• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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At Least It Ain't For Pearls

Rainbow Dash swam deep.

She was anything but alone. There had to have been over two dozen Nealend ponies diving and darting around the coral of the lagoon, catching fish with remarkable ease and finesse. The water was quite clear, and Rainbow Dash could see for several yards into the distance. It became obvious to her that the coral structures were super complex and multifaceted, hiding all sorts of edible life and fish schools deep within their vibrant, hollow pockets. For every Nealend diver the pegasus saw, she realized that two more had to have been hidden beneath her, mingling beneath the coral caves, utilizing their expert lung capacities in order to explore every niche and fish out a good day's supper.

“I'm still not seeing the absolute bottom of the lagoon,” Twilight Sparkle spoke, clear as day. It was their fifth consecutive dive, and the unicorn was doing her best to visually scan the rigid structures below. “Maybe if you pointed out precisely where Yaerfaerda is, I can find the nearest trench to it?”

Rainbow nodded. She swam up to the surface, took a huge breath while hearing the mirth and laughter of Nealenders, then dove once again into the unsettlingly deaf depths. It took a bit of searching, and two more dives, but Rainbow spotted an area right above Yaerfaerda where the coral formations had thinned ever so slightly. Halfway through the latest swim, she pointed at a parting in the orange and red structures.

“Got it!” Twilight hovered forward, her violet mane unaffected by the shifting currents. She phased through a pufferfish and a manta ray, then stopped in place. Waiting for Rainbow Dash to catch up, she pointed straight down at a narrow ravine between two coral formations.

Rainbow nodded back, then pointed up at the sunlight.

“Right! Get another breath!” Twilight said. “I'll be sure to mark the spot!”

Rainbow made her swim to the surface, inhaled, then dove again. Twilight met her halfway, gestured, then led the way down... down into the trench. There, they coasted along a narrow stretch of sandy beds. The tops of several clusters of seaweed tickled at Rainbow's belly, making it all the harder to keep her breath in. By now, Rainbow was squinting, for the glow of Yaerfaerda was becoming almost unbearably bright.

Twilight easily noticed. “We're right on top of it, aren't we?”

Rainbow could only nod her head.

“I'm not seeing any lights myself,” Twilight uttered, looking through each dark hollow in the flanking coral. “From what Mr. Mane said, it sounds like the Shard of Verlaxion is supposed to glow with bright resonance. Unless, of course, he was referring to a sort of inner light... a sort of spiritual contentment of transcendence that one feels when their heart and soul are convinced that they are in presence of a goddess' divine gift—”

Rainbow seethed, spitting bubbles.

Twilight blushed. “Er... right... 'stuff it, egghead.' Ahem.”

Rainbow Dash held her breath as the unicorn looked around and around. At one point, the duo's path was blocked by a brilliant fish with bright blue fins and a yellow mouth.

Twilight couldn't help but coo. She grinned at Rainbow Dash, whose eyes also shone in delight at the remarkably colorful creature.

Schlunnnk! All of that ended at the tip of a spear. There was a brief spurt of red murk, and then the fish twitched for the last time. A Nealender added it to his bounty. He paused to look at Rainbow Dash, smiled wide, then swam off to the next patch of coral.

The two Equestrians hovered in place, exchanging grimacing expressions. Rainbow pointed up, and Twilight nodded.

“Go on ahead...”

Rainbow Dash returned to the surface. In truth, the water there was not so deep that Twilight couldn't remain where she was without fear of being yanked away. This allowed the unicorn to glance around with a casual gaze. As a result, her eyes caught a curious spark. She turned around, lips pursed as she squinted at sudden fissure just beyond a final wall of coral.

When Rainbow Dash returned, she could tell from Twilight's body language that something was different. The pegasus dove down towards the mare's level, and Twilight wasted no time in pointing at the phenomena.

“About twenty feet that way!” Twilight exclaimed. “Beneath the crag of rock! See?”

Rainbow squinted. Coiling her wings tighter at her side, she kicked her rear legs in ardent frog-strokes. In very little time at all, she had reached the edge of the fissure—though she needed Twilight to tell her.

“This is amazing! Rainbow, please tell me you're seeing this!”

Rainbow blinked a few times. At last, her eyes adjusted, and the glow of Yaerfaerda dwindled beneath another source of light. Below her and Twilight, a perfectly hexagonal hole had been bored into the seabed. That is—it was once a hole. Something had filled it up at some point in the past, something luminescent and crystalline.

“The Shard...!” Twilight exclaimed. “That's gotta be it!” She pointed at the top left of the large, ten-foot-wide chunk of polished stone. “And look there! A piece is missing!”

Rainbow Dash swam closer. As she did so, the temperature of the water dropped dramatically. She couldn't stop shivering, and yet she summoned the strength to focus on where Twilight was pointing. She saw that a jagged chunk of icy-white stone had been fractured off of the rest of the material, and just along the ocean's floor there were several deep teeth marks bordering the missing part of the Shard.

“Ultimo really did take a bite out of this thing,” Twilight said. “But what for? What would make a monster want to do that?”

Rainbow was listening to her. There was no way she couldn't. And yet, as the pressure in her lungs started to boil, she kept staring more and more intently at the crystalline substance.

“Too bad the chunk doesn't go all the way through the Shard,” Twilight rambled. “It might be a way to swim past it. I mean... Yaerfaerda has to be beneath this, right? It's almost as if the Shard here is blocking the entrance, Rainbow...”

Rainbow's body shook and quivered. Her eyes feverishly pierced the translucent surface of the Shard, and the mare saw something layered within the material... a different kind of white substance that stood out like gray sediment within the ivory frost. It was a shade of gray she had seen before, and the more it glinted before her vision, the colder and number she got.

“We can talk about this later,” Twilight said. “Let's get to the surface. You've been down here long enough.” But there was no movement. She looked over. “Rainbow...?”

The pegasus had curled up into a little ball. She drifted backwards, wincing as her eyes flickred red-on-yellow. She couldn't move. She could barely even bend her ears.

“Rainbow!” Twilight hollered loudly. She lunged forward, only to phase through the drowning pony. “Rainbow?! What are you doing?! Swim! Swim to the surface!

Rainbow merely winced. Bubbles of precious oxygen frothed out of her muzzle. A ruby glow pulsed from her pendant, and her eyes rolled back—just as her body rolled back against the sandy floor.

“Rainbow... you have to swim!” Twilight whimpered and hyperventilated. “Do you hear me?! I can't watch you die like this! Now swim! For Celestia's sake, swim!” She panted and panted. Ghostly tears dropped straight through the watery domain. “Please, Rainbow Dash! What's wrong with you—?” A shaved head burst through Twilight's chest, causing the unicorn to gasp.

Silver swam towards Rainbow's side like a torpedo. The stallion leaned forward, staring into her twitching eyes. His cheeks bulged as a barely audible grunt left his throat. His horn glowed, and he lifted a clamshell out of his satchel. Using the front of his teeth, he bit onto a string that looped out of the shell, then gave it a savage yank. Chemicals inside the clamshell ignited, sending a heavy and loud shockwave through the coral reef. Within seconds, Nealend bodies swam in from every corner of that patch of the lagoon. They each grabbed a leg of Rainbow Dash, braced themselves against the ocean's floor, then kicked off with gusto.

Twilight yelped, suddenly rocketing towards sunlight as the natives carried Rainbow's body to the surface. And once they broke through, Twilight nearly sobbed with relief.

Rainbow's sputtering, wheezing voice resembled a sweet symphony.

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