• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Stop the Arrowfish, I Want Off

“I've looked over the entirety of evidence that you've gathered, Miss Dash,” Theanim Mane said, sitting beneath a porthole with his back to the wall. He stifled a yawn and pointed at the materials in front of him. “As you can see, I've assembled it all as neatly and comprehensibly as I could.”

“So, do we have a case against the Syndicate?” Rainbow remarked.

“You did a fantastic job of capturing order manifests for the explosives,” Theanim went on. “And I think the blueprints that you've pilfered provide the most damning evidence of all. They show precisely where the apartments throughout Rust were struck with the mana-charged detonations. Revan's own clerks even went as far as to match the order numbers of the materials in the manifests with the places in town that they were charged. Perhaps it was to keep a mental record of the most profitable exploits so that they could more properly pay back their suppliers. Seems like the Syndicate were always thinking on the go, but could never quite comprehend something like a heist forcing their wheels to stop turning entirely.”

“Yes... but do we have a case?!” Rainbow's voice cracked. “You should know, Doc...” She glanced aside at Rarity and Twilight. “I'm... n-not exactly in the habit of robbing other ponies' blind.”

“Nor are you skilled in the art of whaling, and yet you've made do.”

“Whaling?!” Rarity blinked.

“Rarity!” Twilight hissed. “We talked about this.”

“Suffer me the details!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and sighed in Theanim's direction. “Doc. I gotta know if what I helped make happen will be worth it in the long run.” She pointed at the many photographs and paper sheets. “Will this be enough to convince the... the...”

“The Muddredgers in Shoggoth?”

“Right. Them. Will they look at this and actually agree to play ball with us? I mean, I could kick thugs' teeth in until the cows come home but that won't exactly take down the Syndicate nearly as quickly.”

“I imagine you say this because you're in a hurry to reach the next Seed,” Theanim said. “Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but dismantling the Syndicate from the inside out is not something that will take place overnight.”

“Unnnghhh...” Rainbow plopped on her haunches while her ghostly friends looked on.

“However.” Theanim slid his goggles up over his mane. “I suggest you get that out of your mind completely. Instead of focusing on the destruction of the Syndicate, focus on making a good impression.”

“A good impression?” Rainbow's eyes blinked crookedly. “A good impression on who?!”

“Princess Camellia, of course,” Theanim said with a calm smile. “As the current reigning monarch of the Muddredge city, she'll be the most important pony to convince of our... how should I say it... righteous intent.”

“But...” Rainbow squinted. “Won't the Southern Hoof be holding her back? I mean, Shoggoth is a merchant city. She might be Princess and all, but with the Syndicate running the business—”

“If we play our cards right, the Syndicate will have an awful lot to deal with.” He gestured at the materials before them once again. “If we present this damning evidence in a public forum—say—the Marine Auction House—”

“The Marine Whatsit?

“It's the most bustling area in all of Shoggoth,” Theanim explained. “It's where the Syndicate, the Shoggoth Council, the representatives of Her Royal Highness, and the common Muddredge merchants all meet on a daily basis. Most citizens and representatives converge twice a day at the Marine Auction House to observe the current trade situation before going off to their separate assemblies to discuss economy, renovations, legislature, and other important businesses. It's a tradition going as far back as when the seas were first tamed by both siren and equine kind.”

“Oooh!” Rarity bounced. “I just know they'll be dressed in their smartest fashion while in attendance, too!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, smiling.

“So... when we get to Shoggoth, we make a bee-line to this... Marine Auction House place?” Rainbow asked.

“More or less.”


“Honestly, Miss Dash, we'll want to avoid giving the Syndicate any idea that we've stolen anything of theirs. That may mean having to lay low for several hours, getting a feel for the place.”

“You've been there before, though, right?”

“Mrmmfff...” He rubbed his temple, fighting another yawn. “It's been... quite a long time. I fear that I'll be just as much a fish out of water as you and Echo.”


“Whatever we do, we'll have to time things perfectly. To get into Shoggoth and win the Syndicate's trust, we'll have to use Echo as a bargaining chip once again.”


“But... we can't tarry so long that any harm will come to the old chap. So, I suggest we put Echo in the hooves of Bard and his companion, seeing as the fellow is quite good at dragging his hooves and distracting the enemy. Hopefully they can keep the Syndicate occupied up until the first meeting at the Marine Auction House after our arrival.”

“Lemme guess—while the girls and I do more one-mare-sneaking missions?”

“More to the point...” He leaned forward. “I will be the one to approach the Marine Auction House with this evidence.”

“What? You and only you?”


“But Doc!” Rainbow grimaced, glancing over at Twilight. “You saw how royally ticked off those gansters were when they chased us back in Rust! What makes you think you can get out of a place like that alive after you—”

“Miss Dash, unless you forget, I am a scientist of the Ninety-Seventh Order, commissioned by the Council of Her Majesty Queen Verlaxion to oversee the protection of Robhredden's interests. That includes the cities of Rust and Shoggoth, no matter how fringe they may be. The Syndicate—no matter how powerful—cannot simply execute me in public. Especially not here.”

“And if they catch you somewhere alone...?”

“Hopefully it will not come to that,” Theanim said. “Because you will have made yourself presentable to the one pony who can make all of this work in our favor.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Camellia...”

Theanim nodded. “She is a wise and honorable sovereign, but her power is restricted by the Muddredge laws that govern the ocean's floor—the same laws that the Syndicate has exploited to such a degree that they now control much of Shoggoth. If you can convince her that our mission—however crude—is the very device she needs to disassemble such a malevolent organization, then she may very well be able to pull many a string in our favor. I would suspect that a siren in her position would be quite eager to let such a situation play out.”

“And in return...?”

Theanim nodded knowingly. “She could very well grant you access to the Next Seed. Verlaxion's blessing... would be our blessing.”

“And we can finally pull Pinkie Pie free!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I can't believe it!” Rarity stammered. “It's so simple! Oh Rainbow, darling, aren't you excited—?” She blinked, ears folding back. “Rainbow?”

“Miss Dash?” Theanim cocked his head aside. “Are you quite alright?”

“Mmmrmfff... yeah, I'm...” Rainbow held a hoof over her face, wincing. The decks of the Arrowfish reeled around her, as if it had just hit choppy seas. “I mean, no... I... that is... guh...”

“Seasick? Echo has the same problem—”

“Unnghh...” Rainbow stumbled to the side, colliding with a wall. Her eyes squinted open, flickering red-on-yellow. “Damn... d-damn!” She hissed, clenching her teeth. “Almost... friggin' f-forgot about...”

“Miss Dash!” Theanim stood up, stirring Echo awake from across the way.

“Mrmmfff... shudddddup...” A pair of slitted eyes peaked out from beneath the blanket. “Whoah. She doesn't look so good.”

“Guhhhh...” Th-Thwump! Rainbow fell meatedly on her side, shivering all over as the world grew cold, spinning faster and faster around her.

“Rainbow!” Rarity yelped.

“Rarity!” Twilight hugged Rarity from behind. “Shhh! Calm down—”

“Calm down?!” Rarity's voice cracked. She pointed at the curled-up pegasus. “You mean you've s-seen this sort of thing b-before?!”

“It'll pass! Just trust me!”


“Trust me!” Twilight gulped, then looked over Rarity's shoulder. “Rainbow... just hang in there! Everything's going to be alright!”

Rainbow wheezed, eyes rolling back. She reached a blind hoof up as her pendant shimmered against the bulkheads. “Girls... girls, I...”

“Just hang on...!” The voices were a thousand miles away. She heard loud hoofsteps and talons rushing towards her, followed by drawling gasps. Then the hum of the Arrowfish overtook her, throttling her core down an ocean abyss, and into dark, murky darkness.

“I'm... I'm sorry...”

And she gave in.

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