• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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An Audience With The Snow Queen

“Say... uh... Rainbow... eheh...” Bard fidgeted besides Wildcard. “...ya sure ya dun need no jacket or nothin' for where ya goin'?”

“I only need a break from your charming sense of humor, twanger,” Rainbow muttered. She waved a hoof without looking back at the stallion. “Just sit tight with your boyfriend, bright-eyes. Where I'm going is where you're going. I just... gotta have a little chat first, and then we're out of here. I... uh... Pinkie Promise.”

“Y'know, darlin', for what it's worth...” Bard shuffled in place. “If all of this goes south, and you disappear, and us Desperadoes end up dyin' of cold and starvation way down here at the bottom of the ocean...”


“...well... I-I just want you to know that we ain't cross or nothin'.” Bard smirked nervously. “All thangs considered, it's a mighty purdy way for a bounty hunter to bite it.”

Wildcard gestured madly.

“But I am speakin' for myself, ya buzzard!”

The griffon face-talon'd.

“In the words of a good zebra I know, don't panic.” Right as she said this, the golems all marched in. They closed a cold blue circle around her, surrounding the pegasus. “Hello. How ya doin'?”

The suits of armor leaned forward and tilted their helms at such an angle that the empty space within directly faced Rainbow Dash. One by one, the magically sculpted skulls and muzzles melted, revealing the gaping blue hollow within each headpiece. Cold, blizzardy air billowed out of each armored figure, carrying thick flakes of frosty snow. This sudden storm of sleet swirled counter-clockwise around the mare, twirling faster and faster, forming a cylindrical curtain of pure white that surrounded Rainbow Dash on all sides.

Wincing from the close proximity of the knifing bits of ice, Rainbow Dash peered back over her shoulder. She caught a brief flash of frightened faces—and then both Twilight and Rarity vanished completely. Rainbow Dash was alone inside the vertical column of snow. Her ears rang from the constant howl, and she felt like her insides were going to freeze from the heart and outward.

And yet, as the seconds wore on, the painful chill of the snow lessened. At first, Rainbow thought it was her limbs going numb. But—rubbing one hoof against the other fetlock—she found that she was in perfect control of her senses. Raising a limb to her pendant, she could clearly feel the cold kiss of metal. She wasn't warm inside the opaque cylinder, and yet she wasn't freezing either. Gradually, as the next howling minute passed by, she became aware of a dim blue light encasing her like a cocoon from beyond the miniature blizzard. The golems of armor had all vanished at this point. The only real thing was the weather they concocted, and soon even the ear-piercing howl had quieted into a dull roar.

Panting, Rainbow Dash peered left and right. If it weren't for the tiny flakes of snow zipping from right to left at murderous speeds, she would have guessed she was lost in a gray fog. The tiny circular patch of golden metal beneath her was her only anchor to the Machine World. Otherwise, Rainbow could just as well have imagined herself in another dimension.

This distracted her so much that she didn't notice the shadowy figure lurching by until it grazed her peripheral vision.

“... … …!” Rainbow spun to her left.

She caught the supple flank of the figure. The dark patch bore four legs, a long neck, and a mane. Casually, the figure circled the entrapped mare, wandering the snowy blizzard “outside” like a deer shuffling through a dense forest. It looked just as innocent too.

Rainbow craned her neck, eyes squinting. “Bard? Twilight? Rarity?” She leaned forward. “Is that you?”

Instantly, the figure froze. A long, thick tail lashed out from its rear, ending in a forked shape. When it turned to face Rainbow Dash from beyond the blizzard, five savage horns tapered off from the top of its skull. A pair of slitted blue eyes opened in the middle of the shadow's head, glowing like an icy reptile's.

Rainbow leaned back, frowning. “Verlax.”

“Ah. A name.” The voice was soft, feminine, motherly. It resonated with the same metallic tone as that which broadcasted from the golems earlier, only this time it crackled with an ethereal quality, like ice breaking in the corner of Rainbow's hearing. “I'm quite flattered by that, actually.”

Rainbow blinked, and in that blink the shadow disappeared. Muzzle agape, she glanced left and right.

“Of course...” The voice came from behind.

“!!!” Rainbow spun to see the shadow hovering on the other side of the blizzard, flapping on angular wing-shapes.

“...I have many names. One for each shoreline... for each island... for each fish in this tiny ocean that fears me... needs me... worships me.”

Rainbow blinked again. This time, the shadow was to her left, casually pacing through the storm.

“But you? You carry on your tongue the name that my sisters have given me... and my sisters' friends. I do suppose you meant that as an insult.” The shadow paused. It tossed its head back, and the five horns molded into luscious mane hair. “But, that's the nature of names. The more you have of them, the more certain you are of your godhood.”

Rainbow merely squinted, her limbs and hooves locked in place.

Eventually, the shadow turned towards her. Its tail flicked, turning into a mare's well-groomed appendage. “So then, Austraeoh... carrier of the machine world's Spark...” Step by step, the hoofed thing approached the eye of the storm. “...Rainbow Dash. From one Goddess to another, I must ask...” Its eyes widened into round, equine sapphires, and it stopped before Rainbow could make out a single hint of its facial features. “...are you truly prepared for what I am about to give you?”

“The flame was never yours to begin with, Verlax,” Rainbow grumbled. She frowned. “And I am no goddess.”

“Ah! But that's how we know you can accomplish great things! You can do that which I can't—not easily, at least.”

“And what's that?”

“Die.” The eyes blinked briefly into reptilian slits before returning to full, round lustre. “And save the world, I suppose. It's... quite preferable to do it in a particular order. But that's the nature of the trials: to see if your awesomeness and your luck are interchangeable things. And, if that was precisely the case, I don't think I'd be sharing this delightful conversation with you right now.”

Rainbow's nostrils flared. “I don't see what's so darn delightful about it.”

“It means we've had a breakthrough...” The shadow of feathery wings spread and coiled again from beyond the frost. “You're here... which means the circle has truly begun. And everything that begins ends to begin again. I thought I was the only soul—Divine or otherwise—who understood this. But then I learned of you... I learned about the Austraeoh. And now you're close... so very close to undoing what's been done to be undone again.”

“What... are you even talking about?” Rainbow murmured.

“The only thing that's ever been worth talking about since the end of the beginning of the end,” Verlax spoke, her voice practically singing beyond the ghostly winds. “It's all about the Sundering, my little pony.”

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