• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,360 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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The Next Chapter Of Our Lives

“Hello... uhm... Miss?

Rainbow Dash stirred, her muzzle hanging open and drooling.

“Ma'am? Uhm... are... are you awake? Erm...”

She curled her limbs tighter to her face, digging a disheveled mane of hair deeper into the soft grass.

Pssst... Rainbow Dash,” Twilight Sparkle's voice meekly hissed. “I... I think these ponies want something from you.”

“… … …” Rainbow's eyes flew open. She shot up to her hooves in a blink, wings spread and teeth barred.

Over a dozen nervous ponies hopped backwards a foot or two. Several more jolted, their faces expressing identical looks of nervous shock.

Among them was Nick, and he calmed down just in time to take a bold step forward, bow, and say, “So sorry to bother you. But... uhm... well...” He turned around, looking at his fellow classmates. “We couldn't help but notice that you're sleeping out... erm... on the middle of the campus lawn, like you've got nowhere else to be.”

Rainbow blinked. Legs and muscles still tense, she tilted her gaze to the side. In the distance, she spotted several jubilant pegasi flying circles in the afternoon air while unicorns tested their magic before gawking professors.

Nick continued: “And since we all agree that you are... uhh... in some way or form connected with what's happening here...”

Rainbow's eyes flicked towards Nick's again. She blinked.

He smiled awkwardly. “I mean, you are, aren't you? We saw you cras—er... land here. And there's nowhere else you could have flown from but... well... you know...”

Rainbow blinked again. Her eyes darted to the left.

Twilight Sparkle looked back. While Rainbow was watching, she trotted forward and waved a hoof right in front of Nick's face. When there was no response from him—not even a cessation of dialogue—she shrugged at Rainbow.

“Well, the long and short of it is that we think we can take care of that,” Nick said. “Erm... your needing a place to stay, that is. I mean... you'd like something better than the ground to sleep on, you think?”

Rainbow stared blankly at him.

“Well, if you do, just... y'know...” He gestured with a hoof, turning towards a distant three-story building. “...follow me. There's a perfect place for you. It's quiet, secluded, and you won't have to be sharing it with anypony else.”

Rainbow stood in place, fidgeting slightly.

“He's making a super nice offer, Rainbow,” Twilight said.

Rainbow looked at her.

The other ponies craned their necks, trying in vain to follow her line of sight.

Twilight shrugged, smiling at her. “It wouldn't hurt, right?”

“It may not be much, but it's the best we could come up with,” Nick continued. “Especially considering that we had to talk the dean into authorizing it, what with all of the other teachers wanting to... erm... have you arrested for stumbling uninvited into classrooms and yelling randomly at ponies. Eheh...”

Rainbow gulped. With a shuddering breath, she limped forward on tired limbs.

“Heheh... cool! Alrighty... uh...” Nick smiled nervously, trotting down a curved path while the rest of the ponies looked on. “Just follow me! I promise it'll be a comfortable place to stay! At least... better than the blighted ocean!” He cleared his throat. “By the way... just what did you eat out there?”

“Grmmmff...” Rainbow grumbled, glaring ahead.

“Uhm... good point. Right this way.” Nick shuffled faster, opening a door for Rainbow.

Twilight followed shortly behind, phasing through a few students as a cold shudder ran through her.

Nick led Rainbow up a thin, rotating flight of stairs. The wooden stepboards were old and creaked with each hoofstep. Rainbow tilted her head up, squinting through bright red beams of refracted sunlight. The day was dying, bequeathing its last crimson glint upon the antique building. At the top of the stairwell was a lone wooden door painted with faded blue colors. Nick was already levitating a set of keys by the time he reached the frame.

Rainbow lingered a few steps beneath him. Pausing, she looked straight down. A lavender face looked up, smiling sheepishly. Twilight hovered—more like dangled a half-story below where Rainbow stood.

“Heh... can't friggin' get over this...” Nick chuckled at his own magic, keys jingling. Then, straightening his face, he stuck one key into the old door and opened it. Stepping back, he stood back like a gentlecolt and pointed through the doorframe with a welcoming hoof.

Rainbow looked at him. Then, with softly creaking steps, she sauntered on through the frame. A tiny room lay before her with an even tinier bed. A barren dresser with a vanity mirror lingered between a closet and a water basin. The entire northwest wall was occupied by a thick-glass'd window with deep blue drapes.

Before Rainbow could get a proper survey of the place, Nick was speaking yet again: “There's a name for this. The Sunset Suite. Funny enough, it used to be a place where ponies were sent when they faced disciplinary action. But, about one hundred and fifty years ago, it was converted into a single-pony dorm, as you can tell. Only... nopony actually bunks in here... except around the middle of a semester. It's... usually reserved for the highest scoring student in the class. It's quite an enviable room—on account of the peace and quiet. Besides, it's got a great view of the Blighted Sea. Eheheh...” He smiled wide. “Guess you chose the right time to crash in!”

Rainbow tilted her head towards him. She arched an eyebrow.

“Erm... y-yeah. I gotta stop saying that.” Nick cleared his throat, starting to back up. “So... uh... if you don't want to talk about... who you are or... what brought you here, that's... that's fine! Totally! But... there are plenty of ponies—both learned and learning—here at the K.M.C.A. who would absolutely love to have a chat with you. Provided... provided you have anything to share... or not... both are fine. And we're totally fine with you being fine—I mean with that being fine... cuz... cuz it's fine. It's fine. It's totally... fine...”

Rainbow stood in place, saying nothing.

Nick took a deep breath. “… … … fine!” He smiled awkwardly, beginning to backstep out of the room. “You... uh... just keep being... colorful and mysterious. The nearest washroom is a floor below, west side, by the co-ed rooms. Okay?”

Rainbow stared past him.

Twilight entered the room, blinking as she passed through the closing door. She turned, took one look at the stallion, then squinted at the pegasus. “You know, Rainbow, he's being awfully polite, the least you could do is—”

Thanks,” Rainbow blurted.

Nick froze in place. He peeked through the doorframe.

“For... y'know... everything,” Rainbow murmured, teetering tiredly. “It's... nice of you, Mr...”

“Nick,” he said with a soft smile. “You can call me Nick.”

She nodded back. “Rainbow Dash.”

He blinked, then grinned harder. “Welcome to the Kihutaja Marine Colonial Academy, Rainbow Dash.” He left, closing the door behind him. “Heh... amazing name...”

The door shut, and Rainbow Dash was already rolling her eyes, muttering three syllables in exasperation. Eventually, she made her way to the bed and sat on the mattress, wincing from how terribly it squeaked. Slowly, she tilted her head up, squinting into the glow of the sunset.

Twilight Sparkle sat amidst the glow, her lavender coat immaculate and real.

Rainbow Dash exhaled slowly, her ears twitching slightly as she stared at her.

Twilight swallowed a lump down her throat. “Are... you still talking to me?”

Rainbow nodded. “And how.”

“You... uh... you sure you're not sleepy or hungry or—?”

“I'm a lot of things, Twilight,” Rainbow said. “But, right now and forever, I'm your friend.”

Twilight blinked.

Sighing, Rainbow slid her legs up and folded them beneath her on the mattress. Once she was sitting comfortably, she spoke: “What did you want to talk about?”

“I... was wondering if you would be willing to answer some questions.”

“Which ones?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight's ears folded back. “All of them.”

Rainbow's eyes fell to the mattress.

“You... you think you can do that?” Twilight asked. “Or at least try?”

“It depends...”

“On what?”

“If you want to hear the answers, Twilight.”

“Why wouldn't I want to?”

“Just ask me one, then.”

“Very well.” Twilight leaned back, drinking in the rosy air of the antique room. “How long has it been?”

“How long?”

“Since you last saw me... as me.”

Rainbow opened her mouth, but lingered. She fidgeted. “I... I don't know exactly.”

Twilight squinted. “You don't know? How can you not know?

“I sorta lost track after the first time a dragon mutilated me to death.”

Twilight blinked. After several dull seconds, she slumped to the floor, muttering to the walls. “I think I'm going to need that bed...”

“Yeah, good luck.”

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