• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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A Beach Stroll In Your Pocket

A rose-red hue wafted across the waters of Kihutaja. The crashing waves rolled copper and brown under the rising sun. It was early in the morning; nopony was yet awake. Nopony but Rainbow Dash.

She had touched down from an hour of flying in circles. Now she trotted the northern shoreline, far from the thickly planted trees and rustic rooftops of the K.M.C.A. She strolled slowly, her body weighed down by her mind. Heavy hoofprints lingered in the sand behind her, still moist from a receding tide.

The mare traced her way east along the northern crest of the westernmost island. To her left, far beyond the rip currents, thin strips of land and sparsely vegetated atolls darted the crimson sea. She saw seagulls dipping into the waters, and a few migrating porpoises splashing through undulating current.

The air was warming up, a prelude to a long, humid tropical day. Rainbow Dash enjoyed whatever blissfull coolness she could afford. Eventually, she traced the edge of a deep inlet. Upon the west edge of the lagoon, she paused. From here she could face east and see the dawnlight rising over the hilly hump of earth and palm trees that spelled the bulk of the central Kihutajan island. From glancing over Sinrar's maps, Rainbow knew that the island was a small thing: a dinky splotch on the sea at best. And yet, to her lazy eyes, it looked just as big as the edge of any normal-sized continent.

No matter how far Rainbow Dash flew or how many miles she covered, there was nothing that ever dwarfed the truly epic scale of the world. It both excited and exhausted her.

With a sigh, she plopped down into the sand, lying back so that her lower legs dug deep and deeper into the wet shore. The surf rolled, crashed, and lapped up to the edge of her fetlocks... only to shrink away. It was soothing, if not chilling in its persistence.

It would have put Rainbow Dash to sleep—if only it weren't for the fact that her mind was doing incessant loopty-loops.

The Midnight Armory was not her destination. It was merely a necessary junction, a place where the torch would be hoofed off—and that torch being the Harmonic Prism. Rainbow couldn't even picture the item in her mind. If only an Alicorn could wield it, then what was the chance that a mortal such as herself could even pick it up? Much less carry it halfway across the known—and unknown plane? And then there was the factions of the Trinary War to deal with—including Tchern, Chrysalis' sister. Rainbow Dash had survived the conflict between the Ledomaritans and the Xonans, but only barely. There was no telling how well she'd fare against three angry factions who had been locked in centuries of bloody conflict. And this was a war that defined the heart of abysmal chaos that was dark side of the plane. There was no telling if Axan would even let her get that far... or if Rainbow could even make it past the bastions of Verlax. Just where were the other Five Points? And how many of them resided in Verlax's territory?

Rainbow produced a shuddering sigh. Her jaded eyes darted along the glittering waves between her, the next island, and the long ancient bridge connecting the two pieces of Kihutaja. Squinting into the burning horizon, she saw the persistent glow of Yaerfaerda. It lingered along the vanishing point, and as the morning blossomed, it looked as though two suns were rising, one being far warmer and more inviting than the other.

It was precisely at this point that Rainbow woke up to the paradise around her. Her wingtips fluttered, and she hugged herself, smiling into the sea and surf. There was something undeniably beautiful about this place, its simplicity, its remoteness and isolation. It pained Rainbow Dash to think that it—like the rest of the world—would eventually perish along with that forsaken piece of Urohringr itself. But just as swiftly as Rainbow contemplated that, she realized that there was a chance now—a hope—that the whole realm wouldn't be so easily extinguished. What was more, she knew precisely what... or who that hope was.

All in all, it was a terrible burden to bear. Rainbow shrugged it off—not because of the thirst for challenge—but rather for the sudden realization that she wasn't quite so alone in the labor.

“It's all so very pretty,” somepony said. “Not so different from Equestria, really.”

Rainbow felt her insides growing toastier. She replied without looking at the lavender shape beside her: “Yeah... it's all pretty nifty. Wish you coulda seen some of the wicked cool stuff I stumbled upon. The ancient trees of Foxtaur Forest... the fields of Emeraldine... the Alafreon Bluffs.” She slowly shook her head, eyes glued to the crashing waves. “Guess if I had pretended I was seeing them through your eyes, I would have slowed down more.”

“Yeah. But then... you wouldn't have gotten that far, would you have, Rainbow?”



“Good morning, by the way,” Rainbow said.

The edge of Twilight's smiling face graced the pegasus' peripheral. “Morning indeed.”

“Did you... uhhh... sleep well?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“Well, did you or didn't you?”

“I'm feeling well rested, Rainbow, thank you,” Twilight said. “I can't explain where I go during those moments any better than you can. But... but it does the trick.”

“Well, I'm glad for ya, egghead.”

“How'd the rest of your talk with Princess Luna and Spike go?”

“It... it...” Rainbow's teeth grit. “...it didn't last too long after you conk'd out.”


“We just... wrapped a few things up... y'know...” Rainbow brushed her bangs back, exhaling. “They're gonna try to do more research on their end, consult Princess Celestia, try and make contact with Cadance's expedition... yadda yadda yadda...”

“Yes... uhhh...” Twilight Sparkle squirmed slightly in the sand. “...about this 'Princess Cadance'—”

“We've got one more night of chatting,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “I mean, that's the way it almost always go. It's another thirty-six hours before the moon starts waning again, and I'll no longer be able to chat with Luna. That is to say... we'll no longer be able to chat with her...”

“Until the next cycle, right?”

“Right.” Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. “Here's hoping that we... y'know...”


“... … ...get a lot more ponies we know to partake in the conversation between now and then.”


“Do... do you have doubts, Rainbow?”

“Hmmm?” Rainbow turned, blinking at Twilight. “About what?”

“About our friends,” Twilight said. “That they're actually here...” She pointed limply at Rainbow's pendant. “That they're in there somewhere...”

“I... I-I gotta admit...” Rainbow winced slightly. “It's a whole lot to chew. I... uh... I-I wouldn't mind having more than a bouncy skylight and a fuzzy nerd to go on.”

“Hmmm... hehehe...” Twilight giggled. She squatted down in the sand, folding her dimly glowing legs beneath her. “Well, don't worry, Rainbow Dash.”

“Worried?” Rainbow's voice cracked. She cleared her throat. “Who says I was worried?”

“I know we've been separated for over a year, but don't pretend that means I still don't know you.”

Rainbow said nothing.

Twilight looked at her. “For the last few hours, I was asleep... and yet I wasn't.” She gulped. “All things considered, it's like I was... I-I was in the same place I've been all this time. Floating... but not floating. Seeing... but not seeing. Existing... but... but...”

Rainbow stared at her, listening patiently.

Twilight exhaled. “...I remember now what it felt like to be somewhere and nowhere at once. I may not have had memories... but I had feelings, Rainbow. Feelings of confusion and loss... certainly. But... but th-that wasn't nearly as consuming as one might think.” The mare's lavender brow furrowed. “It was all washed over by this overwhelming sense of... connectivity. At first, I assumed it was you... your loyalty... your devotion... your—heheh... awesomeness.”

Rainbow Dash smirked slightly.

“And it's still all of that... but it's more, Rainbow Dash. I didn't realize it until just now... until spending those last few hours 'recharging' in there... somewhere. But... but I feel joy... I feel kindness... I feel inspiration and truth and... and m-magic, Rainbow. There... here... everywhere, so long as I am near that pendant. So long as I'm near you.” Twilight's head tilted up, and her eyes were jubilant, if not slightly moist. “They're alive, Rainbow Dash. They're alive and they're here... with us. We might not see them... and they may not see us. But for all of the blindness... the feeling is real... the feeling is true. Our friends are alive. We just... we just have to reel them back to the light.” She gulped and shook her head. “That's all.”

With a firm breath, Rainbow Dash stood up. “Then let's get started.”

“But...” Twilight blinked, eyelids fluttering. “Aren't you exhausted?”


“But it looks like you've been up all night without—”

“I can't sleep now,” Rainbow Dash said. “Especially with the task at hoof.”

“And what task is that?”

“Regardless of what Sinrar teaches us, you and Luna are right,” Rainbow said. “There's gonna be a lot of ocean between here and the next spot where Yaerfaerda is leading us.” She cleared her throat, frowning slightly. “I gotta build a boat.”

“For real?” Twilight blinked. “You're not just gonna... go all gung ho and 'wing it?'”

“This is about waaaaaaaaay more than just me, Twilight,” Rainbow said. “The game's changed.” She shrugged. “S'all good. I can deal. Just gotta switch up my awesomeness.”

“Well then...” Twilight floated up and “stood” on her legs before the pegasus. “...how do we go about building a boat?”

“I dunno.”

“Haven't you built one before?”

“Yeah, and it sucked.” Rainbow winced. “No offense to Scootaloo.”

Twilight blinked crookedly. “Huh?”

“Nah... if we're gonna do this, we gotta do it right.” Rainbow sighed, turning to gaze at the Academy's campus from beyond the trees. “Here's hoping somepony does volunteer work.”

“Who are we talking about, exactly?” Twilight said.

Rainbow groaned. “You know... sometimes I think the only reason I wanna grab the Harmonic Prism is so I'll have a way to smack your head once again.”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked, then twitched as the realization hit her. “Ohhhhhhhh... right. Silly me.” She blushed. “What's... uhm... the expression in situations such as this?”

“'Duh,' Twilight.” Rainbow spread her wings and flew swiftly towards the rustic dormitories. “Friggin' 'duh.'”

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