• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Rainbow Dash High Tails It East

“A dream. A hallucination.” Rainbow Dash gnashed her teeth in mid-descent. She skimmed the eastern edge of the rocky mountain, gliding towards the thick canopy of palm trees waiting for her on the other side. “Some sort of... of... friggin' Herald projection bullcrap. It's gotta be.” She clenched her eyes shut. “Pilate... Ding Dong... you were always the smart ones. What's the game here? What do the Angels of Urohringr want from this stupid nonsense?”

At last, she pierced the jungle layer. Barreling through the leaves, she made a rough landing, scraping her hooves through the soil until she had made a shallow trench. Immediately, she swiveled about, turning her flank to Yaerfaerda.

With panting breaths, she eyed the mountain above.

“Or maybe... m-maybe the Choke's done this to me...” She gulped, then rubbed a hoof over the fresh knot in her belly. “...or maybe those funky flowers I just ate.” She grumbled out the side of her muzzle. “Stupid... Stupid pony... listening to a fever dream. What were you thinking—?!”


Rainbow's features drooped. She gazed upwards with the mother of all pale expressions.

A lavender shape came cruising diagonally earthward like a falling zeppelin. Twilight Sparkle pumped a hoof in the air, a dumb grin across her face as she descended eerily. “You know, all things considered, this is actually kind of exhilarating! Heeheeheee!” The bookworm chirped as her body plummeted into Rainbow Dash...

...only to surge straight through her.

“Gaaah!” Rainbow clutched herself. There was a flash of lavender light, and she spun around—trembling—to see.

Twilight Sparkle rested on the grassy floor—perfectly unharmed. She laid back with her hooves and tail curled above her like a fuzzy purple squirrel. “A-ahem...” She blushed slightly. “Seriously, though, Rainbow, it's time to cut it out.”

Rainbow clenched her jaw tight. She stared straight down at the ground and trotted forward, passing Twilight.

“Hey, listen! I mean it!” Twilight hopped up. “All of Equestria is in danger so long as Discord's on the loose! Don't you care about that?”

Rainbow held her breath. She hobbled over rocks and tree stumps, stumbling her way to shore.

Twilight trotted closely behind the pegasus' swishing tail. “I mean... think of your friends! Think about Rarity! And Fluttershy! And Pinkie Pie—watchyourstep.”

Ooomf!” Rainbow chest-planted over a rock. She writhed on the ground just a few feet from the eastern shore, gritting her teeth in pain.

“Think about Applejack!”

Rainbow's eyes flew open. She exhaled with a pained hiss.

Twilight came to a stop behind her. “If Discord takes over, they're all in trouble! The Rainbow Dash that I know wouldn't abandon her friends in need! So... please...” She leaned forward, stretching a hoof. “...talk to me, Rainbow. Tell me what's wrong.” Twilight gulped, her voice taking on a pitiable tone. “If... if you let me help you... th-then maybe I can get you to help me? To help all of us?”

Rainbow seethed and seethed. She clenched her eyes shut. “Dead... all of them...”

Twilight blinked. “Huh? What was that?”

“Grnnnghhh...” Rainbow spread her wings, whispering hoarsely yet again. “They're all dead. Dead! She bulleted forward with a grunt.

“Ohhhhhhhh Rainbow.” Twilight sat back on her haunches, folding her forelimbs. “Learn a new tune already—” When the lavender light dragged her forward, she accepted it with a casual sigh.

Rainbow Dash shot past the crashing waves, soared beyond the foamy ocean swells, and flew over the deep sea. She didn't think—she hardly even breathed. The pegasus simply pointed herself at the distant speck of Yaerfaerda and accelerated.

At last, her lungs burst, and she huffed and puffed in desperation. The “meal” in her belly was enough to carry her forward for hours... even days, she reasoned. Or, at least, she hoped.

“No turning back... n-no turning back...” Rainbow stammered, teeth chattering. “Just. Fly. East.” She gulped hard, smiling crookedly. “That's all there is. Flying east. Eheh... eh heh heh heh heh...” She barked into the sky. “It's always worked before! No reason it should stop working now, right?!” Her muzzle twisted into a snarl. “Stupid Choke. I'm tired of you and your stupid... grnnngh... Chokeyness.” Her wings flapped harder as she ascended, getting a good view of the expansive blue horizon. “Shoulda tried harder to keep the Nebulum intact. Never mind the Heaven Slices. Those tasted like cardboard anyways.”

“Heaven what-now?”

Rainbow's wings nearly drooped. Against her better judgment, she looked behind her.

Twilight soared after the pegasus, gliding along at the same speed. All the while, her limbs dangled like a glowing lavender marionette puppet. “'Nebulum?' 'Choke?'” The unicorn's muzzle twisted. “I don't know, Rainbow. Maybe you are hallucinating.”

An errant squeaking sound came out of Rainbow's throat. Nervously, she darted left and right, throwing her flight into an erratic pattern. No matter how swiftly she swung, spiraled, or barrel-rolled, Twilight remained hovering closely behind her.

“I tried telling you back on the island!” Twilight cackled. “It's no use! It's not going to work!” Casually, the unicorn threw a worried glance over her shoulder at the disappearing landscape. “Speaking of which, I really... really think that you should have stayed there instead of shoving off the only dry land within sight. I mean, it looks to be a pretty big ocean surrounding us, and there's no telling how long you'll have to fly before—”

“Mmmfmnngh!” Snarling, Rainbow dove. She flew low to the ocean's surface.

Consequently, Twilight plunged into the waters beneath her. “Hey! Rainbow, don't—!” Her voice was canceled out by thick, rolling waves.

Rainbow panted and panted, staring down behind her as she glided along.

Through the ocean's surface, a tiny shape soared evenly along, like a lavender torpedo.

Rainbow stared and stared. Squinting curiously, she flapped her wings and lifted up ever so slightly.

Within seconds, Twilight's head poked out of the water. Her obstinate pout was dry as a bone. “Are you quite finished?”

Luna Poop!” Rainbow grimaced, dropping like a stone. Her belly made a splash against the waves, but with quick wingflaps she was able to ascend without plunging into the drink. Still, she managed a heavy exhale of relief, for the unicorn was once again out of sight.

For now.

Rainbow Dash tried staring forward. She felt her heart thudding through her chest as she fixated on the pinprick glow of Yaerfaerda.

However, as the seconds dragged on into minutes, she found herself squirming in midair. She clenched her eyes, cursed herself breathlessly, and squinted down at the waters. Angling her wings, she ascended once more.

Twilight was already speaking before her mouth cleared the waves. “The coral reef down here is absolutely amazing! Such colorful, vibrant species of porifera! I wish you could see it!”

“Nnnnghrhh...” Frowning, Rainbow looked forward and prepared to dive again.

“Rainbow, wait! Will you just wait?!

Without looking, the pegasus glided at an even altitude.

Twilight pointed a glowing hoof through the top of the waves. “A coral reef this spacious means that the ocean's floor should remain shallow! Land can't be that far ahead!”

Rainbow blinked forward, for she was already spotting a thin, green light along the horizon, and it was considerably wider and larger than the island she had just abandoned.

“I've no clue how much damage Discord has done to you, but if it'll make you feel better to reach dry land—Gaaah!” Twilight yelped, doing a silly somersault through the air as she lifted out of the water.

Rainbow Dash had taken off, flying higher and higher as she made a bee-line for the large island body looming to the east. As she closed in, she saw rigid brown shapes rising up out of the ground, two and three stories tall: the tell-tale sign of artificial structures.

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