• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,358 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Don't Take My Word For It(!)

"Rainbow... Rainbow! Psssssst... Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow!"

"Mrmmmf..." Rainbow's muzzle scrunched and she curled up tighter in bed. "Grnnnghhh..."

"Rainbow, wake up!" Twilight Sparkle's voice squeaked as she floated tight circles around her. "I mean it! Right now! I just came up with the most wonderful idea—"

"Mmmmf!" Rainbow shot straight up, slamming against the ceiling. A few sheets of plaster fell, and she hovered dizzily in midair, bucking her hooves at everything and nothing. "What?! Where?! What is it?! Did Axan show up?! I've got a good mind to..." She blinked tiredly. "...crack skulls."

Twilight grinned at her. "Good! You're up!"

Rainbow groaned. "And you're dead."

"Hah! We've still yet to determine that!"

"Mrmmmmff..." Rainbow yawned, drifting backwards in mid-air. "...deader."

"Come on, Rainbow! I need you to fly to the K.M.C.A. campus library!"

"Nrnnnghhh..." Rainbow's body dangled like a fuzzy blue ragdoll off her flapping wings. "...not a studentchuuuuuuuuuu..."

"Rainbow, I mean it!" Twilight slapped her tail in the air like a whip. "This is serious! I just thought of something, and the only solution is books!"

"That's your solution to... grmmmff... everything."

"Well, the only solution to your situation is a quick dip in the cold surf!" Twilight arched an eyebrow. "Honestly, Rainbow, you slept for close to eight hours! I thought you were used to napping on the go!"

"Guhhhh..." Rainbow blinked wearily out the brightly-lit window. "...used to my hammock on board the Noble Jury."

"Well, that's neither here nor there."

"Mrmmmf... friggin' Floydien stole it and farted west."


"The crazy elk with the... speak speak, remember?"

"Whatever. Let's just go already!" Twilight said, floating towards the door. "Come on! Before it's midday and students start filling the library up for afternoon studies!"

"Grmmf..." Rainbow sighed, drifting forward. "Wanna munch on something..."

"Books first, food later!"

"I wonder if dictionaries taste good in syrup..."


"Right! Library..." Rainbow yawned. "...ho." Twilight phased through the door, but Rainbow slammed into it muzzle-first. WHUD! "... ... ...ow."

Rainbow Dash slumped in her chair, facing a table stacked tall with books. She teetered, eyes thin and weary. Her hoof held a book open while Twilight Sparkle floated over her shoulder and read with great interest.

The musky smell of dusty tomes made Rainbow's nostrils tickle. She squirmed constantly, glancing left and right every chance she got. Whenever she looked away from the table, she saw ponies seated several spots away—jerking their gazes away from the pegasus as they pretended to not be staring at her the whole time.

"Rainbow, stay still," Twilight Sparkle muttered. "And I'm done with this page."

Rainbow sighed, flipping to the next part of the book. "They're still freaked out."

"Hmmm?" Twilight's violet eyes scanned the pages intently. "What's still 'freaked out?'"

"The students," Rainbow droned. "The... Kihutajans... Kihutajanoids... the Ki Ki's..." She yawned for the millionth time, teetering back in her seat. "...aside from that goofball unicorn with the purple eyes, I don't think there's a single soul on this island whose trust I've won."

"Well, it could be worse, right?" Twilight droned, her lips moving between words as she read page after page. "At least you haven't landed amongst bloodthirsty tattooed warriors with a ridiculous caste system, or fire-breathing dragon broodlings, or a bunch of sexually backwards pegasi."

"Hey!" Rainbow frowned. "The Durandanans weren't sexually backwards..." She fidgeted. "More like sassily forwards."

"What's the difference?" Twilight muttered. "Next page."

Rainbow flipped a sheet and leaned her chin against a lazy hoof. "The difference is that—for all of the crud that held the ponies of Durandana back—they've got what it takes to be super awesome. Now that Celestia's got a direct line of chat with them, I'm sure they'll make lots of progress. After all, I did show them how they could leave the crater."

"That'll be a trip," Twilight muttered, squinting at a particular passage. "Here's hoping they don't leave their manners at the door."

"Hey, ponies will... g-get super friendly in order to avoid the horrible crushing pain of loneliness." Rainbow cleared her throat. "That's not so... b-bad a thing, is it?"

"Only if you're raised to greet each other with goofy bird calls, I suppose."

"Twilight, what the hay are we even doing here?!" Rainbow growled, summoning a few nervous glances from a distance. The pegasus frowned at the faraway students. "Yeah, that's right! You want a spitwad with your name on it?!"

"Shhhhh!" Twilight hissed, frowning at the book in Rainbow's hooves. "Would it kill you to tone it down a little?"

"I'd say the same to you!" Rainbow grumbled back while a few students shuffled awkwardly away. "You're the mare who burst out of sleep all piss and vinegar!"

"There's so much that's different about you now, Rainbow," Twilights aid. "You're a lot more... more..."


"Edgy," Twilight said, eyes rolling across paragraph after paragraph. "I mean, considering all of the things you've battled—Shell, Axan, Josho—it's a tad bit understandable..."

"Josho wasn't a supervillain," Rainbow droned. "He was just fat as Hell."

"See?! That too! Language! I know you've seen many an ocean, Rainbow, but you don't have to talk like a sailor!"

Rainbow's brow furrowed. "Who died and made you the Princess of Etiquette?" She blinked. "Besides yourself, I mean."

"Turn the page."

"Nnnngh..." Rainbow sighed, flipping a sheet. "This the sixth dusty geography book in a row, Twilight. Will you just tell me what you're looking for—?"

"Ah HA!" Twilight grinned. She pointed a triumphant hoof that phased partially through Rainbow's chest. "That about confirms it!"

"Confirms what? I don't book fu like you, book fool."

"Three out of the six volumes list a common fact about this part of the world." The ghostly mare smiled with a twinkle in her eye. "There are six equadistantly-placed points of curious architectural and magical phenomena situated across Rohbredden and the surrounding archipelagos. We just happen to be located along the western fringes of Kihutaja, right within eyeshot of the first of the six points."

"Points... points..." Rainbow blinked. "Wait... you mean more towers like the one where I summoned you?"

"Towers... caves... buildings... mountain structures..." Twilight gestured at the book. "The accounts are relatively vague, but claim that the various cultures surrounding these six spots have their own historians who have kept careful track of them throughout the ages. Apparently these points of interests have been largely lost to time, moslty because of neglect and ingorance over the past few centuries. Coincidentally, the three books that failed to mention them were all published within the last three hundred years."

"Let me guess..." Rainbow thought aloud. "...that's the same period of time during which 'Verlaxion' became the reining deity of Rohbredden."

"Wow, very good, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight cooed with genuine enthusiasm. "You drew the same conclusion as I did!" She pointed once again at the books. "Looks like there's been some major historical revisionism over the last age or so."

"Still, what's the point of all this rambling?" Rainbow asked. "So what if I fly to the next parts of the machine world? The journey's different now. Everything is different now."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because...!" Rainbow began, only to be shushed by Twilight. She lowered her voice, as well as her wings. "Because you're here, Twilight! I should be figuring out a way to take advantage of your ghostliness and somehow make you un-ghostly."

"How so?"

"I dunno. Isn't it obvious?" Rainbow took a deep breath. "I fly back."

"Back?" Twilight blinked. "Back where?"

"Back back."

Twilight did a double-take. "You mean to Equestria?!"

"Where else?!" Rainbow cackled, causing more students to stir. "That's where this whole mess began! Now that you're around, I gotta do everything I can to keep you from disappearing again!"

"But doesn't this invisible 'Yaerfaerda' symbol point you east, Rainbow?" Twilight asked. "I mean... it's where you've always gone!"

"It's not colored lavender anymore, Twilight," Rainbow groaned. "It's the first time it ever changed. Maybe it doesn't mean anything anymore. I should figure out a way to get you home."

"What for?" Twilight exclaimed. "You think that 'bringing me back' to Luna or Celestia is somehow going to help?! Assuming you even survive such a crazy backtracking journey to Equestria, how do we even know they can see me, much less help out?"

"Well, egghead, have you any bright ideas?"

"Rainbow, I know I'm just now learning about everything you've gone through... but..." Twilight paced about, trotting through the nearby table and chairs. "All last night, I kept thinking and thinking about this whole 'Austraeoh' business. And... and what if it's not a simple coincidence that I showed up again?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said the vision of Whitemane spoke to you at the Tower, right?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

Twilight scuffled to a stop, turning to face Rainbow. "Did the spectre tell you to stop flying east?"

"No." Rainbow shook her head. "I was just told to 'foal yesterday.'"

"And haven't you done that?" Twilight grinned, striking a pose, mane flouncing. "Look! I'm here!"

"Not in the flesh, you're not," Rainbow droned.

Twilight frowned, not losing her pose. "Still, I'm more here than I was previously. And I still swear I remember being present in some way or another. What if... Rainbow..." She took a shuddering breath. "What if I'm not the only one?"

The colors nearly drained out of Rainbow's mane. She stared forward, burning holes through the walls of every building in Kihutaja. "... ... ...you... you mean the girls, don't you?"

Twilight slowly nodded. "I mean the girls."

"But... but..." Rainbow found herself wheezing. "...this is nuts."

"Is it?" Twilight cocked her head to the side. "Or is it something that maybe—just maybe—this whole 'Austraeoh' prophecy has always meant to happen?"

"Twilight, that's crazy talk. Even for you."

"You told me how Urohringr is—by all definition—a gigantic remnant of a technologically advanced civilization... as in advanced beyond our comprehension, but not entirely capable of eluding rational thought." Twilight tapped her chin, grinning harder and harder. "That means that we musn't rule out the application of science! Rainbow, although though we can't prove how or why you're the Austraeoh, it doesn't mean that there isn't some method that the ancient ponies who first built and/or sundered Urohringr implemented in order to have a future descendant follow in their wingflaps!"

"Future descendant..." Rainbow blinked. "You mean..."

"I mean you, Rainbow! Or—yes—even Commander Hurricane." Twilight gestured. "With enough technological advances, perhaps a civilization could harness a way in which they could carry information or even intellect down the ages through genetics!"


"You could very well be an organic message in a bottle!" Twilight danced in place, giddy. "Harmony is the strongest and most wholesome power of this era. Maybe whatever Austraeoh was destined to do, the Elements of Harmony were always meant to assist!"

"Wait..." Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. "How could that be possible? The Elements of Harmony were destroyed."

"Yes... well..." Twilight bit her lip.

Rainbow Dash blinked hard. "... ... ...you mean whoever or whatever purposed Austraeoh planned for the Elements to be destroyed in order to get something done?!" She gnashed her teeth and kicked out of her chair, hovering around. "Buck me sideways. That's as dumb as dumb itself, Twilight!"

"Whatever the case, I think it would behoove us to see what else Yaerfaerda has in store for you!"

"And to do what?!" Rainbow growled, spinning about. "Just see what else 'fate' or 'genetics' wants to have destroyed? Oh! Hey! What about Equestria this time?!" Rainbow groaned. "Heck, why not blow up the Sun and Moon while we're at it?! Let's see what kind of a plot twist that gives the future of Urohringr!"

"Rainbow, let's be serious for a second! I know what I'm saying is preposterous, but... but with just enough proof... and these geographical points..." Twilight hung her head, groaning.

"What? What is it?" Rainbow asked.

"Nothing..." Twilight sighed, nevertheless pouting with sad eyes. "It's just that this is so big a hypothetical scenario... too big for mortals like us. I almost wish that I could get Celestia's second opinion on this. She's so very, very wise."

"Yeah, well, that would just be... peachy... keen..." Rainbow Dash blinked off. She turned around... and around and around and around. At last, she spotted a slowly rotating time-table situated on a table near to where the college librarian sat, perusing files. Fwooosh! In a flash, the pegasus hovered right in front of the old mare. "Hey! You!" she snapped, her voice echoing across the otherwise silent archives. "Does this doohickey tell the time?!"

"Erm... y-y-yes, madame..." The old mare hugged a book to her chest, gulping. "The revolutions of the Sun, stars, and—"

"When's the moon full next?!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I have to know!"

"Why... f-funny you should ask, ma'am!" The mare adjusted her bifocals. "This evening, it should have waxed completely!"

Rainbow's ears perked, and she hovered higher, feeling lighter than air.

"I don't get it, Rainbow..." Twilight floated between her and the mare. "...why is that so important?"

Rainbow grinned... then grinned harder. "Twi..." She whispered aside, attempting to diffuse an already awkward scene. "...tonight's gonna be super happy for somepony..."

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