• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,241 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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386 - Two Out of Three

Aria’s response to Sonata’s announcement was a disbelieving snort, turning her head back to face the wall again.

“Aw, don’t be like that,” pouted Sonata. “I’m really serious. I won’t tell Lex what you did. Pinkie promise!” She tried to remember the rhyme that her friend had taught her. “Cross my eyes, hope to cry…no, wait, that doesn’t sound right. Cross my flies, cupcakes high, er…I, like, really promise!”

“Yeah right,” muttered Aria dejectedly.

Huffing, Sonata stomped a hoof. “Why are you being such a jerk about this? I’m trying to be nice here and let you know that you don’t have to worry about Lex getting mad and punishing you!”

“And I’m saying I don’t believe you.” Turning over as she realized that Sonata wasn’t going to let this go, Aria gave her a dark look. “Ever since you realized that I was into your heartless jerk of a boyfriend, all you’ve done is try to keep us apart. But now, when you have the perfect way to get me out of the picture forever, you’re suddenly saying you’re not going to use it?” Her voice practically dripping with contempt, Aria gave Sonata a look of loathing. “Please. You already ruined my life once when you abandoned me back on Everglow, so yeah, I have a hard time believing that you’re not about to do it again.”

Eyes wide, Sonata gaped at the harsh words. “Oh! My! Gosh! I apologized for that already! Do you not remember last night, right before Lex changed you into a pony, when I said how sorry I was for what you went through?!”

“You saying sorry wasn’t enough!” snapped Aria.

“I know that!” shot back Sonata. “That’s why I wanna help you out now!”

“So you think that makes it all okay, is that it?!” Her face twisted in a look of complete and utter hate, Aria climbed off the bed, stalking toward Sonata. “You just walk out on me and let my life turn into a living nightmare, but now you’re taking pity on me so suddenly it’s all fine and dandy like it never even happened?!”

“That’s, like, not even fair!” protested Sonata. Her ears folded back at the look on Aria’s face, but she somehow managed to stand her ground. “You keep saying how what happened to you was my fault, but if I’d stayed I bet things would’ve turned out just the same! We still would’ve lost that fight, you still would’ve gone through all that horrible stuff, and nothing would be any different! So why are you so mad at me?!”


The words, hollered so loud as to be deafening in the small room, rocked Sonata back on her hooves. “Wait…hold on…”

But Aria wasn’t nearly finished. “You and me and Adagio! That was the one thing that never changed! No matter what world we got sent to, no matter if we were Sirens or humans or ponies, the three of us were always there for each other! Yeah, you couldn’t open your mouth without saying something mind-numbly stupid, and yeah, Adagio was completely full of herself, and you know what? I’ll even admit that I was probably no picnic either, but WE! WERE! TOGETHER! The two of you being there, whether I liked it or not, was the one thing I could always count on! The only thing that never changed! I was never alone because the two of you were always there! And then…” She choked up then, her hateful look marred by the tears that began to fall from her eyes. “And then you betrayed us!”


“How could you even do that?!” It was impossible to say whether anger or grief was more prominent in Aria’s voice then. “We’d stayed together for over a thousand years, and you threw it all away like it was nothing! Like we were nothing! Do you know how that made me feel?!” She started to turn away then, only to stop in mid-motion and turn back, getting right in Sonata’s face, her voice dropping to a growl. “Every day, when I was down there at the bottom of the ocean being bullied by those monsters, I thought about how much I hated you for abandoning me like that. And even then I still wished you and Adagio were there with me, because I hated going through all of that alone even more! How pathetic is that?”

Utterly heartbroken by what she was hearing, Sonata’s own cheeks were wet with tears. “Aria, I never meant-”

But she didn’t have a chance to interrupt. “And just when I was sure that I was going to have to spend the rest of my life like that, living like a slave, that’s when I ran into you again. And you know what I saw? That you were perfectly fine with how things had turned out. You’d gotten yourself a hot boyfriend and were having an adventure with him and didn’t care even a little about what had happened to me.”

“That’s not true! I-”

“And when I thought that maybe, just maybe, that Lex might care a little about me even if you didn’t, you had to try and ruin that too, didn’t you? Even though I was miserable and he was the only person that wanted to do something about it, you just declared ‘finders, keepers,’ and did everything you could to keep me away from him. Because apparently I don’t matter at all to you.” She made a sound that could have been either a hollow laugh or a sob. “But hey, he didn’t like me all that much either since he took my voice away as soon as I annoyed him. So yeah, now that you know he doesn’t want to be me with, you’ll keep my little secret safe and I can sit on the sidelines and watch you two be lovebirds together. At least until the next time you decide you want to ruin my life-, HEY! LEMME GO!”

“I’M SO SORRY!” wailed Sonata, keeping her forelegs wrapped around Aria as she pulled her into a hug. “I’M, LIKE, SUPER DUPER SORRY! FOR REALSIES!”

“Liar!” retorted Aria. But her voice was weak, as were her struggles to escape from Sonata’s grip. “You don’t care about me! You never cared about me! You and Lex both!”

“Yes we do!” sniffled Sonata. “We both do!”

“Then why did you leave us?” The question seemed to rob Aria of what remained of her strength, her struggles to get away from Sonata ceasing entirely. “Why did Lex do that to me?”

Sonata gave her the only answer she had. “Because I’m dumb.” Feeling that Aria wasn’t fighting anymore, Sonata slowly let her go, managing to give her a tentative smile even though they were both still crying. “C’mon, you know that better than anyone, right? I’m, like, the dumbest person who ever lived. I must be, if I didn’t even realize h-how much…how much I hurt you…” Needing to take a moment to stop herself from sobbing, she kept going before she lost her composure completely. “And Lex…” She gave a helpless shrug. “He’s dumb too. I mean, he’s, like, a super-mega-genius, but he’s really dumb when it comes to figuring out other people.” She gave a laugh then, which turned into a hiccup as she bit back a sob. “Maybe that’s why we got together in the first place. We’re both dumb in, like, matching ways or something.”

“So, what?” muttered Aria dejectedly, her ears folded back and her eyes on the floor. “It’s all okay just because you both didn’t mean to rip my heart out like this?”

Sonata shook her head. “No, it’s not. I get it, it’s really not okay.” Pausing as she tried to think of how to do that, it took Sonata a moment to realize that there was at least one thing she could do right now. Slowly, she reached out and took Aria’s cheeks in her hooves, lifting her head up so that she was looking into her eyes. “You’re my sister, and I love you, and I’m so sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you. I swear I’ll never do that to you again.”

Aria’s lip quivered, and a fresh round of tears filled her eyes. She pulled away before they could start falling, turning her back to Sonata and rubbing her foreleg over her eyes as she sniffled loudly. “F-fine,” she muttered, her voice brusque. “What about Lex?”

Sonata managed a smile then. “Oh wow, I actually forgot for a moment! I totes gave Lex the blue light on the whole ‘three girlfriends’ thing.”

Aria just looked at her for a moment. For some reason Sonata’s butchered idiom didn’t bother her nearly as much as it usually did. “You mean the green light?”

“Er, I think so?” Sonata tilted her head. “Is that the one that means go? Because that’s the one I meant.”

“Fat lot of good that does me now,” sighed Aria, trudging back over to the bed, completely drained from the last few minutes.

Sonata followed her, sitting down next to her. “I bet if you told Lex how hurt you were, he’d say he was sorry.”

Aria couldn’t help but give her a cynical look then. “We’re talking about the same guy, right? Because Lex doesn’t exactly seem like the ‘sorry’ type.”

Sonata shrugged. “He said it to me, once.”

Aria’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

Smiling at the memory, Sonata nodded. “Yeah. It was a little while ago, right after Lex almost died fighting that dragon in Tall Tale. We’d been broken up for a little while-”

If Aria had looked surprised before, she was completely shocked now. “Wait, what?!”

“Yeah.” Sonata’s smile changed to a grimace then. “We’d gotten in a fight. We’d met this nice guy, and Lex thought that he was attacking me when he was really just showing me some magic tricks, and he tried to kill him for it. I was pretty angry over that, and when Lex wouldn’t say he was sorry for it, I…kinda walked out on him.” Sonata bit her lip then, the memory taking on a whole new dimension in light of everything Aria had just said.

“Hmm. So he apologized for it later?”

Slightly amazed that Aria hadn’t needled her about having left Lex the way she’d left her, Sonata shook her head. “No, I was the one who apologized. I’d talked to this love goddess I know – that’s a secret by the way, so now you have one on me – and she helped me realize that although Lex went overboard, that’s kind of what he does. Plus he’d listened to me and stopped before he went too far anyway, and he was trying to protect me, and, well…I was the one who’d overreacted, breaking up with him like that.”

Putting the “love goddess” thing aside for later, Aria gestured at her to keep going. “So what did he apologize for?”

“For not accepting my apology.”


Sonata shrugged again, her smile back in place. “I asked Lex to take me back, and he got really mad at me. He said that I’d ruined everything, and that it was over for us, and all sorts of awful stuff. And just as I was thinking that the entire world had, like, totes come to an end, I realized something.”

Despite herself, Aria was captivated, leaning forward a little. “What?”

“He hadn’t actually said that he didn’t love me anymore. So I asked him if he didn’t, and that…that was all it took.” She sighed, remembering the tender moment they’d shared then. “He just turned back around, and it was like something out of a storybook, you know? He came back to me and started crying-”

“Seriously?!” Aria was open-mouthed at that. “He cried?!”

“Yep!” grinned Sonata. “He started crying and saying how much he loved me and that he was sorry, and just like that we got back together. It was a little bit later that we had our first time, you know…together.”

“Wow.” Sitting back to process all that, Aria hesitated for a moment before giving voice to the question that came to her then. “So…you think he’d have that kind of moment with me?”

“I dunno,” admitted Sonata as she climbed to her hooves, turning to Aria and holding out a hoof once she had. “But I think you should find out. C’mon.”

Aria hesitated for a moment, looking at the outstretched hoof for a moment before meeting Sonata’s eyes. “You’re really sorry about what you did?”

“For realsies,” affirmed Sonata solemnly. “I am.”

“And you’re okay with sharing Lex?”

“Yeah. I’d be lying if I said I was turning cartwheels over it or anything, but this is for the best.”

Aria nodded, and then slowly reached out and took Sonata’s hoof, climbing down off the bed. Sonata smiled at that, leading her back out into the hallway. Now they just had to figure out how to get out of-

“You do realize,” noted Aria idly, “that means that if we ever meet back up with Adagio, we’ll probably have to share Lex with her too, right?”

She couldn’t help but snicker at the horrified expression that crossed Sonata’s face then.

No apology was complete without a little bit of payback.

Author's Note:

Sonata and Aria have a long overdue heart-to-heart. Is this the beginning of a turning point in their relationship?

For that matter, will Aria and Lex have a similar breakthrough? Or will it turn into another disaster?

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