."

The necromancer raised an eyebrow as his gaze searched the foal's expression, "Special? Well I guess that's as good as any other reason. But there are a few things you and I need to be clear on: One; this will be hard work. You'll have to head here everyday after school, do chores and then attend my lessons... and it will take time for you to make progress, be sure of that. Do you understand?"

Pipsqueak swallowed, but have a determined nod, "I understand, sir."

"Good. Two; since you're a kid I'll only do this if your parents agree. Go to them, tell them that I'll be happy to visit them any time to discuss this. I'm sure they'll have questions." Pipsqueak nodded, "Alright. Off you go then. Return to me tomorrow morning when you've told your parents. Then we can see what will happen."

"I will, mister necromancer." Pipsqueak took off with a happy dash, putting a small smile on the necromancer's lips as he watched the foal leave.

"That kid is going to be real big one day..." he chuckled before turning to Celestia and the others, "So, what can I do for the rest of you?"

Celestia gave him a long and calculating look before speaking, "Can you really teach an earth pony magic? At such a young age nonetheless?"

"Sure I can. He has potential, I can feel it." he saw her doubting expression, "He won't be able to do magic like a unicorn, granted. But I'm sure I can teach him a few tricks of my own."

"And what tricks would you teach him, to be specific?" Celestia asked.

"Nothing dangerous, mind you. A few defensive spells, a bit of alteration and illusion if he grasps the concepts..." Aergad scratched his chin, "Maybe some alchemy too... Don't give me that look, Celestia. I'm not going to teach a child anything dangerous."

"How would he channel the magic?" Luna asked with a curious voice, "He has no horn, after all."

The necromancer shrugged, "So? Neither do I. Magic isn't a question of biology, it's a question of insight. A few lessons and the kid will probably be able to create light on his own." he rubbed his temples as he saw Celestia eye him with doubt, "Look; I know the idea probably doesn't suit you, but give the kid a chance. I'll even make sure he writes you a report each week so you can keep an eye on his lessons."

Celestia was a bit surprised at his sudden, obliging behavior, "Why does this mean so much to you?"

"The kid has a dream, I think that's reason enough to help him." he waved a dismissive hand, "Relax, his parents still have to decide on the matter. We can continue to argue once they agree to it, if they agree to it, that is."

Celestia thought for a moment, "Very well, but I demand to be informed about everything that happens on this matter. Do you understand?"

"As do I." the paladin spoke up, "I'm not going to let you spoil the poor child. I'm going to keep a close eye on you as well."

"Sure. I'll keep you updated." Aergad chuckled and turned to the paladin, "You'll be spending more time with me in the future anyway, so feel free to attend the lessons. You may even learn something yourself."

Calindria gave him a questioning frown, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Celestia was about to explain, but was interrupted as Twilight entered the necromancer's chamber behind them... with a small book in her grasp. She held her head low as she approached Aergad, putting on her best apologetic face, "I'm sorry for misusing your trust and taking the book without asking."

The necromancer huffed and fished the book from her grasp, checking the pages with a quick look, "Translation spells? Figures..." he let go of the book and the others watched it float back to its original position in one of the shelves, "There's a good reason all of these are written in multiple languages, but I'm sure you understand that now... don't you?" he gave her a short glare.

"I do." Twilight gave a sullen nod.

"Good. I'm sure Celestia will want to know everything about this once we are finished with the other stuff."

"Indeed I do, I expect a full report on the matter." Twilight cringed at Celestia's words, "I trust that no permanent damage was done by whatever she summoned?"

"We got lucky..." the necromancer sighed, feeling the weight of the soul gem in one of his countless pockets; the ponies would probably never know just how lucky they had gotten. He shook his head and changed the subject, "Have you decided on that matter yet?"

"I have not." Celestia replied with a stern face. That matter was going to give her quite a few headaches; there were no other eligible princesses left in Equestria other than her sister and herself... not counting in prince Blueblood, but that would be a risky move. She somehow doubted the two of them would get along very well.

"What matter?" Luna asked with growing unease, "Why do I have the feeling that a lot more has happened than what I am aware of?"

Celestia sighed, "There have been a lot of things happening at a much quicker pace than we are used to." she gave Aergad a short look, "Maybe it is time for all of us to sit down and discuss the recent events. So that everyone is up to date."

Aergad grinned, "A secret council?" his grin widened as he saw Celestia's annoyed expression, "Splendid! I'll serve tea and biscuits." he turned to one of the imps ever-present in his chambers, "Get some extra chairs and prepare some tea, the legion of doom is about to have its first official meeting." the imp immediately scurried off.

"The legion of doom?" Luna asked with a frown, "Seriously?"

A small laugh escaped his lips, "Well, we could call it three ponies, one armored airhead and the awesome necromancer, but that title is a bit long, isn't it now?"

Celestia shook her head with a small groan, "Let us just start, shall we?" she saw his grin, "And I too, do not approve of the legion of doom."

His grin turned into a sour expression, "Three ponies, one armored airhead and the bored necromancer it is then."


Half an hour later, all of them were silently contemplating what they had just learned.

"So that I understand this correctly..." the paladin was the first to speak up, "I'm supposed to keep an eye on him while he does his research on... what were they called again?"

"Changelings." Celestia spoke up quietly, "And I ask this of you because I know you can be trusted." she turned to Aergad, "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"You said you would provide the required containers before I make this public."

Aergad waved his hand with an almost lazy motion, "Down in the cellar. Two hundred bottles waiting to be enchanted. I'll get right on it once we're done here. You can pick them up tomorrow morning."

"So that's why I saw queen Chrysalis leave the tower that morning?"

Celestia gave Aergad a look of small surprise, "She stayed for the night?"

A dreamy expression found its way onto his features, "She sure did... she sure did." on the other side of the table, Twilight couldn't help but make a disgusted face.

"I for one find the development of Blackshadow Reach far more concerning." Luna spoke up before addressing her sister, "Are you really going to give him a country of his own?"

"It seems that the griffons for once would be satisfied, I am afraid we can not let this opportunity go by. They already sealed the contract on their behalf too. If we were to pull back now, they would surely take it as an insult." Celestia tried to answer as calmly as possible.

Luna's eyes narrowed, "And who, pray tell dear sister, will marry the necromancer? Surely I must not remind you that we two are the only eligible princesses left in all of Equestria?"

"You are?" Aergad gave the two a look of pure terror.

"We are not." Celestia tried to calm him.

Luna's eyes narrowed even further as she saw her sister start to sweat, "Are you talking about Blueblood?"

"Blueblood?" Twilight asked with surprise, "But Blueblood is a..."

"Respected member of the royal family." Celestia quickly finished the sentence before a frown found its way back onto her face, "Aergad..."

"Yes, Celestia?"

"You are neither marrying Luna, nor are you going to marry me...

"I'm not?"

"You are not... So please, step away from the window."

The necromancer seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then gave an undignified sigh and returned to his seat.

"A good wife always puts the man in his place." the paladin gave a laugh as she watched Aergad's devastated expression, "But two princesses? I say, maybe they'll even get you to act like a sane being for once."

"Wouldn't that be nice..." he grumbled from his seat.

Luna gave her sister another short, meaningful glance before returning her attention to Aergad, "And what of the matter of the diamond dog infestation? How do you plan on handling the problem?"

The necromancer gave a short shrug and suppressed a yawn, "I'll make them the first citizens of my beautiful little country."

"And how do you plan to make them accept your leadership?" Luna asked with a frown, "You will need an army if you even want to make them accept diplomatic talks."

"Luna, have you forgotten what I am?" a sinister smile appeared on his lips, "All I need are a few bones... everywhere I go there's an army waiting for me to call it forth." he pointed a thumb towards the paladin, "That, and I'm sending her as well."

"What?!" Calindria almost shouted out, "And since when do I follow your orders?"

"Hey, you wanted to be a paladin, didn't you?" the necromancer gave her a smile, "Here's the thing; If I'm really going to keep the diamond dogs alive, they're going to need training. And who better to do that part than a paladin?"

"Train them?" the paladin asked with a baffled face.

"Long story cut short..." the necromancer sighed, "I'm going to give you an army of the undead to lead to that place, have you take over the diamond dogs and then supervise the construction of a fortress to house the capitol. The undead will do all the work, they're fast builders. But as far as the diamond dogs are concerned, they're going to need some military drill so they can guard the place and live like civilized beings once the undead finish their work and go back to sleeping."

He pointed a finger at her, "And I figured, I'm going to put you in charge of that part. I'm offering you the place of the general and governor of the first city in my new country. So here's you're chance to build your own order of paladins..." he chuckled, "You did ask me for a direction, and now I'm giving you one. Your choice, paladin."


Another twenty minutes later, the necromancer was the only one left in his chambers. The others had left; Calindria pondering on whether she would take up on his offer, and the two alicorn sisters preparing for a meeting with Blueblood... Aergad couldn't help but wonder why a pony princess would have such a masculine name...

He himself had given two promises; one was not to cause any troubles for the oncoming festivities... not that he had a lot of time to prepare anything at this point anyway... and the other one had concerned his teaching of the young foal. He would remain in Equestria for the time being, so that Pipsqueak would not have to leave his home should his parents agree to his wishes... and probably because Celestia was wary of letting him out of her sight.

So he would wait until the undead had set up his capitol, with or without the paladin's supervision. After that he'd build another tower, set up teleportation runes and just jump between the two places when he needed to. It would take some effort at first to optimize all the adjustments, but he would manage with time. He just hoped that he wouldn't land inside some wall on his first attempt...

The necromancer's thoughts were interrupted though, as he felt an all too familiar shiver run down his back. He didn't need to turn around to know who had just entered his chambers, "What do you want? I don't remember calling for you..." he checked his chest, "And my heart is still beating too..." he chuckled, "Or did I eat something I shouldn't have?"

Death took a moment to observe him, "I have made a decision to bend the rules."

"What now?" Aergad raised an eyebrow in complete surprise.

"I am willing to give you what you wish for... if you are willing to give me what I wish for...

The necromancer observed death's form with a careful expression, "And what brought on this change, if I may ask?"

"See for yourself..." Death opened his robes and a small globe of light detached itself from within, hovering before the necromancer and showing him countless images.

Aergad silently took in the pictures within the globe before it disappeared again, his face turning emotionless as he stared into Death's cold eyes, "That's what's going to happen?"

"It is one of the possible futures..."

"So soon too... You're not really giving me a choice here..."

"You are right, but you will need to make a choice... Will you continue to live out of nothing but spite, or will you finally accept the path that I planned for you so long ago?"

"If I do this..." the necromancer was quiet for a short moment, "You'll give her to me?"

"She will be yours... as you will be mine..."

"Did I ever tell you how much I hate it when you talk like that?"

"Always." Death replied with his emotionless voice before he started to fade from existence, "I have made an exception, Aergad. I have shown you what can be... what you can be... Now, my son... it is up to you to decide which path you will take..."

Aergad watched the empty spot where Death had just stood, an expression of pure contempt on his face, "You always were an asshole, dad." he sighed, "Always..." a small, sad laugh escaped him, "Celestia's really going to lose her shit this time..."

Author's Note:


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