• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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676 - Nothing is Inconceivable

“If you just want him to bang you, that’s no big deal; then you’re just a sex toy with a pulse.”

In the darkness and silence of their room, the memory of Aria’s words was so clear that Drafty could almost hear them out loud.

It wasn’t as though there was nothing else for her to focus on. Lex, fast asleep now that his seemingly inexhaustible stamina was finally depleted, was still pressed tightly against her back. His breath was warm against her mane. His forelegs were curled around her belly. His hind legs were intertwined with her own.

But despite his closeness, as well as the wonderfully intense ache between her legs, Drafty couldn’t shake the feeling that what had just happened was exactly what Aria had described back in Vanhoover.

That shouldn’t have been a surprise, Drafty knew. It had been beyond obvious that Lex was deeply upset, and Kara’s advice had been purely practical with regard to that. Offering him her body had been nothing more than a way for him to alleviate his stress; it had never been intended to be any kind of romantic encounter.

Even so, Drafty couldn’t help but compare what had just transpired between them to the last time they’d been together, back in Las Pegasus when she’d disguised herself as Sonata. Lex’s passion had been no less intense then than now, but there’s been so much more. He’d shown sides to himself that she’d always known had to be there, but had never seen before then. Tenderness, playfulness, vulnerability…and love, such a deep well of love that it had moved her to tears even as it had made her heart soar to be the recipient of such intense feelings.

There’d been none of that now. While Lex – whether because he’d used a spell to increase his prowess, or because he’d had plenty of practice with other girls, or was simply naturally skilled at bedding mares – was proficient enough that she’d been unable to hold back her screaming and moaning, the complete lack of emotions involved in the act was striking. It had reminded Drafty more of Trottingham, when she’d let a group of stallions whose names she hadn’t bothered to learn treat her like a cheap fling, than of the last time she and Lex had been together.

It was exactly like Aria had said: to Lex, Drafty was nothing more than a sex toy with a pulse.

Sniffling, Drafty reached up to wipe her eyes with a wing. “It’s not fair…” she whispered, anguished enough that she couldn’t keep the thought to herself.

What isn’t fair, sweetheart? Kara’s voice was one of surprise mingled with sadness. I thought you’d be happy. You got to be with Lex again, and this time in an approximation of your old body.

Normally, the reminder of how hideous her real body was would have made Drafty flinch. But now… “He doesn’t love me.”

Oh, my poor Thermal Draft. You’re being too hasty.

“He doesn’t love me,” repeated the pegasus, choking back a sob. “I know that this wasn’t supposed to be about that. That I was just supposed to let him work out his frustrations on me. But I thought…I thought that once we started…”

…that once you began making love, he’d open himself up to you, the way he did when you disguised yourself as Sonata, sighed the goddess, her voice thick with sympathy.

“Yes!” The word came out louder than Drafty had intended, sending a rush of concern through her. But behind her, Lex’s breathing didn’t change, remaining slow and steady, and after several seconds she calmed down, making sure to keep her voice as soft as she could when she spoke next. “I thought he’d realize he felt something for me, that he’d want a connection that was more than physical. But he didn’t; it was just him rutting me.”

…but it was really good rutting though, right?

The question, asked with a wry insouciance completely inappropriate to what they were talking about, actually made Drafty giggle a little, despite how wet her eyes were. “Yeah.”

Sweetheart, listen to me. Just because Lex doesn’t love you right now doesn’t mean he never will. He took comfort in you tonight, which means that he’s likely to do so again, and there’s only so long that two people can come together – no pun intended – before they start to develop feelings for each other.

Drafty bit her lip. “But what if he doesn’t?”

Just give it time, answered Kara. For all we know, the mares he loved all died back on Equestria. Maybe you’ll make it home and find that all of the competition is gone. In that case, he’d have no one else to love but you.

Drafty couldn’t say anything to that, shocked by how casually the goddess had suggested that the deaths of Sonata, Aria, and Nosey would be a good thing for her. She was more shocked a moment later when she realized that part of her hoped that would be the case, immediately sending a rush of shame through her. “I…I don’t want that…”

It’s alright to admit it, urged Kara. You’re far from the first one to wish that the people standing in the way of your happiness would just disappear.

“I was in there with them,” protested Drafty softly, squeezing her eyes shut as she wished fervently that Sonata and the others were okay. “We all fought side by side, covering each other and working together. Even if they’re my rivals for Lex, I don’t want them to die. I’d…I’d rather lose him than be the sort of pony who’d wish for something like that. And besides, he’s had enough heartbreak for ten lifetimes. I don’t want him to go through any more. He deserves to be happy.”

And what about what you deserve? After everything you’ve been through, losing your home, then your life, and now potentially losing your soul, don’t you deserve a happy ending that’s more than a lewd joke?

The question made Drafty’s ears flatten against her head, feeling rebuked despite the lack of accusation in the goddess’s tone. “I still want him to love me back,” she protested. “He and Cloudy are the two most important people in my life. Even if all three of us can’t be together, if I can still be with the two of them, that’s enough for me. I just…I’m worried that when he wakes up, he’ll say this was a mistake, and push me away because of it.”

Now I understand, sighed Kara. You think he’ll be afraid to open up to you because of what happened with Nosey.

Drafty didn’t answer, her expression turning pained. She didn’t know if Lex was over the blonde reporter or not, but given how quickly he’d assigned her to watch over Nosey when Feather Duster had been kidnapped, the latter seemed like a distinct possibility. Although Drafty couldn’t bring herself to hate Nosey anymore for how she’d had Lex’s heart and stomped all over it, the two of them having reached a truce when they’d worked together in order to help him fight Dark Streak, she still felt bitter about how the four-eyed mare had hurt the stallion she loved so much.

For what it’s worth, sweetheart, I’m an expert when it comes to love, and I don’t think that Lex will abandon you over this, continued Kara when Drafty remained silent. But if you’re really worried, there’s something you can do right now in order to create a permanent bond between the two of you.

That made Drafty blink, her ears perking up. “A permanent bond?” she echoed. “Like with Solvei?”

In her mind, Kara laughed. Much more powerful than that.

Her eyes widening, Drafty felt a shudder run through her. Although she didn’t know all of the specifics regarding the bond between Lex and Solvei, she knew that the two of them were deeply connected now. While she couldn’t bring herself to be jealous over that – Drafty refused to be the sort of mare who begrudged her stallion having a pet, even if that pet was a giant talking wolf – the thought of sharing something that profound with the guy she loved was tantalizing. “You never mentioned anything like that before!”

You were never able to use magic before.

Gulping, Drafty took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Taking a moment to remind herself that the last time she’d borrowed Kara’s power, she’d not only had to participate in an orgy that she felt ashamed of now, she’d turned herself into a horrible bug monster. “Can you…I know you said I can do this right now, but I want you to tell me everything about this before I go through with it. Please.” She added that last part as an afterthought, worried that Kara would withdraw the offer if she sounded ungrateful.

But if anything, the voice in her head sounded amused rather than irate. Relax, sweetheart. This is as simple as can be. You’ll understand once I teach you the spell.

“I…” Hesitating, Drafty turned that over in her mind. She wasn’t sure how a single spell could help; although she’d figured out how to use quite a few minor magical effects – it was actually pretty easy once you got the hang of it, since all she needed to do was break each intended effect down to its component parts, and then build them one by one – anything truly powerful was beyond her, and as she’d learned when she’d almost exploded a fireball right in her face a few days ago, attempting to push her limits was quite often dangerous. “I don’t know if that’s safe. I can’t handle any really powerful magic.”

Trust me, purred Kara. There’s more to magic than just power.

“…alright. Please teach it to me.” There was no harm in at least knowing whatever spell this was. After all, Kara would only be instructing her in how to build the effect. There was no need to actually cast it if it seemed dangerous.

Of course, sweetheart. Now, here’s how you’d cast this using your style of magic…

It didn’t take very long for Kara to explain the spell to her; as the goddess had promised, it was actually a simple bit of magic. But by the time she’d finished, Drafty’s eyes were wide and her heart was pounding.

“Kara…this is a fertility spell!”

My, aren’t you a quick study, came the snickering response.

“But…but…” Her head spinning, Drafty couldn’t seem to order her thoughts. “You said this would create a bond between us…”

That’s precisely what children are, sweetheart: a living bond between their parents. No matter what happens, or what sort of relationship they have otherwise, the new life they’ve created forever represents a union between the two of them. It ensures that they’ll always be a part of each other; there’s no connection more powerful than that.

Kara’s words were enough to make Drafty shiver, her gooseflesh rising. “You mean if…if I…if we…”

If you have Lex’s baby, you’ll always be more to him than just some mare he rutted one time.

Finally managing to recover some semblance of rational thought, Drafty swallowed. “But he’s been casting a spell to make sure…that, won’t happen.”

And this is the counterspell, replied Kara immediately. Right now, his magic is deadening the seed he pumped into you. Cast this spell on yourself, and that will be negated, allowing nature to take its course.

Despite the marathon sex she’d just had, Drafty could feel her face heating up. “That-”

Cast it on yourself a second time, continued the goddess, and without any opposing magic to cancel it out, you’re guaranteed to conceive.

Swallowing again despite how dry her mouth suddenly felt, Drafty couldn’t help but slide one hoof over her lower belly, imagining what would happen if she used the spell she’d just learned. A baby…mine and Lex’s baby…

The last time she’d thought about children had been a year or so ago, when she and Cloudy had been talking about where their relationship was going. Both of them had agreed that it might be fun to be moms, with the idea being that they’d adopt, but that was as far as the conversation had gone; since the two of them weren’t even married yet, it had been one of those things that they’d felt comfortable leaving until sometime in the future. But now…

You don’t have to decide right this minute, added Kara, as if hearing her thoughts. And maybe she had. So long as it’s kept inside you, his seed should remain viable for about five days. Use that spell at any point between now and then if you want to do this, but after that you’ll need to have him rut you again. And if you do decide to go through with it, don’t worry about showing; now that you’re a doppelganger, you can use your powers to hide when your belly starts to swell.

“Kara!” moaned Drafty quietly, her embarrassment reaching its peak.

Behind her, Lex grunted in his sleep, pulling her closer. It was enough to make Drafty gasp, suddenly hyper-aware of how close they were, feeling him press against her tighter for a moment before he relaxed. This might be the last time he ever holds me like that.

And not just because he might reject her, she suddenly realized. Everglow was an incredibly dangerous place, and both of their lives were at risk just by being here. In light of that – particularly since she couldn’t be resurrected again if she died – the thought of leaving something behind…proof that she and Lex had been together, even if only for one night, was suddenly far less scary than it had been a minute ago.

Of course, the thought of how Lex would react if she went through with it was still frightening, but with an undercurrent of excitement. Would he hate her for sticking him with a responsibility he didn’t want? Or would he insist on marrying her? He might have made a vow to the Night Mare never to enter into a formal relationship, but surely he’d insist on renegotiating that for the sake of his child.

…the sake of their child. His and hers. Together.


Yes, sweetheart?

“Walk me through how to build that spell again, please. I want to make sure I don’t make a mistake…”

Author's Note:

Confiding in Kara, Drafty learns of a way to take her relationship with Lex to a whole new level!

Will she go through with it? Or will she decide to wait and see how things develop between them first?

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