• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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487 - Like a Ton of Bricks

“Oops,” drawled Fruit Crunch, his voice thick with sarcasm. “I broke your magic staff.”

Starlight could only stare at him, struggling to process just how big of a setback this was, the gasps and cries of dismay from the ponies she’d brought with her ringing in her ears. Although the staff had never possessed any actual power, it had been a vital part of her plans, serving as a convenient excuse for why she could wield more magic than most ponies despite her supposedly having given up her cutie mark. With her prop gone, she’d need to find some other way of fooling everypony…but she couldn’t even begin to imagine what that would be. As gullible as the ponies in her village were, even they would be skeptical if she conveniently found some other “magic item” that just so happened to function identically to the Staff of Sameness.

Her teeth clenched, Starlight struggled to retain her composure. I can fix this! All I have to do is repair the staff! Simple reparative spells weren’t that hard, so long as all the pieces of whatever was broken were present and intact. I already told everypony that the staff granted residual power even after it was put down, she reminded herself, her horn already lighting up as she grabbed the broken halves of it. I can just say that I used that to put it back togeth-

“Oh no you don’t!” Diving forward, Fruit Crunch grabbed the forked end of the staff in his teeth before she’d been able to move it more than a few inches.

“Give me that!” screeched Starlight, tugging harder.

But Fruit Crunch didn’t let go, grunting as he dug his hooves into the ground. Starlight pulled harder, knowing that the longer it took her to repair the staff, the less believable her “residual power” excuse would beco- “AAH!”

Yelping, Starlight’s telekinetic aura flickered out as a sharp pain shot through her left hind leg. A quick glance back showed why, as the snake that had been clinging to Cleansweep was currently extracting its fangs from just above her ankle, rearing back to strike again. The sight made Starlight hop to the side, avoiding the animal’s second bite, but she could feel her back leg already becoming sluggish…

The same as her right foreleg.

Just like Cleansweep, the snake had poisoned her.

Barely able to keep her balance now, Starlight couldn’t contain a cry of anger as she pointed her horn at the serpent – already slithering toward her again with its fangs bared – and poured her frustration into a blast of magic. The spell sent a sharp headache through her, a sign that while Cleansweep’s healing had closed a lot of her injuries, it had done very little for how badly she’d taxed herself up until now. But at the moment Starlight couldn’t have cared less, instead basking in the spiteful pleasure of watching the serpent vanish within the blast of light, vaporized in an instant. With the nuisance gone, Starlight turned back toward Fruit Crunch…

…just in time to watch him chomp down on one of the wooden prongs on the forked end of the broken staff.

Starlight could only stare, disbelieving, as the colt chewed heavily on the wood, audibly grinding it down to a pulp before swallowing. It wasn’t some sort of sleight-of-hoof; the kid had really eaten it, like how she’d heard some earth pony rock farmers did with the stones they dug up. Even so, the sight was so unexpected that it took her a moment to realize that he’d done the same thing to the other prong already, leaving that end of the staff completely bare.

Catching her eye, Fruit Crunch flashed her a condescending smirk. “In comic books, when the heroes destroy the villains’ magic talismans, the bad guys will sometimes try to recover and repair them. That’s not going to happen this time.”

Starlight felt something snap inside her then. Comic books? That miserable little brat had just shattered her dream, quite possibly beyond repair, and he was talking about comic books?!

All of a sudden Starlight didn’t care about finding a way to continue deceiving everypony. She didn’t care about the numbness in her legs. She didn’t care about conserving power before Lex Legis arrived.

All she cared about at that moment was wiping the smirk off of that punk kid’s face.

Focusing all of her rage into her horn, Starlight threw everything she could into her telekinesis. The agony that flashed through her as she did was so excruciating that for a moment it made her nauseous, but she pushed through it. Her blood pounded in her ears, and her horn felt like it was on fire, but she didn’t let up. The only thing that mattered now was punishing that self-absorbed earth colt who had treated her life’s work as though it was one of his games of make-believe!

Screaming in fury, Starlight tossed her head back, raising her horn up high.

An instant later, the mass of rubble that had once been Vanhoover’s train station rose up into the air.

Every piece of broken wood, shattered stone, and tangled metal had a telekinetic aura around it now, matching the bright glow surrounding Starlight’s horn. And as Fruit Crunch watched, his eyes wide, the accumulated debris slowly began to move, the chunks whirling around each other in a chaotic pattern even as they drifted over, moving away from the building’s foundation. It took them only a second to reach their destination.

Right over his head.

But the thrill of fear that ran through him then wasn’t only for himself.

“STARLIGHT, STOP!” Frantically, Fruit Crunch swept a hoof out to indicate where his friends were still scattered around the battlefield, one staring at nothing and the other three lying unconscious. The fact that Aria and that other lady were far enough away that they were out of danger was only a small comfort. “YOU’LL HIT THEM TOO!”

“Oh, don’t worry!” The words were hissed, her voice twisted with naked viciousness. “The only one I’m going to hit is YOU!!!”

Then the rubble began to fall.

Fruit Crunch threw himself backward, his knees wobbling with effort even as a chunk of rock as big as he was slammed into the ground where he’d been just a second ago. But he couldn’t stop to appreciate the close call, immediately diving left, barely managing to avoid a pair of splintered two by fours that lanced into the ground an instant later. Even then he didn’t stop moving, grabbing the boards and using them as a fulcrum to immediately reverse direction, slipping between them as a tangled metal mass that might have been a bench once missed him by inches.

He had been dodging for his life like this for the last thirty seconds, and Fruit Crunch knew that he didn’t have much time left.

Starlight hadn’t released all of the accumulated debris at once. Instead she was letting go of one or two pieces at a time, positioning them directly over his head before removing her telekinesis and letting gravity do the rest. Meanwhile, she kept the rest of the huge mass churning overhead, the remaining fragments whirling in a confusing swirl that left him with almost no time to react when each new piece fell from the sky.

The good news was that Starlight had, true to her word, only targeted him so far, ignoring the rest of his friends. The bad news was that between the wall of the ruined building on his left side, and the rest of the Knights spread out behind and to the right of him, that left Fruit Crunch with very little room to maneuver. And the even worse news was that he knew he couldn’t keep this up much longer, his muscles burning even through the numbing agent that Venin had used on him.

But at least that means I know what to do now! After all, something like this had happened in the “Fish in a Barrel” story in last year’s Power Ponies Annual, when Marksmare had lured Fili-Second into a dead-end tunnel to try and prevent her from dodging attacks from her magic slingshot. But even without the rest of her team, Fili-Second had beaten the bad guy, quipping one simple rule in her thought balloons as she’d done so. If you can’t dodge and you can’t retreat, then the only way to go is right through your enemy!

A second later Fruit Crunch did just that, skidding past the fractured remains of a desk, twisting around a mangled chair, and dodging a heavy section of a wall as he doggedly made his way toward Starlight. Just a little further! A piece of a pipe came down close enough that it shaved a few hairs from his mane. A little further! A portion of the roof whizzed by him, sending shingles flying as it hit the ground. Panting for breath, his lungs burning, Fruit Crunch leaped forward as he kept closing the distance between himself and Starlight.

Just thirty more feet. No problem at all!

Twenty more feet. A quick glance upward showed that the debris cloud was following him, and wasn’t over any of his friends now.

Ten more feet. It was with a sense of wicked satisfaction that Fruit Crunch saw Starlight try to back away, only for her to nearly stumble as she did. With two legs numbed, it was all she could do to keep her balance now, which meant that with how hard she had to be concentrating to keep so much stuff in the air, she wouldn’t be able to dodge the pounding he was about to give her.

Just five more feet…!

It was pure instinct that made Fruit Crunch stop his charge at the last possible second, hooves digging into the dirt as the upper edge of his vision caught sight of a massive pile of wreckage – composed of several fragments of the ruined building, rather than just one – plummeting from the sky, barely keeping out of their way as they crashed directly between himself and Starlight, cutting him off from her.

But with pure adrenaline flowing through him, Fruit Crunch didn’t hesitate. I can’t see her, but she can’t see me now either! And if she can barely move with her legs like that, then she won’t be able to dodge THIS! The last part of that thought came just as he whirled around, glancing back at the weakest-looking part of the tangled wall – the top half of what looked like a wooden wardrobe – and kicked his back legs out, bucking it as hard as he could.

The broken piece of furniture went flying, and a half-second later Fruit Crunch was rewarded with the sound of a heavy impact followed instantly by a grunt of pain from Starlight.

Not wanting to give her even an instant to recover, Fruit Crunch hurried to follow his makeshift missile, vaulting through the hole he’d made in Starlight’s defense and advancing on her. Sure enough, she was lying on her back next to the busted wardrobe, groaning softly as she reached up to rub her head. She blinked as she did, and the white light began to fade from her eyes, the blue irises starting to reappear.

Unwilling to give her a chance to recover, Fruit Crunch galloped across the last few feet separating them, raising a hoof threateningly as he moved to stand over her. “It’s over, Starlight.”

“No!” Her moan of defiance was accompanied by her biting her lip, visibly concentrating. A second later her eyes started to glow once again, the white light blotting everything else out.

…until Fruit Crunch brought his hoof down sharply on her stomach. It didn’t have quite enough force to be called a punch, but it was heavy enough to make Starlight’s breath immediately escape her lungs, her eyes returning to normal instantly as the aura around her horn guttered out. “I said it’s over!” repeated Fruit Crunch. “You’re beaten! So now-”

“YOU IDIOT!” wailed Starlight, looking up at him. But it was fear, not anger, that crossed her features as she started to wriggle under him frantically. “GET OFF ME!”

For just a moment Fruit Crunch was confused. But then he realized that she wasn’t looking at him. She was looking past him, up at the sky, and Fruit Crunch didn’t have to follow her gaze to realize that he’d just made a critical error: he’d been so focused on reaching Starlight and taking her down that he hadn’t thought about what would happen after he did.

And now it was too late.

Above the two of them, the entire collection of wreckage began to fall.

Author's Note:

Starlight and Fruit Crunch both push past their limits as they struggle to overcome each other!

But despite Fruit Crunch seeming to break through Starlight's assault, will his victory also prove to be his undoing?

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