• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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800 - A Gift Wolf

Solvei was the first one to break the silence that fell in the wake of Nisha’s request.

“You...you want to-”

“To pledge myself to your master, body and soul, as you have,” murmured the black wolf reverently, continuing to prostrate herself before Lex.

“It has been my one and only wish, ever since I witnessed the magnificence that was your victory over White Wraith,” Nisha continued, no longer speaking to Solvei. “From the safety of the trees, I watched as you shamed him in front of his servants, forcing his superior to intervene, and I was filled with awe and reverence.”

“ “ “Long had I hoped to see the downfall of the one who defeated/humiliated/broke me.” ” ”

“I circled the city many times, waiting for you to emerge so I could offer myself to you, but the wilderness went mad with violence and I missed my opportunity. Ever since then, I’ve prayed to the Night Mare to grant me another chance to appear before you, and now She has!”

Again, Nisha pressed her lips to the barbed wire around Lex’s foreleg. “I beg you, take me into your service! Restore my shattered self, and I shall be yours forev-, huh?”

Her pleading ended abruptly as she noticed black crystals growing around her, the jagged black prisms growing like razor-edged flowers. Stranger still was the fluorescent cast to them, until she realized that the pale green and purple light wasn’t coming from the crystals themselves, but from Lex’s eyes, which were now glowing so brightly that they blotted out his irises and pupils.

And those featureless orbs were trained directly on her as he breathed heavily through gritted teeth.

Freezing as she beheld the intimidating sight, Nisha attempted to press herself further against the ground. “M-my master, have I upset-, URK!”

She couldn’t finish as a claw seized her by the throat and squeezed, cutting off her air.

“You don’t get to call me that.”

Slowly, Lex rose onto his hind legs, lifting Nisha as he stood upright, until he was raising her above his head. Her hind legs kicked pitifully, barely able to touch the ground as her front paws gripped at his wrist, feebly struggling to free herself. “Please-”

Her begging was cut off as he increased the pressure on her neck, letting her wriggle like a worm on a hook as he glared at her before finally deigning to speak to her again.

“Your presumptuousness has angered me more than you can imagine.”

Behind him, Solvei let out a moan as she sunk to her knees, one hand going to her head. She knew that Lex was aware of her emotions – being cognizant of them without feeling them himself – but that part of their bond didn’t extend both ways. She was only aware of his emotions when he experienced them with powerful intensity, and when that happened she felt them as if they were her own. It had happened before, when Mystaria’s thoughtless prying had driven him over the edge, and it was happening again now.

But unlike the panic her master had felt when his secret had been uncovered, the emotion he felt this time was towering rage.

“I brought you here to perform one simple task for me,” continued Lex, his voice colder than the surrounding snow. “Locate my enemies. That’s all. And yet in exchange, you dare to ask that I invest a piece of my own soul in you? That I make you an extension of myself? How high of an opinion do you have of yourself to think that you’re worthy of such a thing?”

Nisha’s purple eyes were starting to bulge now, her struggles slowing as she couldn’t draw more air into her lungs, but Lex didn’t seem to care. “How low of an opinion do you have of me that you think I’d show you such favor in exchange for one small errand and some flattery?”

“M-Master...” Cringing, Solvei righted herself, giving Lex a pleading look. “I know I asked you to force her to find my kin, but this-”

Without turning his head, Lex thrust his other claw – the one with the barbed wire coiled above it, which was now digging into his flesh angrily – toward her. “Sit still and be silent.”

The display of the Night Mare’s disapproval did nothing to abate the Charismata’s power, and Solvei immediately dropped to her knees, her jaw snapping closed. Simple reflex made her struggle, even though she knew it was futile. The nature of the Charismata was to empower those it was directed at, granting them the ability to fulfill the user’s desires...even if those desires weren’t their own.

Abandoning her efforts, she instead did her best to remain calm. Even if a hurricane had swept through the forest, she wouldn’t have moved from the spot she was in, nor could she have cried out even if she was being tortured. Until the Charismata wore off, Lex’s desires bent the very universe to his will, empowered by the Night Mare herself and using her as the medium through which they came true.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t still communicate with him.

Master, if you kill her-

She didn’t get a chance to finish as he slammed their telepathic connection shut, the force of it causing her ears to flatten.

She knew she still had other options available, since he hadn’t ordered her not to use her magic, but she didn’t bother. Trying to wrench the black wolf free with her telekinesis would only put more strain on her body, and attacking Lex with her ice magic-


Her rejection of that idea wasn’t so much a conscious decision as it was a visceral reaction. She could almost feel his mark on her flanks throbbing, as though allergic to the very thought. He was her master, the one to whom she belonged, and knowing that was what gave her existence meaning. Rebelling against him like that was unthinkable.


Which meant that Nisha was on her own.

“ “ “I beg of you, release/forgive/spare me!” ” ”

The chorus of shadows from around the helpless black wolf in his grasp brought a sneer to Lex’s lips, refusing to give them any further acknowledgment as her struggles degenerated to a few weak twitches.

The sight brought him far less satisfaction than he’d expected, and he frowned inwardly. As furious as Nisha’s request had made him, the beast inside of him was unmoved by his violent response. For all that it had been howling for blood earlier, it found nothing worthwhile in slaying a creature that had already demonstrated its submission; all the more so if they were a female suitable for breeding.

Silently cursing the contrary thing, Lex instead took solace in knowing that his fury was all his own. The fact that this insolent creature had dared ask for something so profound – so incredibly intimate – despite their having just met fanned the flames of his rage. Solvei had been given that connection only after she had proven herself, laying her life on the line in battle with him multiple times! And even then, she’d never dared to ask for such a favor!

Except, for some reason, thinking of Solvei now only made him feel worse.

But there was no opportunity for him to think further on that as he felt the barbed wire around his other foreleg clench tighter, sawing through his organometallic fur and toughened flesh effortlessly. The Night Mare, it seemed, was very upset that he was rejecting the servant that she’d all but gift-wrapped for him.

But despite having reaffirmed – multiple times over now – his faith in the goddess, he still couldn’t fight down a sudden sense of vindictiveness toward her. Bad enough he had Kara deciding who would love him; now the Night Mare wanted to pick and choose whom he’d share his innermost self with? All I wanted was one minor logistical problem solved! he raged at the Night Mare silently. You’ll get my soul if I die, but you will NOT pick who I share it with while I’m alive!

It was with that thought in mind that he hurled Nisha to the ground, the last few dregs of air in her lungs exploding outward with a pained yelp that sounded almost puppyish in tone. It was immediately followed by a ragged inhalation and sudden fit of coughing, barely able to move as she gulped down air. Even then, Lex could hear her trying to speak. “F-for...gi-give...m-”

“Not another word,” hissed Lex. “Not one. If you want my forgiveness, you’ll earn it by completing the task I’ve given you, and accepting the compensation I’ve deemed you worthy of receiving. Is that understood?”

Still struggling to breathe easily, Nisha managed to pick herself up, cringing as she nodded.

“Then go,” ordered Lex. “Now!”

Shaking like a beaten cur, Nisha dragged herself toward a nearby tree, passing behind it and vanishing.

The barbed wire around his foreleg stopped its excruciating twisting then, though it still remained tightly clenched around his foreleg, making it clear that the goddess was still very displeased. But Lex found it easy to ignore the pain, instead closing his eyes as he fought to calm himself. After several seconds, the black crystals sprouting around him disintegrated, and the light from his eyes flickered and went out as he slowly sank back down to all fours.

Releasing the block he’d put on his telepathic connection to Solvei, Lex said nothing to her, nor did he turn to look at her as the seconds passed. When she didn’t say anything after he knew the Charismata had worn off, he held the silence in turn, content to wait like that until Nisha returned.

Even so, he registered deep discomfort coming from Solvei, slowly growing more intense over time. Finally, he heard her clear her throat softly. “Master...?”

When he didn’t respond, she tried again. “Master, I’m worried. After...what just happened, what will we do if Nisha goes back to Darkest Night instead of tracking down my people?”

“If she abandons the task I gave her, then what she just experienced will seem pleasant compared to what I do to her the next time I summon her,” vowed Lex darkly.

“But that won’t help us this time!” protested Solvei, still making no move to get up. “Master, I just...” She paused then, and Lex heard her sigh. “I know she shouldn’t have asked that, and I’m angry that she wanted a reward for helping my kin too, but I wish you hadn’t been so hard on her.”

Lex clenched his jaw so hard it hurt. “Then next time, I’ll let you fawn all over her the way you did Silla.”

The words came out more bitter than he’d intended, and he was aware of Solvei feeling surprise then. “Master...is, is that why you’re upset? Because I was-”

“I don’t want to discuss this anymore,” ordered Lex brusquely, suddenly wishing he hadn’t said anything. “Don’t bring it up again.”

For the next several seconds silence reigned, but only a few heartbeats had passed before her voice reached his ears once more.

“Master, you know that I’m still your Solvei, now and forever, right?”

In an instant, his fury came rushing back, but this time it was so powerful and so unexpected that it made him stop short...

And he realized that it hadn’t been Nisha that he was angry with, nor the Night Mare.

He was angry at Solvei.

Except even that wasn’t right.

He was angry because she hadn’t been there when he’d lost himself to the beast inside of him, instead telepathically carrying on about her injured kin. He was angry because she still thought of them as being her kin, embracing Silla as though they were family. He was angry because she had referred to the missing adlets as “her people” again and again, inadvertently emphasizing the connection she still felt toward them.

That had been, he realized now, why he hadn’t even thought of simply imbuing her with the power to heal once he’d arrived on the scene, instead conducting an experiment with a less-powerful healing spell on Silla. Why he’d lost his temper so badly when Nisha had asked to partake in the same bond that he was suddenly apprehensive toward. Why the words the wolf he was bonded to had spoken just now – which he knew he should have found soothing – had instead made him furious.

His anger was covering his fear, the same way it had his entire life.

She’d said she was still his Solvei, but these last few hours had shown him something he’d known for some time, but hadn’t fully appreciated until just now: that the same way he wasn’t truly himself anymore, she wasn’t truly Solvei anymore.

All of that slid across his mind even as he opened his mouth, his reply spilling out before he’d had a chance to consciously process what he was saying.

“But are you my Akna?”

Author's Note:

Damn it, Lex!

Augh! Just...AUGH! :flutterrage:

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