• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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313 - Decision Point

“So, what do you think?”

Celestia waited patiently as Luna considered the question, her sister looking out a nearby window in silence. After several seconds her horn lit up, her eyes fixed on the night sky, and Celestia knew that she was making an adjustment to the position of the moon. It was only when the sparkling aura faded that Luna turned to look at her, sighing. “I don’t know. Based on everything Sonata and River told you, and what Nosey and that colt relayed to me, Lex Legis has performed many valorous deeds in service to the ponies here. And yet…”

“It feels like there’s something they’re not telling you?” When Luna nodded, Celestia returned the gesture. “That’s how I feel too. Sonata seemed to become nervous several times while we were speaking, and River looked surprised when I mentioned the mark on her face…” She could still see the other mare’s expression in her memory, the way her eyes had widened in sudden alarm when she’d pointed out the scythe-shaped mark on her cheek. It hadn’t been the look of someone who’d painted the design on their own face as a show of support.

“Maybe you should speak with her again?” offered Luna. “If you think that she’s holding something back, it might be because she was nervous about speaking while in close proximity to Lex, or perhaps to Sonata, since she’s his spokespony. She might say something different if you talk to her while she’s here at her estate, away from them.”

“Perhaps.” But Celestia didn’t think so. Unlike Luna, who spent very little time dealing with social functions since her royal duties required her to stay awake at night and sleep during the day, Celestia spent a large chunk of her waking hours entertaining various members of high society, and in so doing had gained some insight into how such ponies acted. In her estimation, River’s attitude had more closely resembled somepony desperately trying to hide something unpalatable rather than being afraid for her safety. If that were the case, then her story wouldn’t change just because she was back at her manor.

There certainly hadn’t been any such fear among her staff, at least as far as Celestia had been able to determine. Of course, suddenly having two princesses and a squadron of guards drop in unexpectedly in the middle of the night hadn’t exactly given her the best chance to make any inquiries. Their arrival had prompted a flurry of nervous activity among the sleepy servants, and when Celestia had relayed River’s message about them staying there, the assorted maids and butlers had flown into a full-on panic trying to prepare rooms for them. Only the head butler, Trotsworth, had remained calm, steadfastly directing the others and turning what would otherwise have been a messy and drawn-out scene into an organized and efficient effort. Under his direction, suitable arrangements had been prepared for everypony – with Celestia and Luna offering to stay in a single room together (something that they’d procured only after repeatedly assuring Trotsworth and Silhouette both that they not only didn’t mind such an arrangement, but found it preferable) once it had become clear that there was only barely enough space to house everypony, apparently due to the manor having suffered some damage either during or immediately after the elemental bleed that hadn’t been repaired yet – and a light meal had been arranged for everyone.

It had been after the food had been laid out that a fat little earth stallion had arrived, with Trotsworth announcing him as River’s son, Piggy Bank. Celestia had been looking forward to talking to him, River having previously let it slip that Piggy had remained in Vanhoover after the flooding, but that hadn’t happened. Piggy’s jaw had hit the floor as soon as he’d seen who the food was being laid out for, and Celestia hadn’t even had a chance to open her mouth before he’d turned and run back into the manor as fast as his little legs could carry him. “Star-struck, I’m certain,” had been Trotsworth’s explanation.

Celestia herself hadn’t been hungry, but she’d nibbled lightly at the servings in order to be polite while Luna and the guards helped themselves. Once everypony had finished, the staff had shown them all to their rooms, gathering up the luggage that the guards had brought with them as they’d whisked them all off into the inner part of the manor. Trotsworth had personally carried Celestia and Luna’s things as he’d brought them to “the manor’s finest guest-quarters,” as he’d called them – a suite of rooms that could have easily come straight out of a fancy hotel – and after assuring them that some of the staff would remain awake throughout the night in case they needed anything, the old butler had bid them goodnight.

By that point, Celestia had been more than ready to turn in, but had resisted the urge to sink into the large bed in the main room of the suite. Instead, she and Luna had caught each other up on what they’d learned, informing each other of the conversations they’d had and what they’d been able to glean from them. That had taken almost an hour – according to the clock on the wall – and now they’d arrived at the question of what to do with what they’d learned.

“I’m also concerned about what Lex said before,” added Luna, bringing Celestia’s attention back to the present, “when Sonata and Aria were having their disagreement.”

“That’s one word for it.” Moving into a nearby chair, Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of the sisterly squabble.

Luna smiled as well, but the expression disappeared from her face after only a few seconds, replaced by a look of concern. “He said ‘I should curse you both.’ I know he might have been speaking metaphorically, but the way he made all of those black crystals grow around him while he said it, and the way his eyes changed color, it was just like-”

“King Sombra,” finished Celestia softly.

Silence fell over them then, but it didn’t last very long before Luna spoke again. “Sister, you told me about what happened when you first met Lex, at that disastrous meeting where he demanded you abdicate for both of us in favor of him.” Celestia nodded, already knowing where this was going but too tired to interrupt. “You recognized him as having King Sombra’s power then, but when Lex attacked you it was with his own magic, not the dark magic of the evil king’s horn.”

“He did become a shadow in order to escape,” noted Celestia.

Luna came and sat down across from her then. “I know, but he still relied more on his own power than on the dark magic he’d acquired. But now…now he’s using those black crystals so easily and possibly dealing in curses as well. All of that after only having King Sombra’s horn for a few months.” A look of concern spread across her features then, as she finally said what Celestia knew she’d been leading up to. “He’s growing stronger, sister. His command of the dark magic alone is beginning to approach King Sombra’s level of ability, and with his other powers-”

“I know, sister,” interrupted Celestia with a sigh, closing her eyes wearily.

Luna’s concerns weren’t groundless, she knew. When they’d originally gotten word of King Sombra’s depredations in the Crystal Empire, she and Luna had been away from their castle. Thinking that their foe was a mere rebel unicorn, they’d elected to head straight there and confront him, rather than going to collect the Elements of Harmony. It was a decision that had very nearly led to disaster…in fact, it had led to disaster, since without their strongest weapon the victory they’d attained had been pyrrhic.

Even that achievement had been very hard won. King Sombra’s dark magic had been mighty enough to allow him to meet them on the field of battle as an equal. Against a foe that could wield magic on a scale to match their own, only the fact that it had been a two-on-one fight had let them prevail, barely managing to seal him within a prison of frozen time that they’d known would one day come undone. Worse, their foe – unable to stop them from confining him – had actually expanded their final spell, causing it to envelop the entirety of the Crystal Empire and bring it into stasis with him. All of that with his dark magic alone.

That Twilight and her friends – with a little help from Cadance, Shining Armor, and Spike – had been able to do what she and Luna hadn’t been able to and finally destroy King Sombra once and for all was something Celestia still considered to be a miracle. But it was a miracle she’d been willing to bet everything on, even if the decision to stand aside and allow her student to face such a powerful foe had caused her a great deal of guilt and anxiety at the time. In hindsight it had been the right decision, but at the time she’d barely been able to hide how nervous she’d felt, worried that she might have doomed one of the ponies she cared most about.

Fortunately, it hadn’t turned out that way, and Twilight had fulfilled the destiny that by that point had been very clear to Celestia and Luna, becoming an alicorn herself shortly after saving the Crystal Empire. But Twilight wasn’t here now, having returned to that other world – Everglow – on another adventure. And if Lex Legis, a pony who had openly stated that he wanted to rule all of Equestria, gained complete mastery of his predecessor’s dark magic in addition to the other powers he’d already attained while Equestria’s greatest defender was away…

As if hearing her thoughts, Luna continued. “Sister, we came here because we were concerned about the evil artifact that Mihr alerted us to. But now we know that Lex is wielding it, apparently on the behalf of this ‘Night Mare’ goddess of his.” Celestia heard the catch in Luna’s voice as she said that name, and could guess what it was about, but let it go. The last thing she wanted was to touch on the topic of Luna’s own desire for godhood again. “First dark magic, now a weapon of great power and great evil. We can’t simply ignore this.”

“And what should we do, then?” asked Celestia tiredly, opening her eyes and giving Luna a resigned look. “Publicly condemn him for the crimes of defending Equestria from monsters, feeding the hungry, and healing the wounded?” She shook her head. “We sent him here because we were hoping that it would appease his ambition, and that he would make good friends in the process. Based on what we’ve been told, it sounds like it’s working; we know he was devastated when those ponies he sent into the city didn’t come back…”

She stopped speaking then, overcome with a wave of guilt at how horribly Vanhoover had suffered while she and everypony else had carried on, ignorant of what was happening. The desperation, the fear, the death. So many innocent lives lost, or worse, twisted to become monsters that preyed on the ponies that had been their friends and neighbors. It was enough to make her wonder if perhaps Lex was right, and he was better suited to rule.

Luna gave her a sympathetic look. “I hope you’re right, sister. Truly, I do. But if not, then we might be allowing him to become the greatest enemy we’ve ever faced. And we still don’t know what to do when we meet with him in a few hours.”

Sighing again, Celestia stood up, walking over to where Trotsworth had placed their luggage, sifting through the bags and suitcases until she’d found what she was looking for. “The surest way to destroy an enemy is to make them your friend. I’m certain that Lex wants to do good. If we could just find out why he keeps turning to darkness to do it, then maybe we could convince him that he doesn’t need to.”

Luna walked over to her, looking at the papers held aloft in Celestia’s telekinetic aura. “And you still think that the answer is in there? You’ve been reading those the entire trip here.”

Celestia nodded. “I know, but we still have a little time, and I can’t think of any other way to try and learn more about him.” She shuffled the pages as she spoke, her eyes skimming their contents in search of new insights.

“I hope you’re right,” admitted Luna as she went back to the window, looking out it as she made another minute adjustment to the moon’s position, “for all our sakes.”

Celestia didn’t answer, her attention completely focused on the records of the brief time that Lex Legis had spent at her School for Gifted Unicorns as a colt.

Author's Note:

Celestia and Luna struggle with how to react to everything Lex has done.

Luna urges caution. Celestia leans toward hope. Which one will they go with when they meet with him later? And what's this about records from Lex's youth?

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